We congratulate you on the acquisition of your new DIAMOND DA 62.
Skillful operation of an airplane increases both safety and the enjoyment of flying. Please
take the time therefore, to familiarize yourself with your new DIAMOND DA 62.
This airplane may only be operated in accordance with the procedures and operating
limitations of this Airplane Flight Manual.
Before this airplane is operated for the first time, the pilot must familiarize himself with
the complete contents of this Airplane Flight Manual.
In the event that you have obtained your DIAMOND DA 62 second-hand, please let us
know your address, so that we can supply you with the publications necessary for the
safe operation of your airplane.
This document is protected by copyright. All associated rights, in particular those of
translation, reprinting, radio transmission, reproduction by photo-mechanical or similar
means and storing in data processing facilities, in whole or part, are reserved.
The content of approved chapters is approved by Transport Canada Civil Aviation.
All revisions of this manual, with the exception of:
• Temporary Revisions,
• updates of the modification level (Section 1.1),
• updated mass and balance information (Section 6.3),
• updates of the Equipment Inventory (Section 6.5), and
• updates of the List of Supplements (Section 9.2)
must be recorded in the following table.
The new or amended text is indicated by a vertical black line at the left hand side of the
revised page, with the revision number and date appearing at the bottom of the page.
If pages are revised which contain information valid for your particular serial number
(modification level of the airplane, weighing data, Equipment Inventory, List of
Supplements), then this information must be transferred to the new pages in hand-writing.
Temporary Revisions, if applicable, are inserted behind the cover page of this manual.
Temporary Revisions are used to provide information on systems or equipment until the
next 'permanent' revision of the Airplane Flight Manual. When a 'permanent' revision
covers a Mandatory Design Change Advisory or Optional Design Change Advisory (MÄM
or OÄM), then the corresponding Temporary Revision is superseded. For example: If
Revision 1 covers OÄM 62-039, then the Temporary Revision TR OÄM-62-039 is
superseded by the 'permanent' Revision 1.
This Airplane Flight Manual has been prepared in order to provide pilots and instructors
with all the information required for the safe and efficient operation of the airplane.
The Airplane Flight Manual includes all the data which must be made available to the
pilot according to the AWM 523 requirement. Beyond this, it contains further data and
operating instructions which, in the manufacturer’s opinion, could be of value to the pilot.
Equipment and modification level (design details) of the airplane may vary from serial
number to serial number. Therefore, some of the information contained in this manual
is applicable depending on the respective equipment and modification level. The exact
equipment of your serial number is recorded in the Equipment Inventory in Section 6.5.
The modification level is recorded in the following table (as far as necessary for this
MTOM 2300 kg/5071 lbMÄM 62-0019 yes9 no
Maximum Zero Fuel Mass
2200 kg (4850 lb)
Engine Software
Garmin Hard- and Software
Upgrade I (Garmin G1000 NXi)
Auxiliary Fuel TanksOÄM 62-0019 yes9 no
Continuous Flow Oxygen System
(77 cuft cylinder)
Garmin GWX 70 Weather RadarOÄM 62-0099 yes9 no
Avidyne TAS 600 SeriesOÄM 62-0119 yes9 no
MTOM 1999 kg/4407 lbOÄM 62-0189 yes9 no
MÄM 62-0639 yes9 no
MÄM 62-1689 yes9 no
MÄM 62-2549 yes9 no
OÄM 62-0049 yes9 no
7 Seated ConfigurationOÄM 62-0199 yes9 no
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DA 62 AFMGeneral
WX-500 Storm ScopeOÄM 62-0219 yes9 no
Continuous Flow Oxygen
System (50 cuft cylinder)
Removal of Unfeathering
Heated Static PortsOÄM 62-0379 yes9 no
On Top Exhaust SystemOÄM 62-0389 yes9 no
28V Power Outlet OptionOÄM 62-10029 yes9 no
* Or later approved software
This Airplane Flight Manual must be kept on board the airplane at all times. Its designated
place is the side bag of the forward left seat. The designated place for the Garmin G1000
Cockpit Reference Guide is the bag on the rear side of the forward right seat.
OÄM 62-0289 yes9 no
OÄM 62-0309 yes9 no
The DA 62 is a twin engine airplane. When the operating
limitations and maintenance requirements are complied with,
it has the high degree of reliability which is required by the
certification basis. Nevertheless, an engine failure is not
completely impossible. For this reason it is highly
recommended for flights during the night, on top, under IMC,
or above terrain which is unsuitable for a landing, to select
flight times and flight routes such that reduced performance
in case of single engine operation does not constitute a risk.
