Delta AHCPU510-RS2, AHCPU500-RS2, AHCPU500-EN, AHCPU510-EN, AHCPU520-RS2 Hardware Manual

Chapter 1 Product Introduction
Table of Contents
1.1 Overview...................................................................................................1-2
1.1.1 Related Manuals ................................................................................1-2
1.1.2 Model Description...............................................................................1-2
AH500 Hardware Manual
1.1 Overview
This manual introduces the programming of the AH500 series pro grammable logic controllers, the basic instructions, and the applied instructions. This manual introduces the electrical specifications for the AH500 series programmable logic controllers, the appearances, the dime nsions, and etc.
1.1.1 Related Manuals
The related manuals of the AH500 series programmable logic controllers are co mposed of the following.
z AH500 Quick Start
It guides u
sers to use the system before they read the related manuals.
AH500 Programming Manual It introduce
s the programming of the AH500 series programmable logic controllers, the basic
s, and the applied instructions.
z ISPSoft
User Manual
It introduces the use of ISPSoft, the programming language (Ladder, IL, SFC, FBD, and ST), the conc
ept of POUs, and the concept of tasks.
z AH500 Ha
rdware Manual
It introduces electrical specifications, appearan
ces, dimensions, and etc.
z AH500 Operation Manual
It introduce
s functions of CPUs, devices, module tables, troubleshooting, and etc.
AH500 Module Manual It introduce
s the use of special I/O modules. For example, network modules, analog I/O
, temperature measurement modules, motion control modules, and etc.
z AH500 Motion Control Module Manual
It introduce
s the specifications for the motion control modules, the wiring, the instructions, and
the functions.
z PMSoft User Manual
It introduce
s the use of PMSoft, including the editing mode, the co
nnection, and the password
1.1.2 Model Description
Classification Model Name Description
Power supply module
100~240 V AC 50/60 Hz
It is a basic CPU module with two built-in RS-485 ports, one built-in USB po
rt, and one built-in SD interface. It supports
768 inputs/outputs. The p rogram capacity is 16 ksteps.
It is a basic CPU module with one built-in Ethernet port, one built-in RS-48
5 port, one built-in USB port, and one built-in SD interface. It supports 768 inputs/outputs. The program capacity is 16 ksteps.
It is a basic CPU module with two built-in RS-485 ports, one built-in USB po
rt, and one built-in SD interface. It supports
1280 inputs/outputs. Th e program capacity is 64 ksteps.
It is a basic CPU module with one built-in Ethernet port, one built-in RS-48
5 port, one built-in USB port, and one built-in SD interface. It supports 1280 inputs/outputs. The program capacity is 64 ksteps.
CPU module
It is a basic CPU module with two built-in RS-485 ports, one built-in USB po
rt, and one built-in SD interface. It supports
2304 inputs/outputs. Th e program capacity is 128 ksteps.
Chapter 1 Product Introduction
Classification Model Name Description
It is a basic CPU module with one built-in Ethernet port, one built-in RS-48
5 port, one built-in USB port, and one built-in SD interface. It supports 2304 inputs/outputs. The program capacity is 128 kstep s.
It is a basic CPU module with two built-in RS-485 ports, one built-in USB po
rt, and one built-in SD interface. It supports
4352 inputs/outputs. Th e program capacity is 256 ksteps.
CPU module
It is a basic CPU module with one built-in Ethernet port, one built-in RS
5 port, one built-in USB port, and one built-in SD interface. It supports 4352 inputs/outputs. The program capacity is 256 kstep s.
