4. Set the DVR’s network settings to match your n etwork’s requirements. It is recom mended to set the
network typ e to DHCP and let the DVR auto-detect the netw ork’s settings, then change the t ype to Static.
Please contact your Net work Administrator for addition al information. Press Apply to Save and Nex t to
move to the next step.
5. Quick Setup simplies recording co nguration by allowing the user to set al l cameras to record according
to how many days of data you want, or by res olution.
To enable the Quick Setup optio n, check the box next to ‘USE QUICK SE TUP’. All recording options
under the Record me nu will be disabled.
a. Quick Re cording Setup according to days of storage – You
can select how many day s of recorded storage you want to
have. Based on the DVR’s internal sto rage, the system will
automatically setup the recommended recording resolution,
frame rate and video q uality to match those settings.
b. Quick Recordin g Setup – You can select to set all channels
of the DVR to record at a specic re solution, frame rate and
quality, regardless of event s. Manually enter the options for
each of the Recording S ettings. Total recorded days based
on those selections will appear below the settings.
c. Dual Stre am – Congure the Network Stre am settings independentl y from the recording settings.
Check the box next to ‘US E DUAL STREAM’ to enable. The Dual S tream menu enables users to
optimize data transmi tted over the network by congur ing the resolution, FPS, and qualit y without
affecting the reco rding settings. You can also select to include au dio from the camera when
streaming video over t he network.
1. NAVIGATION – use the include d USB mouse to navigate around
the DVR’s monitoring an d Setup pages.
a. MENU BAR – m ove the mouse’s cursor to the bottom of
the display area to show th e menu bar. You can also display
it constantly by pres sing the pin icon on the right side.
b. QUICK MENU OP TIONS – Right-click anywhere on t he
screen. The quick men u options include:
• Display Mode Options
• Start / Stop Camera Sequence View
• Camera Control features su ch as Digital Zoom and Image Freeze
• Bookmark Video
• Instant Playback and Se arch
• PTZ Camera Control
• Recording Information
• Access to the Main Menu
2. HELP – For your convenience, the HELP but ton located at the bottom right of setup sc reens includes
basic information an d explanation of the features and set tings in that page, for on-the-go informatio n.
Quick Start Guide
Rev Date: 6/15 © 2015 Digital Watch dog. All right s reser ved.
DDNS Setup
The DDNS address prov ides your DVR a URL address, easier to reme mber than an IP address.
This is a free feature sup ported by Digital Watchdog for its custom ers.
1. Go to the Netwo rk setup menu, and select the ‘DDNS ’ tab.
2. Check USE D DNS to enable (Make sure the DVR’s web por t has been properly setup in your rou ter).
3. Select DYNL INK.NET (default).
4. Enter a name for yo ur DVR and click the CHECK button. If t he name is available, the system will
display the following me ssage: “THIS DVR NAME CAN BE USED”. Click SAVE to save all chang es.
5. To use your DDNS, open a n Internet Explorer page and ente r the DDNS in the address bar: (Example:
1. Follow the start up wizard’s instructions to setup the DVR ’s basic settings, including languag e, date/ time,
network and co ngure your cameras. At any time you can sk ip steps, go back, or exit the wizard and
setup the DVR manuall y.
2. Language – Select the appropriate la nguage from the drop-down menu o ptions. Press Apply to Save and
Next to move to the next step.
3. Set the DVR’s date and time, including time zone, Daylight Sa vings and NTP Time Sync. If nee ded, set
the DVR to sync its time autom atically with an external NT P server. Select the server from the T IME SYNC
MODE/CYCLE drop-down opt ions and the sync interval. Press Ap ply to Save and Next to move to the
next s tep.