intellectual property laws. Dell™ and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other
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Case 1: Selected an Apply Operation (Apply Now, At Next Reboot, or At Scheduled Time)
and there are no existing pending operations Case 2: Selected an Apply Operation (Apply
Now, At Next Reboot, or At Scheduled Time) and there are existing pending operations
Case 3: Selected Add to Pending Operations and there are no existing pending
operationsCase 4: Selected Add to Pending Operations and there are prior existing
Installing New Electronic License.................................................................................................... 344
Applying I/O Identity Configuration Settings for Multiple Network Cards in Single Host
System Reboot .................................................................................................................................344
The Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) is designed to make server administrators more
productive and improve the overall availability of Dell servers. iDRAC alerts administrators to server issues,
helps them perform remote server management, and reduces the need for physical access to the server.
iDRAC with Lifecycle controller technology is part of a larger datacenter solution that helps keep business
critical applications and workloads available at all times. The technology allows administrators to deploy,
monitor, manage, configure, update, troubleshoot and remediate Dell servers from any location, and
without the use of agents. It accomplishes this regardless of operating system or hypervisor presence or
Several products work in conjunction with the iDRAC and Lifecycle controller to simplify and streamline
IT operations, such as:
•Dell Management plug-in for VMware vCenter
•Dell Repository Manager
•Dell Management Packs for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) and Microsoft
System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)
•BMC Bladelogic
•Dell OpenManage Essentials
•Dell OpenManage Power Center
The iDRAC is available in the following variants:
•Basic Management with IPMI (available by default for 200-500 series servers)
•iDRAC Express (available by default on all 600 and higher series of rack or tower servers, and all blade
•iDRAC Enterprise (available on all server models)
For more information, see the iDRAC Overview and Feature Guide available at
Benefits of Using iDRAC With Lifecycle Controller
The benefits include:
•Increased Availability — Early notification of potential or actual failures that help prevent a server
failure or reduce recovery time after failure.
•Improved Productivity and Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) — Extending the reach of
administrators to larger numbers of distant servers can make IT staff more productive while driving
down operational costs such as travel.
•Secure Environment — By providing secure access to remote servers, administrators can perform
critical management functions while maintaining server and network security.
•Enhanced Embedded Management through Lifecycle Controller – Lifecycle Controller provides
deployment and simplified serviceability through Lifecycle Controller GUI for local deployment and
Remote Services (WS-Management) interfaces for remote deployment integrated with Dell
OpenManage Essentials and partner consoles.
For more information on Lifecycle Controller GUI, see Lifecycle Controller User’s Guide and for remote
services, see Lifecycle Controller Remote Services User’s Guide available at
Key Features
The key features in iDRAC include:
NOTE: Some of the features are available only with iDRAC Enterprise license. For information on the
features available for a license, see Managing Licenses.
Inventory and Monitoring
•View managed server health.
•Inventory and monitor network adapters and storage subsystem (PERC and direct attached storage)
without any operating system agents.
•View and export system inventory.
•View sensor information such as temperature, voltage, and intrusion.
•Monitor CPU state, processor automatic throttling, and predictive failure.
NOTE: CMC provides access to iDRAC through the M1000E Chassis LCD panel and local
console connections. For more information, see Chassis Management Controller User’s Guide
available at
•View network interfaces available on host operating systems.
•View inventory and monitor information and configure basic iDRAC settings using iDRAC Quick Sync
feature and a mobile device.
•Manage vFlash SD card partitions.
•Configure front panel display settings.
•Launch Lifecycle Controller, which allows you to configure and update BIOS and supported network
and storage adapters.
•Manage iDRAC network settings.
•Configure and use virtual console and virtual media.
•Deploy operating systems using remote file share, virtual media, and VMCLI.
•Enable auto-discovery.
•Perform server configuration using the export or import XML profile feature through RACADM and
WS-MAN. For more information, see the Lifecycle Controller Remote Services Quick Start Guide.
•Configure persistence policy for virtual addresses, initiator, and storage targets.
•Remotely configure storage devices attached to the system at run-time.