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GeneralDA 62 AFM
The DA 62 has been approved by Transport Canada in accordance with the Canadian
Airworthiness Manual (AWM) Chapter 523, Type Certificate No. A-273
Category of Airworthiness:NORMAL
Special statements in the Airplane Flight Manual concerning the safety or operation of
the airplane are highlighted by being prefixed by one of the following terms:
means that the non-observation of the corresponding
procedure leads to an immediate or important
degradation in flight safety.
means that the non-observation of the corresponding
procedure leads to a minor or to a more or less long term
degradation in flight safety.
draws the attention to any special item not directly related
to safety but which is important or unusual.
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DA 62 AFMGeneral
All dimensions shown below are approximate.
Overall Dimensions
Span: 14.57 m47 ft 10 in
Length: 9.17 m30 ft 1 in
Height: 2.82 m 9 ft 3 in
Airfoil: Wortmann FX 63-137/20 - W4
Wing Area: 17.10 m² 184.1 sq.ft.
Mean aerodynamic chord: 1.247 m4 ft 1 in
Aspect ratio: 12.8
Dihedral: 5.2°
Leading edge sweep: 1°
Area (total, left + right): 0.65 m²7 sq.ft.
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GeneralDA 62 AFM
Wing Flaps
Area (total, left + right): 2.16 m²23.25 sq.ft.
Horizontal Tail
Area: 2.91 m
31.32 sq.ft.
Elevator area: 0.82 m²8.83 sq.ft.
Angle of incidence: -2° relative to longitudinal axis of airplane
Vertical Tail
Area: 2.31 m²24.86 sq.ft.
Rudder area: 0.74 m²7.97 sq.ft.
Landing Gear
Track: 2.95 m (9 ft 8 in)
Wheelbase: 1.91 m (6 ft 3 in)
Nose wheel: 6.00-6, for details refer to AMM
Main wheel: 6.00-6, for details refer to AMM
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DA 62 AFMGeneral
(a) Airspeeds
CAS:Calibrated Airspeed. Indicated airspeed, corrected for installation and instrument
errors. CAS equals TAS at standard atmospheric conditions (ISA) at MSL.
IAS:Indicated Airspeed as shown on an airspeed indicator.
KCAS:CAS in knots.
KIAS:IAS in knots.
TAS:True Airspeed. The speed of the airplane relative to the air. TAS is CAS
corrected for errors due to altitude and temperature.
vO:Operating Maneuvering Speed. Full or abrupt control surface movement is not
permissible above this speed.
vFE:Maximum Flaps Extended Speed. This speed must not be exceeded with the
given flap setting.
vLE:Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed. This speed may not be exceeded
if the landing gear is extended.
:Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed for Extension. This speed may not
be exceeded during the extension of the landing gear.
:Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed for Retraction. This speed may not
be exceeded during the retraction of the landing gear.
:Minimum Control Speed - Airborne. Minimum speed necessary to be able to
control the airplane in case of one engine inoperative.
:Never Exceed Speed in smooth air. This speed must not be exceeded in any
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GeneralDA 62 AFM
vNO:Maximum Structural Cruising Speed. This speed may be exceeded only in
smooth air, and then only with caution.
:Rotation Speed.
:Stalling Speed, or the minimum continuous speed at which the airplane is still
controllable in the given configuration.
vS0:Stalling Speed, or the minimum continuous speed at which the airplane is still
controllable in the landing configuration.
vS1:Stalling Speed, or the minimum continuous speed at which the airplane is still
controllable with flaps and landing gear retracted.
:Minimum Control Speed for Schooling. Minimum speed necessary in case of
one engine intentionally inoperative/idle (training purposes).
vx:Best Angle-of-Climb Speed.
vy:Best Rate-of-Climb Speed.
:Best Rate of-Climb Speed for one engine inoperative.
:Speed at 50 ft above take-off surface.
(b) Meteorological Terms
ISA:International Standard Atmosphere. Conditions at which air is identified
as an ideal dry gas. The temperature at mean sea level is 15 °C (59 °F),
air pressure at MSL is 1013.25 hPa (29.92 inHg); the temperature
gradient up to the altitude at which the temperature reaches -56.5 °C
(-69.7 °F) is -0.0065 °C/m (-0.00357 °F/ft), and above this 0 °C/m (0
MSL:Mean Sea Level.
OAT:Outside Air Temperature.
