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omreport system
Commands for Viewing Logs
omreport system alertaction
omreport system assetinfo
omreport system events
omreport system operatingsystem
omreport system pedestinations
omreport system platformevents
omreport system recovery
omreport system shutdown
omreport system summary
omreport system thrmshutdown
omreport system version
omconfig system alertaction
Commands for Clearing Logs
omconfig system pedestinations
omconfig system platformevents
omconfig system events
omconfig system webserver
omconfig system recovery
omconfig system shutdown
omconfig system thrmshutdown
omreport Global Information (Smart Thermal Shutdown Status)
omreport Battery Status
omreport Connector Status
omreport Enclosure Status
omreport Temperature Probe Status
omreport Fan Status
omreport Power Supply Status
omreport EMM Status
omreport Physical Disk Status
omreport Virtual Disk Status
omconfig Blink Physical Disk
omconfig Unblink Physical Disk
omconfig Prepare to Remove Physical Disk
omconfig Initialize Physical Disk
omconfig Offline Physical Disk
omconfig Offline Physical Disk
omconfig Online Physical Disk
omconfig Assign Global Hot Spare
omconfig Unassign Global Hot Spare
omconfig Rebuild Physical Disk
omconfig Cancel Rebuild Physical Disk
omconfig Remove Dead Segments
omconfig Clear Physical Disk
omconfig Cancel Clear Physical Disk
omconfig Enable Smart Thermal Shutdown
omconfig Disable Smart Thermal Shutdown
omconfig Set Enclosure Asset Tag
omconfig Set Enclosure Asset Name
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
omconfig Set Temperature Probe Thresholds
omconfig Reset Temperature Probe Thresholds
omconfig Set All Temperature Probe Thresholds
omconfig Reset All Temperature Probe Thresholds
omconfig Blink
Whether you are using the graphical user interface (GUI) or the command line interface (CLI),
™ OpenManage™ Server Administrator performs essential systems management tasks.
The reporting and viewing features allow retrieval of overall health status for systems on your network.
At the component level, you can view information about the voltages, temperatures, current, fan
RPM, memory functioning, and many other critical component details. You see a detailed account of
many relevant cost of ownership (COO) facts about your system in summary view. Version
information for BIOS, firmware, operating system, and all installed software is easy to retrieve.
Configuration features allow the Server Administrator to perform essential tasks described in detail
in the following sections.
NOTE: You can use the CLI instead of the Server Administrator home page, and turn the Server Administrator
Web server off if you have security concerns. The CLI does not use the Web server. Use the omconfig system webserver action=stop command to turn off the Web server. The Web server starts automatically after a
reboot, so this command must be issued every time a system starts up. See "omconfig system webserver" for
more information.
What's New for Version 5.2
•Added support for Dell PowerEdge™ 2970 system
•Added support for Microsoft
Enterprise editions)
Windows Server® 2003 family (x86) (SP2 with Web, Standard, and
•Added support for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family (x86_64) (SP2 with Standard, and
Enterprise editions)
•Added support for Microsoft Windows
Unified Data Storage Server 2003 (x86_64)
•Added support for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2, Datacenter x64 Edition
•Added support for Red Hat
Enterprise Linux® Version 5 (x86) and (x86_64) systems
•Added support for NIS, Kerberos, LDAP, and Winbind authentication protocols for Linux
operating systems
•Added information on features of Intel
•Added a new command in
•Added a new
omconfig preferences snmp setting
Storage Management
and AMD™ processors in the
command to configure SNMP Set
Processor Information
NOTE: SNMP Set Operations are disabled by default in Server Administrator.
Using CLI Commands from Windows Command Prompts
If you are running the Windows operating system, use the 32-bit command prompt to issue a Server
Administrator CLI command. You can access the 32-bit command prompt by clicking the Start button
and pointing to Programs→ Accessories→ Command Prompt shortcut, or by clicking the Start button and
selecting Run, then typing cmd.exe in the Run dialog box.
Do not type command into the Run dialog box to launch a command line window; this activates the
problems with the CLI.
emulator, which has environment variable limitations that can cause subtle
Primary CLI Commands
The commands that carry out the functions of Server Administrator are:
The omconfig command writes values that you assign to an object's properties. You can specify values for
warning thresholds on components or prescribe what action your system is to take when a certain
warning or failure event occurs. You can also use the omconfig command to assign specific values to your
system's asset information parameters, such as the purchase price of the system, the system's asset tag, or
the system's location.
