Dell OpenManage Enterprise-Modular Edition User Manual

Dell EMC OpenManage Enterprise-Modular Edition for PowerEdge MX7000 Chassis
User's Guide
Apr il 202 1 Rev . A 00
Notes, cautions, and warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
© 2018 -2021 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Revision history
Date Document revision Description of changes
April 2021 A00 Updates for new features and
Revision history 3


Revision history..........................................................................................................................................................................3
Chapter 1: Overview.....................................................................................................................10
Key features........................................................................................................................................................................ 10
New in this release............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Supported platforms......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Supported web browsers................................................................................................................................................. 12
Other documents you may need.................................................................................................................................... 13
Accessing documents from Dell support site.............................................................................................................. 13
Positioning OME-Modular with other Dell EMC applications..................................................................................14
Chapter 2: Updating firmware for PowerEdge MX solution.......................................................... 15
MX7000 Solution Baselines............................................................................................................................................. 15
Component update order for individual package method.................................................................................. 17
Updating the firmware using catalog-based compliance method.................................................................... 17
OME-M firmware update matrix.............................................................................................................................. 18
Updating iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller using individual package method................................................ 19
Updating OME-Modular to 1.30.00.........................................................................................................................20
Upgrading ethernet switch using DUP......................................................................................................................... 21
Upgrading networking OS10 using DUP................................................................................................................. 21
Upgrading Firmware and ONIE using DUP.............................................................................................................21
OS10 firmware update matrix....................................................................................................................................21
Prerequisites for upgrading from 23
Chapter 3: OME-Modular licenses............................................................................................... 24
Importing licenses..............................................................................................................................................................24
Viewing license details..................................................................................................................................................... 24
Chapter 4: Logging in to OME-Modular....................................................................................... 25
Logging in to OME–Modular as local, Active Directory, or LDAP user................................................................25
Integrating directory services in OME-Modular...................................................................................................26
Adding Active Directory service.............................................................................................................................. 26
Adding LDAP service.................................................................................................................................................. 27
Logging in to OME–Modular using the directory user credentials..................................................................28
Importing active directory and LDAP user groups.............................................................................................. 28
Logging in to OME-Modular using OpenID Connect................................................................................................ 29
Adding OpenID Connect Provider........................................................................................................................... 30
Editing OpenID Connect Provider........................................................................................................................... 30
Enabling OpenID Connect Provider........................................................................................................................ 30
Disabling OpenID Connect Provider........................................................................................................................30
Deleting OpenID Connect Provider......................................................................................................................... 30
OME-Modular home page................................................................................................................................................31
Search feature in OME-Modular..............................................................................................................................32
Viewing alerts............................................................................................................................................................... 33
Viewing jobs and activities........................................................................................................................................ 33
4 Contents
Multi-chassis management dashboard...................................................................................................................34
Viewing device health.......................................................................................................................................................34
Setting up chassis.............................................................................................................................................................35
Initial configuration........................................................................................................................................................... 35
Configuring chassis settings...........................................................................................................................................36
Configure chassis power........................................................................................................................................... 36
Configure chassis management network............................................................................................................... 37
Configure chassis network services....................................................................................................................... 39
Configure local access............................................................................................................................................... 40
Configure chassis location.........................................................................................................................................42
Configure Quick Deploy settings............................................................................................................................. 43
Managing chassis.............................................................................................................................................................. 44
Creating chassis filters............................................................................................................................................... 44
Viewing chassis overview..........................................................................................................................................44
Wiring chassis...............................................................................................................................................................45
Chassis groups................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Prerequisites for creating a wired group............................................................................................................... 47
Creating chassis groups.............................................................................................................................................48
Edit chassis groups...................................................................................................................................................... 51
Delete groups............................................................................................................................................................... 52
MCM dashboard.......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Controlling chassis power............................................................................................................................................... 52
Backing up chassis............................................................................................................................................................52
Restoring chassis.............................................................................................................................................................. 53
Exporting chassis profiles................................................................................................................................................53
Managing chassis failover............................................................................................................................................... 54
Troubleshooting in chassis.............................................................................................................................................. 54
Blinking LEDs......................................................................................................................................................................54
Interfaces to access OME-Modular..............................................................................................................................54
Viewing chassis hardware............................................................................................................................................... 56
Chassis slot details......................................................................................................................................................56
Viewing chassis alerts...................................................................................................................................................... 56
Viewing chassis hardware logs.......................................................................................................................................57
Configuring OME–Modular............................................................................................................................................. 57
Viewing current configuration.................................................................................................................................. 57
Configuring users and user settings........................................................................................................................ 61
Configuring login security settings..........................................................................................................................63
Configuring alerts........................................................................................................................................................64
Chapter 5: Managing compute sleds............................................................................................ 66
Viewing compute overview............................................................................................................................................. 66
Configuring compute settings........................................................................................................................................68
Configuring compute network settings................................................................................................................. 68
Replacing compute sleds................................................................................................................................................. 68
Viewing compute hardware............................................................................................................................................ 69
Viewing compute firmware............................................................................................................................................. 69
Viewing compute hardware logs....................................................................................................................................70
Viewing compute alerts................................................................................................................................................... 70
Chapter 6: Managing Profiles.......................................................................................................71
Creating Profile...................................................................................................................................................................71
Viewing Profile.................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Editing Profile..................................................................................................................................................................... 72
Rename Profile............................................................................................................................................................. 72
Edit Profile.....................................................................................................................................................................72
Assigning Profile................................................................................................................................................................ 72
Unassigning Profile............................................................................................................................................................73
Redeploying Profile........................................................................................................................................................... 74
Migrating Profile................................................................................................................................................................ 74
Deleting Profile...................................................................................................................................................................74
Chapter 7: Managing storage.......................................................................................................75
Storage overview.............................................................................................................................................................. 75
Viewing hardware details................................................................................................................................................. 76
Assigning drives to a compute sled...............................................................................................................................77
Assigning storage enclosure to a compute sled......................................................................................................... 77
Replacing storage sleds................................................................................................................................................... 78
Updating enclosure firmware..........................................................................................................................................78
Updating the firmware using DUP...........................................................................................................................78
Updating the firmware using catalog-based compliance...................................................................................78
Downgrading storage enclosure firmware...................................................................................................................79
Managing SAS IOMs......................................................................................................................................................... 79
SAS IOM Overview..................................................................................................................................................... 79
Force active..................................................................................................................................................................80
Clearing configuration................................................................................................................................................ 80
Extracting IOM logs.................................................................................................................................................... 80
Chapter 8: Managing templates................................................................................................... 81
Viewing template details.................................................................................................................................................. 81
Creating templates............................................................................................................................................................82
Importing templates....................................................................................................................................................82
Editing templates...............................................................................................................................................................82
Cloning templates..............................................................................................................................................................83
Exporting templates..........................................................................................................................................................83
Deleting templates............................................................................................................................................................ 83
Editing template networks.............................................................................................................................................. 83
Deploying templates......................................................................................................................................................... 84
Deploying templates from Template Details page............................................................................................... 84
Chapter 9: Managing identity pools............................................................................................. 86
Creating identity pools..................................................................................................................................................... 86
Viewing identity pools.......................................................................................................................................................87
Editing identity pools........................................................................................................................................................ 88
Exporting identity pools................................................................................................................................................... 88
Deleting identity pools......................................................................................................................................................88
Chapter 10: Ethernet IO Modules.................................................................................................89
Viewing hardware details................................................................................................................................................ 90
Configuring IOM settings................................................................................................................................................ 90
Configuring IOM network settings..........................................................................................................................90
Configuring OS10 administrator password............................................................................................................92
Configuring SNMP settings...................................................................................................................................... 92
Configuring advanced settings................................................................................................................................ 92
Configuring ports.........................................................................................................................................................92
Chapter 11: MX Scalable Fabric architecture................................................................................95
Recommended physical topology.................................................................................................................................. 96
Restrictions and guidelines..............................................................................................................................................97
Recommended connection order...................................................................................................................................97
Chapter 12: SmartFabric Services............................................................................................... 98
Guidelines for operating in SmartFabric mode...........................................................................................................99
SmartFabric network topologies................................................................................................................................... 99
Switch to switch cabling................................................................................................................................................100
Upstream network switch requirements.................................................................................................................... 101
NIC teaming restrictions................................................................................................................................................. 101
OS10 CLI commands available in SmartFabric mode.............................................................................................. 102
Fabrics Overview............................................................................................................................................................. 102
Viewing fabric details................................................................................................................................................102
Editing fabric details..................................................................................................................................................102
Replacing fabric switch............................................................................................................................................ 102
Adding SmartFabric...................................................................................................................................................103
Deleting fabric............................................................................................................................................................ 105
Viewing topology details................................................................................................................................................ 105
Viewing Multicast VLANs .............................................................................................................................................105
VLANs for SmartFabric and FCoE...............................................................................................................................105
Defining VLANs for FCoE........................................................................................................................................ 106
Editing VLANs.............................................................................................................................................................106
VLAN scaling guidelines........................................................................................................................................... 106
Chapter 13: Managing networks................................................................................................. 108
SmartFabric VLAN management and automated QoS........................................................................................... 108
Defining networks............................................................................................................................................................109
Editing VLANs.................................................................................................................................................................. 109
Exporting VLANs............................................................................................................................................................. 109
Importing VLANs.............................................................................................................................................................. 110
Deleting VLANs................................................................................................................................................................. 110
Chapter 14: Managing Fibre Channel IOMs.................................................................................. 111
Chapter 15: Managing firmware.................................................................................................. 112
Managing catalogs........................................................................................................................................................... 113
Viewing catalogs......................................................................................................................................................... 113
Adding catalogs...........................................................................................................................................................113
Creating baselines............................................................................................................................................................ 115
Editing baselines............................................................................................................................................................... 115
Checking compliance.......................................................................................................................................................115
Updating firmware............................................................................................................................................................116
Rolling back firmware...................................................................................................................................................... 118
Deleting firmware............................................................................................................................................................. 118
Chapter 16: Monitoring alerts and logs....................................................................................... 119
Alert log...............................................................................................................................................................................119
Filtering alert logs....................................................................................................................................................... 119
Acknowledging alert logs......................................................................................................................................... 120
Unacknowledging alert logs.....................................................................................................................................120
Ignoring alert logs...................................................................................................................................................... 120
Exporting alert logs................................................................................................................................................... 120
Deleting alert logs...................................................................................................................................................... 120
Alert policies......................................................................................................................................................................120
Creating alert policies................................................................................................................................................ 121
Enabling alert policies................................................................................................................................................122
Editing alert policies.................................................................................................................................................. 122
Disabling alert policies............................................................................................................................................... 122
Deleting alert policies................................................................................................................................................ 122
Alert definitions................................................................................................................................................................ 122
Filtering alert definitions...........................................................................................................................................123
Chapter 17: Monitoring audit logs.............................................................................................. 124
Filtering audit logs........................................................................................................................................................... 124
Exporting audit logs.........................................................................................................................................................124
Monitoring jobs.................................................................................................................................................................125
Filtering jobs................................................................................................................................................................ 125
Viewing job details..................................................................................................................................................... 126
Running jobs................................................................................................................................................................ 127
Stopping jobs...............................................................................................................................................................127
Enabling jobs................................................................................................................................................................127
Disabling jobs...............................................................................................................................................................127
Deleting jobs................................................................................................................................................................128
Chapter 18: Use case scenarios.................................................................................................. 129
Assigning backup to the MCM Lead........................................................................................................................... 129
Creating chassis group with backup lead.............................................................................................................129
Monitoring the MCM group.................................................................................................................................... 130
Scenarios when backup lead can take over as lead chassis.................................................................................. 131
Disaster recovery of lead chassis........................................................................................................................... 131
Retiring lead chassis..................................................................................................................................................133
Chapter 19: Troubleshooting...................................................................................................... 134
Firmware update is failing........................................................................................................................................ 134
Storage assignment is failing.................................................................................................................................. 134
SAS IOM status is downgraded..............................................................................................................................134
SAS IOM health is downgraded..............................................................................................................................134
Drives on compute sled are not visible................................................................................................................. 135
Storage configuration cannot be applied to SAS IOMs....................................................................................135
Drives in OpenManage are not visible.................................................................................................................. 135
iDRAC and OpenManage drive information do not match...............................................................................135
The assignment mode of storage sled is unknown............................................................................................135
Unable to access OME-Modular using Chassis Direct........................................................................................... 135
Troubleshooting lead chassis failure........................................................................................................................... 135
Appendix A: Recommended slot configurations for IOMs............................................................137
Supported slot configurations for IOMs.....................................................................................................................137
Appendix B: Upgrading networking switch using different OS10 DUP versions...........................139
Upgrading networking switch to using DUP............................................................................................. 139
Prerequisites for upgrading from 139
Prerequisites for upgrading from versions earlier than 139
Appendix C: Upgrading networking switch using CLI.................................................................. 141
Contents 9