AHBP04M1-5A Four-slot main backplane for a CPU /RTU rack AHBP06M1-5A Six-slot main backplane for a CPU/RTU rack AHBP08M1-5A Eight-slot main backplane for a CPU/RTU rack
Main backplane
AHBP12M1-5A Twelve-slot main ba ckplane for a CPU/RTU rack AHBP06E1-5A Six-slot extension backplane for a CPU/RTU extensio n rack
Extension backplane
Eight-slot extension backplane for a CPU/RTU extension rack
24 V DC 5 mA 16 inputs Terminal block
24 V DC 5 mA 32 inputs DB37 connector
24 V DC
3.2 mA 64 inputs Latch connector
100~240 V AC
4.5 mA/9 mA (100 V and 50 Hz) 16 inputs Terminal block
240 V AC/24 V DC 2 A 16 outputs Relay Terminal block
12~24 V DC
0.5 A 16 outputs Sinking output Terminal block
Digital input/output module
12~24 V DC
0.5 A 16 outputs Sourcing output Terminal block
AH500 Hardware Manual
Classification Model Name Description
12~24 V DC
0.1 A 32 outputs Sinking output DB37 connector
12~24 V DC
0.1 A 32 outputs Sourcing output DB37 connector
12~24 V DC
0.1 A 64 outputs Sinking output Latch connector
12~24 V DC
0.1 A 64 outputs Sourcing output Latch connector
110/220 V AC
0.5 A 16 outputs TRIAC Terminal block
24 V DC 5 mA 8 inputs 240 V AC/24 V DC 2 A 8 outputs Relay Terminal block
24 V DC 5 mA 8 inputs 12~24 V DC
0.5 A 8 outputs Sinking output Terminal block
Digital input/output module
24 V DC 5 mA 8 inputs 12~24 V DC
0.5 A 8 outputs Sourcing output Terminal block
Chapter 1 Product Introduction
Classification Model Name Description
Four-channel analog input module 16-bit resolution 0~10 V, 0/1~5 V, -5~+5 V, -10~+10 V, 0/4~20 mA, and
+20 mA
Conversion time: 150 us/channel
Eight-channel analog input module 16-bit resolution 0~10 V, 0/1~5 V, -5~+5 V, and -10~+10 V Conversion time: 150 us/channel
Four-channel analog output module 16-bit resolution
-10~10 V, and 0/4~20 mA Conversion time: 150 us/channel
Eight-channel analog output module 16-bit resolution
-10~+10V, 0~10V, -5~+5V, and 0/1~5V Conversion time: 150 us/channel
Analog input/output module
Four-channel analog input module 16-bit resolution 0~10 V, 0/1~5 V, -5~+5 V, -10~+10 V, 0/4~20 mA, and
+20 mA Conversion time: 150 us/channel Two-channel analog output module 16-bit resolution
-10~10 V, and 0/4~20 mA Conversion time: 150 us/channel
Four-channel four-wire/three-wire RT
D temperature sensor
Sensor type: Pt100/Pt1000/Ni100/Ni1000 sensor, and
0~300 inp
ut impedance
16-bit resolution: 0.1 ℃/0.1
Four-wire conversion time: 150 ms/channel Three-wire conversion time: 300 ms/channel
Four-channel thermocouple temperature sensor Sensor type: J, K, R, S, T, E, N, and -150~+150 mV 24-bit resolution: 0.1 ℃/0.1
rsion time: 200 ms/channel
Temperature measurement module
Eight-channel thermocouple temperature sensor Sensor type: J, K, R, S, T, E, N, and -150~+150 mV 24-bit resolution: 0.1 ℃/0.
Conversion time: 200 ms/channel
Two-channel high-sp eed counter modul e 200 kHz
Four-channel high-speed counter module 200 kHz
AH05PM-5A Two-axis pulse train motion control m odule (1 MHz) AH10PM-5A
Six-axis pulse train motion control module (Four axes: 1 MHz; Two axes: 200 kHz)
Motion control module
Twelve-axis DMCNET (Delta Motion Control Network) motion contro
l module (10 Mbps)
AH500 Hardware Manual
Classification Model Name Description
It is an Ethernet master module with two built-in Ethernet ports
, and supports a Modbus TCP master.
It is a serial communication module with two RS-485/RS
-422 ports, and supports Modbus and the UD
link protocol. There is isolation between two parts of communication, and
there is is
olation between two parts of power.
