Dell SQL VDI User Manual

Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI
Version 19.2
User Guide
REV 01 November 2019
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2 Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide


Chapter 1
Overview 15
Using NMM with Virtual Device Interface API................................................... 16
SQL Server backup and restore workflow......................................................... 18
Traditional backup workflow (stand-alone backup over a storage node).. 18 Federated backup workflow (AlwaysOn Availability Group
Recovery workflow.............................................................................. 20
SQL Server cluster environments..................................................................... 22
SQL Server backups......................................................................................... 23
Types of supported backups................................................................ 23
Setting backup levels........................................................................... 24
Backup promotion................................................................................ 27
SQL Server recovery........................................................................................ 29
Types of supported recovery............................................................... 29
Recovery modes.................................................................................. 30
Recovery time...................................................................................... 31
Recovery window restrictions.............................................................. 32
The recovery process...........................................................................32
SQL Server instance and database names for backup and recovery................. 33
Named and default instances of SQL Server........................................33
Supported special characters in database names for NMM backup and
recovery ..............................................................................................34
Chapter 2
Configuration 37
Configuring NMM in a SQL VDI environment.................................................... 38
Supported Windows Server and SQL Server versions..........................38
Migrating from VSS solution to VDI solution for SQL Server data
protection............................................................................................ 38
Multi-stream Data Domain Boost......................................................... 38
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group feature ............... 38
Availability group listeners....................................................................39
Clusterless availability group listeners..................................................39
SQL Client Direct to AFTD or DD devices............................................ 40
Microsoft SQL Server named log marks...............................................40
Database consistency checks............................................................... 41
Microsoft hybrid cloud environments...................................................42
Transparent data encryption................................................................ 42
Setting the MAXTRANSFERSIZE environment variable.......................43
Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide 3
Configuring permissions to perform NMM backup and recovery of Microsoft
SQL Server....................................................................................................... 44
Access privileges for backup and recovery...........................................44
Assign SQL server roles for backup and recovery operations...............44
Assigning Windows user privileges for backup and recovery operations...
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Graphical User Interfaces 49
User interfaces for backup and restore.............................................................50
NMM Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio plug-in GUI..........................50
Views of the NMM SQL Server Management Studio plug-in GUI...................... 51
Manual Backups 53
Manual backup overview...................................................................................54
Federated backup preferences for Availability Group databases.......................54
Specifying a retention policy for manual backups............................................. 55
Performing manual backups by using the NMM SSMS plug-in GUI.................. 56
Performing manual backups from the command prompt................................... 61
Command syntax for nsrsqlsv.............................................................. 62
Command options for nsrsqlsv............................................................. 63
Backup and recovery command syntax for SQL Server data................68
Example backup command syntax........................................................72
Scheduled Backups 75
Overview of scheduled backup..........................................................................76
Federated backup preferences for Availability Group databases....................... 76
Excluding incompatible databases in backups................................................... 78
Configuring scheduled backups.........................................................................78
Setting up backup levels...................................................................... 79
Configuring a client resource............................................................... 80
Setting data protection policies........................................................... 93
Monitoring scheduled backups .........................................................................98
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
4 Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide
Data Restore 101
Overview......................................................................................................... 102
Prerequisites................................................................................................... 102
Restoring data by using the NMM SSMS plug-in GUI......................................103
Restoring data by using the CLI....................................................................... 110
Command syntax for nsrsqlrc.............................................................. 111
Command options for nsrsqlrc.............................................................112
Backup and recovery command syntax for SQL Server data............... 121
Example recovery command syntax ...................................................125
Granular Level Recovery 127
Overview......................................................................................................... 128
Performing Granular Level Recovery............................................................... 133
Dismounting backups after performing GLR.................................................... 136
Using the Mount system tray icon...................................................... 137
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Striped Backup and Recovery 139
Overview of striped backups........................................................................... 140
Performance considerations............................................................................140
Performing striped backups............................................................................. 141
Performing striped recovery............................................................................142
Optimal striped recovery operations................................................... 142
Fail-safe striped recovery operations..................................................142
Disaster Recovery 145
Overview of disaster recovery......................................................................... 146
Disaster recovery features.............................................................................. 146
Performing disaster recovery...........................................................................147
When not to reinstall the SQL Server................................................. 147
Restoring a damaged primary disk...................................................... 148
Restoring a damaged binary disk........................................................ 149
Restoring SQL Server and NetWorker server..................................... 150
Restoring the SQL Server without reinstallation................................. 151
Restoring the SQL Server...................................................................152
Bare Metal Recovery 155
Planning bare-metal recovery..........................................................................156
Overview............................................................................................ 156
System requirements..........................................................................156
Protecting an environment before a disaster...................................... 158
BMR by using NetWorker and NMM.................................................. 159
SQL Server in a cluster environment............................................................... 159
Backing up a SQL Server for BMR......................................................159
Performing BMR of a SQL Server cluster............................................161
SQL Server in a stand-alone environment........................................................163
Backing up a SQL Server for BMR......................................................163
Performing BMR of a stand-alone SQL Server................................... 165
Chapter 11
Troubleshooting 167