The Dell EMC OpenManage Enterprise Modular (OME-Modular) application runs on the PowerEdge M9002m management module (MM) firmware. OME-Modular facilitates configuration and management of a standalone PowerEdge MX chassis or group of MX chassis using a single Graphical User Interface (GUI). You can use OME-Modular to deploy servers and update firmware. You can also manage the overall health of the chassis and the chassis components such as compute sleds, network devices, input or output modules (IOMs), and storage devices. OME-Modular also facilitates the following activities on the hardware:
Connectivity of management network.
Discovery and inventory.
Monitoring and power control operations and thermal functions.
You can use OME-Modular to manage key workloads on the MX7000 platforms.
Large and unstructured data and analytics
Hyper converged and traditional workloads
Database workloads
Software defined storage
HPC and performance workloads
The lead chassis in the Multi Chassis Management (MCM) enables you to perform the following tasks:
Manage servers across multiple MX chassis.
Deploy or update servers from lead chassis without launching the member chassis web interface.
Manage fabric switch engines in fabric mode using the OME-Modular web interface.
Manage alert log and actions.
Manage virtual MAC/WWN identity pools.
Deploy compute sleds easily using server profiles and templates.
OME-Modular offers simple and static roles such as the chassis administrator, compute manager, fabric manager, storage manager, and viewer roles while, OpenManage Enterprise offers static and dynamic groups with role-based access control (RBAC).
Key features
New in this release
Supported platforms
Supported web browsers
Other documents you may need
Accessing documents from Dell support site
Positioning OME-Modular with other Dell EMC applications

