0 10/6/1998 Original Release
1 01/25/1999 Major revisions to match tested software.
2 02/12/1999
3 03/22/1999 Corrected figure references in communication card setup sections. Added text
4 01/24/2002 Added holding register address references for new menus for software version 3.0
5 06/10/2002 Added section 7, Programming Example and General Hints
6 10/6/2003 Section 3.6, change data address information in register 449.
Corrected temperature readout descriptions to 1 °F from 0.1 °F. Corrected misc.
typos. Removed front panel security code holding register. Moved
communication security code holding register to address 0.
4.3CONTROL OPERATION AND RUN/HOLD/STOP FUNCTIONS........................................................................2
4.4CONTROLLER MODE AND DATA ACCESS................................................................................................. 2
AND DISCRETE OUTPUTS..................................................................................................................................... 2
6.2.2 Serial Byte Setup ...............................................................................................................................2
6.2.3 Error Checking Field ........................................................................................................................ 2
6.3ADDRESS FIELD .....................................................................................................................................2
This document provides all application specific information necessary for developing a Modbus Master
application program for interfacing with the ProtocolTM Plus slave controller. The assumption is made
that the programmer has at least an intermediate understanding of the Modbus Protocol. Only limited
information is presented here regarding the Modbus Protocol specifications. Below is a list of relevant
Modbus Protocol documents. A quick reference section is provided in this document (see section 6 Modbus Protocol Quick Reference). A programming guideline section provides a programming
example and general communications hints (see section 7 Programming Example and General Hints
for programming help).
Table 1: Modbus References
Modicon Modbus Protocol http://www.modicon.com/techpubs/intr7.html
Schneider Automation Open Modbus/TCP
Table 2: ProtocolTM Plus References
Engineering Specification for Despatch ProtocolTM Plus A-50778
1.2 Conventions and definitions
RTU: Remote Terminal Unit
CRC: Cyclical Redundancy Check
$: Represents a hexadecimal number
XOR: Exclusive OR logic operation
LSB: Least Significant Bit
MSB: Most Significant Bit
XX: Don’t Care when used in a hex number
--: Field contents are data dependent
NA: Not Applicable
TBD: To Be Determined or To Be Defined
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Chromalox Instruments and Controls
Master Device
2 1
Protocol™ Plus DB
9 Connector
3 5 2 3 7
Protocol™ Plus Connector
5 5
2 Communications Specifications
2.1 Support Specifications
Device Support: Slave only.
Slave ID Code (Identifies Product Line): 1.
Transmission Mode: RTU mode only.
Communication Medium: RS232, RS422, or RS485.
Address Support: 1 – 247.
Baud Rate: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K
Parity: None, Even, or Odd.
2.2 Timing Specifications
Message Framing: Silent period of at least 3.5 character times before the first character and after the last
character of the message.
Character Framing: No more than 1.5 character times of silence between received and transmitted
Message Timeout (Query Response Time): Response to queries will be made within 1 sec.
2.3 Wiring
Figure 1: RS232 Wiring
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Chromalox Instruments and Controls
2 5
Protocol™ Plus DB
9 Connector
Master Device
3 7
1 5
Protocol™ Plus Connector
Protocol™ Plus DB
9 Connector
Protocol™ Plus Connector
Master Device
3 7
Figure 2: RS422A Wiring (4 wire)
Rcv +
Rcv Xmit +
Xmit - 4
T/R +
T/R Gnd
Rcv +
Rcv -
Xmit +
Xmit - 4
Xmit + (b)
Xmit – (a)
Rcv + (b)
Rcv – (a)
(Pin #’s based on RS-530
standard; may vary by
Figure 3: RS485 Wiring (2 wire)
Xmit + (b)
T/R +
T/R Gnd
Xmit – (a)
Rcv + (b)
Rcv – (a)
(Pin #’s based on RS-530
standard; may vary by
2.4 Communication Card Installation and Jumper Settings
Electronic Components are extremely sensitive to static electricity. Before opening the controller
case, read and follow the precautions below to prevent damage from static electricity.
1. Turn off power to the controller.
2. Touch a bare metal surface on the exterior of the controller.
3. Disconnect the power connection from the controller or unplug from the power source.
Also follow these static electricity precautions:
v Avoid static-causing surfaces while working with electronic components.
v Remove parts from their anti-static bags only when ready for use. Do not lay parts on the outside of
the anti-static bag because only the inside provides protection.
v Hold circuit boards by their edges or any metal mounting hardware. Avoid touching components or
connectors on the circuit boards.
