Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
© 2003 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Dell Inc. is strictly
Delland the DELL logo are trademarks of DellInc.; Microsoft and Windowsare registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Dell disclaims proprietary interest in the marks and names
August 2003
See your
Owner's Manual
for additional setup instructions,
including how to connect a printer.
To access support and educational tools, double-click the
DDeellll SSoolluuttiioonn CCeenntteerr
icon on the Microsoft
You can also access Dell through
For additional information about your computer, click the
button and click
HHeellpp aanndd SSuuppppoorrtt
• To access the
Tell Me How
help file, click
UUsseerr aanndd ssyysstteemm
, click
UUsseerr''ss gguuiiddeess
, and then click
TTeellll MMee HHooww
• For help with the Windows operating system, click
MMiiccrroossoofftt WWiinnddoowwss XXPP TTiippss
Open the door for:
1. IEEE 1394 option
Connect devices such as digital cameras to the IEEE 1394 connector.
2. CD or DVD drive
Play CD or DVD discs in this drive.
3. PC Card option
Connect certain types of PC Cards in this slot.
4. Front USB 2.0 connectors (2)
Connect accessories, such as game controllers and digital cameras, to these USB connectors.
5. Headphone connector
Plug headphones into this connector. Doing so disables sound from your speakers.
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Set Up Other Devices Last
Help and Support
Turn on the computer and monitor.
Connect other devices according to their documentation.