intellectual property laws. Dell™ and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other
jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
This reference guide documents the Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Common Information Model
(CIM) provider contained in the Management Object File (MOF) dccim32.mof.
CIM provides a conceptual model for describing manageable objects in a systems management
environment. CIM is a modeling tool rather than a programming language. CIM provides the structure for
organizing objects into a model of a managed environment. For modeling a managed environment, CIM
makes available a set of abstract and concrete classes of objects. These classes model the basic
characteristics of systems, networks, and applications, as well as groupings of management-related data.
For more information about CIM, see the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) website at and the Microsoft website at
Server Administrator
Server Administrator provides a suite of systems management information for keeping track of your
networked systems. In addition to providing systems management agents that are independent of the
management console, Server Administrator supports these systems management standards: CIM and
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
In addition to supporting systems management industry standards, Server Administrator provides
additional systems management information about the specific components of your Dell system.
What’s New in This Release
The following attributes are added in Server Administrator 7.4:
•ChassisNodeID under DELL_Chassis class
•BladeFormFactor under DELL_RemoteServiceAccessPort class
For a list of platforms, operating systems, and browsers support added and deprecated, refer to the Dell
Systems Software Support Matrix Version 7.4 at
Documenting CIM Classes and Their Properties
The Dell CIM provider extends support to Dell-specific software and hardware components. The Dell
MOF defines the classes for the Dell CIM provider. All of the supported classes and properties in the MOF
are documented in this guide.
The following subsections define some of the basic building blocks of CIM classes that are used in
describing the dccim32 provider name. These subsections also explain how the elements used in
describing these classes are organized. This section does not document the entire CIM schema, but only
those classes and properties supported by the dccim32 provider. The list of properties for each supported
class varies greatly.
The property values being presented could be NULL or empty string on some systems, although in
general, some non-empty values can be expected. Key properties (listed below) always carry non-empty
values. It is recommended that you use only the following properties as key attributes:
•CIM_ServiceAccessPoint: SystemCreationClassName, SystemName, CreationClassName, Name
Base Classes
The classes listed in the Server Administrator CIM provider class hierarchy do not have a parent property.
These base classes do not derive from another class. The base classes are:
The CIM_ManagedSystemElement class is the base class for the system element hierarchy from which all
other CIM classes are derived. As a result, CIM_ManagedSystemElement has no parent. Examples of
managed system elements include software components such as files, devices such as hard drives and
controllers, and physical subcomponents of devices such as chip sets and cards. For the
CIM_ManagedSystemElement properties, see Caption, CreationClassName, Description, Name, and
Status in Common Properties of Classes
The Dell-defined classes are not defined in the official schema by the DMTF, the industry group that
defines the standards for CIM, and hence do not have parent classes. CIM_Dependency does not have a
parent class because it is a relationship or association between two managed system elements.
Parent Classes
Most classes in the dccim32 provider document both a Class Name and a Parent Class property. The
parent class is the class from which any given class inherits its core properties. For example, the
CIM_Controller class has the CIM_LogicalDevice class as its parent, and has various types of controllers
(CIM_ParallelController, CIM_SerialController) as its children.
Classes That Describe Relationships
Classes that derive from CIM_Dependency have CIM_Dependency as their parent class, but they are
documented in terms of antecedent and dependent elements in a relationship rather than in terms of
common properties. Consider the following relationship between two CIM_ManagedSystemElements:
The CIM_PackageCurrentSensor class monitors an entire physical package, such as all the components
contained in a given system chassis. The CIM_PhysicalPackage class is dependent on the
CIM_PackageCurrentSensor class for this monitoring function.
Dell-Defined Classes
Server Administrator has extended some CIM classes and has created new classes to assist in managing
systems and their components. In this document, the illustrations of the classes created and populated by
Dell are represented by an orange circle icon.
Common Properties of Classes
Many classes have properties such as Caption, Description, and CreationClassName. Common Properties
of Classes defines properties that have the same meaning in every class that has this property and are
defined more than once in this guide.
Table 1. Common Properties of Classes
PropertyDescriptionData Type
CaptionDescribes the object using a
short textual description (one‑line
CreationClassNameIndicates the name of the class or
the subclass used in the creation
of an instance. When used with
the other key properties of this
class, this property allows all
instances of this class and its
subclasses to be uniquely
CSCreationClassNameIndicates the computer system’s
creation class name.