The omhelp command displays short text help for CLI commands. The shorthand equivalent of omhelp
is the command for which you want help followed by -?. For example, to display help for the omreport
command, type one of the following commands:
omhelp omreport
omreport -?
The omreport command produces reports of your system’s management information.
NOTE: For an overall summary of CLI commands, type omhelp.
Table 1-1 lists the primary CLI commands used by Server Administrator. This guide contains a section
for each primary command.
Table 1-1.CLI Commands and Sections in This Guide
Primary CLI
omconfigomconfig: Managing Components Using the
omhelpomhelp: Getting Help With CLI Commands
omreportomreport: Viewing System Status Using
NOTE: omupdate commands are no longer supported in Server Administrator and are replaced by Dell Update
Package or Server Update Utility commands. To update the different components, download the Dell Update Package
and run <package name> /s [/f]. See the Dell Update Packages for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems User’s Guide,
the Dell Update Packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux User’s Guide, or the Server Update Utility User’s Guide for more
information on corresponding CLI syntax.
The CLI checks your commands for correct syntax when you enter them. If you enter a command and the
command is executed successfully, a message displays, stating that your command has been successful.
Success Messages
For a successful omreport command, data about the component displays. When data for the component
displays, your command is successful.
The following omconfig command examples show valid CLI commands and their success messages:
omconfig chassis temps index=0 warnthresh=default
Temperature probe warning threshold value(s) set successfully.
omconfig system assetinfo info=depreciation duration=6
Asset information set successfully.
Failure Messages
CLI failure messages provide reasons why some commands do not succeed. Some common reasons why
commands fail include syntax errors and components that are not present. Many error messages provide
syntax information that you can use to execute the command successfully.
If you try to execute a command for a component or feature that is not present in your system
configuration, the error message states that the component is not present.
Voltage probe warning threshold(s) set successfully.
Scripting and Comparing With the CLI
The Server Administrator CLI allows administrators to write batch programs or scripts to be executed by
the operating system. For an enterprise with many systems, an administrator could write a configuration
script that specified the warning thresholds for each major component of a system and also specified a
set of actions that the administrator wants each system to take in case of a warning or failure event. In
the most critical cases, the administrator could write a script so that the system shuts down to prevent
damage. The administrator could then distribute and execute the script to many managed systems at the
same time. Such a scenario facilitates configuring any number of new systems acquired by a company
and makes implementation of new system administration policies easier across many existing systems
that require reconfiguration.
A similar scenario could be used to populate a large number of newly acquired systems with detailed asset
information. Much of the information would be the same, such as the manufacturer or lessor of the system,
whether support for the system is outsourced, name of the system's insurance company, method of
depreciation, and so on. Any variable that is common to all systems could be scripted, sent to all managed
systems, and executed. Asset information that is unique to a system could be scripted as a group and sent
to that managed node for execution. For example, a script could specify values for all unique variables
such as owner, primary user phone number, asset tag, and so on. Scripts to populate unique values would
set all unique variables at once rather than one by one through the system's command line.
In many cases, the CLI allows a user with a very well-defined task in mind to retrieve information about
the system rapidly. If a user wants to review a comprehensive summary of all system components and
save that summary information to a file for comparison with later system states, the CLI is ideal.
Using CLI commands, administrators can write batch programs or scripts to execute at specific times.
When these programs execute, they can capture reports on components of interest, such as fan RPMs
during periods of high system usage compared with the same measurements at times of lowest system
usage. Command results can be routed to a file for later analysis. Reports can help administrators gain
information that can be used to adjust usage patterns, to justify purchasing new system resources, or to
focus on the health of a problem component.
Command Syntax Overview
Commands vary in complexity. The simplest command has only command level 1. The omhelp
command is a simple command. When you type omhelp, a list of the main CLI commands is displayed.
The next level of complexity includes commands that contain command levels 1 and 2. All of the about
commands are examples of command level 2 complexity. The omconfig about and omreport about
commands cause a very brief summary to display. The summary shows version information for the
systems management software installed on your system; for example, Server Administrator 1.x.
Some commands have command level 1 and command level 2 and one name=value pair. Consider the
following example command that instructs Server Administrator for more details about the environment
for Server Administrator:
omreport about details=true
Command level 1 is omreport, command level 2 is about, and the name=value pair is
Many commands use command level 1, command level 2, and command level 3, but do not require any
parameters (name=value pairs). Most omreport commands are of this type. For example:
omreport system alertaction
causes a list of alert actions that are configured for components on your system to be displayed.