•Perform the following operations for storage devices:
– Physical disks: Assign or unassign physical disk as a global hot spare
– Virtual disks:
*Create virtual disks
*Edit virtual disks cache policies
*Check virtual disk consistency
*Initialize virtual disks
*Encrypt virtual disks
*Assign or unassign dedicated hot spare
*Delete virtual disks
– Controllers:
*Configure controller properties
*Import or auto-import foreign configuration
*Clear foreign configuration
*Reset controller configuration
*Create or change security keys
– PCIe SSD devices:
*Inventory and remotely monitor the health of PCIe SSD devices in the server.
*Prepare the PCIe SSD to be removed
*Securely erase the data
– Set the backplane mode (unified or split mode).
– Blink or unblink component LEDs
– Apply the device settings immediately, at next system reboot, at a scheduled time, or as a pending
operation to be applied as a batch as part of the single job.
•Manage iDRAC licenses.
•Update BIOS and device firmware for devices supported by Lifecycle Controller
•Update or rollback iDRAC firmware and lifecycle controller firmware using a single firmware image.
•Manage staged updates.
•Backup and restore server profile
•Access iDRAC interface over direct USB connection.
•Configure iDRAC using Server Configuration Profiles on USB device.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
•Perform power related operations and monitor power consumption.
•Optimize system performance and power consumption by modifying the thermal settings.
•No dependency on Server Administrator for generation of alerts.
•Log event data: Lifecycle and RAC logs.
•Set email alerts, IPMI alerts, remote system logs, WS eventing logs, and SNMP traps (v1, v2c, and v3)
for events and improved email alert notification.
•Capture last system crash image.
•View boot and crash capture videos.
•Out-of-band monitor and alert the performance index of CPU, memory, and I/O modules.
•Configure warning threshold for inlet temperature and power consumption.
•Use iDRAC Service Module to:
– View Operating System (OS) information
– Replicate Lifecycle Controller logs to operating system logs
– Automatic system recovery options
– Populate Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) information
– Integrate with Technical Support Report. This is applicable only if iDRAC Service Module Version
2.0 or later is installed. For more information, see Generating Tech Support Report.
– Integrate with NVMe Management for Prepare to Remove operation on a NVMe class PCIe SSD.
For more information, see Preparing to Remove PCIe SSD.
•Generate technical support report in the following ways:
– Automatic — Using iDRAC Service Module that automatically invokes the OS Collector tool.
– Manual — Using OS Collector tool
Secure Connectivity
Securing access to critical network resources is a priority. iDRAC implements a range of security features
that includes:
•Custom signing certificate for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate.
•Signed firmware updates.
•User authentication through Microsoft Active Directory, generic Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) Directory Service, or locally administered user IDs and passwords.
•Two-factor authentication using the Smart–Card logon feature. The two-factor authentication is
based on the physical smart card and the smart card PIN.
•Single Sign-on and Public Key Authentication.
•Role-based authorization, to configure specific privileges for each user.
•SNMPv3 authentication for user accounts stored locally in the iDRAC. It is recommended to use this,
but it is disabled by default.
•User ID and password configuration.
•Default login password modification.
•Set user passwords and BIOS passwords using one way hash format for improved security.
•SMCLP and Web interfaces that support 128-bit and 40-bit encryption (for countries where 128 bit is
not acceptable), using the SSL 3.0 standard.
•Session time-out configuration (in seconds).
•Configurable IP ports (for HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, Telnet, Virtual Console, and Virtual Media).
NOTE: Telnet does not support SSL encryption and is disabled by default.
•Secure Shell (SSH) that uses an encrypted transport layer for higher security.
•Login failure limits per IP address, with login blocking from that IP address when the limit is exceeded.
•Limited IP address range for clients connecting to iDRAC.
•Dedicated Gigabit Ethernet adapter on rack or tower servers with Enterprise license.
New In This Release
•Set user passwords and BIOS passwords using one way hash format for improved security.
•Optimize system performance and power consumption by modifying the thermal settings.
•Update iDRAC and Lifecycle Controller firmware using a single firmware image.
•Update device firmware using TFTP or HTTP.