CSNameIndicates the computer system’s
PropertyDescriptionData Type
CurrentReadingIndicates the actual current value
indicated by the sensor in
DescriptionProvides a textual description of
the object.
LowerThresholdNonCriticalIf current reading is between
lower threshold noncritical and
upper threshold noncritical, the
current state is normal. See
Figure 3‑2.
LowerThresholdCriticalIf the current reading is between
upper threshold critical and
upper threshold fatal, the current
state is critical. See Figure 3‑2.
IsLinearIndicates that the sensor is linear
over its dynamic range.
ManufacturerProvides the name of the
organization responsible for
producing the
CIM_PhysicalElement or
CIM_SoftwareElement. This may
be the entity from whom the
element is purchased, but not
necessarily. Purchase information
is contained in the vendor
property of CIM_Product.
NameDefines the label by which the
object is known. When
subclassed, the Name property
can be overridden to be a Key
StatusProvides a string indicating the
status of the component. Status
values include:
Operational Status Values:
•OK indicates that the object is
functioning normally.
•Degraded means that the
item is functioning, but not
•Stressed indicates that the
element is functioning, but
needs attention. Examples of
Stressed states are
overloaded, overheated, and
so on.
Nonoperational Status Values:
•Non-recover means that a
nonrecoverable error has
•Error means that an element
has encountered an
PropertyDescriptionData Type
operational condition that is
severe as compared to its
normal mode of operation.
SystemCreationClassNameIndicates the system’s creation
class name.
UnitModifierProvides the unit multiplier for
the values returned by this
sensor. All the values returned by
this sensor are represented in
units of 10 raised to the power of
the unit modifier. If the unit
modifier is –6, then the units of
the values returned are
microvolts. The units apply to all
numeric properties of the sensor,
unless explicitly overridden by
the units’ qualifier.
UpperThresholdCriticalIf the current reading is between
upper threshold critical and
upper threshold fatal, the current
status is critical. See Figure 3‑2.
UpperThresholdNonCriticalIf the current reading is between
lower threshold noncritical
and lower threshold critical, the
current status is noncritical. See
Figure 3‑2.
VersionVersion should be in the form
<major>.<minor>.<revision> or
n>; for example, 1.2.3 or 1.2a3.
Other Documents You May Need
Besides this Dell OpenManage Server Administrator CIM Reference Guide, you can find the following
documents on the Dell Support website at
•Dell OpenManage Server Administrator User’s Guide documents the features, installation, and
uninstallation of Server Administrator.
•Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Installation Guide contains instructions to help you install Dell
OpenManage Server Administrator.
•Dell OpenManage Management Station Software Installation Guide contains instructions to help you
install Dell OpenManage management station software that includes Baseboard Management Utility,
DRAC Tools, and Active Directory Snap-In.
•Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Command Line Interface User’s Guide explains how to
perform tasks using the text-based command line interface.
•Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Messages Reference Guide lists the messages that you can
receive on your systems management console or on your operating system’s event viewer. This guide
explains the text, severity, and cause of each message that the Server Administrator issues.
•Dell OpenManage Server Administrator SNMP Reference Guide documents the SNMP management
information base (MIB). The SNMP MIB defines variables that cover the capabilities of Server
Administrator systems management agents.
•The Glossary for information on terms used in this document.
Typographical Conventions
The following example shows how most of the classes in the Dell CIM provider are documented.
CIM_DMA Properties shows a partial class description for the DELL_DMA class.
NOTE: For a full class description, see CIM_DMA Properties.
Class Name appears in Courier typeface and provides the string that names the class in the MOF.
Parent Class appears in Courier typeface and provides the name of the class from which the present class
is derived.
Property denotes the name of the attribute that is being defined for this class.
Description includes text that defines the property.
Data Type stipulates the format that the values of this property must take. Common data types include
Boolean, string, and various types of integer. Boolean indicates that the property must be expressed as
one of two alternatives.