2.4.1 Communication Card (0113-10175) Installation
1. Turn off power to the controller.
2. Remove the back cover of the controller by removing the two screws at the top of the unit.
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Chromalox Instruments and Controls
3. Looking into the back of the controller with the connector terminal strips at the bottom, install the
communication card onto the two 5 pin headers on the rear circuit board. Be sure the jumper blocks
on the communication card are positioned toward the bottom of the controller. See Figure 4: Controller Rear View with Communication Card (Left). Be sure the card is seated firmly onto the
4. Set the jumpers on the communication card for the desired serial communication interface based on
Figure 5: Communication Card (0113-10175) Jumper Settings.
5. Reinstall the back cover.
6. Wire the communication connections on the rear of the unit for the desired serial communication
interface based on Figure 1: RS232 Wiring, Figure 2: RS422A Wiring (4 wire), or Figure 3: RS485 Wiring (2 wire).
7. Reapply all power connections to the controller.
Figure 4: Controller Rear View with Communication Card (Left)
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Chromalox Instruments and Controls
RS232 Jumper Settings
RS422 Jumper Settings
RS485 Jumper Settings
2.4.2 Communication Card Jumper Settings
1. Turn off power to the controller.
2. Remove the back cover of the controller (if it is not already removed) by removing the two screws at
the top of the unit.
3. Set the jumpers on the communication card for the desired serial communication interface based on
Figure 5: Communication Card (0113-10175) Jumper Settings.
4. Reinstall the back cover.
5. Reapply power to the controller.
Figure 5: Communication Card (0113-10175) Jumper Settings
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Chromalox Instruments and Controls
3 Register and I/O Mapping
3.1 Unmapped and Reserved Registers
Reserved and NA registers will be read as zero with no exception error being generated. Thus, the host
can request data from multiple addresses with gaps between and still receive a valid response. Illegal and
undefined register address blocks will always generate an illegal data address exception.
Reserved and NA registers may be written without generating an exception, however the data is ignored
for these registers and no write takes place. Illegal and undefined register address blocks will always
generate an illegal data address exception.
3.2 Register Quantity Limitations
The number of registers that can be accessed in one query is limited to 50.
3.3 Discrete Input Assignments
The status of the four event inputs can be read as discrete inputs in Modbus format.
Table 3: ProtocolTM Plus Discrete Input Address Map
$0004 -- $0007 Illegal, Reserved for future inputs
$0008 - $FFFF Undefined, available for application assignment
3.4 Discrete Output Assignments
The status of the four relay outputs can be read as discrete outputs in Modbus format. Writes to the
outputs are not supported, that is, the functions “Write Single Output” (06) and “Write Multiple Outputs”
(15) are not implemented.
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Chromalox Instruments and Controls
Table 4: ProtocolTM Plus Discrete Output Address Map
Data Address Hex Address Description Security
8 -- 65535
4 -- 7
$0000 Relay Output 1
$0001 Relay Output 2
$0002 Relay Output 3
$0003 Relay Output 4
$0004 -- $0007 Illegal, Reserved for future inputs
$0008 - $FFFF Undefined, available for application assignment
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Chromalox Instruments and Controls
Timer/Ramp/Soak Interval Time
0 = ramp interval of segment, 1 = soak interval of
3.5 Input Register Assignments
Input registers are intended for read only information and functions that cannot or should not be
controlled remotely. Much status information is mapped as holding registers so that operations can be
controlled remotely. Examples are control output commands, ramp/soak status (run, hold, stop), and
ramp/soak program number.
Table 5: ProtocolTM Plus Input Register Address Map
Association or
Level Comments
Control Loop Input Registers
0 0 PV Sensor range 0 read as xxxx deg. F
1 1 Active SP Sensor range 0 read as xxxx deg. F
2 2 Active Hi Limit SP Sensor range 0 read as xxxx deg. F
3 3 PV Status -1, 0, 1 0 -1 = underrange, 0 = in range, 1 = overrange
4 4 NA 0 0
5 5 Hi Limit PV Sensor Range 0 read as xxxx deg. F
6 6 Hi Limit PV Status -1, 0, 1 0 -1 = underrange, 0 = in range, 1 = overrange
7 7 Control Output Command 0 - 100.0 0 value has an implied decimal pt. of 1
8 8 Hi Limit Output 0, 1 0 0 = Off, 1 = On
9 9 Max Hi Limit SP Control[Hi-Lim SP] 0 read as xxxx deg. F
10 A NA 0 0
11 B PV Max Sensor Range 0 read as xxxx deg. F
12 C PV Min Sensor Range 0 read as xxxx deg. F
13 D Reserved for factory use
14 E Reserved for factory use
15 F Reserved for factory use
16 -- 127 10 -- 7F Illegal, Reserved standard reg.
Timer/Profile Input Registers
128 80 Segment Number 1-99 0 Current segment number
129 81
130 82 Segment Loops Remaining 0 - 99 0 Number of loops remaining in the ramp/soak program.
