Taoyuan Technology Center
No.18, Xinglong Rd., Taoyuan City,
Taoyuan County 33068, Taiwan
TEL: 886-3-362-6301 / FAX: 886-3-371-6301
Delta Electronics (Jiangsu) Ltd.
Wujiang Plant 3
1688 Jiangxing East Road,
Wujiang Economic Development Zone
Wujiang City, Jiang Su Province, P.R.C. 215200
TEL: 86-512-6340-3008 / FAX: 86-769-6340-7290
De Witbogt 20, 5652 AG Eindhoven, The Netherlands
TEL : +31 (0)40-8003800 / FAX : +31 (0)40-8003898
*We reserve the right to change the information in this manual without prior notice.
The first version was published.
1.Information concerning AHCPU5X1-EN is added in
7.New product information is added in section 9.2.
added in chapter 9.
EtherNet/IP Operation Manual
Revision His tory
section 1.3.1.
2.Information concerning AHCPU5X1-EN is added in
section 2.1.
3.Information concerning AHCPU5X1-EN and
AHCPU-ETHN-5A is added in chapter 3.
4.Information concerning AH-RTU series is added in
section 4.4 and 4.6.
5.Information concerning TAG is added in section 5.1 and
6.Information concerning AHCPU5X1-EN and
AHCPU-ETHN-5A is added in chapter 8.
1.Updates on ISPSoft version, information concerning
added in chapter 1.
2.Information concerning AHCPU501-EN, AHRTU-ETHN-5A
and AHCPU560-EN2 is added in chapter 2.
3.Information on Ethernet specifications of AHCPU501-EN
and AHCPU560-EN2 is added in chapter 3. New content
regarding maximum transmission speed of Delta
products and calculating CIP connection is added in
section 3.2.4 and 3.2.5
4.Information on ISPSoft version is updated and
descriptions concerning AHCPU501-EN and
AHCPU560-EN2 is added in chapter 4.
5.Notes for error code classification is added in section
6.1 and correct all error code ‘H’ to ‘16#’.
6.New EI P product information and updated content are
EtherNet/IP (“IP” st ands for “Industrial P rot oco l” ) is an industrial Ethernet network managed by ODV A, Inc. (formerly Open
DeviceNet Vendors Association, Inc.), a global trade and standards development organization.
EtherNet/IP works on a TCP/UDP/IP based Ethernet network and uses most widely deployed collections of Ethernet
standards to provide a broad range of applications in different industries that require high-speed and stability including
Factory Automation (FA), Building Automation (BA), Process Automation (PA) and many more.
Delta covers a full range of controller and drive products supported by EtherNet/IP, including Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLC), inverters, Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) and so on. Refer to section 9.1 for a full product list
supported by EtherNet/IP. In addition, users can also use the EDS file to connect to the EtherNet/IP devices of other
brands. Delta EtherNet/IP software, the EIP Builder, can be called or run independently through the ISPSoft v3.06.
Term Definition
ODVA Open DeviceNet Vendor Association for EtherNet/IP
EtherNet/IP, an industrial Ethernet network, provides interoperability for system providers. IP
I/O Connection Via the I/O connection to connect to EtherNet/IP and to exchange data cyclically.
Explicit Message
ACD Address Conflict Detection to detect IP address duplications.
stands for Industrial Protocol. The term “EIP” (EtherNet/IP) will be used throughout this
Connect to EtherNet/IP and to exchange data non-cyclically. Data will be exchanged piece
by piece via instructions.
Requested Packet Interval, via the I/O connection to connect to EtherNet/IP to exchange
data at regular time intervals.
TAGs are the methods used for assigning and referencing memory locations for
Rockwell PLCs, the same as the registers for Delta PLCs.
Produced TAG: A TAG that a controller makes available for other controllers. Multiple
controllers can simultane ou sly consu me (re ceive) the dat a . A produced TAG sends its
data to consumed TAGs (consumers) without using logic.
Consumed TAG: A TAG that receives the data of a prod uc ed TAG. The dat a ty pe of the
consumed TAG and the produced TAG must be matched (including any array
The data is transferred over Ethernet/IP, for example, PLC-A needs data from PLC-B,
so PLC-B sends the data to PLC-A. Therefore, PLC-A is the producer and PLC-B is
the consumer.