CIM_Physical Element
CIM_PhysicalElement is a CIM-defined class. The CIM_PhysicalElement class contains the subclasses
shown in Figure CIM_PhysicalElement Class Structure
Subclasses of the CIM_PhysicalElement class listed in Table below define any component of a system
that has a distinct physical identity. Physical elements are tangible managed system elements (usually
actual hardware items) that have a physical manifestation of some sort. By contrast, processes, files, and
logical devices are not classified as physical elements. A managed system element is not necessarily a
discrete component. A single card (which is a type of physical element) can host more than one logical
One card, for example, could implement both a modem and a local area network (LAN) adapter. In this
case, the card would be represented by a single physical element associated with multiple logical devices.
Table 2. CIM_PhysicalElement Properties
Class Name: CIM_PhysicalElement
Parent Class: CIM_ManagedSystemElement
PropertyDescription Data Type
CreationClassNameSee Common Properties
of Classes
ManufacturerSee Common Properties
of Classes
ModelThe name by which the
physical element is
generally known.
SerialNumberA manufacturer-
allocated number used
to identify the physical
TagUniquely identifies the
physical element and
serves as the element’s
key. The Tag property
can contain information
such as asset tag or
serial number data. The
key for a physical
element is placed very
high in the object
hierarchy in order to
identify the hardware/
entity independently,
regardless of the
physical placement in or
on cabinets, adapters,
and so on. For example,
a hotswappable or
removable component
can be taken from its
containing (scoping)
package and be
temporarily unused. The
object still continues to
exist and may even be
inserted into a different
scoping container.
Therefore, the key for
the physical element is
an arbitrary string that is
defined independently
of any placement or
The CIM_PhysicalPackage class listed in Table below represents physical elements that contain or host
other components. Examples are a rack enclosure or an adapter card with multiple functions.
Table 3. CIM_PhysicalPackage Properties
Class Name:
Parent Class:
PropertyDescriptionData Type
RemovableA CIM_PhysicalPackage is
removable if it is designed to be
taken in and out of the
physical container in which it is
normally found without impairing
the function of the overall
ReplaceableA CIM_PhysicalPackage is
replaceable if it is possible to
substitute a physically different
element for the original element,
as in a field replaceable unit (FRU).
For example, some computer
systems allow the microprocessor
to be upgraded to one of a higher
clock rating. In this case, the
microprocessor is said to be
The CIM_PhysicalFrame class described in Table properties contains other frame enclosures such as
racks and chassis. Properties like VisibleAlarm or AudibleAlarm, and data related to security breaches are
also members of this class.
Table 4. CIM_Physical Frame Properties
Class Name:
Parent Class:
PropertyDescriptionData Type
LockPresentIndicates whether the frame is
AudibleAlarmIndicates whether the frame is
VisibleAlarmIndicates that the equipment
SecurityBreachAn enumerated, integer-valued
protected with a lock.
equipped with an audible alarm.
includes a visible alarm.
property indicating that a physical
breach of the frame is in progress.
Values for the SecurityBreach
property are:
1 - Other 2 - Unknown 3 - No
breach 4 - Breach attempted 5 Breach successful
Class Name:
Parent Class:
PropertyDescriptionData Type
IsLockedIndicates that the frame is
currently locked.
The CIM_Chassis class described in Table below represents the physical elements that enclose physical
elements such as power supplies, fans, and processors.
Table 5. CIM_Chassis Parent Properties
Class Name: CIM_Chassis
Parent Class:CIM_PhysicalFrame
PropertyDescription Data Type
ChassisTypesValues for the
ChassisTypes property
6.Main system chassis
7.Expansion chassis
10. Main system chassis
11. Expansion chassis
12. Subchassis
13. Bus expansion
14. Peripheral chassis
15. Storage chassis
16. Rack-mount
The DELL_Chassis class explained in Table below defines the identifying and status properties of the
chassis. DELL_Chassis inherits from CIM-defined classes, but is populated by Dell properties.