Key features

The key features of OME-Modular are:
End-to-end life cycle management for servers, storage, and networking.
Addition of a new chassis to add server, storage, and networking capacity.
Multiple chassis management using a single interface—web or RESTful interface.
Management of network IOMs and SmartFabric Services.
Usage of the automation and security features of iDRAC9.
10 Overview

New in this release

This release of OME-Modular supports:
Group configuration option on the Home page in multichassis environment.
Profiles menu to create, assign, edit, and redeploy profiles with identities separately from templates.
Editing templates.
Advanced license for:Chassis telemetry for power, thermal, and fans. For more information, see the OpenManage Enterprise Modular Edition
RESTful API Guide.
OpenID Connect Provider for delegated authentication.
Redfish alert forwarding. For more information, see the OpenManage Enterprise Modular Edition RESTful API Guide.
Ethernet IOM switch replacement wizard for easy replacement of faulty fabric switches.
L2 Multicast in SmartFabric Services.
LCD enhancement using PIN entry to unlock emergency access to local actions such as chassis power off.
Reminder to select backup chassis.
Same SSO login session sharing in tabs and not counting against the limit on number of sessions.
Fabric creation progress banner.
OS10 DUP to be posted in the validated stack catalog.
Link to Release Notes from the info icon on the Compliance Report page.
Displaying pre-requisites and dependencies for components in compliance report.
Automatic restoration of configuration to Right Control Panel (RCP) on replacement. For more information, see the Dell
EMC PowerEdge MX7000 Enclosure Field Service Manual.
This release of OME-Modular supports:
Added support for Quad-Port Ethernet adapters in up to 5 MX7000 chassis in a Scalable Fabric
Increased the VLAN scale for SmartFabric services
Additional topologies for Fabric Expander Module connectivity
Added a compliance status Unknown in the Compliance Report. The Unknown status highlights the component or device
firmware that is missing from the catalog and must be compared manually for compliance.
This release of OME-Modular supports:
Deploying templates on empty slots or slots that compute sleds occupy.
Reclaiming MAC identities after removing profiles that are associated with blade servers.
Synchronizing VLAN definitions of OME-Modular and OpenManage Enterprise.
Alert notifications when a chassis is onboarded.
Configuring Forward Error Correction (FEC) for SmartFabric.
Propagating VLANs without server reboot.
Deploying operating system using Boot to ISO after applying profile.
Enhancements to Uplink Failure Detection.
Enabling racadm connect to Brocade MXG610s.
Performing Hard Reset only on iDRAC instead of whole sled.
Setting Name field as the default sort order in device grids.
Enhanced alert pop-ups to appear on the upper right corner of the user interface.
New SmartFabric Uplink type—Ethernet - No Spanning Tree.
Reduction in alert volumes API to replace failed Ethernet switch Autodetection of Scalable Fabric expansion from one to two
This release of OME-Modular supports:
Customization of chassis backup file name.
Customization of host operating system reboot if a template deployment fails.
Hard reset of slot-based iDRAC interface from the Chassis Slots page.
Updating MX7000 components.
This release of OME-Modular supports:
Group management through LCD.
Assigning member chassis in MCM as backup chassis and promoting backup chassis as lead chassis.
Configuring hot spare for the chassis.
Accessing chassis using USB.
Customizing strings that are displayed on the chassis LCD.
Configuring network session inactivity timeout.
Extracting logs to a local drive on your system.
Downloading the Management Information Base (MIB) file to a local drive on your system.
This release of OME-Modular supports:
Twenty chassis in a multichassis management (MCM) group.
Editing VLANs that are already deployed to a server, using a template.
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 standards. For details, see certificate #2861 at

Supported platforms

OME - Modular supports the following platforms and components:
PowerEdge MX7000
PowerEdge MX740c
PowerEdge MX840c
PowerEdge MX5016s
PowerEdge MX5000s SAS Switch
PowerEdge MX 25 Gb Ethernet Pass-Through Module
MX 10GBASE-T Ethernet Pass-Through Module
Dell EMC MX9116n Fabric Switching Engine
Dell EMC MX5108n Ethernet Switch
Dell EMC MX7116n Fabric Expander Module
Dell EMC MXG610s Fibre Channel Switching Module
PowerEdge MX9002m Management module

Supported web browsers

OME–Modular is supported on the following web browsers:
Google Chrome version 88
Google Chrome version 89
Mozilla Firefox version 85
Mozilla Firefox version 86
Microsoft EDGE 88
Microsoft EDGE 89
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Safari version 13
Safari version 14
For the OME–Modular web interface to load properly in the web browsers, ensure that the Active X or Java script and font download options are enabled.
NOTE: OME–Modular supports TLS 1.2 and later versions.

Other documents you may need

For more information about managing your system, access the following documents:
Table 1. List of other documents for reference
Name of the document Brief introduction of the document
OpenManage Enterprise Modular RACADM Command Line Reference Guide
OpenManage Enterprise Modular Release Notes This document provides the latest updates to the system or
OpenManage Enterprise and OpenManage Enterprise – Modular RESTful API Guide
Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) User’s Guide
OS10 Enterprise Edition User Guide This document provides information about the features of
PowerEdge MX SmartFabric Configuration and Troubleshooting Guide
Dell EMC PowerEdge MX7000 Enclosure Installation and Service Manual
Dell EMC PowerEdge MX5016s and MX5000s Installation and Service Manual
This document contains information about the RACADM subcommands, supported interfaces, and property database groups and object definitions.
documentation or advanced technical reference material that is intended for experienced users or technicians.
This document provides information about integrating your applications with OpenManage Enterprise Modular, using the RESTful API commands.
This document provides information about installation, configuration, and maintenance of the iDRAC on managed systems.
the OS10 switches and using commands in the IOM CLI to configure the switches.
This document provides information about configuring and troubleshooting SmartFabric Services running on PowerEdge MX systems.
This document provides information about installing and replacing components in the PowerEdge MX7000 enclosure.
This document provides information about installing and replacing components in the PowerEdge MX5016s storage sled and PowerEdge MX5000s SAS IOM.

