Dell OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter 2.0 User Manual

OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter User's Guide Version 2.0
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
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1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................9
OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Features.........................................................................................9
2 Understanding How to Configure or Edit the OpenManage Integration for
VMware vCenter.......................................................................................................................... 11
Configuration Wizard Welcome Page.................................................................................................................... 11
vCenter Selection................................................................................................................................................... 11
Creating A New Connection Profile using the Initial Configuration Wizard...........................................................12
Scheduling Inventory Jobs [Wizard]...................................................................................................................... 13
Running A Warranty Retrieval Job [Wizard].......................................................................................................... 14
Configuring Events And Alarms [Wizard]............................................................................................................... 14
3 About VMware vCenter Web Client Navigation.................................................................. 17
Navigating to the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Inside the VMware vCenter............................17
Understanding Icon Buttons...................................................................................................................................17
Locating the Software Version............................................................................................................................... 18
Refreshing the Screen Content.............................................................................................................................. 18
Viewing the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Licensing Tab.......................................................... 18
Opening Online Help............................................................................................................................................... 19
Finding Help and Support....................................................................................................................................... 19
4 Connection Profiles...................................................................................................................21
Viewing Connection Profiles...................................................................................................................................21
Creating A Connection Profile................................................................................................................................ 21
Editing a Connection Profile................................................................................................................................... 23
Refreshing A Connection Profile............................................................................................................................ 24
Deleting A Connection Profile.................................................................................................................................24
Testing a Connection Profile...................................................................................................................................25
5 Inventory History....................................................................................................................... 27
Viewing Inventory History.......................................................................................................................................27
Changing Inventory Job Schedules........................................................................................................................28
Running an Inventory Job Now.............................................................................................................................. 28
6 Warranty History....................................................................................................................... 29
Viewing Warranty History.......................................................................................................................................29
Modifying a Warranty Job Schedule......................................................................................................................30
Running a Warranty Job Now................................................................................................................................ 30
7 Console Administration............................................................................................................ 31
Using the Administration Console.......................................................................................................................... 31
Registering a vCenter Server........................................................................................................................... 31
Modifying The vCenter Administrator Login.................................................................................................... 32
Updating The SSL Certificates For Registered vCenter Servers......................................................................32
Uninstalling the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter From VMware vCenter................................32
Uploading a OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter License to the Administration Console.............32
Virtual Appliance Management..............................................................................................................................33
Restarting the Virtual Appliance...................................................................................................................... 33
Updating a Repository Location and Virtual Appliance................................................................................... 33
Updating the Virtual Appliance Software Version........................................................................................... 34
Downloading the Troubleshooting Bundle.......................................................................................................34
Setting Up The HTTP Proxy.............................................................................................................................. 34
Setting Up the NTP Servers............................................................................................................................. 35
Generating a Certificate Signing Request........................................................................................................35
Setting up Global Alerts..........................................................................................................................................36
Managing Backup And Restore..............................................................................................................................36
Configuring Backup And Restore.....................................................................................................................36
Scheduling Automatic Backups.......................................................................................................................37
Performing An Immediate Backup................................................................................................................... 37
Restoring the Database from a Backup........................................................................................................... 37
Understanding the vSphere Client Console ...........................................................................................................38
Configuring Network Settings..........................................................................................................................38
Changing the Virtual Appliance Password...................................................................................................... 38
Setting The Local Time Zone............................................................................................................................39
Rebooting Virtual Appliance.............................................................................................................................39
Resetting The Virtual Appliance To Factory Settings...................................................................................... 39
Refreshing the Console View........................................................................................................................... 40
Read-only User Role.........................................................................................................................................40
Migration Path to migrate from 1.6/1.7 to 2.0....................................................................................................40
8 About Logs..................................................................................................................................43
Viewing the Logs.....................................................................................................................................................43
Exporting Log Files..................................................................................................................................................44
9 Settings....................................................................................................................................... 45
Editing the OMSA Link............................................................................................................................................ 45
Understanding Using OMSA with 11th Generation Servers...................................................................................45
Deploying The OMSA Agent Onto An ESXi System................................................................................................46
Deploying the OMSA Agent onto an ESX System...................................................................................................46
Setting Up An OMSA Trap Destination...................................................................................................................46
10 Viewing Warranty Expiration Notification Settings...........................................................49
Configuring Warranty Expiration Notification........................................................................................................ 49
11 About Firmware Updates....................................................................................................... 51
Setting Up the Firmware Update Repository.......................................................................................................... 51
Running The Firmware Update Wizard for a Single Host....................................................................................... 52
Running the Update Firmware Wizard for a Cluster...............................................................................................53
12 Understanding Events And Alarms...................................................................................... 55
Configuring Events And Alarms ............................................................................................................................. 56
Viewing Events.................................................................................................................................................57
Viewing the Alarm and Event Settings.............................................................................................................57
Viewing the Data Retrieval Schedules for Inventory and Warranty...................................................................... 57
13 Monitoring a Single Host....................................................................................................... 59
Viewing Host Summary Details.............................................................................................................................. 59
Launching Management Consoles......................................................................................................................... 61
Launching the Remote Access Console (iDRAC)................................................................................................... 62