Error logs for backup and recovery..................................................................168
SQL savegroup notifications............................................................................168
Troubleshooting general issues........................................................................169
Troubleshooting GLR.......................................................................................169
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6 Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
VDI backup process between NMM and SQL Server......................................................... 17
VDI recovery process between NMM and SQL Server.......................................................18
Traditional backup workflow..............................................................................................19
Federated backup workflow..............................................................................................20
Traditional recovery workflow........................................................................................... 21
Message showing DBCC was successful...........................................................................42
Assigning SQL Server privileges........................................................................................45
Adding a user to Windows User Groups............................................................................ 47
The NetWorker window in the NMM SMSS plug-in GUI ...................................................51
NetWorker Backup General page...................................................................................... 57
NetWorker Backup Options page......................................................................................58
NetWorker Backup Monitor page...................................................................................... 61
Starting the Client Configuration wizard........................................................................... 81
Specify Client Information page........................................................................................82
Specify Backup Configuration Type page..........................................................................83
Specify the Backup Options page..................................................................................... 85
Viewing clients in the Protection tab.................................................................................86
Create Policy window....................................................................................................... 94
Creating a workflow for the policy.................................................................................... 95
Specifying action information in the Policy Action wizard.................................................96
Adding a group to a policy from the Protection pane........................................................ 97
Specifying workflow and client in the Create Group window.............................................98
Successful backup messages............................................................................................99
Failed backup messages....................................................................................................99
NetWorker dialog box—Database Restore tab General page.......................................... 104
NetWorker dialog box—Database Restore tab General page for copy restore................ 105
NetWorker dialog box—Database Restore Files/Filegroups page................................... 106
NetWorker dialog box—Database Restore Options page.................................................107
NetWorker dialog box—Database Restore Monitor page.................................................110
NetWorker dialog box—Table Restore General page.......................................................134
NetWorker dialog box—Table Restore Options page...................................................... 135
NetWorker dialog box—Table Restore Monitor page...................................................... 136
Mount system tray menu................................................................................................. 137
Mount Details window......................................................................................................137
SQL Server Properties dialog box....................................................................................163
Example of SQL savegroup notification........................................................................... 169
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8 Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Revision history................................................................................................................. 12
Style conventions.............................................................................................................. 12
Backup levels for SQL Server data....................................................................................25
Full backup every 1 to 2 weeks..........................................................................................25
Logs-only backup after a full backup.................................................................................26
Backup level advantages and disadvantages..................................................................... 26
Creating additional backup levels with data objects.......................................................... 26
Backup level promotion process ....................................................................................... 27
Types of recovery for SQL Server VDI ............................................................................. 29
Recovery modes ............................................................................................................... 31
Supported special characters in database names..............................................................34
Access privileges required for backup and recovery operations........................................ 44
Where to start backup operations.....................................................................................50
Where to start restore operations.....................................................................................50
Command options for nsrsqlsv ......................................................................................... 63
Command syntax for SQL Server data..............................................................................68
Command syntax for names containing a period................................................................ 71
Command syntax for names containing a backslash...........................................................71
Command syntax for names containing a colon................................................................. 71
Tasks for configuring SQL Server VDI backups ................................................................ 79
Backup levels for SQL Server data....................................................................................80
Save sets in a standalone environment..............................................................................87
Save sets in a cluster environment....................................................................................87
Application Information field values...................................................................................88
Save sets...........................................................................................................................91
Application Information field values................................................................................... 91
Advanced restore options................................................................................................108
Command options for nsrsqlrc .........................................................................................112
Command syntax for SQL Server data.............................................................................122
Command syntax for names containing a period..............................................................124
Command syntax for names containing a backslash........................................................ 124
Command syntax for names containing a colon............................................................... 124
ItemPoint for SQL Server requirements.......................................................................... 128
Guidelines for fail-safe striped recovery.......................................................................... 142
Disaster recovery features...............................................................................................146
Rebuilding SQL Server system databases........................................................................148
Rebuilding SQL Server system databases........................................................................149
Rebuilding SQL Server system databases........................................................................150
Rebuilding SQL Server system databases........................................................................ 151
Rebuilding SQL Server system databases........................................................................162
Rebuilding SQL Server system databases........................................................................165
Program and log file names without debug logging enabled.............................................168
Program and log file names with debug logging enabled..................................................168
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10 Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide


As part of an effort to improve product lines, periodic revisions of software and hardware are released. Therefore, all versions of the software or hardware currently in use might not support some functions that are described in this document. The product release notes provide the most up-to-date information on product features.
If a product does not function correctly or does not function as described in this document, contact a technical support professional.
Note: This document was accurate at publication time. To ensure that you are using the latest
version of this document, go to the Support website
This guide contains information about using the NetWorker Module for Microsoft (NMM) 19.2 software to back up and recover SQL Server using the Virtual Device Interface (VDI) technology.
Note: The
recovery procedures described in this guide and must be referred to when performing application-specific tasks. Ensure to download a copy of the
Administration Guide
This guide is part of the NetWorker Module for Microsoft documentation set and is intended for use by system administrators during the setup and maintenance of the product. Readers should be familiar with the following technologies used in backup and recovery:
NetWorker software
Microsoft Virtual Device Interface (VDI) technology
NetWorker Module for Microsoft Administration Guide
from the Support website at before using this
supplements the backup and
NetWorker Module for Microsoft
Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide
Revision history
The following table presents the revision history of this document.
Table 1 Revision history
Revision Date Description
01 November, 2019 First release of this document for the NetWorker
Module for Microsoft 19.2 release.
Related documentation
The NMM documentation set includes the following publications:
NetWorker Module for Microsoft Release Notes
NetWorker Module for Microsoft Administration Guide
NetWorker Module for Microsoft Installation Guide
NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL and SharePoint VSS User Guide
NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide
NetWorker Module for Microsoft for Exchange VSS User Guide
NetWorker Module for Microsoft for Hyper-V User Guide
ItemPoint for Microsoft SQL Server User Guide
ItemPoint for Microsoft Exchange Server User Guide
ItemPoint for Microsoft SharePoint Server User Guide
NetWorker documentation set
Special notice conventions that are used in this document
The following conventions are used for special notices:
Identifies content that warns of potential business or data loss.
Note: Contains information that is incidental, but not essential, to the topic.
Typographical conventions
The following type style conventions are used in this document:
Table 2
Style conventions
Bold Used for interface elements that a user specifically selects or clicks,
for example, names of buttons, fields, tab names, and menu paths. Also used for the name of a dialog box, page, pane, screen area with title, table label, and window.
Used for full titles of publications that are referenced in text.
Used for:
System code
System output, such as an error message or script
Pathnames, file names, file name extensions, prompts, and syntax
Commands and options
12 Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide
Table 2 Style conventions (continued)
Monospace italic
Monospace bold
[ ] Square brackets enclose optional values.
| Vertical line indicates alternate selections. The vertical line means or
{ } Braces enclose content that the user must specify, such as x, y, or z.
... Ellipses indicate non-essential information that is omitted from the
Used for variables.
Used for user input.
for the alternate selections.
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3. In the search box, type either the solution number or keywords. Optionally, you can limit the search to specific products by typing a product name in the search box, and then selecting the product from the list that appears.
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14 Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide


This chapter includes the following sections:
Using NMM with Virtual Device Interface API........................................................................16
SQL Server backup and restore workflow..............................................................................18
SQL Server cluster environments..........................................................................................22
SQL Server backups..............................................................................................................23
SQL Server recovery.............................................................................................................29
SQL Server instance and database names for backup and recovery......................................33
Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide 15

Using NMM with Virtual Device Interface API

You can use the NetWorker Module for Microsoft (NMM) software to back up and recover Microsoft SQL Server data. NMM uses Virtual Device Interface (VDI), an API that Microsoft SQL Server provides, to integrate with the SQL Server and enable the NetWorker software to back up and recover SQL Server data.
Note: Any references to the Data Domain systems and the Data Domain devices in the product
also apply to the PowerProtect Data Domain systems.
When you install NMM, you can run the System Configuration Checker from the Installation wizard. It is recommended that you run the System Configuration Checker to ensure that the setup is correctly configured for backup and recovery. The
Installation Guide
Note: If you are a NetWorker Module for SQL Server (NMSQL) user and are migrating to
NMM VDI, perform a full backup of the SQL Server data after you install NMM VDI. NMM VDI cannot recover SQL snapshot data backed up with NMSQL.
The following figure describes the backup process that takes place between NMM and the SQL Server using VDI:
provides details.
NetWorker Module for Microsoft
1. The user starts the backup process with NMM.
2. The backup command is sent to the SQL Server. This interaction is performed through the VDI API.
3. NMM reads the data from SQL Server and stores it on the NetWorker server.
4. NMM sends the backup status to the NetWorker Server and notifies the user when the backup is complete.
16 Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide
Figure 1 VDI backup process between NMM and SQL Server
The following figure describes the recovery process that takes place between NMM and the SQL Server using VDI:
1. The user starts the recovery process with NMM.
2. The restore command is sent to the SQL Server. This interaction is performed through the VDI API.
3. NMM reads the data from the NetWorker server and passes the data to the SQL Server using VDI.
4. NMM notifies the user when the recovery is complete.
Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide 17
Figure 2 VDI recovery process between NMM and SQL Server

SQL Server backup and restore workflow

This section provides information about SQL Server backup and restore workflows.

Traditional backup workflow (stand-alone backup over a storage node)

During a backup in a traditional environment, processes interact between the NetWorker client (that is, NMM), the NetWorker server, and the SQL Server.
During a traditional backup, the backup starts from the nsrsqlsv program, which is started by using one of the following:
Command prompt
NMM plug-in for the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
The following process occurs in a traditional backup:
1. The nsrd program starts the backup nsrworkflow on the NetWorker server.
2. The nsrworkflow starts the savegrp program.
3. The savegrp program runs the NMM backup command (nsrsqlsv) on the client instead of performing a standard NetWorker save.
4. The nsrsqlsv program passes the backup data from SQL Server to the NetWorker server through an X-Open Backup Services application programming interface (XBSA).
The NetWorker server schedules and performs all storage management tasks.
The following figure shows the traditional backup workflow.
18 Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide
Figure 3 Traditional backup workflow
NetWorker Administration Guide
provides information about the NetWorker services and

Federated backup workflow (AlwaysOn Availability Group configuration)

During a federated backup, processes interact between the NetWorker client (that is, NMM), the NetWorker server, and the SQL Server.
NMM supports federated backups of any SQL Server with support for AlwaysOn
Availability Groups (SQL Server 2012 and later).
The backup starts from the nsrsqlsv program, which is started by using one of the following:
Command prompt
NMM plug-in for the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
The following process occurs during a federated backup:
1. The NetWorker server starts the nsrsqlsv program in the active node of the Windows cluster (called the coordinator process).
2. The coordinator process queries the SQL Server and detects the Backup Preference and priority from the Availability group, and starts the worker process on the detected preferred node.
3. The backup is configured with and stored under the Windows cluster name on the Availability Group.
The following figure shows the federated backup workflow.
Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide 19
Figure 4 Federated backup workflow
Note: The coordinator process always goes through the nsrjobd service to start the worker
process on the secondary nodes to ensure that the NetWorker server and nsrjobd can communicate with secondary nodes.

Recovery workflow

During a traditional recovery operation that uses a storage node without the Client Direct feature, process interactions occur between the NetWorker client (that is, NMM), the NetWorker server, and the SQL Server.
The following process occurs in a traditional recovery operation:
1. The nsrsqlrc program starts the recovery.
2. The NetWorker XBSA API translates the object names that NMM requests into a format that NetWorker understands and forwards the translated object names to the NetWorker server nsrd service.
3. The nsrmmd media service, contacts the nsrmmdbd service to search the NetWorker server’s media database for the volumes that contain the requested objects.
4. After the media is mounted, the nsrmmd program sends the data through the NetWorker XBSA API to nsrsqlrc, which then sends data to the SQL Server.
The following figure shows the traditional recovery workflow.
20 Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide
Figure 5 Traditional recovery workflow
NMM recovery interactions with the SQL Server
When a SQL instance-level recovery occurs, NMM stops and starts the SQL Server and dependent services.
When you want to recover the SQL Server system database types like master and msdb, the nsrsqlrc program automatically stops and restarts the SQL Server services appropriately, as follows:
1. Before the recovery process begins, NMM stops the SQL Server and other dependent services. When the SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) is running, it might use the only available database connection if the SQL Server is in a single-user mode. Stop the Analysis Services before restoring the master database.
2. NMM starts the SQL Server in single-user mode.
3. NMM performs the recovery.
4. After the recovery process finishes, NMM waits for the SQL Server to shut down.
5. For stand-alone and cluster environments, NMM restarts the SSAS.
When you recover a master database, there can be timing issues related to stopping and starting of services. If you are recovering a master database, it is recommended that before you start the recovery, you manually stop all SQL Server services except for the SQL Server.
Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide 21

SQL Server cluster environments

NMM can back up or restore data from an SQL server that is running as a SQL virtual server in a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC). The SQL Server instance that is running in this configuration is called Failover Cluster Instance (FCI).
NMM requires the SQL virtual server name so it can perform the following tasks:
Connect to the SQL Server instance.
Accept data from or deliver data to the SQL Server in the cluster, and to initialize the SQL Server VDI.
Create entries in the NetWorker client file index.
NMM creates index entries under the virtual server name in the NetWorker client file index.
Note: Backup and restore of SQL Server data in a cluster with NMM requires Cluster Client
Connection licenses on the NetWorker server host. A separate Cluster Client Connection license is required for each node in the cluster.
NMM detects SQL Server instances
NMM automatically detects all the SQL Servers in a WSFC, including the SQL virtual servers.
NMM detects the SQL Servers only on the active nodes, whenever the following conditions occur:
You open the NMM plug-in for the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
You start a backup or restore operation.
Named instances in failover cluster configurations
NMM provides failover cluster support by using the multiple instance features provided in the SQL Server. In a failover configuration, the SQL virtual servers run as either default instances or as named instances. Only one default instance of a SQL virtual server can be installed. Additional SQL virtual servers might be installed as named instances, where each instance name must be unique within the cluster.
Multiple named instances are supported as SQL virtual servers in a cluster configuration. The number of instances that are supported depends on the SQL Server version that is used in the setup. The
NetWorker Module for Microsoft Installation Guide
and the Microsoft SQL Server
documentation provide more information.
Each named SQL virtual server instance has the following qualities:
A unique IP address, network name, and instance name
Datafile files that are installed on a clustered drive that belongs to the same cluster group as the associated virtual server for that named instance
Active and passive cluster configurations
When the NMM SSMS plug-in GUI is started on the active node, NMM automatically uses the SQL virtual server as the client name. The client name is used for reading or writing to the NetWorker media database and client file index. The NMM SSMS plug-in GUI can be used only on the active node.
When you use the command line interface, use the nsrsqlsv -A <SQL virtual server> backup command when the target database is a SQL cluster.
The NMM SSMS plug-in GUI shows all active clusters that are running on the host in the SQl Server Instance list.
22 Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide
If each SQL virtual server is running on a different physical node in the cluster, an active or active cluster configuration exists, and no failover occurs, NMM automatically communicates with the SQL virtual server that is running on the same physical node.
Multi-subnet cluster configurations
NMM supports SQL AlwaysOn Availability Groups in a multi-subnet cluster. You can back up and restore the AlwaysOn Availability Group data in a multi-subnet cluster by using the Availability Group Listener client resource. The following sections provide information:
Availability group listeners on page 39
Clusterless availability group listeners on page 39
Configuring a client resource on page 80

SQL Server backups

This section introduces NMM as a tool to back up an SQL Server.