Accessing documents from Dell support site

You can access the required documents in one of the following ways:
Using the following links:
For OpenManage documents— iDRAC and Lifecycle Controller documents— all Enterprise Systems Management documents—
For OpenManage Connections Enterprise Systems Management documents— Serviceability Tools documents— Client Command Suite Systems Management documents— SmartFabric OS10 documents—
From the Dell Support site:
1. Go to
2. Click Browse all products.
3. Click the required product category, such as Servers, Software, Storage, and so on.
4. Click the required product and then click the required version if applicable.
NOTE: For some products, you may have to navigate through the subcategories.
5. Click Manuals & documents.

Positioning OME-Modular with other Dell EMC applications

OME–Modular works with the following applications to manage, simplify, and streamline operations:
OME–Modular discovers and inventories MX7000 chassis in the data center using the OME–Modular REST API commands.
integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC)—OME–Modular manages virtual consoles through iDRAC.
Repository Manager—OME–Modular uses Repository Manager to create custom repositories in shared networks for
creating catalogs. The catalogs are used for firmware updates.
OME–Modular extracts the OpenManage SupportAssist logs from iDRAC for resolving issues.
14 Overview
Updating firmware for PowerEdge MX
Component and device firmware for the MX solution are rigorously tested as a validated solution stack or firmware baseline. The details are listed in the table Updating MX7000 components using OME-Modular containing current and previous baselines. When the Dell update packages (DUPs) are available on , a validated solution stack of the chassis firmware catalog referencing them is published. OME-M compares the update packages with currently installed versions using a Compliance Report, for more information, see Managing Firmware chapter.
The advantages of using OME-M to perform updates using the catalog:
Automatically downloads the DUPs from the support site.
Updating all the components simultaneously in the required order.
The sequence to update components and devices manually is described in Component update order section. For pre-requisite firmware versions for updating OME-M, see Firmware update matrix.
In an MCM environment, perform the firmware update for all devices from the lead chassis. Also, select the IOMs and storage sleds as individual devices and not as chassis components, for a successful firmware update.
MX7000 Solution Baselines
Upgrading ethernet switch using DUP

MX7000 Solution Baselines

You can upgrade the following components of MX7000 using OME-Modular web interface. The following table lists the new versions of the MX7000 components:
Table 2. MX7000—OME-Modular 1.30.00 and previous solution baselines
Component v1.10.20 v1.20.00 v1.20.10 v1.30.00 Catalog exceptions
iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller
Dell EMC Server BIOS PowerEdge MX740c
Dell EMC Server BIOS PowerEdge MX840c
QLogic 26XX series Fibre Channel adapters
QLogic 27XX series Fibre Channel adapters
2.5.4 2.8.2 2.9.4** 2.10.2
2.5.4 2.8.2 2.9.4** 2.10.2
15.05.12 15.05.14 15.15.06 15.20.14
15.05.12 15.05.13 15.15.06 15.20.14

Updating firmware for PowerEdge MX solution 15

Table 2. MX7000—OME-Modular 1.30.00 and previous solution baselines (continued)
Component v1.10.20 v1.20.00 v1.20.10 v1.30.00 Catalog exceptions
QLogic 41xxx series adapters
Broadcom 57504 Quad Port device adapters
Mellanox ConnectX-4 Lx Ethernet Adapter Firmware
Intel NIC Family Version 19.5.x Firmware for X710, XXV710, and XL710 adapters
Emulex Fibre Channel Adapter Firmware 32G
OpenManage Enterprise Modular
15.05.14 15.05.18 15.15.11 15.20.16
NA NA—Factory
install only
19.5.12 19.5.12 19.5.12 20.0.17
03.02.18 03.02.18 03.03.37 03.04.24
1.10.20 1.20.00 1.20.10 1.30.00
MX9116n Fabric Switching Engine OS10
MX5108n Ethernet Switch OS10
MX5016s Storage Sled
MXG610s 8.1.0_lnx3 8.1.0_lnx3 8.1.0_lnx3 9.0.1a No catalog update or
Network IOM ONIE
Delta PSU 68.5F 68.5F 68.5F 68.5F Manual DUP* and* and
2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40
—Factory install only
—Recommended upgrade version
—Factory install only
—Recommended upgrade version
Artesyn PSU 36.6C 36.6C 36.6C 36.6C Manual DUP
10.5.1.X indicates both and OS10 versions.
*Update to operating system and then to 10.5.1.X.
Updating firmware for PowerEdge MX solution
**Update BIOS 2.9.4 using individual DUP or obtain from the Latest component firmware versions on catalog.
Before updating MX7000, check the PSU version. If the PSU version is 00.36.6B, then update the PSU. For details, see https://
NOTE: Updating the MXG610s FC IOM is not supported from the OME-Modular user interface. Use the Brocade interface
on the IOM.
NOTE: Updating MX9116n or MX5108n using catalog method is not supported for OME-M versions 1.20.10 and lower. It is
supported from 1.30.00 onwards.
NOTE: As these update instructions include updates to various components of the solution, there is a possibility of traffic
impact to existing workloads. It is recommended that the updates are applied only during a regular single maintenance window.
NOTE: Upgrades from baselines prior to 1.20.00 might need a powercycle (cold boot) of the MX7000 chassis after
updating all applicable solution components may be necessary as a last troubleshooting step. For details, see Controlling
chassis power.

Component update order for individual package method

WARNING: Read the update instructions before implementing the update procedure. Collate the current
versions of the MX7000 components in your environment and note any special instructions that may be called
out in the update procedure.
NOTE: The migration of compute sled workloads in batches to perform compute sled updates is supported during the
required maintenance window for MX Solution update process.
Contact Dell support for assistance if needed, to upgrade the MX7000 components as it is a complex procedure. It is recommended that you update all components within a scheduled single maintenance window.
Before proceeding with the update, review and resolve any recurring port alerts that are reported on the OME-Modular Alerts page.
NOTE: The message ID for an operational port is NINT0001 and that for a not operational port, NINT0002.
Update the components in the following order:
1. Operating system drivers
Update the device adapter operating system drivers followed by the device adapter firmware. See Updating MX7000
components using OME-Modular 1.30.00 for device adapters and the supported firmware versions.
2. Compute Sleds
Compute sled updates have no dependencies and can be updated directly to their corresponding OME-Modular
1.30.00 baseline versions identified in Table 2, in updating MX7000 components using OME-Modular 1.30.00.
3. OME-Modular application
4. Fabric Switching Engine MX9116n and/or Ethernet Switch MX5108n
To update MXG610s IOM, see the section, software upgrade or downgrade, in Chapter 6 of the MXG610s Fibre Channel Switch Module Installation Guide. The guide is available at
If you have MX5016s storage sled or MX5000s SAS IOM installed, update them in the compute sled or IOM
component order respectively.
NOTE: To update Intel Device Adapter and BOSS firmware, first upgrade OME-Modular to 1.10.10 or later, or use the iDRAC
web interface.