Setting Up Physical Server Blink Indicator Light....................................................................................................62
14 Buying and Uploading a Software License.........................................................................63
About OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Licensing...........................................................................63
15 Viewing Hardware: FRU Details for a Single Host.............................................................65
16 Viewing Hardware: Processor Details for a Single Host..................................................67
17 Viewing Hardware: Power Supply Details for a Single Host........................................... 69
18 Viewing Hardware: Memory Details for a Single Host..................................................... 71
19 View Hardware: NICs Details for a Single Host.................................................................73
20 Viewing Hardware: PCI Slots for a Single Host................................................................. 75
21 Viewing Hardware: Remote Access Card Details for a Single Host.............................. 77
22 Viewing Storage Details for a Single Host..........................................................................79
Viewing Storage: Virtual Disk Details for a Single Host......................................................................................... 79
Viewing Storage: Physical Disk Details for a Single Host...................................................................................... 80
Viewing Storage: Controller Details for a Single Host............................................................................................81
Viewing Storage: Enclosure Details for a Single Host............................................................................................82
23 Viewing Firmware Details for a Single Host....................................................................... 83
24 Viewing Power Monitoring for a Single Host..................................................................... 85
25 Viewing Warranty Status for a Single Host........................................................................ 87
Renewing Host Warranty....................................................................................................................................... 88
26 Quickly Viewing Only Dell Hosts...........................................................................................89
27 Monitoring Hosts on Clusters and Datacenters.................................................................91
28 Viewing Overview Details for Datacenters and Clusters................................................. 93
29 Viewing Hardware: FRUs for Datacenters or Clusters..................................................... 95
30 Viewing Hardware: Processor Details for Datacenters or Clusters...............................97
31 Viewing Hardware: Power Supply Details for Datacenters and Clusters.....................99
32 Viewing Hardware: Memory Details for Datacenters and Clusters............................. 101
33 Viewing Hardware: NICs Details for Datacenters and Clusters................................... 103
34 Viewing Hardware: PCI Slot Details for Datacenters and Clusters..............................105
35 Viewing Hardware: Remote Access Card Details........................................................... 107
36 Viewing Storage: Physical Disks for Datacenters and Clusters................................... 109
37 Viewing Storage: Virtual Disk Details for Datacenters and Clusters........................... 111
38 Viewing Firmware Details for Datacenters and Clusters............................................... 113
39 Viewing Warranty Summary Details for Datacenters and Clusters............................. 115
40 Viewing Power Monitoring for Datacenters and Clusters............................................. 117
41 Troubleshooting.....................................................................................................................119
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)....................................................................................................................... 119
'Settings' page fails to load, if we navigate away and go back to ‘Settings’ page........................................119
Why is the DNS configuration settings restored to original settings after appliance reboot if using
DHCP for appliance IP and DNS settings overwritten................................................................................... 119
Using OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter to update an Intel Network card with the
firmware version of 13.5.2 is not supported................................................................................................... 119
On trying a firmware update with an invalid DUP, the hardware update job status on the vCenter
console neither fails nor times-out for hours, though the job status in LC says ‘FAILED’. Why is this
Administration Portal is still showing the unreachable Update Repository location.....................................120
Why do I see “Task cannot be scheduled for the time in the past” error in inventory schedule/
Warranty schedule page of Initial Configuration Wizard...............................................................................120
Why did my system not enter maintenance mode when I performed a one-to-many firmware update?..... 120
Warranty and Inventory schedule for all Vcenters is not applying when selected under "Dell Home >
Monitor > Job Queue > Warranty/Inventory History >Schedule".................................................................. 120
Why is the Installation date showing up as 12/31/1969 for some of the firmware on the firmware page......121
Why is successive Global refresh cause exception to be thrown in Recent Task window.......................... 121
Why is the Web client UI distorted for few of the Dell screens in IE 10........................................................ 121
Even if my repository has bundles for selected 11G system, why is firmware update showing that I
have no bundles for Firmware Update?......................................................................................................... 121
Why am I not seeing the OpenManage Integration Icon on the Web Client even if the registration of
the plug-in to the vCenter was successful?...................................................................................................121
I get an exception whenever I click finish after editing a connection profile through Web Client. Why?.... 122
I am unable to see the connection profiles to which a host belongs to when I create\edit a connection
profile in web GUI. Why?................................................................................................................................122
On editing a Connection profile the select host window in the Web UI is blank. Why?................................122
How Come I See An Error Message Displayed After Clicking The Firmware Link?.......................................122
What generation of Dell servers does the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter configure
and support for SNMP traps?........................................................................................................................ 123
What vCenters in linked mode are managed by OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter?............... 123
Does OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter support vCenter in linked mode?............................... 123
What are the Required Port Settings for the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter?.................... 123
What are the Minimum requirements for successful installation and operation of the virtual appliance?.. 125
How Do I Find the Expected Translations for Renewing Warranty?..............................................................125
How come I do not see my new iDRAC version details listed on the vCenter Hosts & Clusters page?........ 125
How Do I Test Event Settings by Using OMSA to Simulate a Temperature Hardware Fault?.......................126
I Have the OMSA Agent Installed on a Dell Host System, But I Still Get an Error Message That OMSA
is Not Installed. What Should I Do?............................................................................................................... 126
Can the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Support ESX/ESXI with Lockdown Mode
Inventory is Failing on Hosts ESXi 4.0 Update2 and ESXi Update 3 in Lockdown Mode after a Reboot........127
When I tried to use lockdown mode, it failed.................................................................................................127
What Setting Should I Use For UserVars.CIMoeMProviderEnable With ESXi 4.1 U1?..................................127
I Am Using A Reference Server to Create a Hardware Profile But it Failed. What Should I Do?..................127
I Am Attempting to Deploy ESX/ESXi on a Blade Server and it Failed. What Should I Do?...........................127
Why are My Hypervisor Deployments Failing on my Dell PowerEdge R210 II Machines?............................128
Why Do I See Auto-discovered Systems Without Model Information in the Deployment Wizard................128
The NFS Share is Set Up With the ESX/ESXI ISO, but Deployment Fails with Errors Mounting the
Share Location............................................................................................................................................... 128
How Do I Force Removal of the Virtual Appliance?....................................................................................... 128
Entering a Password in the Backup Now Screen Receives an Error Message............................................ 128
In the vSphere Web Client, Clicking the Dell Server Management Portlet Or the Dell Icon Returns A
404 Error......................................................................................................................................................... 128
My Firmware Update Failed. What Do I Do?..................................................................................................129
My vCenter Registration Failed. What Can I Do?...........................................................................................129
Performance during Connection Profile Test Credentials is extremely slow or unresponsive..................... 129
Does the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter support the VMware vCenter Server
Does the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter support the vSphere Web Client?........................129
Bare Metal Deployment Issues............................................................................................................................ 129
Contacting Dell..................................................................................................................................................... 130
Where To Get Additional Help For This Software.................................................................................................130
OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Related Information...................................................................130
42 Virtualization—Related Events........................................................................................... 131
A Security Roles and Permissions.......................................................................................... 136
A Data Integrity...........................................................................................................................137
A Access Control Authentication, Authorization, and Roles.............................................. 138
A Dell Operation Role................................................................................................................ 139
A Dell Infrastructure Deployment Role...................................................................................140
A Understanding Privileges......................................................................................................141
B Understanding Auto-Discovery............................................................................................143
Auto-Discovery Prerequisites...............................................................................................................................143
Enabling or Disabling Administrative Accounts on iDRAC Servers......................................................................144
Manually Configuring a PowerEdge 11th Generation Server for Auto-Discovery .............................................. 144
Manually Configuring a PowerEdge 12th Generation Server for Auto-Discovery............................................... 146


