5436 W Crenshaw Street
5436 W Crenshaw Street
5436 W Crenshaw Street
Tampa, FL 33634
Tampa, FL 33634
Tampa, FL 33634
Technical S upport : 1-866-446-3595 / 813-888-9555
Technical S upport : 1-866-446-3595 / 813-888-9555
Technical S upport : 1-866-446-3595 / 813-888-9555
MC352 /MC352-29
MC352 /MC352-29
MC352 /MC352-29
About this manual
About this manual
About this manual
Before installi ng and usi ng the c am er a, pleas e r ead thi s manual
Before installi ng and usi ng the c am er a, pleas e r ead thi s manual
Before installi ng and usi ng the c am er a, pleas e r ead thi s manual
carefully. Be sure to keep i t handy for l ater reference.
carefully. Be sure to keep i t handy for l ater reference.
carefully. Be sure to keep i t handy for l ater reference.
Digital Watchdog (referred to as “the Warrantor”) warrants the
Digital Watchdog (referred to as “the Warrantor”) warrants the
Camera Series against defects in materials or workmanship as follows:
Camera Series against defects in materials or workmanship as follows:
LABOR: For the initial five (5) years from the date of or i gi nal pur c hase,
LABOR: For the initial five (5) years from the date of or i gi nal pur c hase,
if the camera is determined to be defectiv e, the Warrantor will repair or
if the camera is determined to be defectiv e, the Warrantor will repair or
replace the unit, with
replace the unit, with
new or refurbished product at its option, at no charge.
new or refurbished product at its option, at no charge.
PARTS: In addition, the Warrantor will supply replacement par ts for the
PARTS: In addition, the Warrantor will supply replacement par ts for the
initial five (5) years. To obtain warranty or out of warranty service,
initial five (5) years. To obtain warranty or out of warranty service,
please contact a Technical Support Representative at 1-866-446-3595
please contact a Technical Support Representative at 1-866-446-3595
Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern.
Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern.
A purchase receipt or other proof of the date of the original purchase i s
A purchase receipt or other proof of the date of the original purchase i s
required before warranty service is rendered. This warranty only
required before warranty service is rendered. This warranty only
covers failures due to defects in materials and workmans hip w hi ch
covers failures due to defects in materials and workmans hip w hi ch
arise during normal use. Thi s warr anty does not cov er dam age w hic h
arise during normal use. Thi s warr anty does not cov er dam age w hic h
occurs in shipment or failures which are caused by products not
occurs in shipment or failures which are caused by products not
supplied by the Warrantor or failur es which result from accident,
supplied by the Warrantor or failur es which result from accident,
misuse, abuse, neglect, mishandli ng, mis applicati on, alterati on,
misuse, abuse, neglect, mishandli ng, mis applicati on, alterati on,
modification, faulty install ation, set- up adjustm ents, im proper antenna,
modification, faulty install ation, set- up adjustm ents, im proper antenna,
inadequate si gnal pi c kup, m al adjus tm ent of c onsum er c ontrol s ,
inadequate si gnal pi c kup, m al adjus tm ent of c onsum er c ontrol s ,
improper operation, pow er l i ne sur ge, i m pr oper vol tage s uppl y,
improper operation, pow er l i ne sur ge, i m pr oper vol tage s uppl y,
lightning damage, r ental us e of the pr oduct or service by anyone other
lightning damage, r ental us e of the pr oduct or service by anyone other
than an authorized repai r facility or damage that is attributable to acts
than an authorized repai r facility or damage that is attributable to acts
of God.
of God.
There are no express war r anti es ex cept as listed above. The Warrantor
There are no express war r anti es ex cept as listed above. The Warrantor
will not be liable for incidental or consequential damages (including,
will not be liable for incidental or consequential damages (including,
without limitati on, dam age to r ecor di ng m edi a) resul ti ng from the use of
without limitati on, dam age to r ecor di ng m edi a) resul ti ng from the use of
these products, or ari si ng out of any br each of the w ar r anty. All expres s
these products, or ari si ng out of any br each of the w ar r anty. All expres s
and implied warr anties , i ncl udi ng the w ar r anti es of m er c hantability and
and implied warr anties , i ncl udi ng the w ar r anti es of m er c hantability and
fitness for particul ar pur pos e, ar e l im i ted to the appli cabl e w ar r anty
fitness for particul ar pur pos e, ar e l im i ted to the appli cabl e w ar r anty
period set forth above.
period set forth above.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential dam ages, or l i m i tati ons on how long an implied warranty
consequential dam ages, or l i m i tati ons on how long an implied warranty
lasts, so the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to you.
lasts, so the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to you.
■ Do not open or modify
■ Do not open or modify
■ Do not open or modify
Do not open the cabinet exit during maintenance and
Do not open the cabinet exit during maintenance and
Do not open the cabinet exit during maintenance and
installation, as i t may be dangerous and cause damages.
installation, as i t may be dangerous and cause damages.
installation, as i t may be dangerous and cause damages.
■ Do not put objects i ns ide the uni t
■ Do not put objects i ns ide the uni t
■ Do not put objects i ns ide the uni t
Make sure that no metal objects or flamm able substances get inside
Make sure that no metal objects or flamm able substances get inside
Make sure that no metal objects or flamm able substances get inside
the camera. It could cause fir e, shor t- c ir c uits or damages.
the camera. It could cause fir e, shor t- c ir c uits or damages.
the camera. It could cause fir e, shor t- c ir c uits or damages.