Updating the firmware using catalog-based compliance method

The migration of compute sled workloads in batches to perform compute sled updates is supported during the
required maintenance window for MX Solution update process.
Updating firmware using catalog-based compliance is a best practice and a recommended update process.
Updating firmware for PowerEdge MX solution
To update the firmware using the catalog-based compliance method:
1. Update the device adapter operating system drivers followed by the device adapter firmware.
NOTE: For device adapter firmware versions, see, the respective user's guide and release notes.
2. Go to the Configuration Firmware page to create the catalog and baseline using Validated Stack catalog.
3. Select the baseline and click View Report. Compliance Report page is displayed.
4. Update the devices in the following sequential order. a. Compute
i. From the Advance Filters, select Compute from the Type. The list of Compute devices is displayed. ii. Click Select all checkbox and then click Make Compliant. iii. Go to the Monitor > Jobs page to view the job status. iv. Wait for the Compute updates to complete and then start the Chassis update.
b. Chassis
i. From the Advance Filters, select Chassis from the Type and enter OpenManage Enterprise Modular in the
Component Contains box. ii. Click Select all checkbox and then click Make Compliant. iii. Go to the Monitor > Jobs page to view the job status. iv. Wait for the Chassis updates to complete and then start the Network IOM update.
c. Network IOM
i. From the Advance Filters, select Network IOM from the Device Type. The list of Network IOM devices is
displayed. ii. Select the required number of IOMs and click Make Compliant.
NOTE: See the IOM Firmware update matrix and Grouping IOMs for firmware update from updating Firmware
section to view the combination of IOMs that can be updated.
iii. Go to the Monitor > Jobs page to view the job status. iv. Wait for the Network IOM updates to complete and then start the ONIE component update.
d. ONIE Component
i. Select the baseline and click View Report. Compliance Report page is displayed. After performing all the updates,
you can view only the list of ONIE component for update.
NOTE: ONIE component are listed only when all the IOMs are updated to 1.30.00 baseline.
ii. Click Select all checkbox and then click Make Compliant. iii. Go to the Monitor > Jobs page to view the job status.

OME-M firmware update matrix

Table 3. OME-M firmware update matrix
Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes
18 Updating firmware for PowerEdge MX solution
Table 3. OME-M firmware update matrix
NOTE: Installing an earlier version of OME-M effectively resets the configuration to factory defaults. This option allows you
to maintain a certain firmware level.

Updating iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller using individual package method

1. If OME-Modular is managing a chassis group, then log in to OME-Modular interface of the Lead chassis.
2. Click Devices > Compute. A list of the available compute devices in the chassis or chassis group is displayed.
3. In the list header, select the checkbox to select all compute devices on the current page. If there are multiple pages, then go to each page and select the checkbox.
4. After selecting all the compute devices, click Update.
5. In the Device Update wizard, select the individual package and click Browse to select the iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller DUP.
6. Once the DUP is uploaded, click Next and select the Compliance checkbox.
7. Click Finish to start the update on all compute devices.
8. Allow the job to complete before proceeding to update the components, Dell EMC Server BIOS PowerEdge MX740c and MX840c.
Updating iDRAC to using individual DUPs from OME-M version 1.10.20 or lower does not display
compliance details and may fail. Please use the recommended catalog update method.
NOTE: As an alternative method of updating compute hosts and/or storage sleds, you can implement catalog based
updates once the catalogs are updated with the baseline versions. For more information, see Managing catalogs.
Updating PowerEdge MX740c and MX840c Server BIOS
Repeat the steps described in the section, Updating iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller using OME-Modular, to update Dell EMC Server BIOS PowerEdge MX740c and MX840c as applicable.
Updating adapters
Download and install the operating system drivers for your device adapter that released with the device adapter firmware. Follow the device adapter driver installation instructions for your operating system.
Repeat the steps described in the section to update the following adapter firmware:
Follow this section
Updating iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller using OME-Modular QLogic 26XX series Fibre Channel adapters
To update
QLogic 27XX series Fibre Channel adapters
QLogic 41xxx series adapters
Broadcom 57504 Quad Port device adapter
Mellanox ConnectX-4 Lx Ethernet Adapter Firmware
Intel NIC Family Version 19.5.x Firmware for X710, XXV710, and XL710 adapters
Updating firmware for PowerEdge MX solution 19
Follow this section To update
Emulex Picard-16/Picard-32 adapters
Go to to download the latest device drivers associated with the firmware update.

Updating OME-Modular to 1.30.00

You can update to OME-Modular 1.30.00 from different versions. For more information, see OME-M firmware update matrix section.
NOTE: If you select all the management modules in an MCM group, OME-M updates them in a required order.
NOTE: Updating to 1.10.x or later may result in the alert log alert HWC7522. You may have to perform a system reseat
power action on the MX7116n or pass-through module (PTM) IOMs.
NOTE: If the firmware update of a member chassis is nonresponsive for more than two hours, cancel the job using Stop
Job option on the Job Details page. Check the firmware update status on the member chassis directly. The Stop Job
option would stop the firmware update on specific target which was nonresponsive and goes to the next target update. For any firmware update failures on member chassis, restart the firmware update only on the specific target from Lead
Best practices for updating to 1.30.00
While updating the management module to 1.30.00 from an earlier version, ensure that there are no failed template deployment jobs on the Jobs page. If failed deployment jobs exist, then the virtual identities that are reserved for the device for those failed deployments, are added back to the free pool after upgrading to 1.30.00.
Updating management module firmware
NOTE: Ensure that you upgrade the OME-Modular firmware before upgrading OS10.
You can update the management module firmware using the following methods:
1. Individual package method—Through OME–Modular web interface or RESTful API
2. Catalog-based compliance method
To update the firmware using the Individual package method:
1. Download the DUP from the
2. On the OME–Modular web interface, go to Devices > Chassis and select the chassis for which you want to update the firmware.
3. Click Update Firmware. The Select Firmware Source window is displayed.
4. Select the Individual package option and click Browse to go to the location where you have downloaded the DUP and click Next. Wait for the comparison report. The supported components are displayed.
5. Select the required components, for example: OME–Modular, and click Update to start the firmware update. You can schedule the update process to start at the time you want.
6. Go to the Monitor > Jobs page to view the job status.
The console is inaccessible during the OME–Modular update process. After the OME–Modular update process, wait
for the console to reach a steady state.
Recovering failed Management Module firmware update process
If the firmware update of a management module (MM) fails, perform the following steps:
1. Perform a failover on the MM. If the failover fails, go to step 2.
Updating firmware for PowerEdge MX solution
2. Reset the active MM manually.
3. After the failover or reset is complete, check the firmware version to verify if the active MM is running the same or a later version of OME-Modular, as the standby MM. If not, perform a reset on the MM to force failover.
4. Retry the firmware update.