VMware vCenter is the primary console used by IT administrators to manage and monitor VMware vSphere ESX/ESXi hosts. In a standard virtualized environment, VMware alerts and monitoring are used to prompt you to launch a separate console to resolve hardware issues. OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter is a product that lets you manage VMware vCenter servers from within the VMware Web client, freeing you from being tied to a Windows system. Using OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, you have capabilities to manage and monitor Dell hardware within the virtualized environment, such as:
Alerts and environmental monitoring: Detect key hardware faults and perform virtualization-aware actions (for example, migrate workloads or place host in maintenance mode).
Single server monitoring and reporting: Monitoring and reporting capabilities of servers.
Firmware updates: Update Dell hardware to the most recent version of BIOS and firmware.
Enhanced deployment options: Create hardware profiles, hypervisor profiles, and deploy any combination of the two on bare-metal Dell PowerEdge servers, remotely and without PXE—using vCenter
OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Features
You can use the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter to perform:
Inventory Inventory key assets, perform configuration tasks, and provide cluster and datacenter views of
Dell platforms.
Monitoring and Alerting
Firmware Updates
Deployment and Provisioning
Service Information
Security Role and Permissions
Detect key hardware faults and perform virtualization-aware actions (for example, migrate workloads or place host in maintenance mode). Provide additional intelligence (inventory, events, alarms) to diagnose server problems. Report at the datacenter and cluster view and export to CSV file.
Update Dell hardware to the most recent version of BIOS and firmware.
Create hardware profiles, hypervisor profiles, and deploy any combination of the two on bare­metal Dell PowerEdge servers, remotely and without PXE—using vCenter.
Retrieve warranty information from Dell online.
Integrate with standard vCenter authentication, rules, and permissions.

Understanding How to Configure or Edit the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter

After you complete the basic installation of the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, the Initial Configuration Wizard is displayed when you click on the Dell Icon. Use the Initial Configuration Wizard to configure the Settings on first launch. For subsequent instances use the Settings page. Also, from the Initial Configuration Wizard you can edit the settings of warranty, inventory, events and alarms. Although using the Initial Configuration Wizard is the most common method used, you can also accomplish this task through the appliance's OpenManage Integration Manage Settings page in the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter. For more information on the Initial Configuration Wizard, see, OpenManage Integration for VMWare vCenter User Guide.
Configuration Tasks Using the Configuration Wizard
The Initial Configuration Wizard can be used to configure the following for one vCenter or for all registered vCenters:
1. vCenter Selection
2. Creating A New Connection Profile
3. Scheduling Inventory Jobs
4. Scheduling a Warranty Jobs
5. Configuring Events And Alarms
NOTE: You can also launch the Initial Configuration Wizard using the link Start Initial Configuration Wizard under Basic Tasks in the Getting Started page.

