This document is furnished for the customers of Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Other uses are
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In the case of industrial applications, we expect our products to be protected from hazardous or
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16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
Table of Contents
16-AXIS MACRO STATION MI-VARIABLE REFERENCE...............................................................................1
Global MI-Variables .................................................................................................................................................1
MS{anynode},MI0 Station Firmware Version (Read Only).............................................................................1
MS{anynode},MI1 Station Firmware Date (Read Only)..................................................................................1
MS{anynode},MI2 Station ID and User Configuration Word .........................................................................1
MS{anynode},MI3 Station Rotary Switch Setting ............................................................................................2
MS{anynode},MI4 Station Status Word (Read Only).......................................................................................2
MS{anynode},MI5 Ring Error Counter ...........................................................................................................3
MS{anynode},MI6 Maximum Permitted Ring Errors in One Second..............................................................3
MS{anynode},MI7 (Reserved for future use) ...................................................................................................3
MS{anynode},MI8 MACRO Ring Check Period..............................................................................................3
MS{anynode},MI9 MACRO Ring Error Shutdown Count ...............................................................................3
Global I/O Transfer MI-Variables.............................................................................................................................7
MS{anynode},MI19 I/O Data Transfer Period ................................................................................................7
MS{anynode},MI20 Data Transfer Enable Mask ............................................................................................7
MS{anynode},MI21-MI68 Data Transfer Source and Destination Address .....................................................8
MACRO IC I/O Transfer MI-Variables....................................................................................................................9
MS{anynode},MI69, MI70 I/O-Board 16-Bit Transfer Control.......................................................................9
MS{anynode},MI71 I/O-Board 24-Bit Transfer Control ...............................................................................11
MS{node},MI930 Absolute Power-On Position (Read Only) .........................................................................45
MS{node},MI931-MI937 (Reserved for Future use).......................................................................................46
MS{node},MI938 Servo IC Status Word (Read Only).....................................................................................46
MS{node},MI939 Servo IC Control Word (Read Only)..................................................................................46
MACRO/SERVO IC 4-Axis Servo IC MI-variables...............................................................................................46
Table of Contents 5
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
MS{anynode},MI940 ADC1-4 Strobe Word ...................................................................................................46
MS{anynode},MI941 ADC5-8 Strobe Word ...................................................................................................46
MACRO IC MI-variables........................................................................................................................................46
MS{anynode},MI942 ADC Strobe Word Channel 1* & 2* (Not used)...........................................................46
MS{anynode},MI943 Phase and Servo Direction ...........................................................................................47
MS{anynode},MI944-MI949 (Reserved for future use) ..................................................................................47
MACRO IC Setup MI-variables..............................................................................................................................47
MS{anynode},MI970-MI973 (Reserved for Future Use) ................................................................................47
MS{anynode},MI1974 Station Display Status (Read Only) ............................................................................47
MS{anynode},MI975 MACRO IC 0 I/O Node Enable ....................................................................................47
MS{anynode},MI976 MACRO IC 0 Motor Node Disable...............................................................................48
MS{anynode},MI977 Motor Nodes Reporting Ring Break .............................................................................48
MS{anynode},MI978-MI986 (Reserved for future use) ..................................................................................49
MACRO IC A/D Converter Demultiplex Control...................................................................................................49
MACRO IC MI-Variables.......................................................................................................................................50
MS{anynode},MI992 MaxPhase Frequency Control......................................................................................50
MS{anynode},MI993 Hardware Clock Control Handwheel Channels...........................................................50
MS{anynode},MI994 PWM Deadtime / PFM Pulse Width Control for Handwheel.....................................52
MS{anynode},MI995 MACRO Ring Configuration/Status .............................................................................53
MS{anynode},MI996 MACRO Node Activate Control ...................................................................................53
MS{anynode},MI997 Phase Clock Frequency Control...................................................................................55
MS{anynode},MI998 Servo Clock Frequency Control ...................................................................................55
MS{anynode},MI999 Handwheel DAC Strobe Word (Not used) ....................................................................56
16-AXIS MACRO CPU STATION MM AND MP-VARIABLES........................................................................57
16-AXIS MACRO CPU STATION MACPLCCS ..................................................................................................59
Arithmetic Data Types ............................................................................................................................................59
MACRO MI Integer Variables (n = 0 – 1099)........................................................................................................59
MACRO MM and MP Integer Variables (n = 0 – 511) ..........................................................................................59
Direct Memory Addressing for Integer Ln & Ln[] Variable Definitions............................................................59
Standard MACRO Program Commands .................................................................................................................59
Special MACRO Program Commands....................................................................................................................60
Valid Math, Assignment and Conditional Operators ..............................................................................................60
Valid Expressions and Arrays.................................................................................................................................60
Example Program....................................................................................................................................................60
MAC PLCC Related ASCII Commands .................................................................................................................61
16-AXIS MACRO CPU STATION SERIAL COMMANDS.................................................................................63
$$$ Station Reset .............................................................................................................................................63
CHN Report Channel Number ...........................................................................................................................63
CID Report Card ID Number............................................................................................................................63
CLRFClear Station Faults................................................................................................................................63
DATEReport Firmware Date ...........................................................................................................................63
DISABLE PLCC or CNTRL DDisables PLCC .................................................................................................63
MS Command .....................................................................................................................................................67
MS Variable Read...............................................................................................................................................68
MS Variable Write ..............................................................................................................................................68
MS Variable Read Copy .....................................................................................................................................69
MS Variable Write Copy.....................................................................................................................................69
Turbo PMAC PLC Commands for Type 1 16-Axis MACRO Stations...................................................................70
MS Variable Read Copy .....................................................................................................................................70
MS Variable Write Copy.....................................................................................................................................70
16-AXIS MACRO CPU STATION MEMORY AND I/O MAP ...........................................................................73
Global Servo Calculation Registers.........................................................................................................................73
MM and MP Variables Table..................................................................................................................................74
Open Memory .........................................................................................................................................................74
MACRO UBUS Port I/O Registers.........................................................................................................................78
DSPGATE2 Channel 1* and Channel 2*................................................................................................................83
MACRO CPU Node Addresses ..............................................................................................................................86
Table of Contents 7
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
The 16-Axis MACRO Station is set up through its own set of initialization I-variables, which are distinct
from the I-variables on PMAC. Usually, they are referenced as MI-variables (e.g. MI900) to distinguish
them from the PMAC’s own I-variables, although they can be referenced just as I-variables.
