Dell SonicWALL TZ300 Quick Start Manual

Dell SonicWALL TZ300 Quick Start Guide
TZ300 front and back panels
Figure 1. Front and back panels
Rear Panel
SonicWALL TZ300
lan wan
Front Panel
USB 3.0 port
Fast blinking is initializing Slow blinking is SafeMode
For future use
Top - 10/100 Mbps when lit
Bottom - 1 Gbps when lit
X1 WAN Port
X0 LAN Port
Congurable ports
1 Check package contents
Verify that your package has the following contents:
Dell SonicWALL appliance
Ethernet cable
Standard power adaptor
Standard power cord
Quick Start Guide
Figure 2. Package Contents
NOTE: The included power cord is approved for use
only in specific countries or regions. Before using a power cord, verify that it is rated and approved for use in your location.
SonicWALL TZ300
X0 X1 X2 X3 X4
lan wan
2 Power on
Connect the power adaptor to the appliance and to
the power cable. Plug the power cable into an appropriate outlet (110-240 volts).
The TZ appliance powers on and the Test LED blinks during the boot sequence.
120V AC (U.S.)
SonicWALL TZ300
X0 X1 X2 X3 X4
lan wan
SonicWALL TZ300
X0 X1 X2 X3 X4
lan wan
Connect the interfaces
Connect the WAN interface (X1) to your Internet
connection using a standard Ethernet cable.
Connect the LAN interface (X0) to your computer using a standard Ethernet cable.
Figure 3. Connecting WAN and LAN interfaces
4 Run the Setup Wizard
In the Web browser on your computer, navigate to
In the window that opens, click on the word here in the line that says, “To launch the Dell SonicWALL Setup Wizard, click here.”
TIP: Your computer should be using DHCP IP
The SonicOS Startup Guide opens.
Click Next and follow the prompts in the Startup
Guide pages that follow.
Enter the TZ appliance administrator credentials to change the password, if you wish. Click Next.
NOTE: The default administrator credentials are
Username: admin Password: password
The automatic WAN IP settings are displayed. Click Next.
The new IP Configuration is displayed. Click Done.
NOTE: For manual configuration, refer to the
SonicOS 6.2 Administration Guide.
Dell SonicWALL™ TZ300
Quick Start Guide
Regulatory Model Number: APL28-0B4
Dell SonicWALL TZ300 Quick Start Guide
Register product
Point your browser to the appliance LAN IP address
(default and log in using the administrator credentials.
Click Register on the System > Status page under Security Services.
TIP: Registering the appliance from SonicOS
requires that DNS Server settings are configured on the WAN (X1) interface.
Log in using your MySonicWALL account name and password. If you do not have a MySonicWALL account, click the Create MySonicWALL account link to create an account.
MySonicWALL gets the necessary information directly from the TZ appliance. When finished, you will see a message that registration has been completed.
NOTE: Your appliance must be registered to
download the latest firmware.
6 Get the latest firmware
In a Web browser, navigate to
Click Downloads and select TZ300 Firmware from the Software Type drop-down list.
Click the link for the firmware you want and save
the file to a location on your computer.
On the TZ appliance, navigate to the System > Settings page. Click the Upload New Firmware button.
Click the Browse button to navigate to and select
the firmware you just downloaded.
Click Upload and wait for the upload to complete.
In the Firmware Management Table, click the Boot icon for your new firmware.
7 Mounting the TZ appliance
For optional wall mounting, you need:
Drill with appropriate size bit
For mounting on drywall:
Two #6 pan-head screws, 1 inch long (7mm
diameter head, 25mm long)
Two w a l l ancho r s
For mounting on solid wood or metal:
Two #6 pan-head wood or machine screws, 1
inch long (7mm diameter head, 25mm long) To mount the appliance on the wall: 1 Drill two holes 4.5 inches (11.5 cm) apart in the
wall where you want to mount the appliance.
2If using wall anchors, insert a wall anchor into
each hole.
3 Insert a screw into each wall anchor (into each
hole if not using wall anchors), leaving 3/16 inches (0.45 cm) of the screws exposed (including screw head).
4 Position the appliance mounting slots over the
screws and press in and down until the appliance is securely mounted.
WARNING: Do not mount the appliance on the
ceiling, it is not designed for secure ceiling mounting.
Safety and regulatory information
Mounting the appliance
Mount in a location away from direct sunlight and sources of heat. A maximum ambient temperature of 104º F (40º C) is recommended.
Route cables away from power lines, fluorescent lighting fixtures, and sources of noise such as radios, transmitters, and broadband amplifiers.
The included power cord(s) are approved for use only in specific countries or regions. Before using a power cord, verify that it is rated and approved for use in your location.
Ensure that no water or excessive moisture can enter the unit. Allow unrestricted airflow around the unit and through the vents on the side of the unit. A minimum of 1
inch (25.44mm) clearance is recommended. Consideration must be given to the connection of the equipment to the supply circuit. Appropriate
consideration of equipment nameplate ratings must be used when addressing this concern. Do not overload the circuit.