Network module
It is a DeviceNet network module. It can function as a master
or a slave. The maximum communication speed is 1
RTU module AHRTU-DNET-5A RTU module for DeviceNet
0.6 meter extension cable for connecting an extension backplane
1.0 meter extension cable for connecting an extension backplane
1.5 meter extension cable for connecting an extension backplane
Extension cable
3.0 meter extension cable for connecting an extension backplane
1.0 meter I/O extension cable (latch connector) for AH64AM10N-5C
1.0 meter I/O extension cable (latch connector) for AH64AN02
T-5C and AH64AN02P-5C
DVPACAB7C10 1.0 meter I/O extension cable (DB37) DVPACAB7D10
1.0 meter I/O extension cable for AH0 4HC-5A and AH20MC-5A
I/O extension cable
1.0 meter I/O extension cable (latch connector) for AH10PM-
I/O external terminal module for AH64A M10N-5C 32 inputs
I/O external terminal module for AH64AN02T-5C 16 relay outputs
I/O external terminal module for AH64A N02P-5C 16 relay outputs
I/O external terminal module for AH32A M10N-5B 32 inputs
I/O external terminal module for AH32AN02T-5B 32 relay outputs
I/O external terminal module for AH32A N02P-5B 32 relay outputs
I/O external terminal module for AH32A N02T-5B and AH32A
32 relay outputs
I/O external terminal module for AH04HC-5A and AH20MC-5A
External terminal module
DVPAETB-IO24C I/O external terminal module for AH10P M-5A
Space module AHASP01-5A Space module used for an empty I/O slot
Chapter 1 Product Introduction
1.2 Characteristics
AH500 system
The characteristics of the AH500 series CPU module are as follows.
(1) High efficiency
z The AH500 series CPU module adopts a 32-bit hig
h-speed processor. The instructions are executed at a speed of 0.3 milliseconds per 1 ksteps. (Fifty percent of the instructions are basic instructions, and fifty percent of the instructions are applied instructions.)
(2) Supporting more inputs and outputs
z The AH500 series CPU module supports up to 4,352 local digital I/O or 512 analog I/O. z A complete AH500 system consists of eight backpl
anes at most, including a main backplane. Eight I/O modules at most can be installed on a backplane. Theref ore, for the AH500 series CPU, 64 digital input/output modules at most or 64 analog input/output modules at most can be installed.
z Eight RTU modules at most can be installed on the main backplane. 128,000 remote digital
I/O, or 4,000 remote a
nalog I/O at most are supported.
(3) Multiple I/O modules
The I/O modules supported by the AH500 series CPU module are digital input/output
s, analog input/output modules, temperature measurement modules, network
modules, motion control modules, and RTU modules.
Module Description
Digital input/output AH16AM10N-5A, AH32AM10N-5B, AH64AM10N-5C, AH16AM30N-5A,
R-5A, AH16AN01T-5A, AH16AN01P-5A, AH32A N02T-5B, AH32AN02P-5B, AH64AN02T -5C, AH64AN02P-5C, AH16AN01S-5A, AH16AP1 1R-5A, AH16AP1 1T -5A, and AH16AP11P-5A
Analog input/output AH04AD-5A, AH08AD-5B, AH04DA-5A, AH08DA-5B,
and AH06XA-5A
AH500 Hardware Manual
Module Description
Measuring the temperature AH04PT-5A, AH04TC-5A, and AH08TC-5A
Motion control
Controlling the motion AH02HC-5A, AH04HC-5A, AH05PM-5A, AH10PM-5A, and AH20MC-5A
Extending the communication interface (*There are multiple interfaces. All network m
odules can be installed on the main backplane except
AH10SCM-5A.) AH10EN-5A, AH10SCM-5A, and AH10DNET-5A
RTU module
It is installed on the main backplane as a remote terminal unit. (*It sup
s multiple communication interfaces.)
(4) Larger program capacity and memory
z The program capacity of the AH500 series CPU modules can be up to 256 ksteps. Users do
not need to u
se a more advanced CPU if the program capacity becomes large.
z The AH500 series CPU module has 64 kwords of me mory. Besides, users can declare up to
1024 fun
ction blocks.
(5) Supporting IEC 61131-3
z The AH500 series CPU module supports IEC 61131-3.
Chapter 1 Product Introduction
z The programming languages which are supported are instruction lists (IL), structured texts
(ST), ladder diagrams (LD), sequential function charts (SFC), and function bl ock diagrams (FBD).
z Users can select a programming language according to their preference and the
nience. The programming languages support one another so that the programs written
by different users are related.
(6) Strong function block
z Not only the standard IEC61131-3 function blocks are supported, but also the convenient
function bl
ocks provided by Delta Electronics, Inc. are supported. Users can write the program frequently executed in a function block so that the program becomes more structured and can be executed more conveniently.
z The symbol for a function block in a ladder diagram i
s like an Integrated circuit (IC) in a circuit diagram. Owing to the fact that the ladder diagram is based on the traditional circuit diagram, the operation of a function block is quite similar to the function of an integrated circuit. Users only need to send the signal to the corresponding input of the function block, and they can receive the signal or state which is required. During the whole process, users do not need to consider the processing procedure inside the function block.
z A function block is a program element equipped with the operation f
unction. It is similar to a subroutine, and is a type of POU (Program Organization Unit). It can not operate by itself, and has to be called through the program POU. After the related parameters are transmitted, the function defined by a function block is executed. Besides, the final operation result can be sent to the device or variable used in the superior POU after the execution of the function block is complete.
z The encryption function supported by ISPSoft provides the secrecy of function bl
ocks for special businesses. The program inside a function block can not be learned, and the patent of a business will not be infringed.