These MI-variables can be accessed from the Turbo PMAC2 Ultralite through the on-line
MS{node#},MI{variable#} read and MS{node#},MI{variable#}={constant} write
commands, or the MSR{node#},MI{variable#},{PMAC variable} read-copy and
MSW{node#},MI{variable#},{PMACvariable} write-copy commands (either on-line or
background PLC), where {node#} specifies the MACRO node number (0 to 15), {variable#}
specifies the number of the Station MI-variable (0 - 1999), {constant} represents the numerical value to
be written to the Station MI-variable, or {PMAC variable} specifies the value to be copied to or from
the Station MI-variable.
For most Station MI-variables, the {node#} specifier can take the number of any active node on the
station (usually the lowest-numbered active node). These variables have MS{anynode} in the header of
their descriptions below.
However, there are several node-specific MI-variables. These variables are in the range MI910 to MI939.
For these variables, the node specifier must contain the specific node number for the MACRO node they
affect. These variables have MS{node} in the header of their descriptions below.
Global MI-Variables
MS{anynode},MI0 Station Firmware Version (Read Only)
Range: 1.200 - 9.999
Units: Revision numbers
MS{anynode},MI1 Station Firmware Date (Read Only)
Range: 01/01/00 – 12/31/99
Units: MM/DD/YY
This variable, when queried, reports the date of implementation of the firmware on the 16-Axis MACRO
Station. The date is reported in the North American style of month/day/year with two decimal digits for
The PMAC command MSDATE, which polls this value, turns the year into a 4-digit value before
reporting the value to the host computer.
MS{anynode},MI2 Station ID and User Configuration Word
Range: $000000 - $FFFFFF
Units: none
Default: 0
This variable permits the user to write a station identification number to the 16-Axis MACRO Station.
Typically, when the software setup of a Station is complete, a unique value is written to this MI-variable
in the station, and saved with the other MI-variables. On power-up/reset, the controller can query MI2 as
a quick test to see if the Station has been set up properly for the application. If it does not report the
expected value, the controller can download and save the setup values.
16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference 1
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
MS{anynode},MI3 Station Rotary Switch Setting
Range: $00 - $FF
Units: none
This variable, when queried, reports the setting of the two rotary hex switches on the 16-Axis MACRO
Station. The first hex digit reports the setting of SW1; the second reports the setting of SW2.
It is possible to write a value to this variable, but this should not be done.
MS{anynode},MI4 Station Status Word (Read Only)
Range: $000000 - $FFFFFF
Units: Bits
This variable, when queried, reports the value of the current status word bits for the 16-Axis MACRO
Station. The value reported should be broken into bits. Each bit reports the presence or absence of a
particular fault on the Station. If the bit is 0, the fault has not occurred since Station faults were last
cleared. If the bit is 1, the fault has occurred since Station faults were last cleared.
Fault Description
0 CPU – Fault (No MACRO IC #1 detected)
1 Ring Error - Temporary
2 Ring Break
3 Station Fault - Station Shutdown
4 Ring Fault - Any permanent Ring fault
5 Spare
6 Amplifier Fault
7 Ring Break Received
8 Spare
9 Spare
10 Spare
11 Spare
12 Ring Active
13 Spare
14 Detected a MACRO or SERVO IC configuration change or SW1 change from last save.
15 Detected UBUS SERVO IC #7 Attached to MACRO IC #0 & 1 (2 channels each)
16 Detected UBUS SERVO IC #6 Attached to MACRO IC #1
17 Detected UBUS SERVO IC #5 Attached to MACRO IC #0
18 Detected UBUS SERVO IC #4 Attached to MACRO IC #1
19 Detected UBUS SERVO IC #3 Attached to MACRO IC #1
20 Detected UBUS SERVO IC #2 Attached to MACRO IC #0
21 Detected UBUS SERVO IC #1 Attached to MACRO IC #0
22 Detected CPU MACRO IC #1 ($C0C0)
23 Detected CPU MACRO IC #0 ($C080)
Any of the fault bits that are set can be cleared with the MSCLRF{anynode} (clear fault) command, or
the MS$$${anynode} (Station reset) command.
2 16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
MS{anynode},MI5 Ring Error Counter
Range: $000000 - $FFFFFF
Units: Error Count
This variable, when queried, reports the number of ring communications errors detected by the 16-Axis
MACRO Station since the most recent power-up or reset.
It is possible to write a value to this variable, but this should not be done if you are
using MI6
The ring error counter value can be cleared to zero using the or MS$$${anynode} commands.
MS{anynode},MI6 Maximum Permitted Ring Errors in One Second
Range: $0000000 - $FFFFFFF
Units: Errors per second
This variable sets the maximum number of ring errors that can be detected by the 16-Axis MACRO
Station in a one second period without causing it to shut down for ring failure.
MS{anynode},MI7 (Reserved for future use)
Range: 0
Units: none
Default: 0
MS{anynode},MI8 MACRO Ring Check Period
Range: 0 - 255
Units: Station phase cycles
Default: 8
MI8 determines the period, in phase cycles, for the 16-Axis MACRO Station to evaluate whether there
has been a MACRO ring failure or not. Every phase cycle, the Station checks the ring communications
status. In MI8 phase cycles (or MACRO ring cycles), the Station must receive at least MI10 “sync
packets” and detect fewer than MI9 ring communications errors, to conclude that the ring is operating
correctly. Otherwise, it will conclude that the ring is not operating properly, set its servo command output
values to zero, set its amplifier enable outputs to the “disable” state, and force all of its digital outputs to
their “shutdown” state as defined by I72-I89, and report a ring fault.
If MI8 is set to 0 at power-on/reset, the 16-Axis MACRO Station will automatically set it to 8.
MS{anynode},MI9 MACRO Ring Error Shutdown Count
Range: 0 - 255
Units: none
Default: 4
MI9 determines the number of MACRO communications errors detected that will cause a shutdown fault
of the 16-Axis MACRO Station. If the Station detects MI9 or greater MACRO communications errors in
MI8 phase (MACRO ring) cycles, it will shut down on a MACRO communications fault, turning off all
The Station can detect one ring communications error per phase cycle. Setting MI9 greater than MI8
means that the Station will never shut down for ring communications error.
16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference 3
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
The Station can detect four types of communications errors: byte violation errors, packet checksum errors,
packet overrun errors, and packet under run errors. If MI9 errors have occurred in the MI8 check period,
and at least half of these errors are byte “violation” errors, the Station will conclude that there is a ring
break immediately upstream of it (if there are no ring input communications to the Station, there will be
continual byte violation errors). In this case, not only will it set its servo command output values to zero,
set its amplifier enable outputs to the “disable” state, and force all of its digital outputs to their
“shutdown” state as defined by I72-I89, but it will also turn itself into a master so it can report to other
devices downstream on the ring.