The most complex commands have all three command levels and can have multiple name=value
pairs. An example of two name=value pairs:
omconfig system assetinfo info=depreciation duration=3
An example of nine name=value pairs:
omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition
> ponum=<n> signauth=<
<n> waybill=<n> installdate=<
yes | no
> costcenter=<
> purchasedate=
In each section, command syntax and other information about commands is formatted with any of the
following fields that apply:
The omhelp command and its equivalent, <command>-?, accesses the CLI's detailed help text
interface. You can get help at several levels of detail.
Each fully qualified CLI command may have a variable number of distinct parts: the command
(command level 1), one or more subcommands (command level 2 and command level 3, if present),
and one or more name=value pair(s).
By appending -? (space-dash-question mark) to any command, you can get help on the command.
Example Help Commands
When you type omconfig -?, you get general help about the omconfig command. The help at
this level lists the available subcommands for omconfig:
When you type omconfig system -?, CLI help lists all of the subcommands that are available
for omconfig system:
Figure 2-1 shows the levels of help for a command.
omhelp: Getting Help With CLI Commands19
Figure 2-1.Different Levels of Help for a Command
You can also parse the omconfig system assetinfo command as follows:
where command levels 1, 2, and 3 are represented by omconfig system assetinfo, name=value pair 1 is
represented by info=depreciation, and name=value pair 2 is represented by method=straightline.
To set your depreciation method to straight line, type:
omconfig system assetinfo info=depreciation method=straightline
The CLI responds with the following message:
Asset information set successfully.
When you type omconfig system assetinfo -?, the help that displays provides information
about assigning values for the name and option fields. Partial results for the request omconfig system assetinfo -? are as follows:
assetinfo Set asset information.
For one info value, specify one or more optional parameter(s). Table 2-1 displays the optional parameters
for info=acquisition:
omreport: Viewing System Status Using
the Instrumentation Service
The omreport command allows you to see detailed information about your system components.
You can retrieve summaries for many system components at one time, or you can get details about a
specific component. This chapter shows you how to get reports with the level of detail that you want.
Commands documented in this chapter vary in whether they define the fields that appear in the results of a
particular omreport command. Fields are defined only if they have a special or less familiar use.
As with all other components, you can use omreport to view component status, and omconfig to
manage a component. For information on how to configure components for management,
see "omconfig: Managing Components Using the Instrumentation Service."
Often you can use omreport commands to get information you need to execute an omconfig
command. For example, if you want to edit the minimum temperature for a warning event on a
temperature probe, you need to know the index of the probe you want to configure. You can use
omreport chassis temps to display a list of probes and their indexes.
Conventions for Parameter Tables
When listing the parameters that a command can take, the parameters are listed in alphabetical
order instead of the order in which they appear in the command line interface.
The symbol |, often called pipe, is the logical exclusive or operator. For example, enable | disable
means that you can enable or disable the component or feature, but you cannot simultaneously
enable and disable the component or feature.
omreport Command Summary
NOTE: Although this chapter lists all possible omreport commands, the commands available on your system
depend on your system configuration. The results that display for the omreport command vary from one
system to another. Data displays for installed components only.
NOTE: When a system includes an external chassis, the displayed results vary by operating system.
external chassis information in a separate section after the main chassis information. On Microsoft
Linux Enterprise Server and Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® systems, omreport commands display
systems, data about the external chassis does not appear in omreport output.
omreport: Viewing System Status Using the Instrumentation Service21
Table 3-1 is a high-level summary of the omreport command. The column titled "Command level 1"
shows the omreport command at its most general. "Command level 2" shows the major objects or
components that you can view using omreport (about, chassis, storage, system, and rac). "Command
level 3" lists the specific objects and components for which you can view reports. "User privilege required"
refers to the type of privilege you need to perform the command, where U=User, P=Power User, and
A=Administrator. "Use" is a very general statement about the actions that can be performed using
omreport. More details about syntax and use of the command appear later in this section.
Table 3-1 shows the omreport commands available for about, system, and main system chassis.
For information about viewing storage components, see "omreport: Viewing System Status Using
the Instrumentation Service."