AH500 Hardware Manual
(7) Task
z The programs can be assigned to 283 tasks at mo
st. Among the 288 t asks, 32 tasks are cyclic tasks, 32 tasks are I/O interrupts, 4 tasks a re timed interrupts, 2 tasks are communication interrupts, 1 task is an external 24 V low-volt age interrupt, and 212 tasks are user-defined tasks.
z Users can enable and disable a task during the execu
tion of a program by means of TKON
and TKOFF.
(8) Increasing the efficiency of configuring the hard
ware through an USB cable and ISPSoft
z The AH500 series CPU module provides a standa
rd USB 2.0 interface. USB 2.0 increases the data transfer rate, and decreases the time it takes to download the program, monitor th e program and configure the hardware. Besides, users do not need to buy a communication cable for the CPU module. They can use a general USB cable to connect to the AH500 se ries CPU module.
(9) Serial control interface
ith multiple functions
z AHCPU500/510/520/530-RS2 provides two DB9 se
rial control interfaces, i.e. COM1 and
z AHCPU500/510/520/530-EN provides one DB9 seri
al control interface, i.e. COM.
Chapter 1 Product Introduction
z Users can set the DB9 serial control interface to RS232, RS485, or RS422 according to the
application environment. The data transfer rate can be increa sed from 9600 bps to 1 Mbps.
z After users set the PLC Link in ISPSoft, they can exchange the data with a device on the
RS-485 network through the RS-485 serial control interface, and do not need to write any program.
(10) High-speed Ethernet communication interface
z AHCPU500/510/520/530-EN is equipped with a 10/10
0 M Ethernet communication interface,
and supports emails, webs, and socket services.
z After users set the Ether Link in ISPSoft, they can exchange the dat
a with a device in the Ethernet network through the Ethernet communication interface, and do not need to write any program.
z The status or the error message related to the system is sent to users’ email boxes
. Users do not need to be on the spot to understand the problem.
(11) Memory card
z The memory card has the following functions.
System backup:
The user program, the CPU paramete
rs, the module table, the setting value
in the device
System recovery: The user program, the CPU parameters, the mod ule table, and the setting
value in the de
vice Parameter storage: The value in the device Log storage: The system error log and the system status log
(12) Hot swap
z The AH500 series I/O modules support the on-line uninterruptible hot swap. When the
system run
s, users can replace the module which breaks down without disconnecting the module. After the module is replaced, the new module runs normally. Users do not need to set the module manually or switch the state.
(13) Supporting the on-line debugging mode
z After a single instruction step has been complete, or af
ter a breakpoint is specified, users can easily find the bug in the program by means of the on-line debugging mode supported by the AH500 series CPU module.
z If users want to enter the debugging mode, the CPU module must run. Af ter users ena ble the
e monitoring function, they have to click
. The debugging screen varies from
programming language to programming language, but the same operation applies to these programming languages. For the AH500 series PLC, structured texts do not support the debugging mode, and sequential function charts support the debugging mode during the action and the transition.
AH500 Hardware Manual
Step 1: Setting the PLC to RUN
Step 2: Entering the on-line mode
Chapter 1 Product Introduction
Step 3: Entering the debugging mode
(14) Supporting the on-line editing mode
z When the system runs, users can make use of the on
-line editing mode to update the
program without affecting the operation of the system.