If MI9 is set to 0 at power-on/reset, the 16-Axis MACRO Station will automatically set it to 4.
MS{anynode},MI10 MACRO Sync Packet Shutdown Count
Range: 0 – 65,535
Units: none
Default: 4
MI10 determines the number of MACRO ring “sync packets” that must be received during a check period
for the Station to consider the ring to be working properly. If the Station detects fewer than MI10 sync
packets in MI8 phase (MACRO ring) cycles, it will shut down on a MACRO communications fault,
setting its servo command output values to zero, setting its amplifier enable outputs to the “disable” state,
and forcing all of its digital outputs to their shutdown state as defined by I72-I89.
The node number (0-15) of the sync packet is determined by bits 16-19 of Station variable MI996. On the
16-Axis MACRO Station, this is always node 15 ($F), because this node is always active for MACRO
Type 1 auxiliary communications.
The Station checks each phase cycle to see if a sync packet has been received or not. Setting MI10 to 0
means the Station will never shut down for lack of sync packets. Setting MI10 greater than MI8 means
that the Station will always shut down for lack of sync packets.
If MI10 is set to 0 at power-on/reset, the 16-Axis MACRO Station will automatically set it to 4.
MS{anynode},MI11 Station Order Number
Range: 0 – 254
Units: none
Default: 0
MI11 contains the station-order number of the 16-Axis MACRO Station on the ring. This permits it to
respond to auxiliary MACROSTASCII<n=Station Order Number> commands from a Turbo PMAC ring
controller, regardless of the 16-Axis MACRO Station’s rotary-switch settings.
The station ordering scheme permits the ring controller to isolate each master or slave station on the ring
in sequence and communicate with it, without knowing in advance how the ring is configured or whether
there are any conflicts in the regular addressing scheme. This is very useful for the initial setup and
debugging of the ring configuration.
Normally, station order numbers of devices on the ring are assigned in numerical order, with the station
downstream of the ring controller getting station-order number 1. This does not have to be the case,
Unordered stations have the station-order number 0. When the ring controller executes a
MACROSTASCII255 command, the first unordered station in the ring will respond.
MI11 can also be set with the ASCII command STN={constant}. The value of MI11 can also be
queried with the ASCII command STN.
Default MACRO #1 is the default source of the Phase clock. Setting MI14 = 0, sets MACRO IC #0 as
the source of the Phase clock. Normally the second MACRO IC #1 receives its node information after
MACRO IC #0, so it should be the source of the phase clock. This insures that both MACRO ICs receive
the ring node data before a phase interrupt is generated.
MS{anynode},MI15 Enable MACRO Plcc
Range: 0 - 1
Units: none
Default: 0
MI15 enables and disables the PLCCs running in the 16-Axis MACRO CPU.
MACRO IC Global Channel Status Setup MI-Variables
Each MACRO IC (0 and 1) has its own set of these variables. Therefore, they are accessed through their
MACRO IC. For example, MS0,MI16 accesses MACRO IC 0’s MI16 and MS16,MI16 accesses
MACRO IC 1’s MI16. MACRO IC 1’s variables can be accessed can be accessed through MACRO IC 0
by adding 1000 to the MI variable. For example, MS0,MI1016 accesses MACRO IC 1’s MI16
MS{anynode},MI16 Encoder-Fault Reporting Control
Range: 0 - 1
Units: none
Default: 0
MI16 permits the user to control which type of encoder error is reported back to PMAC in the channel
status flag word for each servo interface channel.
If MI16 is set to 0 (default), then the encoder count-error status bit (bit 8 in the channel hardware status
word) for each encoder channel is copied into bit 8 of the matching node’s status flag word for
transmission back to the PMAC. An encoder count error is reported when both A and B encoder signals
have a transition in the same SCLK hardware sampling cycle.
16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference 5
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
If MI16 is set to 1, then the ASIC’s own encoder-loss status bit (bit 7 in the channel hardware status
word) for each encoder channel is copied into bit 8 of the matching node’s status flag word for
transmission back to the PMAC. Note that this reporting function is unrelated to the automatic encoderloss shutdown function using external circuitry that can be enabled with MI7 and reported in MI4.
In order for this encoder-loss detection to work properly, several conditions must apply:
• A B version or newer of the DSPGATE1/2 Servo/MACRO IC must be used (true on boards built
since Spring 1998).
• Differential encoders must be used.
• The A+, A-, B+, and B- encoder signals must be wired into the T, U, V, and W supplemental flag
inputs, respectively, as well as into the regular encoder lines.
• The socketed resistor SIP packs for the encoder channels must be reversed from their factory default
configuration. These SIP packs are installed at the factory so that pin 1 of the pack – marked with a
dot – is installed in pin 1 of the socket – marked with a bold white outline and a square solder pin on
the board. For this encoder-loss to work, the SIP-pack for each encoder must be reversed so that it is
at the opposite end of the socket. The SIP packs are:
Board Encoder 1 Encoder 2 Encoder 3 Encoder 4
ACC-24E2 RP22 RP24 RP22* RP24*
ACC-24E2A RP22 RP24 RP22* RP24*
ACC-24E2S RP19 RP21 RP27 RP29
*Resistor packs on Option 1 top board of 2-board assembly
• MI16 must be set to 1.
If the T, U, V, and W input flags are used for different purposes, such as Hall commutation sensors, or
sub-count information from an analog encoder interpolator, the state of the encoder-loss status bit would
appear random and arbitrary.
The state of the encoder-loss hardware status bit for a channel can be polled with MI927 for the node
mapped to the channel. If it has been set, it can be cleared by writing a 0 value to MI927.
As long as the socketed resistor pack for an encoder is reversed from the factory
default configuration, the 16-Axis MACRO Station will be able to detect
differential encoder loss and shut down on it, even without wiring the encoder
signals into T, U, V, and W. However, unless the signals are wired into these flag
lines and MI16 is set to 1, the 16-Axis MACRO Station will not be able to notify
PMAC exactly which encoder sustained the loss.
MS{anynode},MI17 Amplifier Fault Disable Control
Range: $00 - $FF
Units: none
Default: $00 (amplifier function enabled for all axes)
This variable controls whether the amplifier input to the machine interface channel mapped to each servo
node by SW1 is used as one of the conditions that creates a node fault to be sent back to the PMAC over
the MACRO ring.
The variable consists of eight bits; each bit controls the disabling of the amplifier fault input for one of the
nodes on the Station. A 0 in the bit specifies that the amplifier fault input is to be used (enabled); a 1 in
the bit specifies that the amplifier fault input is not to be used (disabled). The corresponding bit of MI18
determines the polarity of the input if it is enabled.
6 16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
The following table shows the relationship between the bits of MI17 and the servo nodes on the Station:
MI17 Bit #
Node #
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
13 12 9 8 5 4 1 0
MS{anynode},MI18 Amplifier Fault Polarity
Range: $00 - $FF
Units: none
Default: $00 (low-true fault for all nodes)
This variable controls how the 16-Axis MACRO Station interprets the polarity of the amplifier fault
inputs for each servo node. The variable consists of eight bits; each bit controls the polarity for one of the
servo nodes on the Station. A 0 in a bit specifies a low-true fault (low voltage input means fault); a 1 in a
bit specifies a high-true fault (high voltage input means fault). A bit of MI18 is only used if the
corresponding bit of MI17 is set to 0, enabling the amplifier fault function for that node.
The following table shows the relationship between the bits of MI18 and the servo nodes on the Station:
MI19 controls the data transfer period on a 16-Axis MACRO Station between the MACRO node interface
registers and the I/O registers, as specified by station MI-variables MI20 through MI71, and MI169
through MI172. If MI19 is set to 0, this data transfer is disabled. If MI19 is greater than 0, its value sets
the period in Phase clock cycles (the same as MACRO communications cycles) at which the transfer is
MI20 controls which of 48 possible data transfer operations are performed at the data transfer period set
by MI19. MI20 is a 48-bit value; each bit controls whether the data transfer specified by one of the
variables MI21 through MI68 is performed. The relationship of MI20 bits to MI21-MI68 transfers is
explained in the following table.
These MI-variables each specify a data transfer (copying) operation that will occur on the 16-Axis
MACRO Station at a rate specified by Station Variable MI19, and enabled by Station variable MI20.
Each variable specifies the address from which the data will be copied (read), and the address to which
the data will be copied (written). These variables are 48-bit values, usually specified as 12 hexadecimal
The first 24 bits (6 hex digits) specify the address of the register on the 16-Axis MACRO Station from
which the data is to be copied; the second 24 bits (six hex digits) specify the address on the 16-Axis
MACRO Station to which the data is to be copied. In each set of six hex digits, the last four hex digits
specify the actual address. The first two digits (eight bits) specify what portion of the address is to be
The following diagram shows what each digit represents:
Hex Digit #
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
From Register Address To
To Register Address
8 16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
The following table shows the 2-digit hex format codes and the portions of the address that each one
Code X or Y Bit WidthBit RangeNotes
$40 Y 8 0-7
$48 Y 8 8-15
$50 Y 8 16-23
$54 Y 12 0-11 Lower 12-bit ADC registers
$60 Y 12 12-23 Upper 12-bit ADC registers
$64 Y 16 0-15
$6C Y 16 8-23 16-bit MACRO Servo Node Registers
$78 Y 24 0-23 24-bit MACRO Servo Node Registers
$7E NA NA NA Use the MM variable definition for the
decode of the variable and address and the
address being the MM variable number.
$B0 X 8 0-7
$B8 X 8 8-15
$C0 X 8 16-23
$C4 X 12 0-11
$D0 X 12 12-23
$D4 X 16 0-15
$DC X 16 8-23 16-bit MACRO I/O Node Registers
$E8 X 24 0-23 24-bit MACRO I/O Node Registers
The memory and I/O map at the back of this Software Reference manual provides a detailed list of
registers that can be copied using these MI-variables.
For copying data between digital I/O cards with byte-wide data paths (ACC-9E,
10E, 11E, 12E, 14E, 65E, 66E, 67E and 68E) and MACRO nodes, it is generally
better to use MI69 – MI71, and MI169 – MI172.
copies 24-bit data from Station address Y:$0200 to X:$C0A0
copies MM2 into MM3 ( MM3 = MM2)
MACRO IC I/O Transfer MI-Variables
Each MACRO IC (0 and 1) has its own set of these variables. Therefore, they are accessed through their
MACRO IC. For example, MS0,MI69 accesses MACRO IC 0’s MI69 and MS16,MI69 accesses
MACRO IC 1’s MI69. MACRO IC 1’s variables can be accessed can be accessed through MACRO IC 0
by adding 1000 to the MI variable. For example, MS0,MI1069 accesses MACRO IC 1’s MI69.
MS{anynode},MI69, MI70 I/O-Board 16-Bit Transfer Control
MI69 and MI70 specify the registers used in 16-bit I/O transfers between MACRO node interface
registers and I/O registers on the 9E, 10E, 11E, 12E, 14E, 65E, 66E, 67E, and ACC-68E I/O boards on a
16-Axis MACRO Station. They are used only if MI19 is greater than 0.
16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference 9
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
MI69 and MI70 are 48-bit variables represented as 12 hexadecimal digits. The first six digits specify the
number and address of 48-bit (3 x 16) real-time MACRO-node register sets to be used. The second six
digits specify the number and address of 16-bit I/O sets on an UMAC IO board to be used. The
individual digits are specified as follows:
Digit # Possible Values Description
1 0, 1, 2, 3 Number of MACRO I/O nodes to use (0 disables); this
should also match the number of 48-bit I/O sets you
intend to use (see Digit 7)
7 0, 1, 2, 3 Number of 16-bit I/O sets to use (1x16, 2x16, 3x16; 0
8 1 Set to 1 for ACC-14E, ACC-65E, ACC-66E, ACC-67E
9-12 $8800, $8840
$8880, $88C0
MACRO Station X Address of MACRO I/O node first
of three 16-bit registers
consecutive address read (Base, +$1000, +$2000)
MACRO Station Y Base Address of UMAC IO Card
When this function is active, the 16-Axis MACRO Station will copy values from the MACRO command
(input) node registers to the I/O board addresses; it will copy values from the I/O board addresses to the
MACRO feedback (output) node registers. Writing a ‘0’ to a bit of the I/O board enables it as an input,
letting the output pull high. Writing a ‘1’ to a bit of the I/O board enables it as an output and pulls the
output low.
The following table shows the mapping of I/O points on the I/O backplane boards to the MACRO node
1st 1 & 2 Low 32 - 47 Specified MACRO X Address + 2
2nd 2 & 3* Middle 0 –15 Specified MACRO X Address + 4
2nd 2 & 3* Middle 16 – 31 Specified MACRO X Address + 5
2nd 2 & 3* Middle 32 - 47 Specified MACRO X Address + 6
3rd 4 & 5 High 0 –15 Specified MACRO X Address + 8
3rd 4 & 5 High 16 – 31 Specified MACRO X Address + 9
3rd 4 & 5 High 32 - 47 Specified MACRO X Address + 10
* Rows 3 & 4 connected creates same setting
E6x Rows
Byte on
Data Bus
I/O Point
#s on
Matching MACRO X Register
MI69=$30C0A1308800 transfers three sets of 48-bit I/O between an I/O board set at $8800 and
MACRO Nodes 2 ($C0A1-$C0A3), 3 ($C0A5-$C0A7), and 6 ($C0A9-$C0AB).
MI70=$10C0B1308840 transfers one set of 48-bit I/O between an I/O board set at $8840 and MACRO
Node 10 ($C0B1-$C0B3).
10 16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
MS{anynode},MI71 I/O-Board 24-Bit Transfer Control
MI71 specifies the registers used in 24-bit I/O transfers between MACRO I/O node interface registers and
I/O registers on the 9E, 10E, 11E, 12E, 14E, 65E, 66E, 67E, and 68E I/O boards on a 16-Axis MACRO
Station. It is only used if MI19 is greater than 0.
MI71 is a 48-bit variable represented as 12 hexadecimal digits. The first six digits specify the number
and address of 48-bit real-time MACRO-node register sets to be used. The second six digits specify the
number and address of 48-bit I/O sets on an UMAC IO board to be used. The individual digits are
specified as follows:
Digit # Possible Values Description
1 0, 1, 2, 3 Number of MACRO I/O nodes to use times 2 (0
disables); this should also match the number of 48-bit
I/O sets you intend to use (see Digit 7)
7 0, 1, 2 Number of 24-bit I/O sets to use (1x24, 2x24; 0
8 1 Set to 1 for ACC-14E, ACC-65E, ACC-66E, ACC-67E
9-12 $8800, $8840
$8880, $88C0
MACRO Station X Address of MACRO I/O node first
of three 16-bit registers
consecutive address read (Base, +$1000, +$2000)
MACRO Station Y Base Address of UMAC IO card
When this function is active, the 16-Axis MACRO Station will copy values from the MACRO command
(input) node registers to the I/O board addresses; it will copy values from the I/O board addresses to the
MACRO feedback (output) node registers. Writing a ‘0’ to a bit of the I/O board enables it as an input,
letting the output pull high. Writing a ‘1’ to a bit of the I/O board enables it as an output and pulls the
output low.
The following table shows the mapping of I/O points on the I/O backplane boards to the MACRO node
Board # at
1st 1 & 2 Low 0 –23 Specified MACRO X Address + 0
1st 1 & 2 Low 24 – 47 Specified MACRO X Address + 4
2nd 2 & 3* Middle 0 –23 Specified MACRO X Address + 8
2nd 2 & 3* Middle 24 – 47 Specified MACRO X Address + 12
3rd 4 & 5 High 0 –23 Specified MACRO X Address + 16
3rd 4 & 5 High 24 – 47 Specified MACRO X Address + 20
* Rows 3 and 4 connected creates same setting
E6x Rows
Byte on
Data Bus
I/O Point
#s on
Matching MACRO X Register
16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference 11
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
MS{anynode},MI72-MI89 Output Power-On/Shutdown State
Range: $000000 - $FFFFFF
Units: Individual bit values
Default: $000000
MI72 through MI89 are used to determine the states of the digital outputs for 16-Axis MACRO Station
I/O boards at power-on and on controlled station shutdown due to a ring error condition.
Each of these MI-variables is a 24-bit value controlling 24 consecutively numbered I/O points on a
MACRO I/O board. Each bit controls one I/O point. The least significant bit of the MI-variable controls
the lowest-numbered I/O point; the most significant bit controls the highest-numbered I/O point.
A value of 0 in a bit specifies that the corresponding output is to be turned off at power-on or shutdown; a
value of 1 in a bit specifies that the corresponding output is to be turned on at power-on or shutdown. If
an I/O point has been set up as an input, the value of the bit is not important.
The following table shows which I/O points are controlled by each of these MI-variables
Variable Board Addressed
by Variable
MI72 MI69 I/O00 – I/O23 Option A Yes
MI73 MI69 I/O24 – I/O47 Option A Yes
MI74 MI69 I/O48 – I/O71 Option B No
MI75 MI69 I/O72 – I/O95 Option B No
MI76 MI69 I/O96 – I/O119 Option C No
MI77 MI69 I/O120 – I/O143 Option C No
MI78 MI70 I/O00 – I/O23 Option A Yes
MI79 MI70 I/O24 – I/O47 Option A Yes
MI80 MI70 I/O48 – I/O71 Option B No
MI81 MI70 I/O72 – I/O95 Option B No
MI82 MI70 I/O96 – I/O119 Option C No
MI83 MI70 I/O120 – I/O143 Option C No
MI84 MI71 I/O00 – I/O23 Option A Yes
MI85 MI71 I/O24 – I/O47 Option A Yes
MI86 MI71 I/O48 – I/O71 Option B No
MI87 MI71 I/O72 – I/O95 Option B No
MI88 MI71 I/O96 – I/O119 Option C No
MI89 MI71 I/O120 – I/O143 Option C No
I/O Points
ACC-3E Option
Present on
MS{anynode},MI90 Y:MTR Servo Channel Disable and MI996 Enable
Range: $00 - $3333
Units: None
Default: $0000
MI996 = MI996 | (MI90 & $3333)
The servo channel nodes that are enabled in MI996 by MI90 are disabled as servo transfer channels.
MI90 = $3000 will disable servo channel transfers on nodes 12 and 13 and sets nodes 12 and 13 on
MI996. This allows the use of these nodes by MI91 – MI98 for data transfer.
12 16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
MS{anynode},MI91 - MI98 Phase Interrupt 24 Bit Data Copy
Each MACRO IC (0 and 1) has its own set of these variables. Therefore, they are accessed through their
MACRO IC. For example, MS0,MI101 accesses MACRO IC 0’s MI101 and MS16,MI101 accesses
MACRO IC 1’s MI101. MACRO IC 1’s variables can be accessed can be accessed through MACRO IC
0 by adding 1000 to the MI variable. For example, MS0,MI1101 accesses MACRO IC 1’s MI101.
MS{anynode},MI101-MI108 Ongoing Position Source Address
Range: $0000 - $FFFF
Units: 16-Axis MACRO Station “X” Addresses
Default MACRO IC 0:
MI101 (1st motor node: Node 0): $0010 {1st line of encoder conversion table}
MI102 (2
MI103 (3
MI104 (4
MI105 (5
MI106 (6
MI107 (7
MI108 (8
Default MACRO IC 1:
MI101 (1st motor node: Node 0): $0090 {1st line of encoder conversion table}
MI102 (2
MI103 (3
MI104 (4
MI105 (5
MI106 (6
MI107 (7
MI108 (8
MI101 through MI108 (MI10x) determine what registers are used for feedback for the eight possible
motor nodes (MI10x controls the xth motor node, which usually corresponds to Motor x on PMAC) on a
16-Axis MACRO Station.
motor node: Node 1): $0011 {2nd line of encoder conversion table}
motor node: Node 4): $0012 {3rd line of encoder conversion table}
motor node: Node 5): $0013 {4th line of encoder conversion table}
motor node: Node 8): $0014 {5th line of encoder conversion table}
motor node: Node 9): $0015 {6th line of encoder conversion table}
motor node: Node 12): $0016 {7th line of encoder conversion table}
motor node: Node 13): $0017 {8th line of encoder conversion table}
motor node: Node 1): $0091 {2nd line of encoder conversion table}
motor node: Node 4): $0092 {3rd line of encoder conversion table}
motor node: Node 5): $0093 {4th line of encoder conversion table}
motor node: Node 8): $0094 {5th line of encoder conversion table}
motor node: Node 9): $0095 {6th line of encoder conversion table}
motor node: Node 12): $0096 {7th line of encoder conversion table}
motor node: Node 13): $0097 {8th line of encoder conversion table}
For each active motor node, the value in the specified register is copied into the 24-bit position feedback
MACRO register. Typically, the addresses specified are those from the 16-Axis MACRO Station’s
encoder conversion table, at Station registers X:$0010 to X:$002F, corresponding to Station MI-variables
MI120 to MI151, respectively.
16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference 13
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
MS{anynode},MI109 - MI110 (Reserved for Future Use)
MS{anynode},MI111-MI118 Power-Up Position Source Address
MI111 through MI118 (MI11x) specify whether, where, and how absolute position is to be read on the
16-Axis MACRO Station for a motor node (MI11x controls the xth motor node, which usually
corresponds to Motor x on PMAC) and sent back to the PMAC or PMAC2.
If MI11x is set to 0, no power-on/reset absolute position value will be returned to PMAC. If MI11x is set
to a value greater than 0, then when the PMAC requests the absolute position because its Ix10 and/or Ix81
values are set to obtain absolute position through MACRO (sending an auxiliary MS{node},MI920 or
MS{node},MI930 command), the 16-Axis MACRO Station will use MI11x to determine how to read
the absolute position, and report that position back to PMAC as an auxiliary response.
motor node: Node 1)
motor node: Node 4)
motor node: Node 5)
motor node: Node 8)
motor node: Node 9)
motor node: Node 12)
motor node: Node 13)
MI11x consists of two parts. The low 16 bits (last four hexadecimal digits) specify the address on the 16axis MACRO Station from which the absolute position information is read. The high eight bits (first two
hexadecimal digits) tell the 16-axis MACRO Station how to interpret the data at that address (the method.
The following table shows the possible values for MI11x, organized by the first two digits:
Single-X-Word Parallel (8 to 24
Double-X-Word Parallel (25 to
42 bits)
Converter thru Multiplexer Port
Converter thru RS-232 interface
Used for ACC-3E parallel feedback;
Middle byte is at {address + 1};
Most significant byte is at {address + 2}
Used for ACC-28B A/D converter feedback
Used for ACC-1E-B2 or ACC-6E A/D converter
Value in B16-23 is number of bits to read
Value in B16-23 is number of bits; most
significant bits are at {address + 1}
Used for ACC-8D Opt 9 connected to CPU board
JTHW port; address is multiplexer port address
($00 - $FF)
Used for ACC-8D Opt 9 connected to CPU board
serial port.
If Bit 23 of MI11x is set to 1 (providing the value for Bits 16-23 shown in parentheses), then the position
value read is sign extended to produce a signed position value. If Bit 23 is set to 0, no sign extension is
performed, producing an unsigned positive position value. Bit 23 of PMAC’s Ix10 for the motor using
this MACRO node must be the same as Bit 23 of the Station’s MI11x.
Range: $000000 - $FFFFFF
Units: Extended 16-Axis MACRO Station Addresses
Default: (dependent on SW1 setting)
MI120 through MI151 form the 32-setup lines of the 16-axis MACRO Station’s Encoder Conversion
Table (ECT). The Encoder Conversion Table on the Station is similar in concept to that of the PMAC or
PMAC2 itself; it is identical in structure to the Encoder Conversion Table of the Turbo PMAC. The 16axis MACRO Station’s table is executed every ring cycle to prepare the feedback data to be sent back to
the PMAC over the MACRO ring, where it will likely be passed through the PMAC’s own table.
The ECT consists of a series of entries with each entry processing one feedback value. An entry in the
ECT can have one, two, or three lines, therefore one, two, or three of these 24-bit MI-variables. Each MIvariable occupies a fixed register in the 16-axis MACRO Station’s memory map. The register addresses
are important, because the results of the ECT are accessed by address.
Table Addresses: The following table shows the Station Y-address for each of the MI-variables in the
table. The processed feedback value for an entry resides in the X-register of the same address as the last
line of the entry. Variable MI10x for the xth motor node on the Station should contain the address of this
X-register for the feedback it wants to send back to PMAC over the MACRO ring.
Entry First Line: The first line (MI-variable) in each entry consists of a source address in the low 16
bits, which contains the Station address of the raw data to be processed, and a method value in the high 8
bits, which specifies how this data is to be processed.
Entry Additional Lines: Depending on the method, 1 or 2 additional lines (MI-variables) may be
required in the entry to provide further instructions on processing. If the first line (MI-variable) in the
entry is $000000, this signifies the end of the active table, regardless of what subsequent entries in the
table (higher numbered MI-variables) contain.
Method # of
Process Defined 1
Additional Line 2nd Additional Line
$0x 1 1/T Extension of Incremental
$1x 1 ACC-28 style A/D converter
(high 16 bits, no rollover)
$2x 2 Parallel Y-word data, no filtering Bits-Used Mask $3x 3 Parallel Y-word data, with
$4x 2 Time Base scaled digital
$5x 2 Integrated ACC-28 style A/D
$6x 2 Parallel X-word data, no filtering Bits-Used Mask $7x 3 Parallel X-word data, with
$8x 1 Parallel Extension of Incremental
$9x 2 Triggered Time Base, frozen Time Base Scale Factor -
$Ax 2 Triggered Time Base, running Time Base Scale Factor $Bx 2 Triggered Time Base, armed Time Base Scale Factor $Cx 1 Incremental Encoder, no
- -
- -
Bits-Used Mask Max Change per Cycle
Time Base Scale Factor -
Input Bias -
Bits-Used Mask Max Change per Cycle
- -
- -
16 16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
$Dx 3 Exponential filter of parallel data Max Change per Cycle Filter Gain (Inverse
Time Constant)
$Ex 1 Sum or difference of entries - -
$Fx 3 High-resolution Interpolator Address of 1st A/D
A/D Bias Term
Digital Incremental Encoder Entries ($0x, $Cx): These two conversion table methods utilize the
incremental encoder registers in the DSPGATE ASICs on the Station. Each method provides a processed
result with the units of (1/32) count – the low five bits are fractional data.
With the $0x method, the fractional data is computed by dividing the Time Since Last Count register by
the Time Between Last Two Counts register. This technique is known as 1/T extension, and is the most
commonly used method. It can be used with a digital incremental encoder connected directly to the
With the $Cx method, the fractional data is always set to zero, which means there is no extension of the
incremental encoder count. This setting is used mainly to verify the effect of one of the 1/T extension, or
the parallel extension of an analog encoder, explained below.
The ‘x’ in the second digit is always 0 in both of these methods.
With either of these conversion methods, the source address in the low 16 bits is that of the starting
register of the machine interface channel. The addresses of the machine interface channels that can be
used, and the ECT entry MI-variables that correspond to them, are shown in the following tables. The
‘m’ is the conversion method, representing ‘0’ (Incremental Encoder-1/T interpolation extension) or ‘C’
(Incremental Encoder-no extension).
These are single-line entries in the table, so the next line (MI-Variable) is the start of the next entry.
Analog Incremental Encoder Entries ($8x, $Fx): These two entries process data from analog sinewave
encoders through a Delta Tau interpolator, providing a high number of position states per line using
fractional count data.
Low Resolution: With the $8x method, the fractional data is computed by reading the five inputs at bits
19-23 of the specified address (USER, W, V, U, and T flag inputs, respectively). This technique is
known as parallel extension and can be used with an analog incremental encoder processed through
accessories for the older Macro Stack Technology. This entry will not be utilized very often since the 16Axis Macro Station is used in backplane mode only.
16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference 17
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
High Resolution: With the $Fx method, the table computes the fractional information using the A/Dconverter data from an ACC-51E high-resolution encoder interpolator, producing a value with 4096 states
per line. The entry must read both an encoder channel for the whole number of lines of the encoder, and a
pair of A/D converters to determine the location within the line, mathematically combining the values to
produce a single position value.
Encoder Channel Address: The first line of the three-line entry contains $F in the first hex digit and the
base address of the encoder channel to be read in the last four digits (bits 0 to 15). The following table
shows the possible entries for an ACC-51E in the station.
Entry First Lines for ACC-51E Backplane Interpolator Boards
A/D Converter Address: The second line of the entry contains the base address of the first A/D
converter to be read in the last four digits (bits 0 to 15). The second A/D converter will be read at the
next higher address. The following table shows the possible settings when the ACC-51E is used.
Entry Second Lines for ACC-51E Backplane Interpolator Boards
A/D Bias Term: The third line of the entry contains the bias in the A/D converter values. This line
should contain the value that the A/D converters report when they should ideally report zero. The 16Axis MACRO Station subtracts this value from both A/D readings before calculating the arctangent.
Many users will leave this value at 0, but it is particularly useful to remove the offsets of single-ended
analog encoder signals.
This line is scaled so that the maximum A/D converter reading provides the full value of the 24-bit
register (+/-2
). Generally, it is set by reading the A/D converter values directly as 24-bit values,
computing the average value over a cycle or cycles, and entering this value here.
Conversion Result: The result of the conversion is placed in the X-register of the third line of the entry.
Careful attention must be paid to the scaling of this 24-bit result. The least significant bit (Bit 0) of the
result represents 1/4096 of a line of the sine/cosine encoder.
18 16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
When this data is passed to a PMAC, and it reads this data for servo use with Ix03, Ix04, Ix05, or Ix93, it
expects to find data in units of 1/32 of a count. Therefore, PMAC software regards this format as
producing 128 counts per line. (The fact that the hardware counter used produces 4 counts per line is not
relevant to the actual use of this format; this fact would only be used when reading the actual hardware
counter for debugging purposes.)
This format is used to interpolate a linear scale with a 40-micron pitch (40µm/line), producing a
resolution of about 10 nanometers (40,000/4096), used as position feedback for a motor. PMAC
considers a count to be 1/128 of a line, yielding a count length of 40/128 = 0.3125 µm. To set user units
of millimeters for the axis, the axis scale factor would be:
ACC-28 Style A/D Entries ($1x, $5x): The A/D feedback entries read from the high 16-bits of the
specified address and shift the data right three bits so that the least significant bit of the processed result in
bit 5. Unlike the parallel feedback methods, this method will not roll over and extend the result.
This data typically comes from an ACC-28E backplane A/D board.
The $1x method processes the information directly, essentially a copying with shift. The $5x integrates
the input value as it copies and shifts it. That is, it reads the input value, shifts it right three bits, adds the
bias term in the second line, and adds this value to the previous processed result.
If the second digit ‘x’ of the entry is ‘0’, the 16-bit source value is treated as a signed quantity; if it is ‘8’,
the 16-bit value is treated as an unsigned quantity. Presently, the only A/D accessory of this format that
can interface to the 16-axis MACRO Station is the ACC-28E, which provides an unsigned value, so $18
and $58 should be used.
The following table shows the entries for ACC-28E backplane converter board ADCs. The ‘m’
represents the conversion method, either ‘1’ or ‘5’.
Entries for ACC-28E ADCs
Entry for ADC1 Entry for ADC2 Entry for ADC3 Entry for ADC4
Parallel Feedback Entries ($2x, $3x, $6x, $7x): The parallel feedback entries read a word from the
address specified in the low 16 bits of the first entry. The four methods in this class are:
• $2x: Y-word parallel, no filtering (2-line entry)
• $3x: Y-word parallel, with filtering (3-line entry)
• $6x: X-word parallel, no filtering (2-line entry)
• $7x: X-word parallel, with filtering (3-line entry)
The second digit in the first line of the entry, represented above by ‘x’, specifies how the parallel data at
the specified address is to be processed. Currently there are 5 valid values of ‘x’:
• x=0: Shift data so that the least significant bit of the source register as specified in the “bits used”
mask word is placed in bit 5 of the processed result.
