Digi Acceleport RAS 8, 4, AccelePort RAS 4 Hardware Installation

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AccelePort RAS
AccelePort® RAS™ 8 AccelePort
RAS™ 4
AccelePort RAS
adapters provide four or eight high-speed modems in a package that
fits in a single PCI slot in your server. The figure below shows the numbering of the RJ-11 (telephone) connectors.
Connectors for RAS Adapters
This installation guide describes how to install your AccelePort RAS adapter.
Installing the AccelePort RAS Adapter
Follow the instructions below. IMPORTANT!
Before installing your AccelePort RAS adapter, please verify that you have the correct version for your country. The label on the adapter package identifies for which countries the adapter is certified.
Do not remove the AccelePort RAS adapter from its protective sleeve until
you have grounded yourself to the computer chassis (see step 4, below).
1. Unplug power from the computer.
2. Remove the computer’s cover.
3. Locate an available PCI slot in your computer and remove the slot plate.
CAUTION! Check for obstructions between the PCI slot and the slot plate (back of machine). Some PCI slots may have components or header pins in this area, and plugging the AccelePort RAS adapter into one of these slots could result in damage. Never force the adapter into a slot.
4. Put on the wrist strap (included in your AccelePort RAS package) and attach it to the
computer’s chassis.
5. Remove the AccelePort RAS adapter from its anti-static sleeve.
6. Write down the serial number of the adapter in the space provided below. The serial
number label has the general form: “
7. Insert the adapter into the slot and screw the endplate to the computer chassis. The
endplate must be screwed into the computer chassis to remain in compliance with Part 15 of FCC rules.
8. Replace the computer’s cover.
9. Connect the adapter to the telephone line(s), using the cables provided.
IMPORTANT! T o remain in compliance with FCC regulations for Class B operation, use only the cables provided with the AccelePort RAS adapter. Install the cable so that the end with the ferrite toroid is plugged into the RAS adapter.
Serial Number:
What Next?
Install the device driver software. Instructions are provided in the booklet that accompa­nies Digi’s
Access Resource
CD-ROM and on the CD-ROM itself.