■ Be careful when handling the unit
■ Be careful when handling the unit
■ Be careful when handling the unit
To prevent damage, do not dr op the c amer a or subjec t
To prevent damage, do not dr op the c amer a or subjec t
To prevent damage, do not dr op the c amer a or subjec t
it to strong shock or vibr ation.
it to strong shock or vibr ation.
it to strong shock or vibr ation.
■ Instal l away from el ectr i c or magneti c fields
■ Instal l away from el ectr i c or magneti c fields
■ Instal l away from el ectr i c or magneti c fields
■ Protect from hum i dit y and dust
■ Protect from hum i dit y and dust
■ Protect from hum i dit y and dust
■ Protect from hi gh tem peratur e
■ Protect from hi gh tem peratur e
■ Protect from hi gh tem peratur e
Be careful when installing clos e to the ceili ng , i n a kitchen or boiler
Be careful when installing clos e to the ceili ng , i n a kitchen or boiler
Be careful when installing clos e to the ceili ng , i n a kitchen or boiler
room, as the temperature may raise to high levels.
room, as the temperature may raise to high levels.
room, as the temperature may raise to high levels.
■ Cleaning
■ Cleaning
■ Cleaning
Dirt can be removed from the cabi net onl y by wi pi ng it
Dirt can be removed from the cabi net onl y by wi pi ng it
Dirt can be removed from the cabi net onl y by wi pi ng it
with a soft cloth moistened wi th a soft deter gent solution.
with a soft cloth moistened wi th a soft deter gent solution.
with a soft cloth moistened wi th a soft deter gent solution.
■ Mounti ng Surface
■ Mounti ng Surface
■ Mounti ng Surface
The mounting surface material must be strong enough to secure the
The mounting surface material must be strong enough to secure the
The mounting surface material must be strong enough to secure the
This warranty gives you speci fic l egal r i ghts and you m ay als o have
This warranty gives you speci fic l egal r i ghts and you m ay als o have
This warranty gives you speci fic l egal r i ghts and you m ay als o have
other rights that vary from st ate to state.
other rights that vary from st ate to state.
other rights that vary from st ate to state.
If the problem is not handled to your sati s faction, then write to the
If the problem is not handled to your sati s faction, then write to the
If the problem is not handled to your sati s faction, then write to the
Address above.
Address above.
Service calls which do not i nv olv e defectiv e materials or workmanshi p
Service calls which do not i nv olv e defectiv e materials or workmanshi p
as determined by the Warrantor, in its sole discretion, are not cover ed.
as determined by the Warrantor, in its sole discretion, are not cover ed.
Costs of such service cal l s are the r espons i bility of the purchaser.
Costs of such service cal l s are the r espons i bility of the purchaser.
Before sending the cam er a out for repai r , c heck the i tem s below . I f the
Before sending the cam er a out for repai r , c heck the i tem s below . I f the
problem persists after checking these items, contact your service
problem persists after checking these items, contact your service
■ If no image appears.
■ If no image appears.
Is the coaxial cable attached sec ur el y?
Is the coaxial cable attached sec ur el y?
Are the power and voltage norm al?
Are the power and voltage norm al?
Has the iris of the lens inside the camer a been
Has the iris of the lens inside the camer a been
adjusted correctly ( w i th the level vol um e) ?
adjusted correctly ( w i th the level vol um e) ?
Is there adequate illumination?
Is there adequate illumination?
■ If the image is unclear
■ If the image is unclear
Is the lens in focus?
Is the lens in focus?
Is the lens dirty?
Is the lens dirty?
Dirt of fingerprints on the lens c an adver sel y affect the
Dirt of fingerprints on the lens c an adver sel y affect the
images. Gently wipe any dirt or fingerpr ints off the l ens
images. Gently wipe any dirt or fingerpr ints off the l ens
with a soft cloth or lens cleaning paper and cl eani ng
with a soft cloth or lens cleaning paper and cl eani ng
fluid (commerciall y available).
fluid (commerciall y available).
Is the monitor adjusted correctly?
Is the monitor adjusted correctly?
A. Removing the screw on the upper cas e by using
A. Removing the screw on the upper cas e by using
B. S e par at e the uppe r c as e from the bottom c as e
B. S e par at e the uppe r c as e from the bottom c as e
C. M ake the 4 mounting scre w hole on the ceiling/wall by drawing the
C. M ake the 4 mounting scre w hole on the ceiling/wall by drawing the
positions us ing the botto m c as e
positions us ing the botto m c as e
D. PutPowercable andVideocable intotheceiling/wall.
D. PutPowercable andVideocable intotheceiling/wall.
E. Ali gn the bottom case to the ceiling/wall by using
E. Ali gn the bottom case to the ceiling/wall by using
the screws.
the screws.
F. Ad just the camera to its position
F. Ad just the camera to its position
(Referance - "CAMERA SETTING" )
(Referance - "CAMERA SETTING" )
G. Connect the upper case and bottom ca se.
G. Connect the upper case and bottom ca se.
H. Ti ghten the Stop S c r ew to the upper case using L- w r e nch.
H. Ti ghten the Stop S c r ew to the upper case using L- w r e nch.