131 83 Ramp/Soak Interval Indicator 0, 1 0
132 -- 143 84 -- 8F Illegal, Available to application
Global Input Registers
144 90 Terminal Temp (CJC) Ambient Range 0 read as xxx.x deg. F
145 91 N/A 0 0
146 92 Reset Counter 0 - $FFFF 0 Number of processor resets.
147 93 Power Down Counter 0 - $FFFF 0 Number of power down interrupts.
148 94 Alarms Status 0 - $F 0 Bits 0-3 = Alarms 1-4. Bit value: 0 = Off, 1 = On
00:00 - 99:59 0 Time remaining in ramp/soak interval
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Chromalox Instruments and Controls
149 95 Events Status 0 - $F 0 Bits 0-3 = Events 1-4. Bit value: 0 = Off, 1 = On
150 96 Cycle Complete Status 0, 1 0 0 = Off, 1 = On
151 97 Audible Annunciator Status 0, 1 0 0 = Off, 1 = On
152 -- 155 98 -- 9B Reserved, available to application 0 0
156 – 157 9C – 9D Reserved for factory use
158 -- 159 9E – 9F N/A 0 0
A/D Input Registers
160 -- 165 A0 -- A5 Reserved for factory use
166 -- 167 A6 -- A7 Illegal, Reserved standard reg.
168 -- 175 A8 -- AF Illegal, Available to application
176 -- 255 B0 -- FF Illegal, Reserved standard reg.
256 -- 65535 100 -- FFFF Undefined
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Chromalox Instruments and Controls
3.6 Holding Register Assignments
Holding registers are intended for information and functions that can be read or written. Each holding
register has a corresponding internal memory variable in the slave device. This association is shown in
the address map table.
Table 6: ProtocolTM Plus Holding Register Address Map
7 7 Alarm Acknowledge 0 - $FFF F 0 0 = No Action, >0 = Alarm Acknowledge
8 8 Level 1 Password Enable[Password 1] 2 0 – 999 (Write not allowed while in setup mode)
9 9 Level 2 Password Enable[Password 2] 2 0 – 999 (Write not allowed while in setup mode)
10 A Key Press Beep Control[Key Beep] 1 or 2 (Note 1) 0 = off, 1 = on
11 B End of Cycle Beep Control[EOC Beep] 1 or 2 (Note 1) 0 = off, 1 = on
12 C Alarm Beep Control[Alarm Beep] 1 or 2 (Note 1) 0 = off, 1 = on
13 D Setpoint Change Enable Enable[SPChange] 2 0 = no, 1 = yes
14 E Analog output type Enable[Aout] 2 0 = Control (Default), 1 = Process
15 F Reserved, Available to application 0 0
Control Loop Holding Registers
16 10 Manual SP Manual[setpt] 0 read/written as xxxx deg. F.
17 11 Manual High Limit SP Manual[Hi-Lim SP] 0 read/written as xxxx deg. F.
18 12 Manual Event 1-4 Setup $0 - $F ($0) 0 Bits 0-3 = Events 1-4. Bit value: 0 = Off, 1 = On
19 13 NA 0 0
20 14 Proportional Band (Heat) PID[P (H)] 1 or 2 (Note 1) read/written as xxxx deg. F.
21 15 Integral Reset (Heat) PID[I (H) Rep/Min] 1 or 2 (Note 1) value is in repeats/min
22 16 Derivative Rate (Heat) PID[I (H) in sec] 1 or 2 (Note 1) value is in seconds
23 17 Hysteresis Control[Hysteresis] 1 or 2 (Note 1) read/written as xxxx deg. F.
24 18 High Limit Band Control[Hi-Lim Band] 1 or 2 (Note 1) read/written as xxxx deg. F. 4 = Off.
25 19 Cycle Time Control[Cycle Time Sec] 1 or 2 (Note 1) value is in seconds
26 1A Proportional Band (Cool) PID[P(C)] 1 or 2 (Note 1) read/written as xxxx deg. F. (H/C Version 3.1 Only)
27 1B Integral Reset (Cool) PID[I (C) Rep/Min] 1 or 2 (Note 1) value is in repeats/min. (H/C Version 3.1 Only)
28 1C Derivative Rate (Cool) PID[D(C) in Sec] 1 or 2 (Note 1) Value is in Seconds. (H/C Version 3.1 Only)
29 1D Heat Offset PID[Heat Offset] 1 or 2 (Note 1) read/written as xxxx deg. F. (+/- P Band H) H/C Only
30 1E Cool Offset PID[Cool Offset] 1 or 2 (Note 1) read/written as xxxx deg. F. (+/- P Band H) H/C Only