V 0.3
User's Manual
Mail Alert
Model # 30303
Know when your mail has been delivered!
Thank you for purchasing DesignTech's Mail Alert. DesignTech's Mail Alert
sends a wireless signal to your home to alert you when your mail has arrived.
Mail Alert Sensor
DoubleStick Foam
AC Adapter
Mail Alert
Receiver (white)
Plug-in Antenna
1. Plug the AC adapter into any standard electrical wall outlet and the other end into the back of
the receiver. The green power light will turn on.
2. Mail Alert comes with a 9-inch antenna which
plugs into the antenna jack on the back of the
receiver. The antenna should be vertical. Since
it may come out of the package bent - you can
simply bend it back to a straight position.
1. The sensor and receiver are factory set to a unique code. Test the
system by flipping the sensor over while you are more than 5 feet away
from the receiver. When the sensor is face up the red "MAIL" light will start
to flash, signaling the unit is functioning normally.
If the unit does not respond, first check that the receiver has power and
that the battery is inserted correctly in the sensor. If the receiver still does
not respond, see the Sensor Learning section under Troubleshooting on
Page 3.
1. Insert a small coin or screw driver blade into the
slot at the side of the case and gently twist to open
the case
2. Insert the the lithium battery into the battery clip
with the + side face up.
3. Make sure the mercury switch is at a 45' angle as
4. Push the case back together tightly, squeezing slowly with force for 5
seconds to firmly seal the weather-resistant case.
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Mercury Switch
Attach the Mail Alert sensor to the inside of the mail box using the doublestick foam tape provided or with two screws. Do not cover the small ventilation plug on the back of the sensor with
the double stick tape. The round end of
the case should be pointing up when the
mail box door is closed.
Ventilation Plug
Mail Alert #30303

The Mail Alert sensor uses a mercury switch sensor. When the sensor is mounted
to the mailbox door, it will rotate to a horizontal position when the door is opened,
thus causing a signal to be sent to the receiver.
Intermittant response:
After about a year - the battery in the sensor will get low and the function will begin
to be intermittant. It is time to change the battery.
When the mail is delivered - the unit will beep once every 5 minutes for 2 hours and
the red light will flash continually forever. You can stop the beeping and the red light
flashing by pushing the "MAIL" button (clear lens above the red flashing lights).
OPTION: You can have the Mail Alert unit beep only once when the mail is delivered (and not every 5 minutes) by following this procedure:
1. Power down the unit by removing the power jack. Wait 5 seconds.
2. Hold down the MAIL button down firmly while at the same time putting the
power jack back in.
3. Continue to hold down the MAIL button for 3 more seconds until you hear a
series of beeps. Two quick beeps will mean the unit will only beep the one
time that the mail is delivered.
4. Repeating this process a second time you will hear four quick beeps which
puts it back in the original mode of beeping once every 5 minutes for 2 hours.
Nothing happens when the mail box door is opened:
Four possible causes.
1. Check to make sure the antenna is properly plugged in.
2. Your receiver in the home is too far away from the Mail Alert sensor / transmitter. Try moving the receiver closer.
3. The sensor code is not taught to the receiver unit. Follow the directions for
Sensor Learning below.
4. This unit only works on conventional mailboxes. (This is where the mailbox
door opens forward and down).
The Long-Range Antenna can often double the range of the Mail Alert .
You can also purchase additional Receivers to use in other places in the
ITEM Part # Price
Long-Range Antenna -312 Mhz 30315 $49.95
Additional Mail Alert Sensors 30304 $29.95
Additional Mail Alert Receivers 30305 $39.95
All prices are in US dollars and include shipping and handling. Contact
your local distributor or call DesignTech to order.
Battery: Lithium Type 2032. 1 year life.
Temperature: -30'C to 50'F (-22'F to 122'F).
Codes: 254 randomly set codes.
Range: 300 ft.
Power Supply: 12 volt DC wall transformer. Draws 50 mA.
Temperature: -18'C to 50'F (0F to 122'F).
Codes: Learns codes of up to 4 sensors
Sensor Learning (do only if receiver does not respond):
1. Unplug power from the receiver for 5 seconds. Plug power back in.
2. Push the "MAIL" reset button for a second.
3. The receiver will chirp and the green light will flash.
4. Flip the Mail Alert sensor over for a few seconds.
5. The receiver will chirp when the code from the sensor is learned.
6. If there are additional sensors to be learned, flip each sensor over at this time
and wait for the chirp, and repeat for each additional sensor. (up to four sensors).
7. Push the "MAIL" reset button on the receiver for a second. This will exit the
programming mode. The greenlight will stop blinking.
You are now ready to use your system.
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This device complies with FCC Rules Part 15. Operation is subject to two conditions: 1) This device may not cause harmful
interference, and 2) it must accept any interference received, including that which may cause undesirable operation.
User is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by DesignTech could
void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
7955 Cameron Brown Court Springfield, Virginia 22153 USA
Tel: (703) 866-2000 or (800) 337-4468 Fax: (703) 866-2001
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