4. Set the NVR’s network settings to match yo ur network’s requirements. It is rec ommended to set the
network typ e to DHCP and let the NVR auto-detect the net work’s settings, then change t he type to Static.
Please contact your Net work Administrator for addition al information. Press Apply to Save and Nex t to
move to the next step.
5. The VMAX IP Plus’ Camera Con guration screen allows you to detect all the c ameras in your network and
automatically add th em to the NVR. Select one of the following o ptions:
a. AUTO MANAGEME NT – The system will automatically sc an the network and add the rst c ameras
it detects to the NVR. Camer as connected directly to the NVR’s PoE Switc h will be assigned to
channels automatically.
b. DRAG & DROP CONF IGURATION – The NVR will scan the net work for all supported cam eras and
display them in a table. Sel ect which cameras to add by click and ho ld the camera’s name, and
dragging it to the display a rea to its corresponding chann el.
NAVIGATION – use the included USB m ouse to navigate around the NVR’s monitor ing and Setup pages.
a. To access the MENU BA R – move the mouse’s cursor to
the bottom of the display a rea to show the menu bar. You
can also display it con stantly by pressing the pin icon on
the right side.
b. To access the QUICK MENU O PTIONS – Right-click
anywhere on th e screen. This will take you to the quick
menu options, which in clude:
• Display Mode Options
• Camera Control features su ch as Digital Zoom, Virtual
PTZ and Camera I mage Adjustment and Setup
• Bookmark video
• Instant Playback and Se arch
• Recording and PoE status a nd analysis such as
network and system monitoring
• Access to the Main Menu
2. HELP – For your convenience, the HELP but ton located at the bottom right of
setup screens includ es basic information and explana tion of the features and
settings in that pag e, for on-the-go information.
Quick Start Guide
Rev Date: 12/15 © 2015 Digital Watch dog. All right s reser ved.
DDNS Setup
The DDNS address prov ides your NVR a URL address, easier to rem ember than an IP address.
This is a free feature sup ported by Digital Watchdog for its custom ers.
1. Go to the Network setu p menu, and select the ‘DDNS’ tab.
2. Check USE D DNS to enable. (Make sure the NVR’s web por t has been properly setup in your ro uter).
3. Select DYNL INK.NET (default).
4. Enter a name for yo ur NVR and click the CHECK but ton. If the name is available, the system will
display the following me ssage: “THIS NVR NAME CAN BE USED”. Click SAVE to save all cha nges.
5. To use your DDNS, open a n Internet Explorer page and ente r the DDNS in the address bar: (example:
1. Follow the start up wizard’s instructions to setup the NV R’s basic settings, including lang uage, date/ time,
network and con gure your cameras. At any time you can sk ip steps, go back, or exit the wizard and
setup the NVR manu ally.
2. La nguage – Select the appropriate la nguage from the drop-down menu o ptions. Press Apply to Save and
Next to move to the next step.
3. Set t he NVR’s date and time, including time zone, Daylig ht Savings and NTP Time Sync. If n eeded, set
the NVR to sync its time a utomatically with an externa l NTP server. Select the server fro m the TIME SYNC
MODE/CYCLE drop-down opt ions and the sync interval. Press Ap ply to Save and Next to move to the
next s tep.