Chapter 1 Product Introduction
Electronic Data Sheets; EDS files are simple text files used by EtherNet/IP network
Data Mapping Exchange data between devices
EIP Scanner The master station is called EIP Scanner in EtherNet/IP.
EIP Adapter The slave station is called EIP Adapter in EtherN et/ IP.
configuration tools to help you identify EtherNet/IP products and easily commission them on
a network.
Device Level Ring (DLR) provides fault-tolerant netw ork desi gn for dai sy-chain and linear
topology. The DLR protocol provides high network availability in a ring topology and was
intended primarily for implementation in EtherNet/IP end-devices that hav e tw o Ethern et
ports and embedded switch technology, providing fast network fault detection and
reconfiguration to support the most demanding control applications.
1.3 Features
1.3.1 Delta EIP Architectu r e
This typical Delta EI P arc hit ecture in cludes EI P Scanner and Adapter; data mapping can be achieved between d evice s via
an I/O connection and explicit message.
The AHCPU5X1-EN series which includes AHCPU501-EN, AHCPU511-EN, AHCPU521-EN and AHCPU531-EN
support Ethernet single port communication and for network installation, it is required to employ EtherNet/IP
The AHCPU560-EN2, AH10EN-5A and AHRTU-ETHN-5A series support Ethernet dual port and DLR function; thus
it can install, configure, and maintain linear as well as device-level ring (DLR) networks by using EtherNet/IP
devices with embedded switch technology.
EtherNet/IP Operation Manual
1.3.2 Product Features
- Flexible topology: EIP devices may include an Ethernet single port as well as Ethernet dual port, and provide
applicable networks such as linear topology, ring topology and ring topology for faster expansion and easier
- EtherNet/IP works on a TCP/UDP/IP based Ethernet network, uses most widely deployed collections of
Ethernet standards and supports Wifi connection. Even for personnel with no IT background, the network can
still be built up easily.
- Applicable networks include linear topology, ring topology, star topology, Ethernet, EtherNet/IP, one or more
LANs, etc. Configuration can be set via a USB device or an interface.
- Via a connector: Delta provides a full range of product line, including human machine interfaces (HMI),
programmable logic controllers (PLC) and inverter drives, for application in an industri al operation. Simply via a
RJ-45 connector, a network can be built up, saving costs on cables and other connecting tools.
- Single network: In replace with the 3-tier industrial architecture, single network architecture provides 100Mbps
high-speed cyclical and non-cyclical data mapping function, ensuring a complete network diagnosis and
effectively shortening debugging time.
- Graphical user interface designed software: The EIP Builder is graphical user interface designed for intuitive
- Data mapping: The EIP Builder provides a consistent setting interface, allowing users to reduce the time to
learn and set up configurations easily.
- Listed device parameters: The EIP Builder presents a parameter list of Delta devices. Instead of looking up in
the user manual, users can quickly check on the para meters from the list.
- EDS file: Users can connect to Delta and other brand EtherNet/IP products via the EDS files.
2.2.1 Single Port Device ..…………………………………………………………………….………………………………2-2
2.2.2 Dual Port Device …………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….2-3
2.2.3 PC Software ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…2-4
EtherNet/IP Operation Manual
2.1 EtherNet/IP Device
A Delta EtherNet/IP (EIP) device allows users to build a linear topology, ring topology, and star topology. A
Delta EIP device includes the EIP Builder software, EIP Scanner, EIP Adapter, EIP Tap, and Ethernet switch.
EIP Scanner and EIP Adapter, each of them can be further divided to a single port and dual port.
Ethernet single port: the AHCPU5X1-EN series including AHCPU501-EN, AHCPU511-EN,
AHCPU521-EN and AHCPU531-EN.
Ethernet dual port: the AHCPU560-EN2, AH10EN-5A and AHRTU-ETHN-5A series
2.2 Network Installation
Each EtherNet/IP device is connected to an Ethernet switch via a CAT 5e cable. Please use Delta standard
cables and the DVS series industrial switches. Refer to Delta PLC/HMI Cable Selection Guide for more
2.2.1 Single Port Device
A single port device can build up a linear and a star topology. An Ethernet switch is required to create a star
topology and a ring topology, and additionally an EtherNet/IP Tap is also needed.