Table 6. DELL_Chassis Properties
Class Name:
Parent Class:
PropertyDescriptionData Type
AssetTagIndicates the container AssetTag
SystemClassRefers to the system type that is
SystemIDIndicates the system identifier
LogFormatDefines whether the event log
FanStatusIndicates the global status of fan
TempStatusIndicates the global status of
VoltStatusIndicates the global status of
string. This asset tag string is
assigned by the system
installed and running the
instrumentation. Values for the
ChassisSystemRevisionIndicates the chassis revision.uint16
EsmLogStatusIndicates the global status of ESM
MemoryRedStatusIndicates the global status of
ChassisExpressServiceCodeIndicates the chassis express
ChassisNodeIDChassis Node IDstring
current sensors.
power supplies.
memory devices.
processor devices.
cooling unit.
power unit.
thresholds are supported.
such as energy smart and so on.
memory redundancy.
service code.
The CIM_PhysicalComponent class listed in Table below represents any low-level or basic component
within a package. A component object either cannot or does not need to be broken down into its
constituent parts. For example, an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) cannot be broken down
into smaller discrete parts.
Table 7. CIM_PhysicalComponent Properties
Class Name:
Parent Class:
The CIM_Chip class listed in Chip Properties represents any type of integrated circuit hardware, including
ASICs, processors, memory chips, and so on.
Table 8. CIM_Chip Properties
Class Name: CIM_Chip
Parent Class: CIM_PhysicalComponent
The CIM_PhysicalMemory class listed in PhysicalMemoryProperties is a subclass of CIM_Chip,
representing low-level memory devices, such as SIMMs, DIMMs, and so on.
Table 9. CIM_PhysicalMemory Properties
Class Name: CIM_PhysicalMemory
Parent Class: CIM_Chip
Property DescriptionData Type
FormFactorSee Chip Propertiesuint16
MemoryTypeIndicates the type of
physical memory. Values
for the MemoryType
property are:
in bits, of the physical
memory, including
check or error
correction bits. If there
are no error correction
bits, the value in this
property should match
that specified for the
DataWidth property.
DataWidthIndicates the data width,
in bits, of the physical
memory. A data width of
0 and a total width of 8
would indicate that the
memory is solely used to
provide error correction
speed of the physical
memory, in string format
(with units).
capacity of this physical
memory, in bytes.
physically labeled bank
where the memory is
located, for example,
"Bank 0" or "Bank A."
the physical memory in
a “row.” For example, if it
takes two 8-bit memory
devices to form a 16-bit
row, then a value of 2
means that this memory
is the second device. 0 is
an invalid value for this
InterleavePositionIndicates the position of
this physical memory in
an interleave. 0 indicates
noninterleaved. 1
indicates the first
position, 2 the second
position, and so on. For
example, in a 2:1
interleave, a value of 1
indicates that the
memory is in the “even”
The CIM_PhysicalConnector class listed in Physical Connector Properties includes physical elements
such as plugs, jacks, or buses that connect physical elements. Any object that can be used to connect
and transmit signals or power between two or more physical elements is a member of this class. For
example, slots and D-shell connectors are types of physical connectors. See Connector Type Values for a
list of valid connector type values.
Table 10. CIM_PhysicalConnector Properties
Class Name: CIM_PhysicalConnector
Parent Class: CIM_PhysicalElement
Property DescriptionData Type
ConnectorPinoutA free-form string
describing the pin
configuration and signal
usage of a physical
ConnectorTypeAn array of integers
defining the type of
physical connector. An
array is specified to
allow the description of
“combinations” of
connector information.
For example, one array
entry could specify
RS-232, another DB-25,
and a third entry could
define the connector as
male. See
Type Values for the
values of the
Table 11. Connector Type Values
0 - Unknown30 - unused60 - Micro-DIN90 - On board IDE
The CIM_Slot class listed in Table below represents connectors into which packages are inserted. For
example, a physical package that is a hard drive can be inserted into a small computer system interfacesingle connector attachment (SCSI-SCA) slot. As another example, a card can be inserted into a 16-, 32-,
or 64-bit expansion slot on a host board
Table 12. CIM_Slot Properties
Class Name:class CIM_Slot
Parent Class: CIM_PhysicalConnector
PropertyDescription Data Type
ConnectorTypeSee Connector Type
SupportsHotPlugIndicates whether the
slot supports hot-plug
adapter cards.
MaxDataWidthIndicates the maximum
bus width in bits of
adapter cards that can
be inserted into this slot.
Values for the
MaxDataWidth property
are as follows: