January '94 - Ironing systems PRO50 - PRO420 - PRO460
Eventual traces of humidity or calcium found in the central unit can come from a bad sealing of the steam generator gasket
(Fig. 1) or from a inadequate sealing of the water probe wires (Fig. 2) which start from the water reservoir and go to the
electronic board.
In the first case replace the old gasket with the red O-Ring code VT105061.
In the second case seal the water probe wires at the connection with the probe.
Eventual water spilt during filling of the reservoir can get inside the central unit by the control panel. In this case seal the
panel with some silicon (Fig. 3).
Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3
zone to seal
Steam generator
April '94 - Ironing systems: - DE'LONGHI models PRO50 - PRO420 - PRO460
In order to avoid the problems of failure of the electronic board, due to flooding of water into the central unit, starting from
serial nr. 94 10 onwards, in the above models can now be installed a protection which covers the board itself.
It is suggestable to install it, after any reparation. The code of the protection is: VT205507.
Wire to seal with
April '96 - Steam iron VVX 50
We inform you, that the thermostat with code no. 521285 is not available anymore. Instead of
thermostat code nr. 521285 you will receive from now on thermostat code no. 512298. Together with the
modified heat separator with code no. 733900 the new thermostat is interchangeable with the old one.
In case that the new heat separator is not available, you can easely adapt the old heat seperator to the new
thermostat, drilling a 12mm hole into the separator as shown in the figure below.
Hole in the heat separator
Old thermostat
New thermostat
September '96 - Ironing system VV10 - VV10B - VVX20B
To avoid in some cases the blockage of the pump shaft the resistor in series with the pump (with code no.
512141) has been modified.
The resistor has been reduced from 900W (7W) to 450W (7W).
You receive this value by connecting another resistor of the same type in paralel to the existing one.
September '96 - Ironing system PRO 880
In some appliances from the first production there has been noted a parcial melting of the bottom plastic cover
with code nr. VT515400. The cause has been a missing spacer in the center of the plastic cover which keeps the correct
distance between cover and water boiler.
In the case of a replacement of the plastic cover it is absolutely necessary to add a spacer (with code no. 535524)
in the center between cover and water boiler to avoid that the problem repeats itself.
Pag. 1

September '96 - All ironig systems with double boiler (e.g. PRO 880; VVX880; PRO750; VVX750)
We inform you, that in all ironing Systems with double boiler has been carried out a serie of modifications
in order to improve quality. The modifications are as follows:
- From N° serie 9622.. onwards, all boiler parts receive a protective painting on their inside to avoid oxidation
which resulted sometimes into blocking the lower connection between the two boiler with the no return valve in it.
As the painted boilers are perfectly interchangeable with the old ones their spare code no. remained unchanged.
Our stock warehouse will provide you automatically with the improved spare part.
- From N° serie 9622.. onwards, the diameter of the hole in the electrovalve, where steam passes through,
has been reduced from 2mm to 1.8mm in order to avoid water spills at the ironing plate.
As the new eletrovalve is perfectly interchangeable with the old one its code no. remained unchanged.
Our stock warehouse will provide you automatically with the improved spare part.
- From series N° 9626.. onwards, the bigger (right) boiler received a protective net with code no. 622351 in front
of the water outlet, hindering any dirt to get into the connection tube between the boilers blocking the valve.
- From Serial N° 9629.. onwards, inside of the upper conection tube (code no. 535526) between the two
boilers has been inserted a small spring with code no. 612019 in order to avoid strong bends and consequently the
blockage of the needed connection between the two boilers.
November '96 - All ironig systems with double boiler (e.g. PRO 880; VVX880; PRO750; VVX750)
We inform you that in order to semplify the intervention on these
machines, when there is the need to replace both boilers, is now available
a group with cod. VT515155 including the two boilers and the related
connection tubes.
March '97 - Ironig systems: PRO 880; PRO750; PRO460
We inform you that for technical and aesthetical reasons, on the iron of the above listed ironing systems, the
plastic-made handle cod. VT505535 will be replaced with a cork-made one cod.VT505526. This means that after the
exhaustion of the stock of the plastic-made handles, we will automatically send the cork-made ones.
June '97 - Ironig systems Mod. PRO 110, PRO 110A, VVT 110, VVX 110.
We inform you that from serial nr. 9608, on these models the electric diagram has changed. In particular
has changed the Thermostat +TCO (thermofuse), which is now with 4 contacts (thermostat and TCO
separated), instead of 2 contacts (thermostat and TCO bridged). This is valid for both the thermostat on the
Iron and on the Boiler.
The new thermostats are interchangeable with the old ones, as long as you bridge two of the side contacts
(see figures).
Old Code (with two contacts) New Code (with four contacts)
(Thermostat+TCO) Iron SSC40023 SSC40043
(Thermostat+TCO) Boiler SSC40021 SSC40042
This modification will apply also on the Irons type VV_ , which are available as optional on some Floor
Steam-Cleaner machines.
October '97 - Ironing systems type PRO 420 and PRO 460.
We inforrm you that, if the descaling filters of these Ironing systems remain for a long time unused, they will loose
their descaling capacity with the result that the pilot lamp will remain always on, even with a brand new filter.
In order to reactivate those filter, is enough to immerge them in water for at least 15±20 min.
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