• x=4: Read the least significant byte from the low byte of the specified address; read the middle byte
from the low byte of the (specified address + 1); read the most significant byte from the low byte of
the (specified address + 2). This is used for feedback brought in through the ACC-14E 48-I/O board.
• x=5: Read the least significant byte from the middle byte of the specified address; read the middle
byte from the middle byte of the (specified address + 1); read the most significant byte from the
middle byte of the (specified address + 2). This is used for feedback brought in through the ACC14E 48-I/O board.
• x=6: Read the least significant byte from the high byte of the specified address; read the middle byte
from the high byte of the (specified address + 1); read the most significant byte from the high byte of
the (specified address + 2). This is used for feedback brought in through the ACC-14E 48-I/O board.
• x=8: Process the data from the source register without any shifting, so the least significant bit of the
source register as specified in the “bits used” mask word is place in bit 0 of the processed result.
Time Base Entries ($4x): A time-base entry performs a scaled digital differentiation of the value in the
source register. It is a two-line entry. The first line contains a ‘4’ in the first hex digit and the address of
the source register in the last four hex digits. Usually, the source register is the result register of an
incremental encoder entry higher in the table (addresses $0020 to $003F).
The second line in the entry is the time-base scale factor. The result value equals 2 * Time-Base-ScaleFactor * (New Source Value - Old Source Value). When this entry is used to synchronize a motion
program to a master encoder, creating an electronic cam function, this scale factor should be set equal to
/ Real-Time-Input-Frequency, where the RTIF is expressed in counts per millisecond. The program is
then written if the master encoder is always putting out this RTIF.
Triggered Time Base Entries ($9x, $Ax, $Bx): A triggered time-base entry is like a regular time-base
entry, except that it is easy to freeze the time base, then start it exactly on receipt of a trigger that captures
the starting master position or time.
The source register for triggered time base must be the starting (X) address for one of the machine
interface channels on the Station.
20 16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
The following table shows the addresses for each channel on the ACC-24E2x backplane axis boards, and
the corresponding ECT entry. The ‘m’ represents the method, either ‘9’, ‘A’, or ‘B’.
In use, the method byte is changed as needed by setting of the MI-variable. It is set to $90 (e.g.
MI129=$908808) before the calculations of the triggered move are started, to freeze the time base. It is
set to $B0 (e.g. MI129=$B08808) after the calculations of the triggered move are finished, to “arm” the
time base for the trigger. When the Table sees the trigger (the capture trigger for the machine interface
channel as defined by MI912 and MI913 for the channel), it automatically sets the method byte to $A0 for
running time base.
The second line in the entry is the time-base scale factor. The result value equals 2 * Time-Base-ScaleFactor * (New Source Value - Old Source Value). When this entry is used to synchronize a motion
program to a master encoder, creating an electronic cam function, this scale factor should be set equal to
/ Real-Time-Input-Frequency, where the RTIF is expressed in counts per millisecond. The program is
then written assuming that the master encoder is always putting out this RTIF.
Addition/Subtraction of Entries ($E0, $E8): The $Ex entry is used to add or subtract two other entries
in the Table. If the method byte is $E0, the two specified entries are added. If the method byte is $E8,
the second entry is subtracted from the first.
Bits 0-7 of the entry specify the address offset from this entry to the first entry to be used, as a signed 8bit quantity. Bits 8-15 of the entry specify the offset from this entry to the second entry to be used. For
example, MI131 is to be used to subtract the result values with MI121 from that of MI120, the offset to
the first entry is -11 ($F5), and the offset to the second entry is -10 ($F6). Therefore MI131=$E8F6F5.
MS{anynode},MI152 - MI153 Phase-Clock Latched I/O
Range: $000000000000 - $FFFFFFFFFFFF
Units: Extended 16-Axis MACRO Station Y Addresses
Default: $000000000000
MI152 and MI153 permit the use of inputs latched by the phase clock on Station I/O boards. This
function is used to get reliable parallel-data feedback on the 16-Axis MACRO Station. It is useful mainly
on ACC-14E backplane boards.
Jumper E2 on the ACC-14E backplane board must connect pins 2 and 3 to permit
this function.
16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference 21
16-Axis MACRO CPU Software Reference Manual
MI152 and MI153 are 48-bit values represented by 12 hexadecimal digits. These digits have the
following functions:
Digits Function and Setting
1 & 2 3rd I/O ASIC Latch Control (Maps into high bytes; ACC-9E, 10E, 11E, 12E
with E6x connecting rows 4 & 5)
=$C0 for latched inputs
=$00 for transparent inputs or ASIC not present
3 & 4 2nd I/O ASIC Latch Control (Maps into middle bytes ACC-9E, 10E, 11E, 12E
with E6x connecting rows 2 & 3)
=$C0 for latched inputs
=$00 for transparent inputs or ASIC not present
5 & 6 2nd I/O ASIC Latch Control (Maps into low bytes; ACC-9E, 10E, 11E, 12E
with E6x connecting rows 1 & 2)
=$C0 for latched inputs
=$00 for transparent inputs or ASIC not present
7 Number of bytes (1 to 6) on each ASIC (starting with lowest byte) to latch
8 (Reserved for future use; set to 0)
9 - 12 Base address of I/O Board
=$8800 (ACC-9E, 10E, 11E, 12E board w/ E1 ON, ACC-14E)
=$8840 (ACC-9E, 10E, 11E, 12E board w/ E2 ON, ACC-14E)
=$8880 (ACC-9E, 10E, 11E, 12E board w/ ON, ACC-14E)
=$88c0 (ACC-9E, 10E, 11E, 12E board w/ E4 ON, ACC-14E)
MS0,MI153=$0000C0308840 ; Latches inputs on 1st ASIC, 1st 3 bytes, of an
; ACC-14E board with base address $8840
MS{anynode},MI154 - MI160 (Reserved for Future Use)
MI161 through MI168 (MI16x) on the 16-Axis MACRO Station permit the ‘C’ output channel associated
with the MACRO motor node (MI16x controls the xth motor node, which usually corresponds to Motor x
on PMAC) to put out a specified output frequency, starting immediately on power-on/reset, for the
purposes of creating an excitation signal for an MLDT sensor.
motor node: Node 1)
motor node: Node 4)
motor node: Node 5)
motor node: Node 8)
motor node: Node 9)
motor node: Node 12)
motor node: Node 13)
If MI16x is set to 0, this function is not enabled, and the ‘C’ output channel can be used for servo control
functions such as PFM stepper control or direct PWM servo control.
22 16-Axis MACRO Station MI-Variable Reference
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