Delta Tau MACRO CPU BOARD 4Ax-602804-xHxx, 3U MACRO-CPU Board, 3A0-602804-10x Hardware Reference Manual

^4 4Ax-602804-xHxx
^5 January 29, 2003
Single Source Machine Control Power // Flexibility // Ease of Use
MACRO-CPU Hardware Reference
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 1
3U Product Configurations (General Description) .................................................................................................................2
MACRO CPU Specifications ....................................................................................................................................................4
Physical Specifications............................................................................................................................................................4
Electrical Specifications ..........................................................................................................................................................4
3U MACRO-CPU CONFIGURATION........................................................................................ 5
3U MACRO CPU BOARD HARDWARE SETUP...................................................................... 7
3U MACRO CPU Board Jumper & Switch Setup .................................................................................................................7
MACRO CPU Board Connections...........................................................................................................................................8
3U MACRO-CPU JUMPER AND SWITCH CONFIGURATIONS ........................................... 11
3U MACRO-CPU Card Layout .............................................................................................................................................11
E1: Watchdog Timer Disable ...............................................................................................................................................12
E2: CPU Mode Operation ....................................................................................................................................................12
E3: Serial Port Baud Rate.....................................................................................................................................................12
E4: Power Supply-Loss Control (±15Vdc Supply Monitor) ................................................................................................12
E5: MACRO Received Signal Detect/Bypass Mode (rev -105 and 106 only). Does not exist on rev 107 and later models.
E40: MACRO Input (Fiber/Wired) Selector ........................................................................................................................13
JP3: MACRO Loop back Test Select For Copper Only (rev -104 and earlier) ....................................................................13
JP4: Reserved for Future Use...............................................................................................................................................13
JP5-JP6: MACRO Copper EQ Select (rev -104 and earlier)................................................................................................14
Switch Configurations .............................................................................................................................................................15
SW1: MACRO Slave Node Configure.................................................................................................................................15
SW2: MACRO Master Number Select ................................................................................................................................15
Connector Summary ...............................................................................................................................................................16
MACRO STATION CHARACTER DISPLAY .......................................................................... 17
HARDWARE RE-INITIALIZATION ......................................................................................... 18
FIRMWARE UPDATES........................................................................................................... 20
3U MACRO-CPU BOARD CONNECTOR PIN-OUTS............................................................. 22
J6: (JTHW) Multiplexer Port Connector..............................................................................................................................22
J7: (JRS232) Serial Port Connector......................................................................................................................................24
J14, J17: MACRO COPPER I/O (OPT C)............................................................................................................................25
P1: UBUS Interface Connector .............................................................................................................................................26
TB1: (JPWR) 4-Pin Terminal Block.....................................................................................................................................27
U73: MACRO Fiber Optic Connector (OPT A)....................................................................................................................27
Contents i
MACRO-CPU Hardware Reference
U MACRO-CPU HARDWARE MEMORY MAP ...................................................................... 28
ACCESSORIES ...................................................................................................................... 30
ii Contents
MACRO-CPU Hardware Reference
The 3U MACRO-CPU board is the processor and MACRO interface board that is used in a 3U MACRO Station (in either UMAC MACRO or MACRO Stack configuration).
There are 3 documents that describe the operation of Delta Tau Data Systems Inc. 3U MACRO Station products:
UMAC System Manual (General Product Overview)
3U MACRO Station User’s Manual
3U MACRO Station Software Reference
This manual describes the interfaces and physical hardware that is used on the 3U MACRO CPU.
The UMAC MACRO and the MACRO Stack provide a remote interface for encoders, flags, direct-PWM digital drives, analog drives, stepper drives, analog I/O, and digital I/O for Delta Tau Data's PMAC products that have a MACRO interface.
The UMAC MACRO and MACRO Stack configurations communicate with PMAC2 Ultralites or Turbo PMAC2 Ultralites solely through the MACRO ring, interfacing to standard drives, encoders, flags, and I/O through on­board connectors. This MACRO Station integrated packaging and connectivity strategy provides revolutionary flexibility and ease of use.
A 3U MACRO Station consists of a set of “3U” format Euro-cards (100 x 160 mm) that can be assembled in a variety of configurations. When used in the rack configuration, connected through a backplane bus, the backplane is UBUS format, designed by Delta Tau Data Systems Inc. for motion control and I/O interfaces.
When using the fiber optic MACRO interface, the 3U MACRO Station can be up to 3 kilometers (2 miles) away from the PMAC2 controller or any other station on the ring. When using the RJ-45 copper electrical interface, it can be up to 100 meters (~330 feet) away.
The 3U MACRO Station allows PMAC2 MACRO controllers to control servo axes and I/O just as if they were directly connected to the PMAC2, even though they may be a great distance away. The only interface needed from the PMAC2 is the electrically isolated MACRO ring.
