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Remove Protocol Plus Controller to separate
Owner’s Manual
2 Version 2
Revision History
All rig hts reserved. No part of the contents of this m an u al m ay b e r ep roduced, copied or t ransmitted in any for m or by any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
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means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written perm ission of Despatch Industries, unless for purc haser's personal use.
PREFACEProtocol Plus Owner’s Manual
4 Version 2
5.6.6. Setting Up PID Page ............................................................................. 33 Access the PID Page ......................................................................... 33 Setting up Auto Tune ........................................................................ 34
5.6.7. Setting up the Control Page .................................................................. 34 Access Contro l Page ......................................................................... 34
5.6.8. Setting up the Communication Page ..................................................... 35 Access Communicat ion Page ............................................................ 35 Setting up the Real Time Clock Page ................................................ 36 Access Real Time Clock Page ........................................................... 36
5.6.9. Setting up the Relay Outputs Page ........................................................ 36
All rig hts reserved. No part of the contents of this m an u al m ay b e r ep roduced, copied or t ransmitted in any for m or by any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the writ ten permission of Despatch Industrie s , unless for purchaser's personal use.
Protocol Plus Owner’s Manual PREFACE
Version 2 5
Figure 3. Protocol Plus Controller Faceplate. ................................................................. 14
Figure 4. Protocol Plus Menu System—Setu p Det ail ..................................................... 15
Figure 5. Protocol Plus Controller with Rear Cover Removed, Showing Locations for
Op tional c omponents . .................................................................................................... 17
Figure 6. Protocol Plus Wiring Diagram. ....................................................................... 19
Figu re 7. Samp le Profile. ............................................................................................... 30
Figu re 8. Samp le Profile Values. ................................................................................... 31
Figure 9. Digital Inputs. ................................................................................................. 44
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the writ ten permission of Despatch Industrie s , unless for purchaser's personal use.
ABOUT THIS MANUALProtocol Plus Owner’s Manual
6 Version 2
All rights reserved. No p art of the cont ent s of this manual may be reproduced, copied, or
transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical
methods or photocopying, recording, or info rmation storage and retrie val syst ems without
the written permission o f the publisher, unless it is for the purchaser's personal use.
Printed and bound in the United St at es of Amer ica.
The i nformation in this manual is su bject to chang e without notice and does not represent
a commitment on the part of Despatch Industries. Despatch Industries does not assume
any responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual.
In no event will Despatch Industries be liable for technical or ed ito r ial omissio ns made
herein, nor for direct, i ndirec t, s pec ial, i ncidental, or co ns e quential damages resu lting
from the use or defect of this manual.
Values displayed on screens are examples only. Though
those values may be typical , cont act Despatch Industries for
the final value.
Users of this equipment must comply with operating
procedures and trainin g o f operation personnel as required
by the Occupational S af et y and Health Act (OS HA) of 1970,
Section 6 and relevant safety stand ards, as well as other
safety rules and regulations of state and local governments.
Refer to the relevant safety standards in OSHA and National
Fire Protection Associati on (NFPA), section 86 of 1990.
All rig hts reserved. No part of the contents of this m an u al m ay b e r ep roduced, copied or t ransmitted in any for m or by any
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retrieval systems without the writ ten permission of Despatch Industrie s , unless for purchaser's personal use.
Only fully-trained and qualified personnel should setup and
maintain this equipment. Improper setup and operation of this
equipment could cause an explosion that may result in
equipme nt dama ge , pe rsonal injury or possible death.
The i nformation in this doc ument is not intend ed to co ve r all possi ble c ond itions and
situations that might o ccu r. The end user must exerc ise caut ion and common se ns e when
installing or maintaining Despatch Industries products. If any questions or problems
arise, call Despatch Industries at 1-888-DESPATCH or 1-952-469-5424.