z When the system is in the on-line monitoring m
ode, users can enter the on-line editing mode
by clicking
AH500 Hardware Manual
z After the program is modified and compiled, users can update the program in the CPU
module by clicking
Chapter 2 Installing the Hardware
Table of Contents
2.1 AH500 Hardware Framework....................................................................2-2
2.1.1 Component Parts of the AH500 Hardware.........................................2-2 Necessary Components..............................................................2-2 Accessories.................................................................................2-4
2.1.2 Installing Modules on a Main Backplane............................................2-7
2.1.3 Installing Modules on an Extension backplane ...................................2-8
2.1.4 Connecting a Main Backplane to an Extension Backplane ................2-8
2.2 Warning.....................................................................................................2-9
2.3 Installation .................................................................................................2-9
2.3.1 Installation of Modules in a Control Box.............................................2-9
2.3.2 Mounting a Backplane........................................................................2-9
2.3.3 Installing a Module ...........................................................................2-12
2.3.4 Installing a Removable Terminal Block.............................................2-13
2.3.5 Installing a Wiring Module................................................................2-14
2.3.6 Connecting Backplanes....................................................................2-15
2.3.7 Putting a Communication Cable.......................................................2-16
AH500 Hardware Manual
2.1 AH500 Hardware Framework
2.1.1 Component Parts of the AH500 Hardware
A complete AH500 system consists of a main backplane, extension backplanes, power supply modules, a CPU module, I/O modules, and extension cables. The basic AH500 system is illustrated below.
7 backplanes
. .
. . Necessary Components
A complete AH500 system consists of the following four necessary components.
z Main backpla
A CPU module and other modules are installed on a main backplane which provides the function of conne
cting buses. The main backplanes are divided into four types acco rding to the num b er of I/O modules installed on the main backplanes. These four types are four-slot main backplanes, six-slot main backplanes, eight-slot main backplanes, and twelve-slot main backplanes. Besides, a CPU module installed on a main backplane can be replaced by a RTU module on a control network. Please notice that there is at least one CPU module on a control network.
POWER CPU I/O0 I/O1 I/O2 I/O3 I/O4 I/O5 I/O6 I/O7
Chapter 2 Installing the Hardware
z Power supply module
A power supply module functions to convert alternating
current to direct current, and provides power for the modules installed on it. A power supply module has to be installed on the left-most side of a backplane.
z CPU module
A CPU module is the nucleus of a complete AH500 system. It is responsible for controlling and managi
ng the whole system, and is installed in the second slot from the left on the main backplane. Besides, Delta Electronics, Inc. provides businesses with several types of CPU modules. Users can select a CPU module according to their needs.
z Communication cable
Several com
munication interfaces are built in a CPU module, and users are provided with many
types of network modul
es. Users can select a suitable Communication cable according to the
actual situation. Please refer to the following table for information about the communication interfaces and the
main applic
ations. The specifications for the interface on an extension backplane are defined b y Delta Electronics, Inc. itself. The interface is used to connect the backplanes, and users need to use a Delta extension cable.
AH500 Hardware Manual
Interface Connector Application
Communication port
Computer/HMI communication/Industrial control network (RS-232/422/485)
Ethernet RJ45
Computer/HMI communication/Remote control/Data exchange/Ind
ustrial control network
USB Mini USB Computer communication DeviceNet DeviceNet
Industrial control network The maximum data transmission rate is 1 Mbps.
Interface on an extension backplane
Extension cable for a complete AH500 system Accessories
The following are the accessories for an AH500 system. Users can select them according to their needs.
z Extension module
art from the standard communication ports on a CPU modul
e, the CPU module does not equipped with other I/O functions. If users want to use I/O functions, they can select suitable modules according to the actual situation. The modules which can be used with an AH500 system are listed in the table below.