•Out-of-band monitor and alert the performance index of CPU, memory, and I/O modules.
•Configure warning threshold for inlet Temperature.
•Configure persistence policy for virtual addresses, initiator, and storage targets.
•View network interfaces available on host operating systems.
•Enable SNMPv3 authentication for a user to receive SNMP traps.
•Configure the SNMPv3 trap format.
•Set the warning threshold for power consumption.
•Remotely configure storage devices attached to the system at run-time.
•Perform the following operations for storage devices:
– Physical disks: Assign or unassign physical disk as a global hot spare
– Virtual disks:
*Create virtual disks
*Edit virtual disks cache policies
*Check virtual disk consistency
*Initialize virtual disks
*Encrypt virtual disks
*Assign or unassign dedicated hot spare
*Delete virtual disks
– Controllers:
*Configure controller properties
*Import or auto-import foreign configuration
*Clear foreign configuration
*Reset controller configuration
*Create or change security keys
– PCIe SSD devices:
*Inventory and remotely monitor the health of PCIe SSD devices in the server.
*Prepare the PCIe SSD to be removed
*Securely erase the data
– Set the backplane mode (unified or split mode).
– Blink or unblink component LEDs
– Apply the device settings immediately, at next system reboot, at a scheduled time, or as a pending
operation to be applied as a batch as part of the single job.
•Use iDRAC Service Module to:
– Populate WMI information.
– Integrate with Technical Support Report.
•Access iDRAC interface over direct USB connection.
•Configure iDRAC using configuration XML file on USB device.
•View inventory and monitor information and configure basic iDRAC settings using iDRAC Quick Sync
feature and a mobile device.
•Configure video capture settings
•Generate technical support report in the following ways:
– Automatic — Using iDRAC Service Module that automatically invokes the OS Collector tool.
– Manual — Using OS Collector tool
•Erase system and user data
•Six users can launch the Virtual Console at any point of time.
How To Use This User's Guide
The contents of this User's Guide enable you to perform the tasks by using:
•iDRAC Web interface — Only the task-related information is provided here. For information about the
fields and options, see the iDRAC Online Help that you can access from the Web interface.
•RACADM — The RACADM command or the object that you must use is provided here. For more
information, see the RACADM Command Line Reference Guide available at
•iDRAC Settings Utility — Only the task-related information is provided here. For information about the
fields and options, see the iDRAC Settings Utility Online Help that you can access when you click Help
in the iDRAC Settings GUI (press <F2> during boot, and then click iDRAC Settings on the System
Setup Main Menu page).
Supported Web Browsers
iDRAC is supported on the following browsers:
•Internet Explorer
•Mozilla Firefox
•Google Chrome
For the list of versions, see the iDRAC8 Release Notes available at
Managing Licenses
iDRAC features are available based on the purchased license (Basic Management, iDRAC Express, or
iDRAC Enterprise). Only licensed features are available in the interfaces that allow you to configure or use
iDRAC. For example, iDRAC Web interface, RACADM, WS-MAN, OpenManage Server Administrator, and
so on. Some features, such as dedicated NIC or vFlash requires iDRAC ports card. This is optional on
200-500 series servers.
iDRAC license management and firmware update functionality is available through iDRAC Web interface
Types of Licenses
The types of licenses offered are:
•30 day evaluation and extension — The license expires after 30 days and can be extended for 30 days.
Evaluation licenses are duration based, and the timer runs when power is applied to the system.
•Perpetual — The license is bound to the service tag and is permanent.
Acquiring Licenses
Use any of the following methods to acquire the licenses:
•E-mail — License is attached to an email that is sent after requesting it from the technical support
•Self-service portal — A link to the Self-Service Portal is available from iDRAC. Click this link to open
the licensing Self-Service Portal on the internet. Currently, you can use the License Self-Service Portal
to retrieve licenses that were purchased with the server. You must contact the sales representative or
technical support to buy a new or upgrade license. For more information, see the online help for the
self-service portal page.
•Point-of-sale — License is acquired while placing the order for a system.
License Operations
Before you perform the license management tasks, make sure to acquire the licenses. For more
information, see the Overview and Feature Guide available at
NOTE: If you have purchased a system with all the licenses pre-installed, then license management
is not required.
You can perform the following licensing operations using iDRAC, RACADM, WS-MAN, and Lifecycle
Controller-Remote Services for one-to-one license management, and Dell License Manager for one-tomany license management:
•View — View the current license information.
•Import — After acquiring the license, store the license in a local storage and import it into iDRAC using
one of the supported interfaces. The license is imported if it passes the validation checks.
NOTE: For a few features, a system restart is required to enable the features.
•Export — Export the installed license into an external storage device for backup or to reinstall it again
after a part or motherboard replacement. The file name and format of the exported license is
•Delete — Delete the license that is assigned to a component if the component is missing. After the
license is deleted, it is not stored in iDRAC and the base product functions are enabled.
•Replace — Replace the license to extend an evaluation license, change a license type such as an
evaluation license with a purchased license, or extend an expired license.
– An evaluation license may be replaced with an upgraded evaluation license or with a purchased
– A purchased license may be replaced with an updated license or with an upgraded license.
•Learn More — Learn more about an installed license, or the licenses available for a component
installed in the server.
NOTE: For the Learn More option to display the correct page, make sure that * is
added to the list of Trusted Sites in the Security Settings. For more information, see the Internet
Explorer help documentation.
For one-to-many license deployment, you can use Dell License Manager. For more information, see the
Dell License Manager User’s Guide available at
Importing License After Replacing Motherboard
You can use the Local iDRAC Enterprise License Installation Tool if you have recently replaced the
motherboard and need to reinstall the iDRAC Enterprise license locally (with no network connectivity)
and activate the dedicated NIC. This utility installs a 30-day trial iDRAC Enterprise license and allows you
to reset the iDRAC to change from shared NIC to dedicated NIC.
For more information about this utility and to download this tool, click here.
License Component State or Condition and Available Operations
The following table provides the list of license operations available based on the license state or
Table 1. License Operations Based on State and Condition
state or
Active licenseYesYesYesYesYes
Expired licenseNoYesYesYesYes
installed but
NOTE: In the iDRAC Web interface, on the Licenses page, expand the device to view the Replace
option in the drop-down menu.
ImportExportDeleteReplaceLearn More
Managing Licenses Using iDRAC Web Interface
To manage the licenses using the iDRAC Web interface, go to Overview → Server → Licenses .
The Licensing page displays the licenses that are associated to devices, or the licenses that are installed
but the device is not present in the system. For more information on importing, exporting, deleting, or
replacing a license, see the iDRAC Online Help.
Managing Licenses Using RACADM
To manage licenses using RACADM, use the license subcommand. For more information, see the iDRAC8
RACADM Command Line Interface Reference Guide available at
Licensable Features In iDRAC8
The following table provides the iDRAC8 features that are enabled based on the license purchased.
FeatureiDRAC8 BasiciDRAC8 Express iDRAC8 Express
for Blades
Interfaces / Standards
IPMI 2.0YesYesYesYes
DCMI 1.5YesYesYesYes
iDRAC8 Enterprise
FeatureiDRAC8 BasiciDRAC8 Express iDRAC8 Express
iDRAC8 Enterprise
for Blades
Web-based GUIYesYesYesYes
Racadm command line