1.2. Manufacturer & Service
The P r o tocol Plus™ controller is a proprietary controller designed by Despatch
Despatch has specialized in thermal processing for over 100 years. Technical expertise
gained over those years helps pr ovide innovative solut ions to cr itical applications in
vertical markets and cutting edge technology worldw ide. Despat ch products are backed
by a drive for long-t er m custo mer satisfaction and a strong sense of responsib ilit y. T he
worldwide network of factory-trained Serv ice Pr ofes sionals is ava ilable to support your
Despatch equipment . From full service preventive mainte nanc e to ro ut ine repa ir and
certified calibration and uniformity, the Despatch ser vice net wor k is posit ioned to
respond to your business needs. O ur ser vice programs are customized to meet your
specific needs using o u r Advant age S er vice Assurance P r ogram (ASAP). For more
information on ASAP, visit
8860 207th Street
Lakeville, MN 55044
US toll free: 1-888-337-7282
Fax: 1-952-469-4513
US toll free: 1-800-473-7373
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means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the writ ten permission of Despatch Industrie s , unless for purchaser's personal use.
This icon signifies information that descr ibes an uns afe condition
A condition that may res ult in deat h, serious injury, or damage to
A condition that may res ult in ser ious injur y or dam age to
A condition that may res ult in damage to equipment or product.
Reversed-out, Bold, 10pt Arial typeface indicates a s pecific k ey or
button on screen t o click.
8 Version 2
1.3. Organization of this Manual
This owner’s manual c ontains the most comprehensive s et of information for the
Despatch Protocol Plus controller, including installation instructions, theory of operation,
operating instructions, among other things.
Failure to heed warnings in this instruction manual and on the
oven could result in personal injury, property damage or death.
1.4. Conventions
This icon signifies im por tant information.
that may result in deat h, ser ious injur y , or damage to the
All rig hts reserved. No part of the contents of this m an u al m ay b e r ep roduced, copied or t ransmitted in any for m or by any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the writ ten permission of Despatch Industrie s , unless for purchaser's personal use.
12 to 24 VAC/VDC +/-10%, DC to 60Hz, 30VA Maxim um
Operating 0 to 50°C
90% or less, non-condensing
Sensor inputs:
Readout Stability (+/-1°F/10°F Change in ambient temperature)
Message display:
0.2 inches high ( 5mm)
Time base:
+/- 4 seconds accuracy in 24 hours
Heat control
SSR Drive 24VDC nominal @ 70mA
Relay output:
(plug-in module)
Form A dry contact, rated 3 amps @ 24-264VAC
1 to 5 VDC into > 100K ohm load
• RS232 Single drop, isol ated
RS485 Multi-dr op, isolated
Remote inputs:
(plug-in module)
Dry-contact closure type with less than 250 ohm ON resistance
Front panel:
NEMA 4X (with gasket)
3.57H x 7.24W x 2.84D inches (91H x 184W x 72D mm)
Panel opening:
3.63H x 7.30W inches (92H x 185W mm)
Version 2 9
1.5. Specifications
• EMC Directive 2004/108/ E C
• 100 to 240 VAC +10% -15%, 50-60Hz, 30VA Maximum
• Storage -20 to 60°C
• Type J thermocouple -73°C t o 760°C (-100° F t o 1400°F)
• Input impedance 1M ohm or great er
• Common mode noise rejection of 140db@60Hz
• Common mode input voltage of +/-12.0 VDC
• Sample rate of at least 1 sample per second
• Stability of +/- 0.5°C per 5°C change in ambient temperature
• Repeatability of +/- 0.5°C, or +/-0.1% of sensed temperature (whichever
is greater)
• Accuracy (@ 77°F + /-0.2 per c ent of span (+/-3°F)
• Supply Voltage Influence of +/-0.5°C per 10% change in nomi nal line
• 1 degree resolution ( C or F)
• Accuracy after calibration of +/- 1°C, or +/-0.2% of sensed temperature
(whichever is greater) @25°C
• Four-digi t seven-segment LCD, 0.43 inches high (11mm)
• Two-line, 16 alpha-numer ic 5x 7 dot matrix characters per line
(plug-in module)
• RS422 Multi-drop, isolated
All rig hts reserved. No part of the contents of this m an u al m ay b e r ep roduced, copied or t ransmitted in an y form or b y an y
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the writ ten permission of Despatch Industrie s , unless for purchaser's personal use.
