Dell DJ Pocket DJ, MTDE0220, Pocket DJ Quick Start Manual

: Do not connect your device to the computer until the instructions prompt
you to do so.
1. Connect the USB charger to the electrical outlet and charge the Pocket DJ for at least 2.5 hours for the first charge, until appears on the screen.
: You can still use your Pocket DJ when the battery is charging from the
2. Press and hold the power button for two seconds to turn the Pocket DJ on.
Ensure that your Pocket DJ is not connected to your computer during the software installation process. NNOOTTIICCEE::
Close all other applications while installing the software.
1. Insert the
Dell DJ™ / Dell Pocket DJ™ Product Software
CD into your CD drive.
The CD runs automatically, and the installation process begins.
If the CD
does not run automatically
Using Windows
Explorer®or the
MMyy CCoommppuutteerr
icon, navigate to the
drive where you loaded the
Dell DJ™ / Dell Pocket DJ™ Product Software
2. When the Dell Pocket DJ installation screen appears, click
to start the
software installation process. Follow the instructions on the screen and click
when prompted.
The software may determine that you have a newer version of
already on your computer. If so, you will be asked whether or not you would like to continue installing Musicmatch from the CD. Make your selection to proceed.
If you select "Yes", the installation process will continue.
SSeelleecctt ""YYeess"" iiff yyoouu iinntteenndd
ttoo uussee MMuussiiccmmaattcchh wwiitthh yyoouurr DDeellll PPoocckkeett DDJJ
If you select "No", you will be asked to confirm the selection. Select "Yes" to quit the installation.
3. After the software installation is complete, a message appears asking if you want to restart your computer now or later. Select
to restart your computer
immediately or
if you will restart you computer later.
: The software is not enabled until after you restart your computer.
Dell Pocket DJ
Features |
Charge the Battery and Turn On the Dell DJ
Install Software
1 2
1. rewind/skip back button
2. back button
3. LCD screen
4. headphone connector
5. USB Charger and 2.0/1.1 connector
6. power button
7. volume buttons
8. scroll dial/select
9. home button
10. fast forward/skip forward button
11. reset button
12. play/pause button
13. lock switch
Before you set up and operate your Dell Pocket DJ™, read and follow the safety instructions in the
Product Information Guide
While your Pocket DJ is robust, do not subject it to excessive force or impact.This may damage the hard disk drive in your Pocket DJ.
TToo eelleeccttrriiccaall oouuttlleett
PPrreessss aanndd hhoolldd tthhee ppoowweerr bbuuttttoonn ffoorr 22 sseeccoonnddss
Do not store or use in areas outside of this temperature range: 0ºC - 40ºC or 32ºF - 104ºF. Doing so may cause your player to slow down or lock up.
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Connect Your Pocket DJ
Play Digital Music
Transfer Files
Connect your Pocket DJ to your computer using the USB cable provided to transfer data files or audio tracks.
To connect the Pocket DJ to your computer:
1. Connect the smaller end of the USB cable to the USB connector on your Pocket DJ.
2. Connect the larger end of the USB cable to the USB connector on your computer.
UUssiinngg MMuussiiccmmaattcchh
: Musicmatch has the capability to 'rip' or convert music CDs to digital music files on your computer. Refer to the Musicmatch Help tutorial
to create digital music files from your music CDs.
1. Start Musicmatch by clicking
SSttaarrtt PPrrooggrraammss MMuussiiccmmaattcchh MMuussiiccmmaattcchh JJuukkeebbooxx
. The Musicmatch main window appears.
2. Click
VViieeww PPoorrttaabbllee DDeevviiccee MMaannaaggeerr
3. With the Portable Device Manager (PDM) open, you can transfer tracks or playlists in a drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste operation from your computer's Musicmatch Jukebox playlists onto the Dell Pocket DJ.
4. To drag-and-drop, locate and click the track or playlist that you want to copy, then drag it to Dell Pocket DJ or one of its playlists.
5. To copy-and-paste, locate and right-click the track or playlist that you want to copy, then click
. Right-click
DDeellll PPoocckkeett DDJJ
or one of its
playlists, then click
UUssiinngg DDeellll DDJJ EExxpplloorreerr
: When transferring music tracks to your Dell Pocket DJ, be sure to transfer them to the Music Library folder . If you transfer music files from your computer to the Data Library folder of your Dell Pocket DJ, these music tracks will be stored as data files and will not be playable on your Dell Pocket DJ.
1. Connect the Dell Pocket DJ to your computer using the included USB travel cable.
2. Select
SSttaarrtt PPrrooggrraammss DDeellll DDeellll DDJJ EExxpplloorreerr DDeellll DDJJ EExxpplloorreerr..
Open Microsoft Windows Explorer, then double-click
DDeellll DDJJ EExxpplloorreerr
3. With Dell DJ Explorer open, click
in the Dell DJ Explorer toolbar.
4. Click
DDeellll DDJJ EExxpplloorreerr
in the left window to expand its contents.
5. Click
DDeellll PPoocckkeett DDJJ
DDeellll DDJJ EExxpplloorreerr
in the left window to expand its contents.
6. Click
MMuussiicc LLiibbrraarryy
DDaattaa LLiibbrraarryy
DDeellll PPoocckkeett DDJJ
in the left window to expand its contents.
7. Using Dell DJ Explorer, locate the track, file, or folder you want to copy.
8. To drag-and-drop, locate the track, file, or folder that you want to copy, and drag it to the folder in which you want to place the track, file, or folder.
9. To copy-and-paste, right-click the track, file, or folder you want to copy and click
. Locate and right-click the folder in which you want to place
the copy, and then click
. A copy of the track, file, or folder is placed in the selected folder.
The Dell Pocket DJ can play tracks in MP3, WMA, or WAV file formats. The Dell Pocket DJ comes with a few sample MP3 tracks already loaded into the Music Library.
To play all music tracks:
1. Press the home button on your Dell Pocket DJ.
2. Scroll-select
MMuussiicc LLiibbrraarryy
Scroll-select means rotate and then press the scroll dial.
3. Scroll-select
PPllaayy AAllll MMuussiicc TTrraacckkss
All tracks are added to the Selected Music list. Playback starts after all music tracks have been queued.
In addition to playing digital music, you can also use your Dell
Pocket DJ as a data storage device.
Be sure to check the
User’s Guide
to learn about using these features.
Also, be sure to periodically check for software and documentation updates for your Dell Pocket DJ.
1 2
Safety Precautions
• Do not store or use in areas outside the temperature range:
0ºC - 40ºC or 32ºF - 104ºF.
• Do not expose to heat or incinerate.
• Keep away from strong magnetic fields.
• Do not subject to excessive force or impact.
• Keep away from excessive moisture.
• Do not dismantle.
Finding Information
Dell Pocket DJ User’s Guide Setting up, and using your device. Install Adobe
Acrobat®Reader to view the file
found in dd::\\uusseerrss gguuiiddee\\ppoocckkeettddjj\\ <<llaanngguuaaggee>>\\ (replace
with the drive letter of your CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive and
with the language the document is in).
Musicmatch Help Click
MMuussiiccmmaattcchh JJuukkeebbooxx..
in Musicmatch. Up-to-date information on your device including the latest
software downloads, latest versions of the User’s Guide, Getting Started Guide, and answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. © 2005 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Dell Inc. is strictly forbidden.
Dell, Dell Pocket DJ, and the DELLlogo are trademarks of Dell Inc.; Musicmatch is a registered trademark of Musicmatch Inc.; Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Dell Inc disclaims any proprietary interest in the marks and names of others.
April 2005
Printed in Singapore
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