Types of supported backups

NMM supports manual and scheduled backups of SQL Server data.
Manual (traditional) backup
NMM supports traditional backups, which are often referred to as manual backups. A traditional backup of SQL data can be performed at any time and is independent of any scheduled backup.
NMM supports traditional backup of the following items:
File group
Filestream data
Transaction log
Also, NMM for SQL Server supports file group differential, file differential, and copy-only backups.
A file group differential backup can reduce both media requirements and recovery time because data is stored across more than one disk or disk partition, so recovery time is reduced. A differential backup can substitute for any logs-only backups performed between the full and differential backups. A full backup must be performed first.
NMM can recover a full backup of SQL Server data (including files and file groups) that were created with NMSQL. However, NMM cannot recover snapshot (PowerSnap based) backups that were created with NMSQL.
Scheduled backup
The most reliable way of protecting SQL data is to ensure that backups of the SQL Server are run at regular intervals, that is, scheduled backups. Scheduled backups ensure that all SQL Server data, including the NetWorker server’s client indexes and bootstrap file, is automatically saved. If a disaster occurs, the client indexes and bootstrap file are vital for restoring data to the SQL Server.
Backup limitations
Due to SQL Server behavior, the following limitations apply to SQL Server backups:
For simple recovery model databases, only full backups (including copy-only full backups) are supported.
Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide 23
Backup levels
For full backups of a secondary replica, SQL Server supports only copy-only backups.
Learn about the backup levels that NMM supports
Note: NetWorker 8.2.x defines backup levels differently than NMM 19.2. If you are using
NetWorker 8.2.3 or 8.2.4 server with the NMM 19.2 client, refer to the
Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide
version 8.2 SP1 for information about backup levels.
NetWorker Module for
NMM supports the following three levels of backup.
Full backups
Entire database backup, including all file groups or files in the database.
Cumulative incremental backups
A cumulative incremental backup captures all changes since the last full backup.
Logs-only backups
A logs-only backup that corresponds to a SQL Server transaction log backup. A log file backup cannot be used to recover a database.
A log file backup is used after a database recovery to restore the database to the point of the original failure.
The logs only backup option appears in the NetWorker Management Console. When using the command prompt to perform a logs-only backup, use the txnlogs -l command.
entry is the database save set, which lists the backup level as txnlog. The second entry is a cover set entry, which lists the backup level as incr. Both entries are required for cloning and restore operations.
Copy-only backups
You can take a manual SQL Server copy-only backup at any time without affecting the backup schedule or log chain. You can perform copy-only backups at the full or logs-only backup level.
Copy-only backups are not promoted to a different backup level, which allows other backups to run without disrupting the backup chain.
Copy-only full backups are not considered level full backups during promotion. Having a copy-only full backup does not prevent subsequent backups from being promoted to a full backup.