The digital input/output modules:
24 V DC 5 mA 16 inputs Terminal block
24 V DC 5 mA 32 inputs DB37 connector
24 V DC
3.2 mA 64 inputs Latch connector
100~240 V AC
4.5 mA/9 mA (100 V, 50 Hz) 16 inputs Terminal block
240 V AC/24 V DC 2 A 16 outputs Relay Terminal block
12~24 V DC
0.5 A 16 outputs Sinking output Terminal block
Chapter 2 Installing the Hardware
12~24 V DC
0.5 A 16 outputs Sourcing output Terminal block
110/220 V AC
0.5 A 16 outputs TRIAC Terminal block
12~24 V DC
0.1 A 32 outputs Sourcing output DB37 connector
12~24 V DC
0.1 A 32 outputs Sinking output DB37 connector
12~24 V DC
0.1 A 64 outputs Sinking output Latch connector
12~24 V DC
0.1 A 64 outputs Sourcing output Latch connector
24 V DC 5 mA 8 inputs 240 V AC/24 V DC 2 A 8 outputs Relay Terminal block
24 V DC 5 mA 8 inputs 12~24 V DC
0.5 A 8 outputs Sourcing output Terminal block
AH500 Hardware Manual
24 V DC 5 mA 8 inputs 12~24 V DC
0.5 A 8 outputs Sinking output Terminal block
The analog input/output modules:
Four-channel analog input module 16-bit resolution 0~10 V, 0/1~5 V, -5~+5 V, -10~+10 V, 0/4~20 mA, and -20~+20 mA
Eight-channel analog input module 16-bit resolution 0~10 V, 0/1~5 V, -5~+5 V, and -10~+10 V
Four-channel analog output module 16-bit resolution
-10~10 V, and 0/4~20 mA
Eight-channel analog output module 16-bit resolution
-10~+10V, 0~10V, -5~+5V, and 0/1~5V
Four-channel analog input module 16-bit resolution 0~10 V, 0/1~5 V, -5~+5 V, -10~+10 V, 0/4~20 mA, and -20~+20 mA Two-channel analog output module 16-bit resolution
-10~10 V, and 0/4~20 mA
The temperature measurement modules:
Four-channel four-wire/three-wire RT
D temperature sensor
Sensor type: Pt100, Pt1000, Ni100, Ni1000, and 0~300
Four-channel thermocouple temperature sensor Sensor type: J, K, R, S, T, E, N, and -150~+150 mV
Eight-channel thermocouple temperature sensor Sensor type: J, K, R, S, T, E, N, and -150~+150 mV
The network modules:
It is an Ethernet master module with two built-in Ethernet ports, and support
s a Modbus TCP master.
It is a serial communication module with two RS-485/RS-422 ports, and support
s Modbus and the UD link protocol.
There is isolation between two parts of communicatio n, and there is isolation be
tween two parts of power.
DeviceNet scanner module Master 1 Mbps
Chapter 2 Installing the Hardware
The motion control modules:
Two-channel high-sp eed counter modul e 200 kHz
Four-channel high-speed counter module 200 kHz
Two-axis pulse train motion control m odule (1 MHz)
Six-axis pulse train motion control module (Four axes: 1 MHz; Two axes: 200 kHz)
Twelve-axis DMCNET (Delta Motion Control Network) motion control modu
le (10 Mbps)
The RTU module:
RTU module for DeviceNet
The space module:
Space module used for an empty I/O slot
z Extension backplane
If the number of slots on the main backplane is not suff icient for the whole system, users can use the extension
backplanes to increase the number of extension modules. The extension backplanes are divided into two types according to the number of extension modules installed on the extension backplanes. These two types are six-slot extension backplanes, and eight-slot extension backplanes.
POWER I/O0 I/O1 I/O2 I/O3 I/O4 I/O5 I/O6 I/O7
2.1.2 Installing Modules on a Main Backplane
For a main backplane as a master, the first slot from the left is for a power supply module, the second slot is for a CPU module, and the slots following the second slot are for extension modules. All AH500 series extension modules can be installed on a main backplane. Eight AH500 series network modules at most can be installed on a main backplane, but no limits are imposed on the number of other modules which can be installed on a main backplane. No limits are imposed on the installing of modules except that a power supply module and a CPU module have to be installe d in the first slot and the second slot respectively. Therefore, users can configure the hardware by themselves. Besides, twelve extension modules at most can be installed on a main backpla ne.
For a main backplane as a RTU, the second slot is for a RT
U module, and only digital input/output modules, analog input/output modules, temperature measurement modules and AH10SCM-5A are supported.
AH500 Hardware Manual
z Main backplane as a master
z Main backplane as a RTU
2.1.3 Installing Modules on an Extension backplane
For an extension backplane, the first slot from the left is for a power supply module, and the sl ots following the first slot are for extension modules. Only digital input/output modules, analog input/output modules, temperature measurement modules, and AH10SCM-5A can be installed on an extension backplane. Besides, users do not need to arrange the extension modules in a specific order.
z Extension backplan
2.1.4 Connecting a Main Backplane to an Extension Backplane
A main backplane can be connected to an extension b ackplane through the interface on the lef t side of the main backplane, the interface on the left side of the extension backplane, and a Delta extension cable. For a CPU module or a RTU, a main backpl ane can be connected to seven extension backplanes at most through the interfaces on the backplanes. Therefore, if there is a CPU module and there are several RTUs, not only the CPU module can be connected to seven extension backplanes, but also every RTU can connect to seven extension backplanes.