Upgrading ethernet switch using DUP

NOTE: Upgrade the MX9116n and MX5108n switches only after updating the other MX7000 components to their
corresponding PowerEdge MX 1.30.00 baseline versions.
NOTE: The DUP update procedure is recommended for upgrading OS10, firmware, and ONIE on the MX9116n and MX5108n
NOTE: Upgrade the MX9116n and MX5108n switches to 10.5.1.X and later, only if the switches running are or later.

Upgrading networking OS10 using DUP

To upgrade OS10 using DUP, follow these steps:
1. Download the latest DUP file for the switch from
2. On the OME-Modular web interface, go to Devices > I/O Modules.
3. Select the IOM module on which you must carry out the OS10 upgrade.
4. Click Update Firmware.
5. Select the Individual package option, then click Browse and go to the location where the OS10 DUP was downloaded earlier. Wait for the compliance report, once done, the supported components are displayed.
6. Select the required components and click Update, to start the update. For upgrading from different versions earlier than, see Upgrading networking switch using different DUP versions
7. Go to Monitoring > Jobs page, to view the job status.

Upgrading Firmware and ONIE using DUP

NOTE: ONIE upgrade using DUP method is supported only if all the IOMs in the group are in and later
To upgrade ONIE using DUP, follow these steps:
1. Download the latest ONIE DUP file for the switch from
2. On the OME-Modular web interface, go to Devices > I/O Modules.
3. Select the IOM module on which you must carry out the ONIE upgrade.
4. Click Update Firmware.
5. Select the Individual package option, then click Browse and go to the location where the ONIE DUP was downloaded earlier. Wait for the compliance report, once done, the supported components are displayed.
6. Select the required components and click Update, to start the update.
7. Go to Monitoring > Jobs page, to view the job status.

OS10 firmware update matrix

Table 4. OS10 firmware update matrix
Updating firmware for PowerEdge MX solution 21
Table 4. OS10 firmware update matrix
OS10 version
10.4.0E (R3SP2 )
10.4.0E(R 4SP2)
To and
10.4.0E(R3 SP2)
10.4.0E(R4 SP2) Yes Yes Yes
*—Upgrading IOM VLT peers from 10.4.X to 10.5.X version impacts traffic. Regular maintenance window is recommended for this activity.
**—Upgrading IOMs in SmartFabric mode to OS10.5.1.6 with VLAN 1 as tagged, disrupts traffic. If VLAN 1 is tagged, upgrade to OS10.5.1.7. See the release notes for complete list of fixes in OS10.5.1.7.
The number of IOMs that can be updated differs based on the IOM versions. The following table displays the number of IOMs that can be updated at a time. Yes Yes Yes Yes** Yes and
Yes Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes*
Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes*
Yes Yes
Table 5. IOM Firmware update matrix
IOM Version OME-M Version No. of IOMs 1.10.20 or later 4 1.20.00 or later 6 1.20.10 or later 6 1.30.00 and later No restrictions
You must group the IOMs for firmware update depending on the type of IOM. The following table displays an example of grouping 12 IOMs for firmware update.
Table 6. Grouping IOMs for firmware update
Example of 12 IOMs Combination Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 6 Fabrics Fabric 1-2 Fabric 3-4 Fabric 5-6
12 Full switch IOM 1-4 IOM 5-8 IOM 9-12
4 fabrics and 4 Full switch or 6 Fabrics Fabric 1-3 Fabric 4-6 Not Applicable
12 Full switch IOM 1-6 IOM 6-12 Not Applicable
4 fabrics and 4 Full switch
Once all IOMs are updated to stack, network IOMs display two software components for update. The available options are:
Dell EMC Networking SmartFabric OS10
Dell EMC Networking ONIE Firmware
Limitations for ONIE firmware update are:
Fabric 1-2 Fabric 3-4 4 Full switch IOM
Fabric 1-3 Fabric 4 and 4 full
switch IOM
Not Applicable
Updating firmware for PowerEdge MX solution
ONIE firmware update option is available only if the OS10 version is or later.
When you select the network IOM that is part of a fabric for ONIE update, other nodes in the fabric are updated
If you insert an old version of IOM, the ONIE firmware cannot be updated before updating OS10 to version.
NOTE: ONIE component firmware is not updated due to the issue of system not booting into ONIE, when GRUB menu is
displayed with serial control character. This issue is addressed in ONIE firmware version. If ONIE update fails or encounters ONIE booting issue, retry the ONIE component firmware update.
Workaround steps for IOM upgrade failure
When IOMs are upgraded from to, Jobs page on OME-Modular displays the job as failure, but software upgrade is successful.
When you see job failure, run the show smartfabric nodes command on the IOM CLI and check if the failed IOM is in OFFLINE state.
If the OFFLINE IOM is in: switch mode—No immediate action required, it recovers automatically when Fabric manager is upgraded to the
latest version.
Fabric mode—Restarts the IOM which is OFFLNE.
If one of the nodes of the fabric is not upgraded due to the above failure, start upgrade job once again.

Prerequisites for upgrading from

When updating, ensure to update the IOMs in groups no larger than six per upgrade job.
If there are two switches in a full-switch mode VLT, each switch should be part of different upgrade batch for redundancy.
If there are two switches in a SmartFabric, select only one switch. The other switch is automatically updated. This is counted
as "2" in that upgrade group.
Updating firmware for PowerEdge MX solution

OME-Modular licenses

OME-Modular features are available based on licenses, which are available in XML format. Following are the types of licenses supported:
Perpetual—Validity is unlimited and is effective until the license is removed or deleted. Perpetual license is bound to the chassis service tag.
Evaluation—Validity is for a short duration and the timer starts after the license is imported or installed. The timer is a monotonic clock that counts the time that the system is operational. The time is accumulated to a checkpoint file to ensure that the license restrictions are not bypassed. The timer stops during a firmware shutdown or reboot and resumes after the firmware is ready. An alert is displayed as the license nears expiry.
The licenses can be downloaded from the Dell Digital Locker.
You can import and view the license details on the Installed Licenses page. The license type is also displayed on the Chassis
Overview page.
Importing licenses
Viewing license details

Importing licenses

You can import license files of XML format.
To import a license:
1. Click Application Settings > Licenses. The Installed Licenses page is displayed.
2. Click Import. The Import License File window is displayed.
3. Click Select a file to go to the location where the license is stored.
4. Select the file and click Open to import the file. The Import License File window is displayed.
5. Click Finish to import the file. The imported license file is displayed on the Installed Licenses page.

