Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of
Dell Computer Corporation is strictly forbidden.
Trademarks used in this text: Dell and DELL logo are trademarks of Dell
Computer Corporation; Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to
either the entities claiming the marks and names of their products. Dell
Computer Corporation disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and
trade names other than its own.
This software and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED
RIGHTS. Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical
Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and in
applicable FAR provisions: Dell Computer Corporation, One Dell Way,
Round Rock, Texas, 78682, USA.
Use the following safety guidelines to help ensure your own personal safety
and to help protect your computer and working environment from potential
•Use only the power supply provided with this product or the
manufacturer’s authorized replacement power supply.
•Connect the power cord to an electrical outlet that is near the
product and easily accessible.
•Refer service or repairs, other than those described in the user
documentation, to a professional service person.
CAUTION: Do not use the fax feature during a lightning storm. Do
not set up this product or make any electrical or cabling
connections, such as the power supply cord or telephone, during a
lightning storm.
If you have not already done so, follow the steps on the Placemat (poster) to complete the
hardware and software installation. If problems occur during the setup process, see Setup
troubleshooting on page 34.
Using the operator panel
The printer has an operator panel that lets you scan and copy with the press of a button.
1 |
# Press:To:
1PowerTurn the printer on and off.
2ScanStart the scanning process and to open the Dell All-In-One Center.
3Black CopyMake a black and white copy.
4Color CopyMake a color copy.
5Paper FeedFeed paper through the printer.
NOTE: Both the computer and the printer must be turned on to make copies.
2Learning about your printer
Understanding the
Accessing the Dell All-In-One Center
Accessing Print Properties
Using the Dell Printer Solution Center
Using the Dell Image Expert
The printer software includes the:
•Dell All-In-One Center—helps you perform various scan and copy operations and
manage your saved images.
•Print Properties—helps you adjust print settings.
•Dell Image Expert—helps you edit your photos.
•Dell Printer Solution Center—provides maintenance and troubleshooting help, as well
as cartridge ordering information.
Accessing the Dell All-In-One Center
To access the Dell All-In-One Center, click Start → Programs → Dell Printers → Dell
AIO Printer A920 → Dell All-In-One Center. |
The All-In-One Main page appears.
The All-In-One Main page
The All-In-One Main page consists of four main sections. The following table describes
each of the sections.
From this section:You can:
Scan• Select a program to send the scanned image to.
• Choose what type of image is being scanned.
• Choose how the scan will be used.
NOTE: Click SeeMoreScanSettings to view all settings.
4Understanding the software
From this section:You can:
Copy• Select the quantity and color of your copies.
• Select a quality setting for your copies.
• Adjust the size of the scanned area.
• Lighten or darken your copies.
• Enlarge or reduce your copies.
NOTE: Click SeeMoreCopySettings to view all settings.
CreativeTa sk sChoose from a variety of creative ideas.
• Enlarge or reduce an image.
• Repeat an image several times on one page.
• Print an image as a multi-page poster.
• E-mail an image to a friend.
• Fax using your computer’s modem.
• Save an image on your computer.
• Edit text found in a scanned document (OCR).
• Modify an image with a photo editor.
Previewsection• Select a region of the preview image to scan.
• View an image of what will be printed or copied.
NOTE: For more information about the All-In-One Main page, View Saved Images page, or the
Maintain/Troubleshoot page, click the Help button located in the upper right corner of the
View Saved Images page
Use the View Saved Images page (accessed from the All-In-One Main page) to perform
tasks with images that are saved on the computer. The View Saved Images page consists of
three sections.
From this section:You can:
Open with...Select a program to send the saved image to.
Print a Copy...• Choose the quantity and color of your copies.
• Select a quality setting for your copies.
• Lighten or darken your copies.
• Enlarge or reduce your copies.
NOTE: Click SeeMoreCopySettings to view all settings.
Understanding the software5
From this section:You can:
CreativeTa sk sSelect from a variety of creative ideas. For a list of creative tasks available
from the All-In-One Main page, see page 5.