SMASH-CLP (SSH-only)YesYesYesYes
Network Time ProtocolNoYesYesYes
Shared NICYesYesN/AYes
Dedicated NIC
VLAN taggingYesYesYesYes
Dynamic DNSYesYesYesYes
OS pass-throughYesYesYesYes
Front panel USBYesYesYesYes
Role-based authorityYesYesYesYes
Local usersYesYesYesYes
SSL encryptionYesYesYesYes
IP blockingNoYesYesYes
Directory services (AD,
FeatureiDRAC8 BasiciDRAC8 Express iDRAC8 Express
iDRAC8 Enterprise
for Blades
Single sign-onNoNoNoYes
PK authenticationNoYesYesYes
Remote Presence
Power controlYesYesYesYes
Boot controlYesYesYesYes
Virtual MediaNoNoYesYes
Virtual FoldersNoNoNoYes
Remote File ShareNoNoNoYes
Virtual ConsoleNoNoYesYes
VNC connection to OSNoNoNoYes
Virtual Console
collaboration (6 users)
Virtual Console chatNoNoNoYes
Virtual Flash partitionsNoNoNoYes
Power and Thermal
Real-time power meterYesYesYesYes
Power thresholds & alerts NoYesYesYes
Real-time power
Historical power counters NoYesYesYes
Power cappingNoNoNoYes
Power Center integration NoNoNoYes
Temperature monitoringYesYesYesYes
Temperature graphingNoYesYesYes
FeatureiDRAC8 BasiciDRAC8 Express iDRAC8 Express
for Blades
Health Monitoring
iDRAC8 Enterprise
Full agent-free
Predictive failure
SNMPv1, v2, and v3 (traps
and gets)
Email AlertingNoYesYesYes
Configurable thresholdsYesYesYesYes
Fan monitoringYesYesYesYes
Power Supply monitoring YesYesYesYes
Memory monitoringYesYesYesYes
CPU monitoringYesYesYesYes
RAID monitoringYesYesYesYes
NIC monitoringYesYesYesYes
HD monitoring
Out of Band Performance
Remote agent-free
Embedded update toolsYesYesYesYes
Sync with repository
(scheduled updates)
Deployment and Configuration
Embedded OS
deployment tools
FeatureiDRAC8 BasiciDRAC8 Express iDRAC8 Express
Embedded configuration
Remote OS deploymentNoYesYesYes
Embedded driver packYesYesYesYes
for Blades
iDRAC8 Enterprise
Full configuration
Inventory exportYesYesYesYes
Remote configurationYesYesYesYes
Zerotouch configurationNoNoNoYes
System Retire/Repurpose YesYesYesYes
Diagnostics, Service, and Logging
Embedded diagnostic
Part ReplacementNoYesYesYes
Server Configuration
Server Configuration
Easy Restore (system
Health LED / LCDYesYesYesYes
Quick Sync (require NFC
iDRAC Direct (front USB
management port)
iDRAC Service Module
Embedded Tech Support
FeatureiDRAC8 BasiciDRAC8 Express iDRAC8 Express
for Blades
Crash screen captureNoYesYesYes
Crash video captureNoNoNoYes
Boot captureNoNoNoYes
Manual reset for iDRACYesYesYesYes
Virtual NMIYesYesYesYes
OS watchdogYesYesYesYes
Embedded Health Report YesYesYesYes
System Event LogYesYesYesYes
Lifecycle LogYesYesYesYes
Work notesYesYesYesYes
Remote SyslogNoNoNoYes
License managementYesYesYesYes
iDRAC8 Enterprise
[1] Not available with blade servers.
[2] 500 series and lower rack and tower servers require a hardware card to enable this feature; this
hardware is offered at additional cost.
[3] Requires vFlash SD card media.
Interfaces and Protocols to Access iDRAC
The following table lists the interfaces to access iDRAC.
NOTE: Using more than one interface at the same time may generate unexpected results.
Table 2. Interfaces and Protocols to Access iDRAC
Interface or
iDRAC Settings
Use the iDRAC Settings utility to perform pre-OS operations. It has a subset of the
features that are available in iDRAC Web interface along with other features.
To access iDRAC Settings utility, press <F2> during boot and then click iDRAC Settings on the System Setup Main Menu page.
Use the iDRAC Web interface to manage iDRAC and monitor the managed system.
The browser connects to the Web server through the HTTPS port. Data streams
Interface or
RACADMUse this command line utility to perform iDRAC and server management. You can
are encrypted using 128-bit SSL to provide privacy and integrity. Any connection to
the HTTP port is redirected to HTTPS. Administrators can upload their own SSL
certificate through an SSL CSR generation process to secure the Web server. The
default HTTP and HTTPS ports can be changed. The user access is based on user
use RACADM locally and remotely.