Viewing license details

To view the license details:
On the Installed Licenses page, select the licenses of which you want to view the details. The license details are displayed on the right side of the installed licenses list.
The details are—Description, Entitlement ID, License Type, and Expiration timestamp.
24 OME-Modular licenses

Logging in to OME-Modular

You can log in to OME–Modular as a local, Active Directory, or generic Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) user. OME–Modular supports a maximum of two Active Directory or LDAP server configurations, each.
Logging in to OME–Modular as local, Active Directory, or LDAP user
Logging in to OME-Modular using OpenID Connect
OME-Modular home page
Viewing device health
Setting up chassis
Initial configuration
Configuring chassis settings
Managing chassis
Chassis groups
Controlling chassis power
Backing up chassis
Restoring chassis
Exporting chassis profiles
Managing chassis failover
Troubleshooting in chassis
Blinking LEDs
Interfaces to access OME-Modular
Viewing chassis hardware
Viewing chassis alerts
Viewing chassis hardware logs
Configuring OME–Modular

Logging in to OME–Modular as local, Active Directory, or LDAP user

OME–Modular allows authentication for 64 local user accounts. To log in to OME–Modular as an Active Directory (AD) or LDAP user:
1. Add directory service
2. Import directory group
3. Log in with directory user credentials
For Active Directory and generic LDAP user accounts, OME–Modular allows a minimum of one user account in a simple environment and a maximum of two accounts in a complex environment.
LDAP users can perform the following tasks using OME–Modular:
Enable LDAP access.
Upload and view a Directory Service CA certificate.
Specify attributes while configuring LDAP. The attributes are—LDAP server address, LDAP server port, Bind DN, Bind
password, user login attribute, group membership attribute, and search filter.
Associate an LDAP group with an existing or new management module role group.
To log in as a local, Active Directory, or LDAP user:
1. Enter the Username.
2. Enter the Password.
3. Click Login.
Logging in to OME-Modular 25
After logging in successfully, you can do the following:
Configure your account.
Change the password.
Recover the root password.

Integrating directory services in OME-Modular

You can use Directory Services to import directory groups from AD or LDAP for use on the web interface. OME-Modular supports integration of the following directory services:
1. Windows Active Directory
2. Windows AD-LDS
3. OpenLDAP
Supported attributes and pre-requisites for LDAP Integration
Table 7. OME-Modular Pre-requisites/supported attributes for LDAP Integration
Attribute of User Login Attribute of Group
Windows AD-LDS Cn, sAMAccountName Member
OpenLDAP uid, sn Uniquemember Only PEM certificate format is
PHP LDAP uid MemberUid
Certificate Requirement
Subject to availability of FQDN in Domain Controller Certificate. SAN field can have both IPv4 and IPv6 or IPv4 or IPv6, or FQDN.
Only Base64 certificate format is supported
User pre-requisites for directory service integration
Ensure that the following user pre-requisites are met before you begin with the directory service integration:
1. BindDN user and user who is used for 'Test connection' must be the same.
2. If Attribute of User Login is provided, only the corresponding username value that is assigned to the attribute is allowed for appliance login.
3. User who is used for Test connection must be part of any non-default group in LDAP .
4. Attribute of Group Membership must have the 'userDN' or the short name (used for logging in) of the user.
5. When MemberUid is used as 'Attribute of Group Membership,' the username that is used in appliance login is considered case sensitive in some LDAP configurations.
6. When search filter is used in LDAP configuration, user login is not allowed for those users who are not part of the search criteria mentioned.
7. Group search works only if the groups have users assigned under the provided Attribute of Group Membership.
If OME-Modular is hosted on an IPv6 network, the SSL authentication against domain controller using FQDN would
fail if IPv4 is set as preferred address in DNS. To avoid this failure, do one of the following:
DNS should be set to return IPv6 as preferred address when queried with FQDN.
DC certificate must have IPv6 in SAN field.

Adding Active Directory service

To add the active directory service:
Logging in to OME-Modular
1. On the OME–Modular web interface, click Application Settings > Users > Directory Services > Add > Type of Directory.
The Connect to Directory Service window is displayed.
2. From the Type of Directory, select the option, AD or LDAP. The default option is AD.
3. Enter the Directory Name.
4. Select the Domain Controller Lookup. If the Domain Controller Lookup type is DNS and the directory type is AD, enter the domain name and group domain.
For the AD directory type, if the Domain Controller Lookup type is DNS, enter the domain name and group domain. If the Domain Controller Lookup type is Manual, enter the FQDN or IP addresses of the domain controllers. For multiple servers, a maximum of three servers are supported, use a comma-separated list.
In the group domain, you can look for directory groups. You can include the directory groups as application users. You can also use the group domain for authenticating users during login. The format of the group domain can be— <Domain>.<Sub-Domain> or ou=org, dc=example, dc=com.
Use the DNS domain controller lookup type, if you do not know the details of the domain controllers from which you want to import the group or groups. To use the DNS domain controller, ensure that you have done the following on the Network Settings page:
Selected the Register with DNS check box.
Provided the Primary and Alternate DNS server addresses.
After you enter the domain name, OME-Modular searches the SRV records on the DNS servers to fetch the details of the domain controllers in that domain.
If you know the IP address or FQDN of the domain controllers, you can use the Manual domain controller lookup type.
5. Under Advanced Options, enter the Server Port. If the Type of Directory is AD, go to step 6. For Server Port, the Global Catalog Address port number, 3269 is populated by default. For the Domain Controller
access, enter 636 as the port number.
6. Select the Network Timeout and Search Timeout durations.
7. Select the Certificate Validation checkbox if you want to validate the directory service certificate and select the certificate for validation.
The certificate must be a Root CA Certificate encoded in Base64 format.
The Test Connection option is enabled.
8. Click Test Connection to check the AD connection and enter the username and password of the domain you want to connect to.
The username must be entered in either the UPN (username@domain) or in the NetBIOS (domain\username)
9. Click Test Connection. The Directory Service Information window, indicating a successful connection, is displayed.
10. Click Ok and Finish. A job is created and run to add the requested directory on the Directory Services page.