Maintain/Troubleshoot page
The Maintain/Troubleshoot page (accessed from the All-In-One Main page) provides you
with direct links to the Dell Printer Solution Center. Choose from these topics:
•Maintain or fix quality problems
•Troubleshoot All-In-One problems
•Device status and ink levels
•More printing ideas and how to’s |
•Contact information
•View the software version and copyright information
For more information about the Dell Printer Solution Center, see page 8.
Accessing Print Properties
You can change your printer settings in Print Properties. To open Print Properties:
1With your document open, click File → Print.
2In the Print dialog box, click Properties, Preferences, Options, or Setup (depending
The Print dialog box appears.
on your program or operating system).
6Understanding the software
The Print Properties screen appears along with the I Want To menu.
Print Properties tabs
Use the Quality/Copies,
Paper Setup, and Print
Layout tabs to select
the print settings.
I Want To menu
Select one of the
projects from the menu
to help print photos,
banners, envelopes,
posters, and more.
The I Want To menu
The I Want To menu displays when you open Print Properties. It contains a variety of task
wizards to help you select the correct print settings for your project. Close the menu for a
full view of the Print Properties dialog box.
Print Properties tabs
All of the print settings are on the three main tabs of the Print Properties software. The
following table describes each of the tabs.
From this tab:You can change these settings:
Quality/CopiesQuality/Speed—Select a Quality/Speed setting.
Multiple Copies—Customize how the printer prints several copies of a
single print job, collated or normal.
Print Color Images in Black and White—Select this to print color images
in black and white.
Paper SetupType—Select the type of paper you are using.
Paper Size—Select the size of the paper you are using.
Orientation—Select how you want the document oriented on the printed
page. You can print portrait or landscape.
Print LayoutLayout—Select the layout you want to print.
Duplexing—Select this when you want to print on both sides of the paper.
NOTE: For additional information about these settings, right-click a setting on the screen, and
then select the What’s This? item.
Understanding the software7
Save Settings menu
From the Save Settings menu, you can name and save the current Print Properties settings
for future use. You can save up to five custom settings.
Options menu
Use the Options menu to make changes to the Quality, Layout, and Printing Status Options
settings. For more information on these settings, open the tab dialog box from the menu,
and then click the Help button located in the lower right corner of the screen.
The Options menu also provides you with direct links to different parts of the Dell Printer
Solution Center (see page 8), as well as software version information.
Using the Dell Printer Solution Center |
The Dell Printer Solution Center is a guide you can refer to for printer help and to check
the current print status.
To open the Dell Printer Solution Center, click Start → Programs → Dell Printers → DellAIOPrinterA920 → DellPrinterSolutionCenter.
The Dell Printer Solution Center appears.
Printer Status
Ink levels
8Understanding the software
The following table describes the Dell Printer Solution Center tabs.
From this tab:You can:
Printer Status (the tab
that appears on Start)
• Check the current printer status. For example, while printing, the status
is Busy Printing.
• See what type of paper is loaded into your printer.
• View ink levels.
How To• Receive information about basic features.
• Receive scan, copy, fax, and print instructions.
• Receive project information.
• Search the electronic guide.
• Go online to view more ideas.
Troubleshooting• Check the current printer status.
• View recommended Help topics.
• View common troubleshooting topics.
• Search for more specific troubleshooting topics.
• Visit the support area online.
Maintenance• Install a new ink cartridge.
NOTE: Wait until scanning is complete before installing new cartridges.
• View shopping options for new cartridges.
•Print a test page.
• Clean the ink cartridge nozzles.
•Align the ink cartridges.
• Solve other ink problems.
• Visit the supplies area online.
NOTE: Some links will not work while a job is in progress.
Contact Information• View information about ordering ink or supplies.
• View information about contacting Dell Customer Support.
• View a list of phone numbers.
• Visit the Dell website.
Advanced• Change the printing status window appearance options.
• View software version information.
NOTE: For more information, click the Help button located in the lower right corner of the
Understanding the software9
Using the Dell Image Expert
The Dell Image Expert lets you adjust photo attributes. With the Dell Image Expert, you
Eliminate red eyeRotate imagesAttach images to e-mail
Add text to imagesResize imagesCreate and share slideshows
Add special effectsCreate Web pagesMake a series of images into a movie