Configuration Wizard Welcome Page

After you install the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, it must be configured.
1. In the vSphere Web Client, click on Home, and then OpenManage Integration Icon
2. The first time you click on the OpenManage Integration icon, it opens the Configuration Wizard. You can also access this wizard on the OpenManage IntegrationGetting StartedStart Initial Configuration Wizard page.

vCenter Selection

The vCenter selection page allows you to select a specific vCenter to configure settings for, or allows you to select all vCenters to configure them.
1. In the Initial Configuration Wizard, click on Next in the Welcome screen.
2. Select one vCenter or all vCenters from the vCenters drop-down list. Select an individual vCenter for those not configured yet or if you have added a new vCenter to your environment. The vCenter selection page allows you to select one or more vCenters to configure settings
3. Click Next to proceed to the Connection Profile description page.

Creating A New Connection Profile using the Initial Configuration Wizard

A connection profile stores the credentials that the virtual appliance uses to communicate with Dell servers. Each Dell server must be associated with a connection profile to be managed by the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter. You may assign multiple servers to a single connection profile. Creating the Connection Profile is similar between the Configuration Wizard and from the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, Settings option.
Prior to using the Active Directory credentials with a connection profile, the Active Directory user account must exist in Active Directory and this account must already be enabled in iDRAC. This wizard is not for creating Active Directory accounts or enabling Active Directory on iDRAC.
NOTE: You are not allowed to create a connection profile if the number of hosts added exceeds the license limit for Creating a Connection Profile
To create a new connection profile using the wizard:
1. From the Connection Profile Description page, Click Next to proceed.
2. In the Name and Credentials page, enter the Connection Profile Name and an optional Connection Profile Description
3. In the Name and Credentials page, under Credentials, do one of the following:
NOTE: The iDRAC account requires administrative privileges for updating firmware, applying hardware profiles, and deploying hypervisor.
– For iDRACs already configured and enabled for Active Directory on which you want to use Active Directory,
select the Use Active Directory check box; otherwise skip down to configure the iDRAC credentials.
* In the Active Directory User Name text box, type the user name. Type the username in one of these
formats: domain\username or username@domain. The user name is limited to 256 characters. Refer to Microsoft Active Directory documentation for user name restrictions.
* In the Active Directory Password text box, type the password. The password is limited to 127
* In the Verify Password text box, type the password again.
* In the Certificate Check box, select one of the following:
To download and store the iDRAC certificate and validate it during all future connections, select Enabled .
To perform no check and not store the certificate, do not select the Enable Certificate Check check box.
For iDRACs already configured and enabled for Active Directory on which you want to use Active Directory, select the Use Active Directory check box; otherwise skip down to configure the iDRAC credentials.
– To configure iDRAC credentials without Active Directory, do the following:
* In the User Name text box, type the user name. The user name is limited to 16 characters. Refer to
the iDRAC documentation for information about user name restrictions for your version of iDRAC.
NOTE: The local iDRAC account requires administrative privileges for updating firmware, applying hardware profiles, and deploying hypervisor.
* In the Password text box type the password. The password is limited to 20 characters.
* In the Verify Password text box, type the password again.
* In the Certificate Check box, select one of the following:
To download and store the iDRAC certificate and validate it during all future connections, select Enabled.
To perform no check and not store the iDRAC certificate, do not select the Enable Certificate Check check box.
4. In the Host Root area, do one of the following:
– For hosts already configured and enabled for Active Directory on which you want to use Active Directory,
select the Use Active Directory check box; otherwise skip down to configure your Host Credentials.
* In the Active Directory User Name text box, type the user name. Type the username in one of these
formats: domain\username or username@domain. The user name is limited to 256 characters. Refer to Microsoft Active Directory documentation for user name restrictions.
* In the Active Directory Password text box, type the password. The password is limited to 127
* In the Verify Password text box, type the password again.
* In the Certificate Check box, select one of the following:
To download and store the Host certificate and validate it during all future connections, select Enabled.
To perform no check and not store the Host certificate, select Disabled.
– To configure Host Credentials without Active Directory, do the following:
* In the User Name text box, the user name is root. This is the default username and you cannot
change the username. but, if the Activate directory is set, you can choose any Active directory user not just root.
* In the Password text box type the password. The password is limited to 127 characters.
NOTE: The OMSA credentials are the same credentials used for ESX and ESXi hosts.
* In the Verify Password text box, type the password again.
* In the Certificate Check check box, select one of the following:
To download and store the Host certificate and validate it during all future connections, select Enabled .
To perform no check and not store the Host certificate, do not select the Enable Certificate Check check box.
5. Click Next.
6. In the Associated Hosts page, select the hosts for the connection profile and click OK.
7. To test the connection profile, select one or more hosts and select the Test Connection button. This step is optional. This is used to check whether the Host and iDRAC credentials are correct or not.
8. To complete the profile, click Next. For servers that do not have either an iDRAC Express or Enterprise card, the iDRAC test connection result states Not Applicable for this system.