Table 3-1.omreport Command Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3
level 1
level 2
aboutU, P, AShows version number and properties for the
chassisU, P, AShows a general status for all main components.
level 3
details=true U, P, ADisplays information for all of the Server
acswitchU, P, AShows failover settings where redundant AC
batteriesU, P, AShows properties set for batteries.
biosU, P, AShows BIOS facts such as manufacturer, version,
biossetupAShows BIOS setup properties configured during
bmcU, P, AShows general information on remoteaccess.
Server Administrator program.
Administrator programs that are installed.
power lines are supported in a system.
and date last updated.
system boot.
NOTE: This subcommand will be phased-out in
future releases. It will be replaced by the
subcommand remoteaccess.
currentsU, P, AShows the status and thresholds for the system
fancontrolU, P, AShows properties set for fan speed.
fansU, P, AShows status and thresholds for system fans.
firmwareU, P, AShows firmware properties such as version, date
22omreport: Viewing System Status Using the Instrumentation Service
current sensors.
of last update, and whether the firmware
is updatable.
24omreport: Viewing System Status Using the Instrumentation Service
Help With the omreport Command
Use the omreport -? command to get a list of the available commands for omreport.
Use omreport <command level 2> -? to get help on the level 2 commands about, chassis, and system.
The following information on omreport system -? applies equally to getting help for the omreport chassis
To see a list of valid commands for omreport system, type:
omreport system -? | more
omreport about
Use the omreport about command to learn the product name and version number of the systems
management application installed on your system. The following is an example output from the
omreport about command:
Product name
For even more details about the environment for Server Administrator, type:
omreport about details=true
Server Administrator includes a number of services, each of which has a version number of its own.
The Contains field reports version numbers for the services as well as other useful details. The output
below is an example, and can change depending on your configuration and the version of Server
Administrator that is installed on your system:
Contains:Instrumentation Service 5.
: Dell OpenManage Server Administrator
: 5.x.x
: Copyright (C) Dell Inc. 1995-2006. All rights reserved.
: Dell Inc.
Storage Management Service 3.x.
Sun JRE - OEM Installed Version 3.x.
Secure Port Server 1.x.
Core Service 1.x.
Instrumentation Service Integration Layer 1.x.
Storage Management Service Integration Layer 1.x.
Server Administrator 5.x.
omreport: Viewing System Status Using the Instrumentation Service25
omreport chassis Commands
Use omreport chassis commands to view details for the entire chassis or for a particular component.
omreport chassis
When you type:
omreport chassis
Server Administrator displays a general status for your main system chassis components.
NOTE: When you issue CLI commands to a server module in a modular system, chassis refers only to the server module.
NOTE: As with all output shown in this guide, the following output is an example and may vary depending on your
Use the omreport chassis acswitch command if your system has redundant AC power lines that are
configured in a failover arrangement. When you type:
omreport chassis acswitch
Server Administrator displays the following output:
AC Failover Switch
AC Switch Redundancy
Redundancy Status: Full
Number of devices required for full
Redundancy Mode:
Redundancy Configuration: Input Source Line 1, upon
redundancy restoration, return
to Line 1
26omreport: Viewing System Status Using the Instrumentation Service
AC Power Lines
Status: Ok
Location: AC Power Line 1
AC Present: Power Present
Active Source: Active
Status: Ok
Location: AC Power Line 2
AC Present: Power Present
Active Source: Not Active
Server Administrator reports values for the Redundancy Status and Redundancy Mode fields.
omreport chassis batteries
Use the omreport chassis batteries command to view battery properties.
omreport chassis bios
Use the omreport chassis bios command to view current BIOS information. When you type:
omreport chassis bios
Server Administrator displays a summary of your system’s BIOS information.
omreport chassis biossetup
Use the omreport chassis biossetup command to view BIOS setup parameters that are normally available
only during system boot.
Ty p e :
omreport chassis biossetup
Table 3-2 displays the BIOS setup parameters that are available:
NOTE: Not all the parameters are displayed. Only those BIOS setup properties that are configured during system
boot are displayed.
omreport: Viewing System Status Using the Instrumentation Service27
Table 3-2.BIOS Setup Parameters
BezelDisplays whether the bezel removal intrusion check during system
reboot is enabled or disabled.
BootsequenceDisplays the device that is used to boot the system.
Console RedirectionDisplays if the BIOS screen is redirected over a particular serial port
or if it is turned off.
Console Redirection After BootDisplays whether console redirection after system reboot is enabled
or disabled.
DisketteDisplays whether the diskette is disabled, auto enabled, or read only.
Demand Based Power
Displays whether DBS is enabled or disabled on the system.
