Dell OpenManage Essentials Web Client Guide

OME Engineering Team
Dell OpenManage Essentials v1.2 – Support For Dell Client Devices
This Dell technical white paper provides the required information about Dell client devices (OptiPlex, Precision, Latitude) support in
OpenManage Essentials.
Dell OpenManage Essentials v1.2 – Support For Dell Client Devices
This document is for informational purposes only and may contain typographical errors and technical inaccuracies. The content is provided as is, without express or implied warranties of any kind.
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July 2013| Rev 1.0
Dell OpenManage Essentials v1.2 – Support For Dell Client Devices
Executive Summary................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5
Scope ................................................................................................................... 5
Assumption ............................................................................................................ 5
What is supported? ................................................................................................... 5
Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation ......................................................................... 6
Prerequisites .......................................................................................................... 6
Discovery and Inventory ............................................................................................. 7
Inventoried Information With and Without OMCI ................................................................ 9
Hardware Logs ....................................................................................................... 10
Warranty Information ............................................................................................... 11
Warranty Report .................................................................................................... 11
Viewing Information and Renewing Warranty .................................................................. 12
Internal Health Alerts ............................................................................................... 14
Command line - Remote Tasks .................................................................................... 15
Running Command-Line Tasks and Configuring Custom Scripts .............................................. 16
Recommendations ................................................................................................... 20
Known Behaviors in OpenManage Essentials ..................................................................... 20
Troubleshooting tips ................................................................................................ 20
Not Able to Discover Client D e v ice .............................................................................. 21
Hardware Logs for the Client D e vice Do Not Display ......................................................... 22
Learn More ............................................................................................................ 23
Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 23
Table 1. Feature comparison with/without OMCI ............................................................. 6
Table 2. Discovery and Inventory tabl e s available for Dell Client devices ................................ 9
Figure 1. Specifying IP address, host n ame , and subnet mask. .............................................. 7
Figure 2. Discovery Range Configuration – clear the Enable SNMP discovery check box. ................ 8
Figure 3. Discovery Configuration – E n ab le WMI discovery. ................................................... 8
Figure 4. Clients discovered and classified in the device tree ............................................... 9
Dell OpenManage Essentials v1.2 – Support For Dell Client Devices
Figure 5.
Figure 6. Hardware Logs - Loaded ............................................................................... 10
Figure 7. Configuration proxy server. ........................................................................... 11
Figure 8. Warranty Information .................................................................................. 11
Figure 9. Application Launch warranty. ......................................................................... 12
Figure 10. Warranty Information on the Dell Web site. ........................................................ 13
Figure 11. Internal health alert preferences. ................................................................... 14
Figure 12. Internal health alert warning. ........................................................................ 15
Figure 13. Internal health alert – Normal. ....................................................................... 15
Figure 14. Command line Task ..................................................................................... 16
Figure 15. Configuring a generic command-line t ask. .......................................................... 19
Figure 16. Executed Command result win d ow ................................................................... 20
Figure 17. Troubleshooting tool – failure. ........................................................................ 21
Figure 18. Troubleshooting Tool - success with OMCI .......................................................... 23
Hardware logs (Initials) ................................................................................ 10
Dell OpenManage Essentials v1.2 – Support For Dell Client Devices

Executive Summary

Dell OpenManage Essentials (OME) is a lightweight, Web-based, one-to many systems management solution that provides a co mp r e h e nsive view of Dell systems, devices, and components in an enterprise network. OME lets you discover Dell business cl ie n t devices (Dell OptiPlex, Dell Precision, and Dell Latitude), and perform some management operations on these de vices. OME retrieves client device hardware information using the WMI protocol and can do so with or without Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation (OMCI) being present on the remote device. OME requires OMCI to show the device health, hardware logs, and to perform specific operations on multiple devices using the generic command line task framework. Discovery and device classification works without OMCI ins t alled on the remote device.


This document helps you understand the Dell client devices support with Dell OpenManage Essentials. To learn more, go to:


The scope of this document is to discover/inventory Dell busines s client devices and explore various OME features for client devices. The following devices fall under the Business client category:
Note: OME may work for Dell Vostro and Dell XPS business client devices as well but w it h very limited functionality and OMCI does not support these models.


This document is specific to clie nt devices supported by OME. It is assumed t hat you are already aware of OME, its installation and h ow to discover devices features. To learn more about OME and its features, go to

What is supported?

Dell client device support was introduced in OpenManage Essentials v1.1 providing the following support to Dell client devices:
Discovery and inventory
Hardware logs
Health monitoring alerts
Dell OpenManage Essentials v1.2 – Support For Dell Client Devices
Without OMCI
Discovery - Basic Information
Inventory - Basic Information
Inventory - Additional Information*
Device Health & Status Available
Device’s Hardware Logs Available

Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation

Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation (OMCI) is available on Dell OptiPlex, Dell Precision Workstation, and Dell Latitu d e client systems. Using OMCI, system administrators can remotely manage assets, monitor system health, and inventory deployed systems in the enterprise. To learn more and to download OMCI, go to:­instrumentation-omci.aspx
The default OMCI install exposes hardware information with the help of the \root\dcim\sysman WMI namespace. Remotely, OME ret r ie v es client device health and hardware logs from this namespace.


The following are the requirements for discovery and classification of the client devices in OME:
Supports only Dell client devices.
Device should respond to WMI queries. WMI sp e cific settings are enabled on the r e mote
Client device should have the following supported operating systems installed:
o Microsoft Windows 8 o Microsoft Windows 7 o Windows Vista o Windows XP.
OMCI 8.x (Optional – Helps you retrieve more information. Refer to Table 1.)
Note: Dell Clients with Linux kernels/Operating systems are not supported by OpenManage Essentials.
OpenManage Essentials can discover cli e nts with or without having OMCI installed. When OMCI is absent, OME fetches the information from client’s operating system. It consumes data from \root\cimv2 WMI namespace. However, installing OMCI is recommended and the differences are included in the table below.
Feature comparison with/without OMCI Table 1.
* To learn more about the “Inventory - Additional Information,” refer to Table 2: Discovery and
inventory details with/without OMCI.
Dell OpenManage Essentials v1.2 – Support For Dell Client Devices

Discovery and Inventory

Use the following steps for the discovery of client devices using OME:
1. Launch OpenManage Essentials.
2. Navigat e t o Manage Discovery and Inventory.
3. In the left panel, click Add Discovery Range.
4. Enter the IP address of th e spec if ic cl ient device or the IP range having all the client devices with the subnet mask details.
Specifying IP address, host name, and subnet mask. Figure 1.
5. Click Next.
6. In the ICMP Configuration page, click Next.
7. In the SNMP Configuration page, clear the Enable SNMP discovery check b ox.
+ 16 hidden pages