Scheduling Inventory Jobs [Wizard]

The inventory schedule configuration is similar between the Configuration Wizard and from the OpenManage Integration under Manage section, Settings option.
NOTE: To make sure that the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter continues to display updated information, it is recommended that you schedule a periodic inventory job. The inventory job consumes minimal resources and will not degrade host performance.
To schedule an inventory job:
1. In the Configuration Wizard, in the Inventory Schedule window, do one of the following:
– The Enable Inventory Data Retrieval check box is selected by default to enable you to schedule the
2. Under Inventory Data Retrieval Schedule, do the following:
a) Select the check box next to each day of the week that you want to run the inventory. By default, all the days
are selected.
b) In the text box, enter the time in HH:MM format.
The time you enter is your local time. Calculate the time difference you need to run the inventory collection at the proper time.
3. To apply the changes and continue, click Next to proceed with the warranty schedule settings.

Running A Warranty Retrieval Job [Wizard]

The warranty retrieval job configuration is similar between the wizard and from the Dell OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, Settings option. In addition, you can run the Warranty Retrieval Job now, from Job Queue. Scheduled jobs would be listed in the Job queue.
To run a warranty retrieval job:
1. In the Configuration Wizard, in the Warranty Schedule window, do one of the following:
– Select the Enable Warranty Data Retrieval check box to enable you to schedule the warranty.
2. Under Warranty Data Retrieval Schedule, do the following:
a) Select the check box next to each day of the week that you want to run the warranty. b) In the text box, enter the time in HH:MM format.
The time you enter is your local time. Calculate the time difference you need to run the warranty collection at the proper time.
3. To apply the changes and continue, click Next to proceed with the warranty schedule settings.

Configuring Events And Alarms [Wizard]

Configure events and alarms using the Configuration Wizard or from the Dell OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, Settings option for Events and Alarms.
NOTE: On hosts prior to Dell PowerEdge 12th generation servers, this feature requires that the virtual appliance IP address is configured in the trap destination list in OMSA to display host events in vCenter.
To configure events and alarms:
1. In the Initial Configuration Wizard, under Event Posting Levels, select one of the following:
– Do not post any events - Block hardware events.
– Post All Events - Post all hardware events.
– Post only Critical and Warning Events - Post only critical or warning level hardware events.
– Post only Virtualization-Related Critical and Warning Events - Post only virtualization-related critical and
warning events; this is the default event posting level.
2. To enable all hardware alarms and events, select the Enable Alarms for Dell Hosts check box.
NOTE: Dell hosts that have alarms enabled respond to critical events by entering maintenance mode.
3. A dialog box Enabling Dell Alarm Warning is displayed, click Continue to accept the change, or click Cancel. You should click on
NOTE: This step is only seen if Enable Alarms For Dell Hosts is selected.
4. To continue the wizard, click Apply.
Continue for the clusters displayed when the DRS is not enabled.

About VMware vCenter Web Client Navigation

Navigating around VMware vCenter is easy. When you log in to VMware vCenter and land on the home page and Home Tab, the OpenManage Integration icon is located in the main content area under the Administration group. Use the OpenManage Integration icon to locate the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter tab and to locate the Dell group in the Navigator area.
VMware vCenter layout has the following three main sections:
Navigator The Navigator area is the primary menu used to access the different views in the console.
OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter has a special group under the vCenter menu that serves as the primary access point for OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter.
Main Content area
Notifications Displays vCenter alarms, task and work in progress. OpenManage Integration for VMware
Displays the views selected in the Navigator. The main content area is the area where most of the content displays.
vCenter integrates with the alarm, event and task systems in vCenter to display its own information in the Notification area.
Navigating to the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Inside the VMware vCenter
The OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter is located in a special Dell group within VMware vCenter.
1. Log in to VMware vCenter.
2. In VMware vCenter home page, click the OpenManage Integration icon.
From here you can manage OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter connection profiles, product settings, monitor inventory and warranty jobs, view the summary page and much more from the tabs in the main content area.
3. To monitor hosts, datacenters, and clusters, in the left-side Navigator, under Inventory Lists, select the host, datacenter or cluster you want to investigate and then on the Object tab, click the object you want.
4. Use the Summary or Monitor tab to help you monitor activities or tasks from other Dell hosts.

Understanding Icon Buttons

The product user interface uses many icon-based action buttons for the actions you take.
Table 1. Icon buttons defined.
Icon Button Definition
Use this plus-sign icon to add or create something new.
Use this add server icon to add a server to a connection profile, datacenter, and cluster,
Icon Button Definition
Use this icon to abort a job.
Use this icon to collapse a list.
Use this icon to expand a list.
Use this icon to delete an object.
Use this icon to change a schedule.
Use this pencil icon to edit.
Use this broom icon to purge a job.
Use this icon to export a file.

Locating the Software Version

The software version is found on the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Getting Started tab.
1. In VMware vCenter home page, click the OpenManage Integration icon.
2. On the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Getting Started tab, click Version Information.
3. On the Version Information dialog box, view the version information.
4. To close the dialog box, click OK.