Management (DBS)
Dual NICDisplays whether NIC 1 and NIC 2 with PXE is enabled or disabled.
External Serial ConnectorDisplays whether the external serial connector is mapped to COM
port 1 or COM port 2 or a Remote Access Device.
Console Redirection Failsafe Baud
Displays the setting for console redirection failsafe baud rate.
IDEDisplays whether the drive is enabled or disabled.
IDE Primary Drive 0Displays whether the device is automatically detected and enabled
or if the device is disabled.
IDE Primary Drive 1Displays whether the device is automatically detected and enabled
or if the device is disabled.
IntrusionDisplays whether the intrusion check is enabled or disabled during
system boot.
MouseDisplays whether the mouse is enabled or disabled.
NIC 1 Displays whether the first NIC is enabled (with or without PXE) or
disabled during system boot.
NIC 2Displays whether the second NIC is enabled (with or without PXE)
or disabled during system boot.
NumlockDisplays whether the keypad can be used as number keys.
Parallel port addressDisplays whether the address is located on LPT1, LPT2, and LPT3,
Parallel port modeDisplays the setting associated with the parallel port.
Primary SCSIDisplays whether the device is on or off.
RAID on motherboardDisplays whether RAID-on-motherboard is detected as a RAID
28omreport: Viewing System Status Using the Instrumentation Service
or if it is disabled.
device, a SCSI device, or if the device is disabled during system boot.
Table 3-2.BIOS Setup Parameters (continued)
RAID Channel ADisplays whether RAID-on-motherboard Channel A is detected as a
RAID device or a SCSI device.
RAID Channel BDisplays whether RAID-on-motherboard Channel B is detected as a
RAID device or a SCSI device.
SATADisplays whether the onboard SATA controller is set to ATA mode,
RAID mode, or is disabled.
SATA portDisplays if the SATA port is enabled or disabled.
Secondary SCSIDisplays whether the device is enabled or disabled.
Serial CommunicationsDisplays whether COM port 1 and COM port 2 are enabled or
disabled with or without console redirection.
Serial Port 1Displays whether serial port 1 is mapped to a COM port, a
COM port 1, a COM port 3, a COM1 BMC, a BMC Serial, a BMC
NIC, a BMC RAC, or is disabled.
Serial Port 2Displays whether serial port 2 is mapped to a COM port, a
COM port 2, a COM port 4, or is disabled.
SpeakerDisplays whether the speaker is on or off.
USB or USBBDisplays whether the USB port is enabled or disabled.
User accessible USBDisplays whether the user-accessible USB port is enabled or disabled.
omreport chassis bmc
NOTE: This command will be phased-out in future releases. It will be replaced by the command omreport chassis
Use the omreport chassis bmc command to view baseboard management controller (BMC)
general information.
Ty p e :
omreport chassis bmc
The output from the omreport chassis bmc command lists each of the valid parameters. Table 3-3 shows
the available settings.
omreport: Viewing System Status Using the Instrumentation Service29
Table 3-3.omreport chassis bmc
name=value pairDescription
config=advsolReports advanced BMC information on a serial over local area network (LAN) connection.
config=nicReports BMC information for the LAN.
config=serialReports serial port information for BMC.
config=serialoverlanReports BMC information on a serial over LAN connection.
config=terminalmodeReports terminal mode settings for the serial port.
config=userReports information on BMC users.
omreport chassis currents
Use the omreport chassis currents command to view current (amperage) probe status and settings.
When you type:
omreport chassis currents index=
the index parameter is optional. If you do not specify the index, Server Administrator displays a
summary of status, readings, and thresholds set for all current probes present on your system. If you
specify the index, Server Administrator displays a summary for a specific current probe.
omreport chassis fans
Use the omreport chassis fans command to view fan probe status and settings. When you type:
omreport chassis fans index=
the index parameter is optional. If you do not specify the index, Server Administrator displays a
summary of status, readings, and thresholds set for any fan probes that might be present on your system.
If you specify the index, Server Administrator displays a summary for a specific fan probe.
omreport chassis fancontrol
Use the omreport chassis fancontrol command to see how fan speed is set on your system. Fan speed can
be set to optimize speed for cooling or for quiet operation. Table 3-4 shows the available settings.
Table 3-4.Fan Control Settings
name=value pairDescription
speed=quietSet fan speed for quiet operation.
speed=maxcoolSet fan speed for maximum cooling.
30omreport: Viewing System Status Using the Instrumentation Service
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