This equipment is not intended for use at workplaces with visual display units, in accordance with §2 of the German ordinance for workplaces with visual display units. To avoid incommoding reflections at visual display workplaces this device must not be placed in the direct field of view.
Lithium battery warning
The Lithium Battery used in the Dell SonicWALL security appliance may not be replaced by the user. Return the Dell SonicWALL security appliance to a Dell SonicWALL-authorized service center for replacement with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. If, for any reason, the battery or Dell SonicWALL security appliance must be disposed of, do so following the battery manufacturer's instructio ns.
Cable connections
All Ethernet and RS232 (Console) cables are designed for intra-building connection to other equ ipment. Do not connect these ports directly to communication wiring or other wiring that exits the building where the Dell SonicWALL appliance is located.
Power supply information
If the power supply is missing from your Dell SonicWALL product package, please contact Dell SonicWALL Technical Support at for a replacement. This produ ct sho uld on ly be u sed wi th a UL liste d powe r supp ly mark ed “I. T.E. LPS” with a n outp ut rat ed 12V DC, minimum 2.0 A, Tma: minimum 40 degree C.
Declaration of conformity
A Declaration of Conformity in accordance with the directives and standards has A “Declaration of Conformity” in accordance with the directives and standards has been made and is on file at Dell Products Europe BV, Limerick, Ireland.
CE declarations can be found online at
Verwarnung Weitere hinweise zur montage
Wählen Sie für die Montage einen Ort, der keinem direkten Sonnenlicht ausgesetzt ist und sich nicht in der Nähe von Wärmequellen befindet. Die Umgebungstemperatur darf nicht mehr als 40 °C betragen.
Führen Sie die Kabel nicht entlang von Stromleitungen, Leuchtstoffröhren und Störquellen wie Funksendern oder Breitbandverstärkern.
Das im Lieferumfang enthaltene bzw. die im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Netzkabel sind nur für die Verwendung in bestimmten Ländern und Regionen zugelassen. Überprüfen Si e bitte vor der V erwendung eins Netzkabels, ob es für die Verwendung in Ihrem Land oder Ihrer Region zugelassen ist und den geforderten Normen entspricht.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Gerät vor Wasser und hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit geschützt ist. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Luft um das Gerät herum zirkulieren kann und die Lüftungsschlitze an der Seite
des Gehäuses frei sind. Hier ist ein Belüftungsabstand von mindestens 26 mm einzuhalten. Prüfen Sie den Anschluss des Geräts an die Stromversorgung, damit der Ãœberstromschutz sowie die
elektrische Leitung nicht von einer eventuellen Überlastung der Stromversorgung beeinflusst werden. Prüfen Sie dabei sorgfältig die Angaben auf dem Aufkleber des Geräts. Überlasten Sie nicht den Stromkreis.
Dieses Gerät ist nicht zur Verwendung an Arbeitsplätzen mit visuellen Anzeigegeräten gemäß § 2 der deutschen Verordnung für Arbeitsplätze mit visuellen Anzeigegeräten vorgesehe n.Um störende R eflexionen am Bildshirmarbeitsplatz zu vermeiden, darf dieses Produkt nicht im unmittelbaren Gesichtsfeld platziert verden.
Verwarnung hinweis zur lithiumbatterie
Die in der Internet Security Appliance von Dell verwendete Lithiumbatterie darf nicht vom Benutzer ausgetauscht werden. Zum Austauschen der Batterie muss die Dell in ein von Dell autorisiertes Service­Center gebracht werden. Dort wird die Batterie durch denselben oder entsprechenden, vom Hersteller empfohlenen Batterietyp ersetzt. Beachten Sie bei einer Entsorgung der Batterie oder der Dell Internet Security Appliance die diesbezüglichen Anweisungen des Herstellers.
Verwarnung kabelverbindungen
Alle Ethernet- und RS232-C-Kabel eignen sich für die Verbindung von Geräten in Innenräumen. Schließen Sie an die Anschlüsse der Dell keine Kabel an, die aus dem Gebäude herausgeführt werden, in dem sich das Gerät befindet.
NOTE: Additional regulatory notifications and information for this product can be found online at:
Informationen zur stromversorgung
Wenn die Stromversorgung von der Dell-Produktpaket fehlt, wenden Dell den Technischen Support unter
Dieses Produkt sollte nur mit einem für den Europäischen Markt genehmigten Netzteil mit dem Logo "I.T.E. LPS" und einer Ausgangsleistung von12 VDC, mind. 2.0A, Tma: mind. 40 Grad C, betrieben werden.
This guide contains proprietary information protected by copyright. The software described in this guide is furnished under a software license or nondisclosure agreement. This software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the applicable agreement. No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording for any purpose other than the purchaser’s personal use without the written permission of Dell Inc.
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Patent s
This product is protected by U.S. Patents. For more information, go to
Dell, the Dell logo, and SonicWALL are trademarks of Dell Inc. Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. Dell disclaims any proprietary interest in the marks and names of others.
TZ300 Quick Start Guide Updated - March 2015 232-002822-51 Rev A