by Delfield
Mobile Open Frame Tray And Rack Dispensers
TT-1014 One stac k, 11”x15 ” trays
TT-1216 One stac k, 12”x16 ” trays
TT-1221 One stac k, 12”x21 ” trays
TT-1418 One stac k, 14”x18 ” trays
TT-1422 One stac k, 14”x22 ” trays
TT-1622 One stac k, 16”x22 ” trays
TT-1826 One stac k, 18”x26 ” trays
TT-2020 One stac k, 20”x21 ” trays
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity ________________ ________________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ ____________________ ____________
TT2-101 4 Two stack, 11 ”x15” trays
TT2-121 6 Two stack, 12 ”x16” trays
TT2-122 1 Two stack, 12 ”x21” trays
TT2-141 8 Two stack, 14 ”x18” trays
TT2-142 2 Two stack, 14 ”x22” trays
TT2-162 2 Two stack, 16 ”x22” trays
TT2-182 6 Two stack, 18 ”x26” trays
TT2-202 0 Two stack, 20 ”x21” trays
TT/TT2 Mobile Open Frame Tray And Rack Dispensers
Fram ework sh all be in te grall y w elded 1. 00”
(2 .5cm) O.D. 16-ga uge s tainl ess s teel tu bin g
welded to a 16-g auge stainles s steel base. Fra me
shall hav e st ai nless steel horizontal support rods
affixed to th e tubing. Base shall be r einforced
with f ull- le ngth 14-g au ge s tain le ss s teel angles.
Standard Features
Tubing and base to be 16-gauge
stainless steel
Tubing and base to be integrally
Base to be reinforced with 14-gauge
stainless steel angles
Non-marring gray corner bumpers
(4) 4.00” diameter polyolefin swivel
casters (all locking)
Dispenser platform carrier shall be 18-
gauge stainless steel
Self-leveling mechanisms shall be
adjustable by adding and removing
stainless steel extension springs located
inside the elevator housing
Eac h dis penser sec tion hold s
approximately 50-60 trays (varies per
tray style)
One year parts and 90 day labor
standard warranty. Additi onal
warranties available
Self-l eveling me chanis ms shall be field adjustable
by adding or removing s tainle ss steel e xten sion
springs loca ted insi de the elevator h ousing.
Options &
Heavy-duty casters
Flange-mount feet in lieu of
Napkin dispensers
Six- or eight-hole silverware bins
with plastic or stainless steel
Wrap-around bumpers (adds
1.75” [4.4cm] to overall length
and depth)
Dust cover
Cast ers : Un it sh all hav e fo ur 4. 00” ( 10.2c m)
diamet er p olyole fi n swi ve l casters (al l locking)
(5.00” [ 12.7cm ] ride h ei ght) and n on-mar king gray
bumpers at each c orne r.
Di spens er platfo rm carr ies shall be 18 -ga uge
st ain les s s teel an d s hal l b e r emo va ble fo r
cleaning. Each dispenser shall have 2 self -l eveling
mechanis ms.
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m

by Delfield
Plan View
TT Models
Plan View
TT2 Models
Elevation View
TT Models
Spec ifications
Model Length Depth Maximum Tray Size Ship Weight
TT-1014 21.25" (54.0cm) 15.25" (38.7cm) 11" x 15" (27.9cm x 38.1cm) 102lbs/46kg
TT-1216 18.25" (46.4cm) 20.75" (52.7cm) 12" x 16" (30.5cm x 40.6cm) 102lbs/46kg
TT-1221 18.25" (46.4cm) 25.75" (65.4cm) 12" x 21" (30.5cm x 53.3cm) 105lbs/48kg
TT-1418 20.25" (51.4cm) 22.75" (57.8cm) 14" x 18" (35.6cm x 45.7cm) 102lbs/46kg
TT-1422 20.25" (51.4cm) 26.75" (67.9cm) 14" x 22" (35.6cm x 55.9cm) 105lbs/48kg
TT-1622 22.25" (56.5cm) 26.75" (67.9cm) 16" x 22" (40.6cm x 55.9cm) 106lbs/48kg
TT-1826 24.25" (61.6cm) 30.75" (78.1cm) 18" x 26" (45.7cm x 66.0cm) 111lbs/50kg
TT-2020 26.25" (66.7cm) 25.75" (65.4cm) 20" x 21" (50.8cm x 53.3cm) 111lbs/50kg
TT2-1014 21.25" (54.0cm) 26.75" (67.9cm) 11" x 15" (27.9cm x 38.1cm) 113lbs/51kg
TT2-1216 36.50" (92.7cm) 20.75" (52.7cm) 12" x 16" (30.5cm x 40.6cm) 165lbs/75kg
TT2-1221 36.50" (92.7cm) 25.75" (65.4cm) 12" x 21" (30.5cm x 53.3cm) 163lbs/74kg
Mobile Open Frame Tray And Rack Dispensers
TT2-1418 40.50" (102.9cm) 22.75" (57.8cm) 14" x 18" (35.6cm x 45.7cm) 165lbs/75kg
TT2-1422 40.50" (102.9cm) 26.75" (67.9cm) 14" x 22" (35.6cm x 55.9cm) 163lbs/74kg
TT2-1622 44.50" (113.0cm) 26.75" (67.9cm) 16" x 22" (40.6cm x 55.9cm) 170lbs/77kg
TT2-1826 48.50" (123.2cm) 30.75" (78.1cm) 18" x 26" (45.7cm x 66.0cm) 179lbs/81kg
TT2-2020 52.50" (133.4cm) 25.75" (65.4cm) 20" x 21" (50.8cm x 53.3cm) 179lbs/81kg
Elevation View
TT2 Models
Right End View
All TT & TT2 Models
• Standard corner bumpers add 1.75" (4.4cm) to overall length and width.
• TT2 models dispense two separate stacks of trays.
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m
Printed in the U.S.A.