Setting backup levels

NMM enables you to specify backup levels to logs only, cumulative incremental, and full.
The availability of a backup level depends on the type of data selected for backup and any SQL Server settings on those objects, as listed in the following table.
NetWorker 8.2.3 or 8.2.4 server with the NMM 19.2 client, refer to the
Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide
When a logs-only backup is taken, NMM records two entries in the media database. One
NetWorker 8.2.x defines backup levels differently than NMM 19.2. If you are using
NetWorker Module for
version 8.2 SP1 for information about backup levels.
24 Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide
Table 3 Backup levels for SQL Server data
SQL Server data objects Supported SQL Server backup levels
Full Cumulative incremental Logs only
All databases of SQL default or named instances
Specified databases Yes Yes Yes
All filegroups in specified databases
Filestream data in specified databases
Specified filegroups in specified database
Specified files in filegroups in specified databases
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Not applicable
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Not applicable
Yes Yes Not applicable
When you perform a logs-only backup for SQL Server data objects, ensure that the SQL Server database options are correctly configured. The Microsoft SQL Server documentation provides more information. Individual items are subject to promotion.
Example strategies for backing up SQL Server data
This section describes example strategies for backing up SQL Server data.
Example 1
If the SQL Server manages a significant amount of data, schedule a backup of the databases every 1 to 2 weeks, as shown in the following table.
Backup strategy one
Table 4 Full backup every 1 to 2 weeks
Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs
Full Logs-only Logs-only Logs-only Logs-only Cumulative
Logs-only Logs-only Logs-only Cumulative
Full Repeat
Example 2 Backup strategy two
Logs-only Logs-only Logs-only
Another backup strategy is to schedule logs-only backups on several successive days immediately following a full backup, as shown in the following table. This schedule backs up all data that has changed since the previous logs-only backup.
A level 1 cumulative incremental backup can also be scheduled after several days of logs-only backups, as shown in the following table. This schedule backs up all data since the previous full backup.
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Example 2 Backup strategy two (continued)
NOTICE If a database is read-only, perform a full backup of the database. A read-
only database cannot be restored from an existing transaction log backup.
Table 5 Logs-only backup after a full backup
Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs
Full Logs-only Logs-only Logs-only Cumulative
Using backup levels
Because it is not practical or efficient to run full backups every day, you can specify different backup levels for scheduled backups. Limiting the frequency of full backups can decrease server load while ensuring complete data protection.
Differences between backup levels
The following table outlines the differences between backup levels.
Table 6
Backup level Advantages Disadvantages
Full Fastest restore time.
Logs only
Backup level advantages and disadvantages
Faster backup time than a full backup.
Decreases the load on server and uses the least volume of space.
Enables point-in-time restore.
Slow backup.
Increases load on client, server, and network.
Uses the most volume space.
Slow restore.
Data can spread across multiple volumes.
Multiple transaction logs can spread across multiple volumes.
Logs-only Logs-only
Cumulative incremental
Faster backup time than a full backup.
Captures all changes since the last full
Generally more time-consuming than a logs­only backup (depending on the backup schedule strategy).
Combining data objects to create backup levels
NMM enables the selection of SQL Server data objects in various combinations to create scheduled backups of different levels, as shown in the following table.
Table 7
Backup level Database objects
Full database To create a level full database backup of the selected databases and their
26 Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide
Creating additional backup levels with data objects
transaction log files, select one or more databases.
Table 7 Creating additional backup levels with data objects (continued)
Backup level Database objects
Full file or file group To create a level full file or file group backup of the selected files or file
group, but not their transaction logs, select one or more files or one or more filegroups.
Database logs only To create a database logs only level backup of only the logs only for the
selected database, select one or more databases.
The SQL database must be previously configured to enable logs only backups.
Database cumulative incremental (level1)To create a database level cumulative incremental backup of only the
changes that are made to the selected databases since the last full level backup was created, select one or more databases.
File or file group cumulative incremental