Typically, a PMAC2 “Ultralite” board, one without any of its own servo interface circuitry, is used with the MACRO Station to provide the most cost-effective solution.
MACRO-CPU Hardware Reference
3U MACRO-CPU Board (3A0-602804-10x):
80MHz DSP56303 CPU
512k x 8 flash memory for user backup & firmware
Latest released firmware version
RS-232 serial interface for setup and debugging
Stack connectors for servo and I/O accessory boards
UBUS connector for backplane connection to servo and I/O accessory boards
JTHW multiplexed I/O port with 26-pin IDC header
The 3U MACRO Station can be configured in either of two fundamental assemblies – “UMAC MACRO” and “MACRO Stack”:
UMAC MACRO – In this configuration (once called "Pack") the 3U-format boards are put together to communicate through a backplane bus called the UBUS. All boards are installed in a Euro-card rack. In this configuration, all 3U-format boards or modules can be installed or withdrawn from the pack individually, providing ease of installation, debugging, and repair.
The photo at the upper right shows a UMAC rack with power supply and I/O boards that are connected through a backplane. This system allows for an easier integration of the 3U MACRO-CPU for larger (up to 8 axes) applications.
MACRO Stack – In the Stack configuration the 3U-format boards are put together as a stack of piggyback boards, (right, below). This configuration is ideal for compact, cost-sensitive embedded applications.
4 Axis Stack Configuration
The Stack boards and related breakout boards can be installed in a Euro-card rack, creating a hybrid “stack/pack” configuration. This requires a special backplane configuration that makes removing stack boards difficult.
This hybrid configuration is now recommended for existing “legacy” systems only.
3U Product Configurations (General Description)
MACRO-CPU Hardware Reference
Assemblies of 3U-format boards can be made with either of two CPU processor boards – a 3U MACRO-CPU board, or a 3U Turbo PMAC2 CPU board. Most other 3U-format boards, labeled “Accessory” boards, can be used with either CPU board.
When the 3U MACRO-CPU board is used, the resulting assemblies are called “UMAC MACRO” or "3U MACRO Stack."
When the 3U Turbo PMAC2 CPU board is used, the resulting assemblies are called “UMAC Turbo” or "Turbo Stack."
Refer to the "UMAC & 3U Stack Products Selection Guide" for more detailed descriptions of how the rack and stack products are integrated.
UMAC and 3U-Stack Products
UMAC Products Stack Products
UMAC Turbo UMAC MACRO Turbo Stack MACRO Stack
The UMAC Turbo is composed of a 3U-format Turbo PMAC2 CPU board and a set of accessory boards in 3U-format, all plugged in a common UBUS backplane and installed inside a 3U format rack. A PC/104 computer and several optional communication accessories (including all of the major FieldBuses, MACRO and Ethernet) can be inst alled inside the UMAC system providing convenient flexibility and virtually unlimited expandability.
The UMAC MACRO is composed of a MACRO Interface/CPU board and a set of accessory boards in 3U­format, all plugged in a common UBUS backplane and installed inside a 3U fo rmat rack. The UMAC MACRO must receive commands from an external MACRO compatible device like a PMAC2 Ultralite or a UMAC Turbo system. The UMAC MACRO does not support a PC/104 or communication accessories and it is preferred for distributed control over a MACRO ring connection.
The Turbo stack is composed of a 3U-format Turbo PMAC2 CPU board and a set of ac cessory boards in 3U-format plugged to it in a stack configuration. The Turbo stack configuration is less expensive than the UMAC Turbo system but it is limited to eight axes of motion control versus 32 axes on a UMAC Turbo system. The Turbo Stack is selected over a UMAC Turbo system because is more compact, allowing its installation inside already existing cabinets with some space limitations.
The MACRO stack is composed of a MACRO Interface/CPU board and a set of accessory boards in 3U-format plugged to it in a stack configuration. The UMAC MACRO must receive commands from an external MACRO compatible device like a PMAC2 Ultralite or a UMAC Turbo system. The MACRO Stack is selected ove r a UMAC MACRO sys te m because it is more compact, allowing i ts installation inside already existing cabinets with some space limitations.
MACRO-CPU Hardware Reference
MACRO CPU Specifications
Physical Specifications
Size: 33.5cm x 9.9cm x 3.8cm (13.2" x 3.9" x 1.4")
Weight: ½ lb.