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DA 62 AFMGeneral
QNH:Theoretical atmospheric pressure at MSL, calculated from the elevation
of the of the measuring point above MSL, and the actual atmospheric
pressure at the measuring point.
Density Altitude:
Altitude in ISA conditions at which the air density is equal to the current
air density.
Indicated Pressure Altitude:
Altitude reading with altimeter set to 1013.25 hPa (29.92 inHg).
Pressure Altitude:
Altitude indicated by a barometric altimeter, which is set to 1013.25 hPa
(29.92 inHg). The Pressure Altitude is the Indicated Pressure Altitude
corrected for installation and instrument errors.
In this Airplane Flight Manual, altimeter instrument errors are regarded
as zero.
Wind:The wind speeds which are shown as variables in the diagrams and
tables in this manual should be regarded as headwind or tailwind
components of the measured wind.
(c) Flight Performance and Flight Planning
AGL:Above Ground Level.
Demonstrated Crosswind Component:
The speed of the crosswind component at which adequate
maneuverability for take-off and landing has been demonstrated during
type certification.
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GeneralDA 62 AFM
MET:Weather, weather advice.
NAV:Navigation, route planning.
RoC:Rate of Climb.
(d) Mass and Balance
CG:Center of Gravity, also called 'center of mass'. Imaginary point in which
the airplane mass is assumed to be concentrated for mass and balance
calculations. Its distance from the Datum Plane is equal to the Center
of Gravity Moment Arm.
Center of Gravity Moment Arm:
The Moment Arm which is obtained if one divides the sum of the
individual moments of the airplane by its total mass.
Center of Gravity Limits:
The Center of Gravity range within which the airplane, at a given mass,
must be operated.
DP:Datum Plane; an imaginary vertical plane from which all horizontal
distances for center of gravity calculations are measured.
Empty Mass:The mass of the airplane including unusable fuel, all operating fluids and
the maximum quantity of oil.
Maximum Take-off Mass:
The maximum permissible mass for take-off.
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DA 62 AFMGeneral
Maximum Landing Mass:
The highest mass for landing conditions at the maximum descent velocity.
This velocity was used in the strength calculations to determine the
landing gear loads during a particularly hard landing.
Moment Arm:The horizontal distance from the Datum Plane to the Center of Gravity
of a component.
Moment:The mass of a component multiplied by its moment arm.
Usable fuel:The quantity of fuel available for flight planning.
Unusable fuel: The quantity of fuel remaining in the tank which cannot be used for flight.
Useful load:The difference between take-off mass and empty mass.
(e) Engine
EECU:Electr. Engine Control Unit
RPM: Revolutions per minute (rotational speed of the propeller)
Engine starting fuel temperature:
Above this fuel temperature, the engine may be started.
Take-off fuel temperature:
Above this fuel temperature, take-off power setting is permitted.
OEI:One engine inoperative
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GeneralDA 62 AFM
(f) Designation of the Circuit Breakers on the Instrument Panel
COM1COM Radio No. 1
GPS/NAV1Global Positioning System and NAV Receiver No. 1
ENG INSTEngine Instruments
PITOTPitot Heating System
DE-ICEDe-Icing System
TAXI/MAP/ACLTaxi-, Map-, Anti Collision Light
PFDPrimary Flight Display
ADCAir Data Computer
AHRSAttitude Heading Reference System
GEAR WRNLanding Gear Annunciation
GEARLanding Gear Control
AUX PUMPSAux Fuel Pumps
MFDMulti Function Display
SAMStandby Altitude Module
STALL WRNStall Warning System
FLAPFlap System
LDG LT/STARTLanding Light/Start
NAV LT/FLOODNavigation (Position) Light, Flood Light
AV/GDU/FANAvionic-, GDU-Cooling Fans
AV CONTAvionic Control
INST LTInstrument Light
STATIC HT/PEDALSStatic Heating System/Adjustable Rudder Pedals
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DA 62 AFMGeneral
COM2COM Radio No. 2
GPS/NAV2Global Positioning System and NAV Receiver No. 2
AUDIOAudio Panel
AFCS/ESP/USPAuto Pilot System
TWXLightning Detection System
ADFAutomatic Direction Finder
DMEDistance Measuring Equipment
Wx RDRWeather Radar
TASTraffic Advisory System
DATA LINKData Link System
IRIDIUMSatellite Receiver
EVSEnhanced Vision System
GCU/FLT STRMControl Unit (Keypad)/Flight Stream
ALT.LHLH Alternator
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