Refreshing the Screen Content

Refresh the screen at anytime using the VMware vCenter Refresh icon.
1. Select a page that you want to refresh.
2. In the VMware vCenter title bar, click the Refresh button.
The Refresh icon is left of the Search area and looks like a clockwise arrow.
Viewing the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Licensing Tab
When you install OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter license, the number of supported hosts and vCenters is displayed on this tab. You can also view the version of the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter at the top of the page. This page under License Management has links to:
Product Licensing Portal (Digital Locker)
iDRAC Licensing Portal
Administration Console
In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, on the Licensing tab, view the following:
Host Licenses
vCenter Licenses
– Licenses Available
Displays the number of available licenses.
– Licenses In Use
Displays the number of licenses in use.
– Licenses Available
Displays the number of available licenses.
– Licenses In Use
Displays the number of licenses in use.

Opening Online Help

You can open the online help from the Help and Support tab. You can search the document for help on understanding a topic or for a procedure. Online Help contains most of the product User’s Guide.
1. In OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter. Do one of the following:
– In the Help and Support, under Product Help, click OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Online
2. Use the left-pane table of contents or search to find the topic of your choice.
3. When finished with Help, in the upper right-hand corner, click the red X.

Finding Help and Support

To provide you with the information you need about your product, OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter offers the Help and Support tab. On this tab, you can find the following information:
Product Help Provides the following links:
OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Help Provides a link to the product help, which is located inside the product. Use the table
of contents or search to find the help you need.
About This link brings up the Version Information dialog box. You can find the product
version here.
Dell Manuals Provides live links to:
Server Manuals
OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Manuals
Administration Console
Additional Help and Support
Provides a link to the Administration Console.
Provides live links to:
iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller Manuals
Dell VMware Documentation
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Troubleshooting Bundle
Dell Recommends Dell recommends Dell Repository Manager and you can find a link to it here. Use Dell
iDRAC Reset Provides a Reset iDRAC button to use when iDRAC is not responsive. This reset performs a
1. In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, click the Help and Support tab.
2. View the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter support information on this tab.
Download a troubleshooting bundle. Provide or refer to this bundle when you contact technical support. For more information, see Download a Troubleshooting Bundle
Repository Manager to find and download all firmware updates available for your system.
normal iDRAC reboot. See Resetting iDRAC

Connection Profiles

The Connection Profiles tab lets you manage and configure connection profiles. A connection profile stores the credentials that the virtual appliance uses to communicate with Dell servers. Associate each Dell server with only one connection profile for management by the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter. You may assign multiple servers to a single connection profile.
Viewing Connection Profiles
Creating a Connection Profile
Editing a Connection Profile
Refreshing a Connection Profile
Deleting a Connection Profile
Testing a Connection Profile

Viewing Connection Profiles

Create a connection profile before you can view it.
Once you have created a connection profile, view it here on the Connection Profile page. The OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter uses connection profiles to communicate with Dell hosts.
In OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, on the Manage Connection Profile tab , you can view all the connection profiles you have created. The information you can view includes:
Profile Name Displays the name of the connection profile.
Description Displays a description, if provided.
vCenter Displays the IP address of the vCenter.
Associated Hosts Displays the hosts associated with this connection profile. If more than one, use the
expand icon to show all.
iDRAC Certificate Check Shows whether the iDRAC Certificate Check is enabled or disabled.
Host Root Certificate Check
Date Created Displays the create date.
Date Modified Displays the Modify date.
Last Modified By Displays who last modify this profile.
Shows whether the Host Root Certificate Check is enabled or disabled.

Creating A Connection Profile

You may assign multiple servers to a single connection profile. Create a Connection Profile using the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenterManage Connection Profiles tab and click the Plus sign to proceed.
NOTE: The vCenter hosts that display during this procedure have authenticated using the same Single Sign On (SSO). If you do not see a vCenter host, it may be on a different SSO or you may be using a VMware vCenter version less than version 5.1.
1. In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, on the Manage Connection Profiles tab, click the Create New icon.
2. In the Connection Profile Description page, click Next.
3. In the Name and Credentials page, do the following:
a) Under Profile, type the Profile Name and optional Description. b) Under vCenter, select the host or hosts on which you want to associate with this connection profile. This option
lets you create one connection profile for many vCenter hosts.
c) Under Name and Credentials page, do the following:
* The iDRAC account requires administrative privileges for updating firmware, applying hardware
profiles, and deploying hypervisor.
* In the Active Directory User Name text box, type the user name. Type the username in one of these
formats: domain\username or username@domain. The user name is limited to 256 characters. Refer to Microsoft Active Directory documentation for user name restrictions.
* In the Active Directory Password text box, type the password. The password is limited to 127
* In the Verify Password text box, type the password again
* In the Certificate Check box, select one of the following:
* To download and store the iDRAC certificate and validate it during all future connections, select
* To perform no check and not store the certificate, do not select the Enable Certificate Check check
d) In the Hosts Root page, do the following:.
* For hosts already configured and enabled for Active Directory on which you want to use Active
Directory, select the Use Active Directory check box; otherwise skip down to configure your Host Credentials.
* In the Active Directory User Name text box, type the user name. Type the username in one of these
formats: domain\username or username@domain. The user name is limited to 256 characters. Refer to Microsoft Active Directory documentation for user name restrictions.
* In the Active Directory Password text box, type the password. The password is limited to 127
* In the Verify Password text box, type the password again.
* In the Certificate Check box, select one of the following:
* To download and store the Host certificate and validate it during all future connections, select Enabled.
* To perform no check and not store the Host certificate, select Disabled.
* To configure Host Credentials without Active Directory, do the following:
* In the User Name text box, the user name is root. This is the default username and you cannot change
the username
* If the Activate directory is set, you can choose any Active directory user not just root.
* In the Password text box type the password. The password is limited to 127 characters.
NOTE: The OMSA credentials are the same credentials as those used for ESX and ESXi hosts.
* In the Verify Password text box, type the password again.
* In the Certificate Check check box, select one of the following:
* To download and store the Host certificate and validate it during all future connections, select Enabled
* To perform no check and not store the Host certificate, do not select the Enable Certificate Check
check box.
4. Click Next.
5. In the Associated Hosts page, select the hosts for the connection profile and click OK.
6. To test the connection profile, select one or more hosts and select the Test Connection button. This step is optional. This is used to check whether the Host and iDRAC credentials are correct or not.
7. To complete the profile, click Next. For servers that do not have either an iDRAC Express or Enterprise card, the iDRAC test connection result states Not Applicable for this system.