Linear Topology
Linear Topology 1
Linear Topology 2
Chapter 2 Network Installation
Star Topology
2.2.2 Dual Port Device
A dual port device can build up a linear, star and ring topology. A DLR function is required to create a ring
topology. Refer to section 9.2 for DLR supported series.
Linear Topology
Star Topology
Ring Topology
A DLR function is required to create a ring topology. Refer to section 9.2 for DLR supported series.
EtherNet/IP Operation Manual
When a switch is needed for topology , the switch should support the DLR function. If not, the connection might
2.2.3 PC Software
Linear and star topology
Install the EIP Builder on your PC to monitor and configure the EIP devices. Users can also connect an EIP
device to their PCs directly or use a switch to connect to the PCs.
Chapter 2 Network Installation
Ring topology
Install the EIP Builder on your PC to monitor and configure the EIP devices. Be sure to save a network
connection for your PC to connect to the EIP device.
Or you can use an EIP tap to connect your PC so that the ring topology can stay intact.
32 (Clients + Servers) (for V2.1 or later version)
Max. Number of the CIP
CIP Network
Consumed Tag
Requested Packet Interval (RPI) 1 ms~1000ms
32 (Clients + Servers) (for V2.1 or later version)
EtherNet/IP Operation Manual
Scanner /Adapter
Requested Packet Interval (RPI)
1 ms~1000 ms
Max. Transmission Speed
6400 pps
Max. Data Length
500 bytes
servers from the UCMM type
servers from the Class 3
Identity Object(16#01)
CIP Network
I/O Connection
CIP Network
Explicit Message
Max. Number of the CIP
Max. Number of the TCP
Class 3 (Connected Type)
UCMM (Non-Connected Type)
CIP Objects
Star, Linear, Ring
64 (Clients + Servers)
64 (Clients + Servers)
Total 32 (Clients + Servers), including the cl ients +
Total 32 (Clients + Servers), including the cl ients +
Message Router Object(16#02)
Assembly Object(16#04)
Connection Manager Object(16#06)
DLR Object(16#47)
QoS Object(16#48)
Port Object(16#F4)
TCP/IP Interface Object(16#F5)
Ethernet Link Object(16#F6)
Vendor specific object:
X Register(16#350)
Y Register(16#351)
D Register(16#352)
M Register(16#353)
S Register(16#354)
T Register(16#355)
C Register(16#356)
HC Register(16#357)
SM Register(16#358)
SR Register(16#359)
Control Register(16#370)
Input Register(16#371)
Output Register(16#372)
CIP Network
I/O Connection
Max. Number of the CIP
Max. Number of the TCP
Star, Linear, Ring
Chapter 3 Product Specifications
Requested Packet Interval (RPI)
1 ms~1000 ms
Max. Transmission Speed
10000 pps
Max. Data Length
500 bytes
servers from the UCMM type
servers from the Class 3
Max. Transmission Spe e d (pps)
VFD-MS300 Series
(CMM-EIP01 communication card)
VFD-C2000 Series
CIP Network
Explicit Message
Class 3 (Connected Type)
UCMM (Non-Connected Type)
CIP Objects
Total 48 (Clients + Servers), including the cl ient s +
Total 48 (Clients + Servers) , including the clients +
Vendor specification object:
Status Register(16#370)
Input Register(16#371)
RTU AI Register(16#373)
RTU AO Register(16#374)
RTU DI Register(16#375)
RTU DO Register(16#376)
3.2.4 Maximum Transmission Speed of Delta Products
The EtherNet/IP transmission speed is expressed in terms of packets per second (pps). In addition, the actual
transmission speed is affected by the requested packet interval (RPI) and the scan time of the CPU as an EIP
scanner. Below is a list regarding the maximum transmission speed of Delta EIP products for your reference.
AHRTU-ETHN-5A 10,000
AH10EMC-5A 6,400
AS300 Series, AS200 Seri es 3,000
AS-FEN02 communic ati on c ard 10,000
DVPES2-E Series 16,00
DVP26SE 1,600
(CMC-EIP01 communication card)
EtherNet/IP Operation Manual
Method to Calculate CIP Connection
Limited to AHCPU and third-party host
2) Each AIO or NIO module uses 1 connection
Do not support
Each data exchange group uses 1 connection
1) If using A S series or a thir d -party as the host
uses 1 connection
Do not support
Each data exchange group uses 1 connection
Do not support
Each data exchange group uses 1 connection
Do not support
Each VFD uses 1 connection
Do not support
Each VFD uses 1 connection
Do not support
3.2.5 Calculating CIP Connection
Users can refer to the EIP Builder data exchange page (see below) to find out the number of CIP and TCP
connections. The method for calculating the number of CIP connection is also listed below. .