Backup promotion

Guidelines for Microsoft SQL Server best practices indicate that a full database backup should be the first step in implementing a restore strategy for a database. In adhering to these guidelines, NMM supports backup level promotion. Backup level promotion is based on data on the NetWorker server and the SQL Server.
The following table explains the scenarios which cause backup promotion to occur.
Table 8
Backup item Requested
backup level
Database Cumulative
To create a file or file group level cumulative incremental backup, select one or more files or one or more filegroups. This backup only includes the changes that are made to the selected files or filegroups since the last full level backup.
NMM does not support backup promotion during copy-only backups.
Backup level promotion process
Level of promotion
Database full
Reason for promotion
A full database backup does not exist.
A restore was done after the most recent full database backup.
The last database backup was not performed with NMM.
The database name is "master" or "msdb."
In the case of Always On Availability Groups, the last full backup was performed on a different node.
Either the mirror partner has a more recent backup or its backup status cannot be determined.
Logs only Database full
A full database backup does not exist.
A restore was done after the most recent full database backup.
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Table 8 Backup level promotion process (continued)
Backup item Requested
backup level
Level of promotion
File/Filegroup Full Database full
Database full
Logs only Database full
Reason for promotion
The last database backup was not performed with NMM.
The database name is "master" or "msdb."
In the case of Always On Availability Groups, the last full backup was performed on a different node.
Either the mirror partner has a more recent backup or its backup status cannot be determined.
The database model changed from simple to full or to bulk logged.
The database is using the simple restore model.
The database is in emergency mode.
A full database backup does not exist.
A restore was done after the most recent full database backup.
The last database backup was not performed with NMM.
The database name is "master" or "msdb."
Either the mirror partner has a more recent backup or its backup status cannot be determined.
Logs-only backups of files or filegroups are not
Logs only Filegroup/file full
Toggling backup promotion functionality
You can toggle backup promotion for both scheduled and manual backups using the following tools:
Scheduled backup:
In the Client Backup Configuration wizard, select Turn off backup promotion to turn off backup promotion.
In the Client Properties dialog box, type the NSR_BACKUP_PROMOTION application information variable with a valid value.
Manual backup:
At a command prompt, use the BACKUP_PROMOTION flag with a valid value with the nsrsqlsv command.
In the NMM SSMS plug-in, on the Options page, select an option from the Backup Promotion list.
Consider the following when you disable backup promotion:
When backing up the 'msbd' and 'master' databases, the backup level is always set to full and the backup promotion setting is ignored.
The first backup of a database is always set to level full and the backup promotion setting is ignored.
28 Dell EMC NetWorker Module for Microsoft for SQL VDI User Guide
If you disable backup promotion, data loss may occur if the backup chain is broken. For example, if a transaction logs backup is taken with a third party software or SQL native backup tools in between two NMM logs only backups for the same database, NMM may be unable to restore the database using the logs only backup.
The Manual Backups chapter and the Scheduled Backups chapter provide more information about changing backup promotion settings.

SQL Server recovery

This section introduces NMM as a tool to recover an Microsoft SQL Server.

Types of supported recovery

This section lists the types of supported recovery for SQL Server VDI.
NOTICE NMM supports recovery of a SQL Server 2012 or later database only after the Always
On Availability Group replication has been removed for the corresponding database.
The following table lists the types of recovery for SQL Server VDI in NMM.
Table 9 Types of recovery for SQL Server VDI
Type of recovery When used Description
Traditional recovery For data that was backed up by
traditional backup, NMM supports traditional recovery.
Normal recovery NMM uses the normal restore type
as the default.
Data recovery from a traditional backup can be performed:
At any time with NMM.
By running NMM recover command (nsrsqlrc) from the command prompt. Traditional recovery operations recover files, file groups, databases, and transaction log backups.
The normal restore type restores:
The entire set of data that is associated with one or more SQL Server backups, including full, logs only, and cumulative incremental backups.
A file, file group, or a database to the database originally backed up.
Level full, level 1 (cumulative incremental), and level logs only backups in the order required by SQL Server. NMM can back up and restore specified files and file groups. Also, a single file group, or multiple file groups or files, can
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Table 9 Types of recovery for SQL Server VDI (continued)
Type of recovery When used Description
be restored from a full database backup.
Copy recovery A copy recovery is an operation in
which data is recovered to a SQL Server host other than the one from which it was backed up. A copy restore from and to the same SQL Server instance can also be done.
Flat file recovery Flat file recovery allows you to
restore the backup to a file.
Granular-level recovery (GLR) Granular-level recovery allows you to
recover SQL server data at the table level.
The copy recovery type creates a copy of a database by restoring a SQL Server database to a new location, or with a new database name. The copy recovery type makes it easy to duplicate a database that was previously backed up. You can only mark a single item for this operation. Also, you can copy a system database, but you cannot overwrite it. NMM does not support copy recovery of filestream databases.
When you perform a flat file recovery, NMM writes the backup to files instead of directly to the SQL database. This feature allows you to restore the recovery files later without access to the network by using the standard T-SQL file restore command.
By using GLR with SQL Server, you can recover individual tables to the production database. This feature reduces the space requirements on local system storage during a restore operation. Depending on the size of the content database, GLR may also reduce recovery time. Granular-level recovery is performed using NMM and ItemPoint for Microsoft SQL Server.

Recovery modes

To recover a database, you must specify a recovery mode. A recovery mode instructs the SQL Server how to interact with the database after the recovery operation completes. For instance, recovery modes can leave the database in an intermediate state, so additional transaction logs can be applied.
The following table shows how the recovery modes correspond to SQL Server database restore options.
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