Editing a Connection Profile

After you have configured a connection profile, you can edit the profile name, description, associated hosts, and credentials.
NOTE: The vCenters that display during this procedure have authenticated using the same Single Sign On (SSO). If you do not see a vCenter host, it may be on a different SSO or you may be using a VMware vCenter version less than version 5.1.
NOTE: You are not allowed to edit a connection profile if the number of hosts added exceeds the license limit.
1. In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, on the Manage Connection Profiles tab, select a connection profile.
2. Click the Edit icon.
3. In the Connection Profile window, on the Welcome tab, read the information and click Next.
4. In the Name and Credentials tab, do the following:
a) Under Profile, type the Profile Name and optional Description. b) Under vCenter, view the associated hosts for this connection profile. See the note above about why you see the
hosts displayed here.
c) Under iDRAC Credentials, do the following:
* The user name is root and this entry cannot be modified if you do not select the Active Directory. If the
Activate directory is set, you can choose any Active directory user not just root.
* Domain\Username: Type the username in one of these formats: domain\username, or
NOTE: The following characters are allowed for the user name: / (forward slash), &, \ (backslash), . (period), " (quotation mark), @, % (percent) (127 character limit).
The domain can contain alphanumeric characters and ­ (dash) and . (period) only (254 character limit). The first and last characters for domain must be alphanu meric.
* Password: Type your password.
The following characters are not allowed for the password: / (forward slash), &, \ (backslash), . (period), " (quotation mark).
* Verified password: Type your password again.
* Enable Certificate Check: The default is a cleared check box. To download and store the iDRAC
certificate and validate it during all future connections, select Enable Certificate Check, or clear the Enable Certificate Check check box to perform no certificate check and not store the certificate.
NOTE: You need to select Enable if you are using Active-Directory.
d) Under Host Root, do the following:
* Select the Use Active Directory check box to access all the consoles associated with the active
Username: The default usertname is root and cannot be modified. If the Use Active Directory is selected, you can use any active directory user name.
* Password: Type your password.
The following characters are not allowed for the password: / (forward slash), &, \ (backslash), . (period), " (quotation mark).
* Verified password: Type your password again.
* Enable Certificate Check: The default is a cleared check box. To download and store the iDRAC
certificate and validate it during all future connections, select Enable Certificate Check, or clear the Enable Certificate Check check box to perform no certificate check and not store the certificate.
NOTE: You need to select Enable if you are using Active-Directory.
NOTE: The OMSA credentials are the same credentials as those used for ESX and ESXi hosts.
NOTE: For servers that do not have either an iDRAC Express or Enterprise card, the iDRAC test connection result states
5. Click Next.
6. In the Select Hosts dialog box, select the hosts for this connection profile.
7. Click OK.
8. The Associated Host tab lets you test the iDRAC and Host Credentials on the selected servers. Do one of the following:
Not Applicable for this system
– To begin the test, select the hosts to check and then click the Test Connection icon. The other options are
inactive. When the test is done click Finish.
– To stop the tests click Abort All Tests. In the Abort Tests dialog box, click OK, and then click Finish.

Refreshing A Connection Profile

In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, on the Manage Connection Profiles tab, up in the VMware vSphere Web Client title bar, click the Refresh icon.
NOTE: After removing the host from vCenter, when you navigate to connection profile page, you will be prompted to remove the host from connection profile. Upon confirmation, the host will be removed from Connection Profile.

Deleting A Connection Profile

1. In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, on the ManageConnection Profiles tab, select the profiles to delete.
2. Click the Delete icon.
3. On the Delete Confirmation message, to remove the profile, click Yes , or click No to cancel the delete action.