Delta EtherNet/IP software, EIP Builder, is embedded in the ISPSoft. It can be called or run independently
through the ISPSoft software (applicable with version 3.06 and later versions).
4.1 Access EIP Builder
The EIP Builder can be ca lled from Delta EIP Scanner’s HW CONFIG in the ISPSoft. It can also be called
independently to set up parameters for the Adapter. Delta EIP Scanner is equipped with the EtherNet/IP
communication PLC and the EtherNet/IP module. Refer to chapter 9.3 for a list of Delta EIP Scanner products
supported by the EIP Builder.
4.1.1 Setting Up EIP Scanner
Running Process
Run the EIP Builder via an EIP Sc an ner ( s ee be lo w). When using a Delta EIP Scanner, users need to set up
an EIP module through the HWCONFIG in the ISPSoft.
Operation Steps
1. Open ISPSoft : Find ISPSoft 3.06 from the start menu in Windows. Click the start menu and go to All
2. Create a new project: Click File > New and you will see the Create a New Project window.
3. Select a PLC: Select a PLC product that supports the EIP builder in the Create a New Project window.
4. Open the HWCONFIG: Double click the HWCONFIG option under the Project.
5. Create an EIP module (AH10EN-5A):
Select the AH10EN-5A from the Network Module in the Product List.
Drag the selected AH10EN-5A to the CPU’s main backplane.
EtherNet/IP Operation Manual
Type of IP Address
for a network in which each host has a permanent network connection.
gateway, main computer name and the WINS server automatically.
6. Save and download the HWCONFIG:Click Save to save the HWCONFIG settings and then click
Download to PLC to download the file to PLC.
7. Open the EIP Builder:
7.1 Right-click the AH10EN-5A on the CPU’s main backplane and you will see the EIP Builder. Double
click it to open the EIP Builder.
7.2 Right-click the AHCPU5x1-EN on the CPU’s main backplane and you will see the EIP Builder.
Double click it to open the EIP Builder.
4.2 Set up the IP Address
This section will provide an overview of how to set up the IP address for AH10EN-5A IP and
AHCPU5x1-EN/AHCPU560-EN2. The IP address should be set up before configuring EIP related parameters
or data mapping settings.
4.2.1 IP Address Types
The AH10EN-5A series and AHCPU5x1-EN/AHCPU560-EN2 series supports 3 types of IP addressing,
BOOTP, DHCP and static IP address.
Via the TCP/IP Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) to set up the IP address, netmask and
gateway. BOOTP server may require some configuration. The Bootp protocol is designed
Via the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to obtain IP address, netmask,
Chapter 4 EIP Builder
Set up
IP Address
EIP M odule
4.2.2 Set up the IP Address (Static IP)
Operation Steps:
When using an EIP product with a static IP address, users need to set up the IP address through the
HWCONFIG in the ISPSoft.
Refer to section 4.1.1 for how to set up an EIP module through the HWCONFIG in the ISPSoft.
1. Configure the network parameters
1.1 AH10EN-5A
Double-click the AH10EN-5A in the HWCONFIG to open the Parameter Setting page.
Set up the IP address under the Network Parameters node. Once the setup is done, click OK to leave
this page.
EtherNet/IP Operation Manual
Set up IP
Same Iassign P
mode after e ach
Reset I assign P
mode after e ach
EIP Builder
IP M anager
1.2 AHCPU5x1-EN
Double-click the AHCPU5x1-EN in the HWCONFIG to open the Parameter Setting page.
Set up the IP address under the Ethernet Basic tab. Once the setup is done, click OK to leave this page.
Save and download the HWCONFIG: Click Save to save the HWCONFIG settings and then click
4.2.3 Set up the IP Address (BOOTP/DHCP)
Operation Steps:
When using an EIP product with a BOOTP/DHCP IP address, users can set up the IP address through
the IP Manager in the EIP Builde
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