Do not wo rk on the Protocol Plus controller without reading and understanding this
section which contains important information and warnings. Ignoring these warnings can
result in death, serious injury or damage to the machine and product.
2.1.1. Lockout
Machine lockout places t he Protocol Plus controller into a zero energy state and prevents
accidenta l machine start up. Always follow the Lockout Proced ur e descr ibed in this
Section before cleaning, maintaining or repairing the Protocol Plus controller. An
accidenta l start-up, while working on the Protocol Plus cont roller, can result in serious
inju ry or death. Lockout Requirements
1. Every power source that can energize any element o f the Protocol Plus controller
must be shut off at the closest po ss ible pow er source. This includes air, water and
electricity, includ ing the Disconnect Switch.
2. After energy sources ar e locked out, test to ensure circuits are de-energized. Lockout Procedure with Despatch Products
Personnel author ized to lockout equipment must have the necessar y locks to perform the
1. Physically disconnect all electrical power to the machine or lockout the appropriate
breaker or disconnects.
2. Close all valves and bleed off any pressure.
3. Test for power by attempting a start with the machine co nt ro ls.
4. Identify the Lockout Condition with a tag on the elect r ical disconnect and p neu matic
shut of f valve .
5. When work is complete, remove all tags and restore the machine to its wo r king state.
Electric a l pa ne ls contain high volt age. Disconnec t a nd loc k o ut
the power supply before working inside any electrical panels.
Failure to lock out the power supply can result in death or injury.
All rig hts reserved. No part of the contents of this m an u al m ay b e r ep roduced, copied or t ransmitted in any for m or by any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the writ ten permission of Despatch Industrie s , unless for purchaser's personal use.
Protocol Plus Owner’s Manual SAFETY
Version 2 11
2.2. Maintenance
Only qualified and trained personnel should perform maintenance or repair.
2.3. Electrical Power
Only qualified and trained personnel should perform electrical maintenance or electrical
• Before performing maintenance, disconnect all electrical power from the machine.
Use a padlock and lockout all disco nnect s feeding power to the machine.
• Never clean or repair the controller whe n in op eration.
• Unauthorized alterat ions o r mod ifications to Protocol Plus controller are str ictly
forbidden. Never mod ify any electr ica l circu its. Unaut ho rized modifications can
impair the fu nction a nd sa fety of the Protocol P lus controller.
Contact with energized electrical sources may result in serio us
injury or death.
2.4. Fire
2.5. Equipment Lockout Requirements
Keep the Protocol Plus controller clean and free of scrap mat er ials, oil or solvents to
pre vent the p ossibility of fire . In the e vent of fire, us e a fir e extinguisher as follows.
1. De-energize the machine immediately by pushing an Emergency Stop push button
2. Turn off the remote main disconnect (customer supplied disconnect).
3. Extinguish the fire.
Always disconnect all power before extinguishing a fire.
Attempting to extinguish a fire in a machine connected to
electrical power can result in serious injury or death!
To prevent injury or equipment damage during inspection or repair, the Protocol Plus
controller must be locked out.
All rig hts reserved. No part of the contents of this m an u al m ay b e r ep roduced, copied or t ransmitted in an y form or b y an y
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the writ ten permission of Despatch Industrie s , unless for purchaser's personal use.
The Protocol Plus is a modular micro pr ocessor based digital te mperatu r e cont roller
(Figure 1). The Protocol Plus controller operates as a dualfunc tioning controller/high limit instru ment. The control
po rtion u tiliz e s a time -pr oportioning voltage signal to
control heating devices with minimal tempe rature
The h i gh limit portion protects the product and /or the oven
from overheat ing. If the product being processed has a
critical high te mperat ur e limit, t he high limit setpoint
should be set to a temperatur e somewhat below the
temperature at which the product could be damaged. If the product do es not ha ve a
critical high te mperat ur e limit, t he high limit set p oint s ho uld be set 5 to 15 degrees higher
tha n the maximum programmed setpoint at w hich the ove n will operate.
Th e Prot oc ol Plus controller provides three primary operat ing modes:
• Manual: Oven operates cont inuously at a fixed temperature until turned off.