Adding LDAP service

To add the LDAP service:
1. On the OME–Modular web interface, click Application Settings > Users > Directory Services > Add > Type of Directory. The Connect to Directory Service window is displayed.
2. From the Type of Directory, select the option, LDAP. The default option is AD.
3. Enter the Directory Name.
4. Select the Domain Controller Lookup. If the Domain Controller Lookup type is DNS, enter the domain name.
If the Domain Controller Lookup type is Manual, enter the FQDN or IP addresses of the domain controllers. For multiple servers, a maximum of three servers are supported, use a comma-separated list.
Logging in to OME-Modular
Use the DNS domain controller lookup type, if you do not know the details of the domain controllers from which you want to import the group or groups. To use the DNS domain controller, ensure that you have done the following tasks on the Network Settings page:
Selected the Register with DNS check box.
Provided the Primary and Alternate DNS server addresses.
After you enter the domain name, OME-Modular searches the SRV records on the DNS servers to fetch the details of the domain controllers in that domain.
If you know the IP address or FQDN of the domain controllers, you can use the Manual domain controller lookup type.
5. Enter the Bind DN and Bind Password.
NOTE: Anonymous bind is not supported for AD LDS.
6. Under Advanced Options, enter the Server Port, Base Distinguished Name to Search, Attribute of User Login, Attribute of Group Membership, and Search Filter.
By default, LDAP port number of 636 is populated. To change, enter a port number.
Enter the User attributes that are configured in the LDAP system, already. It is recommended that the attributes are unique within the selected BaseDN. Else, configure a search filter to ensure that the attributes are unique. If the combination of attribute and search filter cannot identify the user DN uniquely, the login task fails.
The Attribute of Group Membership stores information about groups and members in the directory.
NOTE: Configure the user attributes in the LDAP system that is used to query before integrating on the directory
NOTE: Enter the user attributes as cn or sAMAccountName for AD LDS configuration, and UID for LDAP
7. Select the Network Timeout and Search Timeout durations. The maximum timeout duration supported is 300 seconds.
8. Select the Certificate Validation checkbox if you want to validate the directory service certificate and select the certificate for validation.
The certificate must be a Root CA Certificate encoded in Base64 format.
The Test Connection option is enabled.
9. Click Test Connection to check the LDAP connection.
10. Enter the bind user credentials of the domain you want to connect to.
While testing the connection, ensure that the Test username is the Attribute of User Login value entered
11. Click Test Connection. The Directory Service Information window, indicating a successful connection, is displayed.
12. Click Ok and Finish. A job is created and run to add the requested directory on the Directory Services page.

Logging in to OME–Modular using the directory user credentials

To log in to OME–Modular using the directory user credentials:
From the OME–Modular login page, log in using the AD user credentials. Enter the domain name, if necessary.

Importing active directory and LDAP user groups

You can import Active Directory (AD) and LDAP groups and map them to the existing OME–Modular groups.
NOTE: Users without Administrator rights cannot enable or disable the Active Directory (AD) and LDAP users.
To import the groups:
1. On the Users list page, click Import Directory Group.
Logging in to OME-Modular
The Import Directory window is displayed.
2. From the Directory Source drop-down, select the source from which you want to import the AD or LDAP.
3. Under Available Groups, you can search for directory groups. In the Find a Group text box, enter the first few letters of the group name available in the tested directory. A list of all
groups names that begin with the text you entered, is displayed below under the GROUP NAME column.
4. Select a group and click >>. The selected group is displayed under Groups to be Imported.
To remove groups, select the check box corresponding to the group you want to remove and click <<.
5. Click the check box corresponding to the group and from the Assign Group Role drop-down, select the role that you want to assign to the group and click Assign. The users in the group under the selected directory service are assigned to the selected user roles.
6. Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5, if required.
7. Click Import. The directory groups are imported and displayed in the Users list. However, all users in those groups use their domain username and credentials to log in to OME-Modular.

Logging in to OME-Modular using OpenID Connect

The OpenID Connect multifactor authentication feature allows the users who are registered with OpenID Connect (OIDC) Provider, to access the OME-Modular web interface. For the registration, the OIDC configuration document is first queried using a RESTful API URI. The information that is obtained from the query is used to log in to OME-Modular.
You must have the SECURITY_SETUP privilege to add, modify, and delete OIDC Providers. You can configure a maximum of four OIDC Providers.
When you perform add or join chassis group operation with OIDC providers that are configured in lead or member chassis, ensure that the OIDC server is reachable from the chassis. If the OIDC server is not reachable, the registration status is displayed as failed even if the OIDC providers are successfully propagated from lead to member when the user authentication option is enabled. For any operations related to OIDC providers in the lead or member chassis, the communication between OIDC server and chassis must be successful.
Dell Technologies recommends that you use DNS name while configuring the OpenID Connect (OIDC) server and DNS name in the discovery URI, instead of IP address. This helps avoid limitations in some OIDC servers where dynamic client registration fails when a combination of IPv6 and initial access token is used.
When you log in using OpenID Connect Provider credentials, the username is displayed in the
name@ProviderName@Sub format which may result in some extra characters with the username.
NOTE: You can add maximum of four OIDC Providers on OME-Modular. The Add option is disabled if there are already four
OIDC Providers added.
Following are the pre-defined roles that must be configured in the OIDC Provider for OIDC users to log in to OME-Modular:
Table 8. Pre-defined roles
Roles in OME-Modular Roles in OIDC Provider Description
CHASSIS_ADMINISTRATOR CA Can perform all tasks on the chassis.
COMPUTE_MANAGER CM Can deploy services from a template for
compute sleds and perform tasks on the service.
STORAGE_MANAGER SM Can perform tasks on storage sleds in
the chassis
FABRIC_MANAGER FM Can perform tasks that are related to
VIEWER VE Has read-only access.
To log in to OME-Modular using OpenID Connect:
1. On the Login page, click Login with OpenID. The OIDC Login page is displayed.
Logging in to OME-Modular
2. Enter your username and password to log in. Once your login credentials are authenticated, you are redirected to the OME-Modular Login page.

Adding OpenID Connect Provider

To add an OIDC Provider:
1. On the Application Settings > Users > OpenID Connect Providers page, click Add. The Add New OpenID Connect Provider window is displayed.
2. Enter a Name and Discovery URI for the OIDC Provider.
3. Select the Authentication Type. The available options are:
Initial Access Token
If the Authentication Type is Initial Access Token, then go to step 4. Else, go to step 5.
4. Enter the Initial Access Token.
5. If the Authentication Type is Username, enter the Username and Password for the OIDC Provider.
6. Select the Certificate Validation check box. The Certificate option is displayed.
7. Click Browse to go to the location where the certificate is stored or drag and drop the certificate in the marked area to upload it.
8. Click Test Connection to check if the URI and SSL connection works.
9. Select the Enabled check box to use the OIDC Provider to log in to OME-Modular. By default, the Enabled check box is selected.

Editing OpenID Connect Provider

Registered users can edit or modify the details including name, discovery URI, authentication type, and other information. A new job carries out the changes and end user can poll the job status.
To edit an OpenID Connect Provider:
1. On the OpenID Connect Providers page, select the OIDC details that you want to edit and click Edit. The Edit OpenID Connect Provider window is displayed.
2. Make the required changes and click Save.

Enabling OpenID Connect Provider

To enable an OpenID Connect Provider:
1. On the OpenID Connect Providers page, select the OIDC provider that you want to enable and click Enable. A message is displayed prompting you to confirm to proceed with enabling the OIDC provider.
2. Click OK to proceed.

Disabling OpenID Connect Provider

To disable an OpenID Connect Provider:
1. On the OpenID Connect Providers page, select the OIDC provider that you want to enable and click Disable. A message is displayed prompting you to confirm to proceed with disabling the OIDC provider.
2. Click OK to proceed.

Deleting OpenID Connect Provider

You can delete one or more OIDC providers simultaneously.
To delete an OIDC provider:
Logging in to OME-Modular
+ 113 hidden pages