Dell Dimension 9558P Setup Manual

Dell™ Dimension™ Systems
Notes, Notices, and Cautions
Throughout this guide, blocks of text may be accompanied by an icon and printed in bold type or in italic type. These blocks are notes, notices, and cautions, and they are used as follows:
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your com­puter system.
NOTICE: A NOTICE indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. © 1999–2000 Dell Computer Corporation. All rights reserved.
Trademarks used in this text: Dell, the DELL E COM logo, DellNet, and Dimension are trademarks of Dell Computer Corporation; Microsoft, Windows, and WindowsNT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. Dell Computer Corporation disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own.
August 2000 P/N 9558P Rev. A06
Dell™ Dimension™ Systems Setup Guide
Before using this guide, connect your computer according to the steps on the Getting Started sheet. Failure to properly connect your computer may result in computer mal-
functions or damage.
Operating System Setup
Your Dell computer has been shipped with one of the following operating systems already installed:
Microsoft Windows NT
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
Perform the steps in one of the following sections that correspond to your operating system so that the software functions properly on your Dell computer.
Windows® Millennium Edition (Me)
Windows 2000 Professional
NOTICE: To prevent possible conflicts with Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional, or Windows 98 Second Edition, do not connect devices such as printers or install items such as expansion cards before you complete the operating system setup.
NOTICE: If you experience problems and the computer stops responding, do not use <Ctrl><Alt><Del> to reboot your computer. Instead, press and hold the power button for approximately 4 seconds to shut down the com­puter. Then press the power button again to turn on the computer. When prompted, select Safe Recovery Mode to continue the setup.
Microsoft Windows Me
Initial setup of the Windows Me operating system takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. Additional setup time may be required, depending on your system’s inter­nal and external devices. Dell Dimension Systems Setup Guide 1
To complete the initial setup of Windows Me, perform the following steps:
1. Turn on your computer.
The Welcome to Microsoft Windows screen appears.
2. Click Next.
The Select Your System Settings window appears. Click your region, preferred language, and keyboard.
3. Click Next.
The Select Your Time Zone window appears.
4. Click your time zone and click Next.
The End User License Agreement window appears. It is important that you read and understand both license agreements. You must accept the agreements to proceed with the setup of your system.
5. Click Yes. I accept this agreement both places it appears in the window and click Next. If your computer has an internal modem, go to step 6. Otherwise, go to step 7.
6. When the Register with Microsoft window appears, if you want to register online, click Yes, I want to register online, click Next, follow the screen prompts, and fill in the appropriate information. If you do not want to register online, click No, I do not want to register at this time, click Next, and go to step 6.
7. When the Thank You! window appears, click Finish to begin working with Windows Me.
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
The initial setup of the Windows 2000 Professional operating system may take approximately 7 minutes. Additional setup time may be required, depending on your system’s internal and external devices.
To set up Windows 2000 Professional for your system, perform the following steps:
1. Turn on your computer.
The Software Licenses screen appears.
2. Read the license agreements and press any key if you accept the agreements.
You must accept the agreements to proceed with the setup.
3. At the Important Technical Support Information screen, press any key to continue.
Your system restarts and the Windows 2000 Professional Setup License Agreement window appears.
2 Dell Dimension Systems Setup Guide
4. Click I accept this agreement. Click Next.
5. In the Personalize Your Software window, type your name and the name of your organization. Then click Next.
You must type in a name, but the organization field is optional.
6. In the Computer Name and Administrator Password window, a suggested name for your computer appears in the name box that you can change or accept. You can leave the password field empty or add a password of up to 14 characters.
Leaving the password field empty is acceptable if you prefer not to use a pass­word. Although the administrator password is optional, it is useful for protecting against unauthorized access to operating system settings. You may add or change a password later. More information on administrator and user logins is available from the Windows 2000 Help feature.
NOTE: Type the password carefully. It is case-sensitive, and if you lose or forget it, you must reinstall the operating system.
7. Click Next.
8. In the Date and Time Settings window, verify that the settings are correct for your time and time zone and click Next.
The Networking Settings window appears. You may choose whether to use typ­ical or custom settings. See your network administrator if you need to add custom settings at this point.
9. Click Next to accept the default typical settings.
The Workgroup or Computer Domain window appears. You may add a work­group name, but it is not required. Check with your network administrator if you need to add a computer domain.
10. Click Next to continue.
The Performing Final Tasks window appears. Then the following message appears:
You have successfully completed Windows 2000 Setup. If there is a CD in your drive, remove it. Then, to restart your com­puter, click Finish.
11. Click Finish to restart your computer.
12. When the Welcome to the Network Identification Wizard window appears, click Next.
The Users of This Computer window appears.
You can change settings as indicated on the screen or enter a user password for the name entered earlier in the setup. If you prefer to configure users later, you can accept the defaults on the screen and proceed. Dell Dimension Systems Setup Guide 3
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