Chapter 2 Installing the Hardware
There are two ports on an extension backplane. The upper port is used to connect to a superior backplane, and the lower port is used to connect to an inferior backplane.
2.2 Warning
z An AH500 system only supports the horizontal installation, and a power supply module has to be
installed on the left-most side of a backplane.
z Before a module is installed, please make sure of the size of the module and that of a backplane.
To prevent the misestimate from resulting in insufficient installation space, the size of the connector of a communication cable, and the room which needs to be reserve d have to be taken into account.
z Please make sure that the work environment conforms
to the specifications for the products. It is necessary to take account of the basic temperature/humidity control and the dust/corrosion prevention.
z The electromagnetic interference will result in the wrong a
ction of the whole system. Therefore, users have to do EMC design carefully. Please refer to chapter seven in this manual for more information related to EMC standards.
z If the specifications for the components such as scre
ws and washers are noted specifically in the
manual, please use the components conforming to the specifications.
z If a cable is connected to a communication port, please make
sure that the connector of the cable
is joined to the port on the module properly.
z A backplane has to be mounted on a plane stably instead of being just set on the plane. After it is
alled, please make sure that it is fixed on the plane.
2.3 Installation
2.3.1 Installation of Modules in a Control Box
z A PLC has to be installed in a closed control box. In order to ensure that the PLC radiates heat
normally, the space between the PLC and the control box has to be larger than 50 millimeters.
Please keep the PLC away from high-voltage equipment, high-voltage wires, and high-voltage
In order to prevent the temperature of a PLC from ri
sing, please do not install the PLC
vertically on the bottom/top in the control box.
Please install a PLC horizontally in the control box, as sho
wn above.
If users intend to increase the number of modules, they have to leave some space for installing
the module
s in the control box.
2.3.2 Mounting a Backplane
z Fixing a backplane by screws
Please mount a backplane on a plane by means of M5 screws, as illustrated below. To fix the backplane, u
sers need to judge the length of a screw, the size of a thread, and whether to use a
AH500 Hardware Manual
nut according to the actual condition of the plane unless there are specific specifications for a screw which are indicated in the pictures below.
1. Tighten the M5 screws in the holes indicated by a.
2. Tighten the two screws in the holes indicated by b.
z Installing a DIN Rail
The installation is applicable to a 35 millimeter DIN rail.
2. Install the mounting clips on a backplane.
3. Install the backplane on a DIN rail. Step 1: Pull the clasp in the direction indicated by the arrow. Step 2: Hang the backplan e on a DIN rail. Step 3: Press the clasp.
Chapter 2 Installing the Hardware
DIN rail
z Removing a DIN rail
Step 1: Press the clasp in the direction i
ndicated by the arrow.
Step 2: Remove the backplane.
DIN rail
AH500 Hardware Manual
2.3.3 Installing a Module
Insert a module into a slot, make sure that the module is installed on the backplane properly, and tighen the the screw, as illustrated below.
1. Insert the projection under the module into the hole in the ba
2. Push the module in the direction indicated by the arrow until it clicks.
3. Tighten the screw on the module.
Chapter 2 Installing the Hardware
2.3.4 Installing a Removable Terminal Block
z Installation
1. Level a terminal block at the printed circuit board, and press it into the module.
2. Press the clip in the direction indicated by the arrow.
z Rem
Pull the clip in the direction indicated by the arrow.
AH500 Hardware Manual
2. Pull up the clip.
3. The terminal block is removed.
2.3.5 Installing a Wiring Module
z Installation
1. One side of a wiring module has to be fixed first.
2. Press the driver board in the direction indicated by arrow 1, and ma
ke sure that the groove is
combined with the DIN rail.
z Removal
Push the wiring module in the direction i
ndicated by arrow 1.
Chapter 2 Installing the Hardware
2. Pull the wiring module in the direction indicated by arrow 2.
2.3.6 Connecting Backplanes
Connect the backplanes through the extension cables, and make sure that the connectors of the cables are joined to the ports properly, as illustrated below.
z Extension ca
1. AHACAB06-5 A (0.6 m)
2. AHACAB10-5 A (1.0 m)
3. AHACAB15-5 A (1.5 m)
4. AHACAB30-5 A (3.0 m)
Note: The extension cable longer than 3 meters can be cu stomized.
z Connecting the backplanes
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