•Local RACADM command line interface runs on the managed systems that
have Server Administrator installed. Local RACADM communicates with iDRAC
through its in-band IPMI host interface. Since it is installed on the local
managed system, users are required to log in to the operating system to run
this utility. A user must have a full administrator privilege or be a root user to
use this utility.
•Remote RACADM is a client utility that runs on a management station. It uses
the out-of-band network interface to run RACADM commands on the
managed system and uses the HTTPs channel. The –r option runs the RACADM
command over a network.
•Firmware RACADM is accessible by logging in to iDRAC using SSH or telnet.
You can run the firmware RACADM commands without specifying the iDRAC
IP, user name, or password.
•You do not have to specify the iDRAC IP, user name, or password to run the
firmware RACADM commands. After you enter the RACADM prompt, you can
directly run the commands without the racadm prefix.
Server LCD Panel/
Chassis LCD Panel
Lifecycle Controller Use Lifecycle Controller to perform iDRAC configurations. To access Lifecycle
Use the LCD on the server front panel to:
•View alerts, iDRAC IP or MAC address, user programmable strings.
•Configure iDRAC static IP settings.
For blade servers, the LCD is on the chassis front panel and is shared between all
the blades.
To reset iDRAC without rebooting the server, press and hold the System
Identification button for 16 seconds.
In addition to monitoring and managing the chassis, use the CMC Web interface
•View the status of a managed system
•Update iDRAC firmware
•Configure iDRAC network settings
•Log in to iDRAC Web interface
•Start, stop, or reset the managed system
•Update BIOS, PERC, and supported network adapters
Controller, press <F10> during boot and go to System Setup → Advanced
Hardware Configuration
Controller User’s Guide available at
→ iDRAC Settings. For more information, see Lifecycle
TelnetUse Telnet to access iDRAC where you can run RACADM and SMCLP commands.
For details about RACADM, see iDRAC8 RACADM Command Line Interface
Interface or
SSHUse SSH to run RACADM and SMCLP commands. It provides the same capabilities
IPMIToolUse the IPMITool to access the remote system’s basic management features
VMCLIUse the Virtual Media Command Line Interface (VMCLI) to access a remote media
Reference Guide available at For details about SMCLP,
see Using SMCLP.
NOTE: Telnet is not a secure protocol and is disabled by default. Telnet
transmits all data, including passwords in plain text. When transmitting
sensitive information, use the SSH interface.
as the Telnet console using an encrypted transport layer for higher security. The
SSH service is enabled by default on iDRAC. The SSH service can be disabled in
iDRAC. iDRAC only supports SSH version 2 with DSA and the RSA host key
algorithm. A unique 1024-bit DSA and 1024-bit RSA host key is generated when
you power-up iDRAC for the first time.
through iDRAC. The interface includes local IPMI, IPMI over LAN, IPMI over Serial,
and Serial over LAN. For more information on IPMITool, see the Dell OpenManage
Baseboard Management Controller Utilities User’s Guide at
NOTE: IPMI version 1.5 is not supported.
through the management station and deploy operating systems on multiple
managed systems.
SMCLPUse Server Management Workgroup Server Management-Command Line Protocol
(SMCLP) to perform systems management tasks. This is available through SSH or
Telnet. For more information about SMCLP, see Using SMCLP.
WS-MANThe LC-Remote Services is based on the WS-Management protocol to do one-to-
many systems management tasks. You must use WS-MAN client such as WinRM
client (Windows) or the OpenWSMAN client (Linux) to use the LC-Remote Services
functionality. You can also use Power Shell and Python to script to the WS-MAN
Web Services for Management (WS-Management) is a Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP)–based protocol used for systems management. iDRAC uses WS–
Management to convey Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) Common
Information Model (CIM)–based management information. The CIM information
defines the semantics and information types that can be modified in a managed
system. The data available through WS-Management is provided by iDRAC
instrumentation interface mapped to the DMTF profiles and extension profiles.
For more information, see the following:
•Lifecycle Controller-Remote Services User’s Guide available at
•Lifecycle Controller Integration Best Practices Guide available at
•Lifecycle Controller page on Dell TechCenter —
•Lifecycle Controller WS-Management Script Center —
•MOFs and Profiles —
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