Universal HD over Coax® Digital Video Recorder
Copyright © DW. All rights reserved. Specifications and pricing are subject to change without notice.
DW-VA1P 16xT
Unit: Inch (mm)
12.4 ”
(315m m)
HD over Coax
16 CH
480 fps
16 Channels
480 Total fps
Up to 5MP
Real-Time 2.1MP/1080p
Limited Warranty
VMAX® A1 Plus™ DVRs support HD-Analog and HD-TVI signals up to
5MP and CVBS up to 960H. The DVRs oer a seamless upgrade to
HD resolution for new ROI from existing coaxial infrastructure. The
VMAX® A1 Plus™ can record 1080p video at real-time 30fps. Up the
Coax (UTC) remote configuration is available with all compatible
cameras. The 16-channel DVR is available with up to 20TB of storage.
Universal HD over Coax® DVR records HD-Analog and HD-TVI and
all analog up to 960H signals
Advanced H.264 Linux® embedded DVR
16-channels, real time 30fps recording up to 1080p
Up to 5MP recording resolution at a total 160fps
PathFinder™ auto port forwarding
C3™ CMS and event server sof tware up to 144 channels
Event camera group recording
Complete system analysis with real-time system and network
status monitoring
Mobile Application for iPhone®, iPad®, iPod®, Android® Smart Phones
and Tablets and Apple TV®
Mac® compatible remote ACS software
OSD and PTZ control via coax (UTC)
Signal hybrid detects any camera at any output automatically.
Instant channel swap, no need to disconnect or reboot the DVR.
Snapshot Notify™: camera notifications sent to an e-mail or CMS
4K (3840 x 2160) True HD, VGA and Spot video outputs
2TB - 10TB storage options
HDD calculation and auto recording configuration
Thumbnail search with hour and 5-minute previews
10 second jump buttons for playback and fast forward
Event notifications via e-mail, text and C3™ CMS and push
notifications to mobile devices
Multiplex - live, playback, recording, backup, network, configuration
4 audio input, 1 audio output
4 sensor input, 1 relay output
Digital spot monitoring output at D1 resolution
Simple and free DDNS service
Push notifications via DW® Mobile™
Easy web-based client with multi-user access
Help menu on major functions
Auto and manual firmware upgrades
5 year limited warranty
Available Models
DW-VA1P162T – 2TB, 16CH
DW-VA1P163T – 3TB, 16CH
DW-VA1P164T – 4TB, 16CH
DW-VA1P166T – 6TB, 16CH
DW-VA1P168T – 8TB, 16CH
DW-VA1P1610T – 10TB, 16CH
DW-VA1P1612T – 12TB, 16CH
DW-VA1P1616T – 16TB, 16CH
DW-VA1P1620T – 20TB, 16CH
1.8 8”
(48 mm)
(52 mm)
Operating system Embedded Linux®
channel 16CH
Signals supported Analo g signal up to 9 60H, HD -Analog and HD -TVI up to 5MP
Monitor True HD, VGA an d Spot outp uts
Framerate 480fps
Screen mode 1, 4, 6, 9 , 10, 13 & 16
Input 4 inputs
Output 1 output
Alarm input 4 inputs
Alarm output 1 output
Serial 1x RS4 85 for keyboa rd and PTZ con trol
User interface Graph ical user i nterface (GU I), IR remote c ontrol, US B mouse
Compression H.264
Recording mode
Pre recording 0~ 5sec
Post reco rding 0~5min
Recordi ng rate
Recordi ng
Playbac k rate
Playbac k
Playback resolution 1, 4, 9 & 16 C h at 1080 P (up to 4K 3840 x2160)
Fast forw ard
Playback functions
HDD interface 1x S ATA HD D
Max. in ternal stor age 20TB
HDD interface type S ATA
HDD health check Tempe rature, S. M.A.R .T. with e-mail noti fication s
Came ra color contr ol Via U TC
Digita l zoom Live and pl ayback
Software upgrade USB fla sh drive, net work upgra de, FTP re mote upgrad e
Mobile client Mobile ap p for Apple ® & Android ® smart pho nes & table ts
Covert channel Yes
Settin gs impor t/
LAN Ethern et (1 x gigab it)
Transmiss ion speed
Protocol Fixed IP, DHC P, UPnP, DDNS
Web viewer Li ve, playback a nd configu ration up to 10 m ultiple co nnectio ns
Client m onitoring
Network features
Backup device Local ba ckup by USB a nd CMS over the n etwork an d FTP
System recov ery after
power failur e
Operating temperature
and humidity
Certificati on CE & FCC & KCC & WE EE, RoHS
Power requirements DC12V
Power consumption 6 0W, 5A
Dimen sion (W x D x H) 15.1 5” x 12.4” x 1 .88” (3 85 × 315 × 4 8 mm) (1U)
Weight 4.4 lbs (2 kg)
Warranty 5 year limi ted
HDMI : 2560x14 40, 384 0×2160 (4K ), 800x6 00, 1024x768 ,
1280x1024, 1920x1080
VGA: 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1920x1080
Spot: D1
Contin uous, sch edules , sensor-act ivated, moti on detecti on,
pre and po st alarm, e mergen cy, quick back up
960x480/576 (960H): 480fps
1280x7 20 (HD): 48 0fps
1920x1080 (HD): 480fps
2560x1600 (4MP): 240fps
2560x1 944 (5MP): 16 0fps
354 x 240 , 720 x 480, 9 60 x480, 1280x 720, 1920 x1080,
2560x1600, 2560x1440, 2560x 1944
960x480/576 (960H): 480fps
1280x7 20 (HD): 48 0fps
1920x1080 (HD): 480fps
2560x1600 (4MP): 240fps
2560x1 944 (5MP): 16 0fps
x1, x2, x4 , x8, x16 , x32
Intelli -search by tim e bar, calen dar (date and time), eve nt search
and thumbnail search
Impor t and expor t DVR setting s
960x480/576 (960H): 480fps
1280x7 20 (HD): 48 0fps
1920x1080 (HD): 480fps
2560x1600 (4MP): 240fps
2560x1 944 (5MP): 16 0fps
Mac® (A pple® S/ W), C3™ (CMS S/W )
Dual str eam, sepa rate local r ecording a nd network tr ansmissi on
Networ k bandwidt h control (25 K bps ~ 1000 M bps)
Time synchronization by NTP server (“pool.ntp.org”)
Remote & E- mail notifi cation, re mote system re boot by IE, re mote
PTZ cont rol
PathFi nder™ P2P s ervice (auto po rt forwa rding)
Auto-re boot and jo urnaling fi le system
41°F ~ 10 4°F (5°C ~ 40°C), l ess than 80 % (non-con densing)
12.87 ”
(32 7mm)
: 866.446.3595 : sales@dwcc.tv : www.digital-watchdog.com
Rev Date: 05/19