Testing a Connection Profile

1. In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, on the Manage Connection Profiles tab, select a connection profile to test. This action may take several minutes to complete.
2. In the Test Connection Profile dialog, select the hosts you want to test and then click the Test Connection icon.
3. To abort all selected tests and cancel the testing, click Abort All Tests. In the Abort Tests dialog box, click OK.
4. To exit, click Cancel.

Inventory History

Inventory Jobs are set up using the Settings tab or the Initial Configuration wizard. Use the Inventory History tab to view your inventory jobs. Tasks you can do from this tab include:
Viewing Inventory History
Changing Inventory Job Schedules
Running an Inventory Job Now

Viewing Inventory History

A successful completed inventory is required to gather the data. Once the inventory is complete, you can view the inventory results for the entire datacenter or for an individual host system. See Running an Inventory Job Now. Columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
If server data cannot be retrieved and displayed, there are several possible causes:
The server is not associated with a connection profile, and therefore you cannot run an inventory job.
An inventory job has not been run on the server to collect the data, and therefore there is nothing to display.
The number of host licenses is exceeded, and you must have additional licenses available for the inventory task to complete.
The server does not have the correct iDRAC license required for Dell PowerEdge 12th generation servers and you must purchase the correct iDRAC licence.
1. In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, click the Monitor tab.
2. Click Job Queue Inventory History.
3. To view the server information on a selected vCenter, select a vCenter to display all associated host details.
4. Review the Inventory History information.
vCenter Details
Change Schedule button Click to edit an inventory schedule.
Run Now button Click to run an inventory.
vCenter Displays vCenter Address.
Hosts Passed Displays any hosts, which have passed.
Next Inventory Displays the next inventory schedule that will run.
Last Inventory Displays the last inventory schedule that was run.
Host Displays the host address.
Displays the status. Options include:
– Successful
– Failed
– In Progress
– Scheduled
Duration (MM:SS) Displays the duration of the job in minutes and seconds.
Start Date and Time Displays the date and time when the inventory schedule
End Date and Time Displays the time the inventory schedule ended.

Changing Inventory Job Schedules

To make sure there is up-to-date server information you must run periodic inventories on Dell servers. Dell recommends running an inventory once a week. Inventories do not impact host performance. You can change a inventory job schedule on the Monitor Job Queue Inventory History page or from the Manage Settings page.
1. In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, on the Monitor Job Queue tab, click Inventory History.
2. Select a vCenter and then click the Change Schedule icon.
3. In the Inventory Data Retrieval dialog box, do the following:
a) Under Inventory Data, select the Enable Inventory Data Retrieval check box. b) Under Inventory Data Retrieval Schedule, select the days of the week for your job. c) In the Inventory Data Retrieval Time text boxes, type the local time for this job.
You may need to calculate the time difference required to run this job at the proper time.
4. Click Apply to save the settings, Clear to reset the settings, and Cancel to abort the operation.

Running an Inventory Job Now

Run an inventory job at least once a week.
1. In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, on the Monitor Job Queue tab, click Inventory History.
2. Click the Run Now button.
3. In the Success dialog box, click Close.
An inventory job is now in queue. Note that you cannot run an inventory for a single host. An inventory job starts it for all hosts

Warranty History

Warranty jobs are set up using the Configuration Wizard. View your warranty job history on this tab. Tasks you can do on this tab include:
Viewing Warranty History
Changing a Warranty Job Schedule
Running a Warranty Job Now

Viewing Warranty History

A warranty job is a scheduled task to get warranty information from on all systems. Columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
1. In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, click the Monitor tab.
2. Click Job Queue Warranty History.
3. View your warranty job history information
Modify Schedule button Click to edit a warranty job schedule.
Run Now button Click to run a warranty job.
vCenter History
vCenters Displays lists of vCenters.
Hosts Passed Displays the number of vCenter Hosts that passed.
Last Warranty Displays the last warranty job that was run.
Next Warranty Displays the next warranty job that will run.
Hosts History
Host Displays the host address.
Duration (MM:SS) Displays the duration of the warranty job in MM:SS.
Start Date and Time Displays the date and time when the warranty job
End Date and Time Displays the time the warranty job ended.
Displays the status. Options include:
– Successful
– Failed
– In Progress
– Scheduled

Modifying a Warranty Job Schedule

Hardware warranty information is retrieved from Dell Online and displayed by the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter. Server’s Service Tag is used to gather warranty information about the server. Warranty jobs are originally configured in the Initial Configuration Wizard. Later, you can modify a warranty job schedule on the Monitor TabJob Queue Warranty History page or from the Manage Tab Settings page.
1. In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, on the Monitor Job Queue tab, click Warranty History.
2. Click the Change Schedule icon.
3. In the Warranty Data Retrieval dialog box, do the following:
a) Under Warranty Data, select the Enable Warranty Data Retrieval check box. b) Under Warranty Data Retrieval Schedule, select the days of the week for your job. c) In the Warranty Data Retrieval Time text boxes, type the local time for this job.
You may need to calculate the time difference required to run this job at the proper time.
4. Click Apply.

Running a Warranty Job Now

Run an warranty job at least once a week.
1. In the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, on the Monitor Job Queue tab, click Warranty History.
2. Click the Run Now button.
3. In the Success dialog box, click Close.
An warranty job is now in queue.
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