HD2114P/HD2134P - 11 - V2.3
Use the arrows and confirm with ENTER. Please see the paragraph dedicated to wind speed
measurement on page 14.
4) Pres Baro (barometric pressure): the wind speed detected by the Pitot tube is the result of
different factors. Among these is the atmospheric pressure resulting from the formula
reported on page 15. Using the arrows, enter the atmospheric pressure value present during
the measurement. If the current pressure is not known, leave the parameter at the default
value of 1013mbar.
5) Pres Stat (Static pressure): static pressure present in the measured duct. It is referred to the
atmospheric pressure and is expressed in mbar. If the duct is open, in contact with the
atmosphere, its value is set to zero (default value). If the duct is closed, the pressure
difference compared to the atmospheric pressure, expressed in mbar, must be entered. In
order to avoid the sensor breakage, do not use the Pitot tube if the static pressure
exceeds the overpressure limit reported in the technical characteristics.
6) Cost_PIT_DARC (constant of Pitot or Darcy tube): using the arrows, enter the tube
constant value. The value can be set from 0.80 to 1.20. If the constant is not known, enter
1.00 for Pitot tubes and 0.84 for Darcy tubes. The set value is displayed when the instrument
is turned on.
7) AVG TIME SECS: time interval according to which the moving average is calculated,
in seconds, during measurement of the flow. The value ranges from 1 (no average) to 99
seconds. Please see the paragraph dedicated to wind speed measurement on page 14.
8) Management of memorized data (only HD2114P.2 and HD2134P.2): the message
">>>_LOG_DUMP_or_ERAS" (Transfer data or erase) is scrolled in the comment line.
The center figure reports the number of free memory pages (FREE). All memory data are
permanently erased by pressing SERIAL/EraseLOG. By pressing LOG/DumpLOG, the data
transfer of the logged data on the serial port is started: the "BAUD-RATE" must have
previously been set to the maximum value (please see the menu items described below and
COMPUTER" on page 27).
9) Print and log interval (only HD2114P.2 and HD2134P.2): sets the interval in seconds
between two loggings or data transfers to the serial port. The interval can be set at 0, 1s, 5s,
10s, 15s, 30s, 60s (1min), 120s (2min), 300s (5min), 600s (10min), 900s (15min), 1200s
(20min), 1800s (30min) and 3600s (1hour). If the value 0 is set, SERIAL works on
command: the sending of data to the serial port is performed each time the key is
pressed. Recording (LOG) is performed with one second intervals even if the interval is set
to 0. With an interval from 1 to 3600s, continuous data transfer is started when the SERIAL
key is pressed. To end the recording (LOG) and continuous data transfer operations
(SERIAL with an interval greater than 0), press the same key again.
10) Sleep_Mode_LOG (Automatic turning off during recording) (only HD2114P.2 and
HD2134P.2): this function controls the instrument's automatic turning off during logging,
occurring between the capture of a sample and the next one. When the interval is lower than
60 seconds, the instrument will always remain on. With intervals greater than or equal to 60
seconds, it is possible to turn off the instrument between loggings: it will turn on at the
moment of sampling and will turn off immediately afterwards, thus increasing the battery
life. Using the arrows select YES and confirm using ENTER in order to enable the
automatic turning off, select NO and confirm to disable it and keep the instrument on
Note: even if Sleep_Mode_LOG=YES is selected, the instrument does not turn off for less
than one minute intervals.