• Timer: Oven operates at a fixed temperatu r e for a user-selected time period, then
automatically tu r ns off.
•Profile: Temperat u r es increase o r d ecr ease as defined by one of eight pre-
programmable ramp and soak profiles. Each pro file co nt ains up to eight r amp and
soak segments. The profiles can be linked to provide additional temperatur e
In addition these primary operating modes, the Protocol Plus controller employs a
Stopped Mode, Auto Start Mode, Setup Mode and Fast Start Mode:
•Stopped Mode: All control and relay outputs are off. Stopped Mode is integrated
into each of the modes of operat ion.
•Aut o Start Mode: C ontrol may au tomat ic ally star t Manual, Timer, or Prof ile
mode based on a preset time and day. Optional event outputs can be util ized
during Manual, Timer, or Profile modes.
•Setup Mode: Provides access to control configuration and programming of
profiles. Set u p Mod e contains ten separate electronic “Pages” where con figuration
and programming para meter s (Menu items) are found and can be manipulated .
•Fast Start Mode: Pro vides for automatic startup of an operating mode w hen
po w er is applied. Use Fast St art Mo d e if the same mode of operation is used every
day. The user can turn on the power and the oven w ill start t he desired process
automatically. The Fast Start Mode is controlled by the Power-Up St a rt
parameters o n the Control page.
All rig hts reserved. No part of the contents of this m an u al m ay b e r ep roduced, copied or t ransmitted in any for m or by any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the writ ten permission of Despatch Industrie s , unless for purchaser's personal use.
Protocol Plus Owner’s Manual THEORY OF OPERATION
Version 2 13
3.1. System Control—In Ge ner a l
• T he Proto col Plus controller provides outputs for the cooling fan, door lock
switch/door release pus hbutton, and optional beacon lig ht
• As many as eight profiles for oven hea ting cycles are stored in the Proto col Plus
controller. Access profiles using the Protocol Plus keypad.
• The Prot oco l Plus cont r ols the solenoid valves in an in ert atmosphere oven for p urg e
and maint ain operat ion
3.1.1. High-Limit Function
The Protocol Plus controller has an integ rated h igh limit function which d is able s the
heater output when t ripped. Find High-Limit temperature readouts on LC D Line #2 in all
Modes (Stop, Run, Hold, and Standby) except Setup Mode. High-Limit temperature is
displayed for 10 seconds, alternating with current Mode and Status display for 10
seconds. The contro l will not allow t he high limit set point to be set below the current
setpo int value.
If the high limit trips, the Hi-Limit indicator w ill light and the relay must be ma nu a ll y
reset. Allow the o ven to cool several degrees (or increase t he high limit set point) and then
press Reset. The indic ator will turn of f.
3.1.2. Optional Serial Communications Hardware
Optional MODBUS RS422/485 serial communications hardware may be installed on the
Protoco l Plus controller, with a 9-pin communicatio ns port located on rear of oven. This
provide s the a bility to netwo rk the oven(s) with a host PC.
Display Functions
The Protocol Plus contro ller has t wo displa ys. A dedicated LED upper display shows t he
oven temperatur e (Figure 2). A two line LCD lower display provides information on
control stat u s, high limit temperat ur e and a llows changes to be made to the control
settings. Figure 3 shows a schemat ic of the Protocol Plus face plate.
All rig hts reserved. No part of the contents of this m an u al m ay b e r ep roduced, copied or t ransmitted in an y form or b y an y
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the writ ten permission of Despatch Industrie s , unless for purchaser's personal use.
THEORY OF OPERATIONProtocol Plus Owner’s Manual
Oven Temperature
Outputs 1-4
Adjust parameter
Select mode
of operation
Run/Hold:Pr ess to activate
mode of operation
Stop: Press
Figure 2. Protocol Plus Displays and Control Buttons.
Figure 3. Protocol Plus C ontroller Faceplate.
14 Version 2
to Stop any
Soak Alarm
on control
settings up or down as
All rig hts reserved. No part of the contents of this m an u al m ay b e r ep roduced, copied or t ransmitted in any for m or by any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the writ ten permission of Despatch Industrie s , unless for purchaser's personal use.
Figure 4. Protocol P lus Menu System—Set up Deta i l
Version 2 15
3.3. Modes and Menus
The Protocol Plus contro ller uses a menu system to display, setup and run the different
modes and configurations available fo r the LCC O ven (Figure 4).
All rig hts reserved. No part of the contents of this m an u al m ay b e r ep roduced, copied or t ransmitted in an y form or b y an y
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the writ ten permission of Despatch Industrie s , unless for purchaser's personal use.
• Power LED: Indicates power supplied to instrument
• Heater LED: Indicates heater output active
• Profile L ED: Indicates Pr ofile Mode is in operation
• Timer L ED: Indic a tes Timer Mode is in operat ion
• Manual LED: Indicat es Manual Mode is in operatio n
• Cycle Complete LED: Indicates co nt ro l is in Stopped or Standby modes.
• Hi-Limit Alarm LED: Indicates high limit r e lay has tripped (de-energized).
• S oak Alarm LED: Indicates the guarant eed soak deviation is in alarm condition.
• Outputs 1 through 4: Indicate that the optional relay outputs are in the ON state.
These output s may be configured as timed event outputs, process temperature trip
po int outputs, alar m outputs, or as an end of cycle relay ou tput. T he ON state can be
configured as energ ized or de-energized.
3.5. K ey Fun cti on s
Refer to Figure 2:
•Select: Press to select mode of operat ion. In Set u p Mode, to select profile number or
relay. In Profile/Run Mode, p r ess simulta neo usly with the UP key to advance a
•Run/Hold: Press to activate a mode of operation. If a Profile (or T imer) Mo d e is
running, pressing the Run/Hold key will place the Profile (or Timer ) in Hold status. A
subsequent press w ill resume the Pr ofile (Timer).
• Stop: Press to stop any mode of operation.
• Page/Reset: While in Setup Mo de, pr ess to access d ifferent P ages of configuration,
Press this key to silence an alarm if the instrument alarm sounds during operation. In
an operating mode, if an alarm or er ror cond it ion occurs, p r ess t his key to retur n the
instrument to normal oper ation once the condition is cleared.
•Menu/View: While running any operating mode, pressing this key will display the high
limit setpoint. While in Setup Mode, pressing this key will provide access to each
Menu parameter.
•▲▼: Press to adjust parameter settings. In Profile/ Stopp ed Mode, press to select
profile to run. In Prof ile/R un Mode, pr ess ▲ sim ultane ous ly with Select to force the
program to advance one segment .
3.6. Outputs
The Protocol Plus contro ller comes standard with an out put s ignal that can transmit
temperature data to a user-supplied recording device. Opt ional output relays (four) can
also signal user-specified events or alarm to ext er nal devices (Figure 5).
All rig hts reserved. No part of the contents of this m an u al m ay b e r ep roduced, copied or t ransmitted in any for m or by any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the writ ten permission of Despatch Industrie s , unless for purchaser's personal use.
Figure 5. Protocol Plus C ontroller with Rear Cover Removed, Showing Locati ons for Opti onal
Version 2 17
•Heati ng output: The cont rol output is a DC voltage open-collector output which is
time-proport ioned and des igned to control a heat control device such as a solid stat e
•High limit: The high limit outpu t is a form C relay wh ic h is en erg ized un de r normal
operating condit ions. If t he co ntrol senses a tempe rature highe r t han t he high limit
se tpoint, or if there is a sensor e rr or, the high l imit relay will de-energize until the
condition is cleared and Reset is pressed. When the high limit relay is de-energized,
the he ate r is d is abled.
•Retransmission: The r etransm ission outp ut is a D C 1 to 5 volt or 4 to 20 ma (DC)
signal that is proport ional to the process temperature. The signal can be an input to
other devices such as a chart r eco r der.
•Relay (four optional outputs): T he four form A dry contact r elay output s can be
configured to funct ion as alar ms, event s, or end of cycle. The se o ut p ut s can be
ut ilized in Manual, Timer, or Pro file Modes.
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means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the writ ten permission of Despatch Industrie s , unless for purchaser's personal use.
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