Operating: 0°C to 60°C (32°)F to 140°F)
Storage: 12°C to 82°C (10°F to 180°F)
Humidity: 10% to 95%, noncondensing
Electrical Specifications
Power: 1.5A @ +5V (±5%) (7.5W) Pertains to 8-channel configuration, with a typical load of
MACRO-CPU Hardware Reference
The purchase of the 3U MACRO CPU board provides a 3U-format (100mm x 160mm) board with a DSP processor, MACRO ring circuitry, “piggyback” connectors onto which “stack” accessory boards can be mounted, and a backplane connector through which other 3U-format boards can be connected by means of a “UBUS” passive-backplane board.
The MACRO CPU board went through an extensive redesign in the –105 revision, because key components on the –104 and older revisions became obsolete. Both the older and the newer versions are described in this manual. The only system change required is a slight change in the DIP-switch addressing of ACC-24E2x and ACC-51E backplane axis boards when using the new MACRO CPU boards.
It is recommended that only the new MACRO CPU boards, which have stronger backplane bus drivers, be used in “UMAC” pack configurations.)
The 3U MACRO-CPU can be purchased in two physical configurations, distinguished by part number prefix:
300-602804-10x provides the 3U MACRO-CPU board without a front plate. This configuration is
recommended for “stack” assemblies.
3R0-602804-10x provides the 3U MACRO-CPU board with a front plate. This configuration is
recommended for “UMAC” rack assemblies. The top and bottom plates are provided with the ACC-Px rack.
There are a few options available for the MACRO CPU board.
One of the Options A or C must be present on a MACRO CPU board to provide the actual MACRO ring interface circuitry; both may be present:
Option A provides an SC-style fiber-optic transceiver to connect into the MACRO ring. Its main component is the U73 transceiver.
Option C provides RJ-45 electrical input and output connectors for the MACRO ring. Its main components are J14 and J17.
Option 10 permits a specified revision of the MACRO Station firmware to be installed in the flash memory in the card. Without this option, the latest released revision is installed. A label on the flash memory IC indicates the firmware revision installed at the factory (but not necessarily which revision is presently installed in the IC). The presently installed revision can be ascertained by using the MSVER{node #} command.
3U MACRO-CPU Configuration
MACRO-CPU Hardware Reference
3U MACRO-CPU Configuration
MACRO-CPU Hardware Reference
The hardware setup of the 3U MACRO CPU Board consists of the setting of 2 rotary switches, the setting of several E-point jumpers on each board, followed by power supply and signal connections.
E-Point Jumper numbers are shown in white ink on the legend of each board. Pin numbers for each number can be determined either from the legend on the component side on the board, or by looking at the solder side of the board, where pin 1 has a square solder pad.
3U MACRO CPU Board Jumper & Switch Setup
The MACRO Station has two 16-way rotary switches on the MACRO CPU board that establish the station’s basic configuration on the MACRO ring.
SW1 Rotary Switch Setting: SW1 establishes how many servo nodes, and which servo nodes, will be used on the MACRO station. It also establishes the mapping of MACRO node numbers to MACRO Station channel numbers. This mapping information will be important in establishing the software setup.
The following table shows possible MACRO Station axis configurations and the appropriate settings of SW1:
# of
O Servo
2 0, 1 1x ACC-1E -- 8 2 4, 5 1x ACC-1E -- 9 2 8, 9 1x ACC-1E -- 10 ($A) 2 12, 13 1x ACC-1E -- 11 ($B) 2 0, 1 1x ACC-2E* 1x ACC-24E2x or 51E 2 2 4, 5 1x ACC-2E* 1x ACC-24E2x or 51E 3 2 8, 9 1x ACC-2E* 1x ACC-24E2x or 51E 4 2 12, 13 1x ACC-2E* 1x ACC-24E2x or 51E 5 4 0, 1, 4, 5 1x ACC-2E 1x ACC-24E2x w/ Opt 1x or 1x
4 8, 9, 12,
6 0, 1, 4, 5,
8, 9
6 0, 1, 4, 5,
8, 9
8 0, 1, 4, 5,
8, 9, 12,
More detailed information on the SW1 settings is presented in the Jumper/Switch description in the back of this manual.
Stack Axis
Boards Used
1x ACC-2E 1x ACC-24E2x w/ Opt 1x or 1x
1x ACC-1E,
1x ACC-2E
2x ACC-2E* 1x ACC-24E2x w/ Opt 1x or 1x
2x ACC-2E 2x ACC-24E2x w/ Opt 1x /
Backplane (UMAC) Axis
Boards Used
ACC-51E w/ Opt 1
ACC-51E w/ Opt 1
1x ACC-24E2x w/ Opt 1x or 1x
ACC-51E w/ Opt 1;
plus 1x ACC-24E2x or 51E
ACC-51E w/ Opt 1;
plus 1x ACC-24E2x or 51E
ACC-51E w/ Opt 1
SW1 Setting
12 ($C)
3U MACRO CPU Board Hardware Setup
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