Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
sec tio n
The “Syst em Se ttings” page is wh ere you ca n ent er a n ew
admini st rator pass wo rd , s et th e t ime z one, enabl e remot e
manage me nt, and tur n o n a nd off the NAT fun ct ion of the Router.
Setting or Changing the Administrator Password
The Route r shi ps with NO password entered. If you wish to ad d a
passwo rd for greater se cu rity, yo u c an se t a pa ssword here . Write
down your pass word an d k eep i t i n a sa fe place, as you will need it if
you need to log into th e R ou ter in the future. It is also recommen de d
that you set a passw ord if you pl an to us e t he remo te ma nagemen t
Changing the Login Timeout Setting
The login time out option allo ws yo u t o s et the p eriod of time that
you can be logged in to th e R outer’s ad vanced set up in terface . The
timer sta rt s w hen there has b een no activi ty. For examp le , y ou have
made some chan ges in t he advance d s et up interface , t hen l eft your
comput er al one without cli cking “Logou t” . A ssuming th e tim eout is
set to 10 minutes , t he n 1 0 m inutes after yo u l ea ve, the login sess ion
will expi re. You will have to logi n to the Ro ut er again to make any
more c hanges. Th e log in timeout opti on is fo r s ecurity purp oses and
the defau lt is se t t o 1 0 m in utes.

Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
The Route r kee ps time by connect in g t o a Si mple Network Ti me
that obse rv es Daylight Sav ing, then place a check ma rk in th e b ox
time serv er s o n t he In ter ne t a nd get a resp onse. You ca nnot set the
the passw ord emp ty wi ll potential ly op en your Route r to int rusion.

sec tio n
This advanced feature should be employed by advanced users only.
This func ti on should only be use d i f you r I SP as signs you mul ti ple
the compute rs on yo ur network will no t b e abl e t o a cc ess the Inter net.
the Route r’s firewall to be conf ig ured in a spe cific way to opera te
the UPnP featu re s, yo u c an en able the UPnP feat ure. Si mply select
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface

This inno va tion provides the Rout er wi th the built- in ca pability to
that the new firm ware is av ai lable. Whe n y ou lo g i nto t he Router’s
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface