by Deleld
Mobile Carving Counters
SRB - Mobile Car ving Coun ter•
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity ________________ ________________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ ____________________ ____________
SRB: Mobile Carving Counters
Ex terio r Body i s c onst ructe d of 18-g auge st ainl ess ste el side
pan els and 1 4-g auge g alva nized b otto m. A ll ex teri or si de
pan els are rei nforc ed with ove rlap ping co rners an d w elde d in
pla ce. Al l body c utou ts and s tres s poin ts are r einfo rced w ith
14- gaug e ga lvan ized cha nnel sup port s.
Ex teri or Top i s c onst ruc ted o f 1 4-g auge st ain less s teel ,
wel ded, grou nd a nd p olis hed int o on e in tegra l un it. Top is
fab rica ted with squ are exte rior cor ners.
Car ving Tray; uni t ha s a remo vabl e, st ainl ess stee l, pe rfo rated
car vin g t ray, pa n and me at hol der. A 25 0 w att h eat la mp
is m ounte d d irec tly ov er the ca rvi ng tray . U nder neath th e
car vin g ar ea i s a stai nles s st eel lini ng f or e asy clea ning.
Au Jus Wel l; unit ha s a 2 50 watt he ated sta inle ss stee l a u j us
wel l wi th adju stabl e t hermo stat and st ainl ess stee l in sert pan .
Hea t lamp and au j us wel l are wi red to a 120 vo lt, 60 H ertz ,
sin gle pha se, 3 -wire grou nded , max imum 10’ (3 m) co rd an d
plu g.
Dr y C ompa rtme nt; u nit ha s a o ne-d oor d ry com par tment
co nstr uct ed o f 1 8-g auge st ain less st eel. Co mpar tme nt is
equ ippe d wit h a sh elf. Door has d ouble -wa ll con stru ctio n, wi th
Standard Features
18-gauge stainless steel exterior body
14-gauge galvanized bottom
14-gauge stainless steel top
Exterior panels reinforced with overlapping
corners, welded in place
All body cutouts reinforced with 14-gauge
channel s upports
Stand ard on 5” dia meter polyurethane
swivel cas ters for easy cleaning
Counters are standard with s tainless steel
removable carving tray, h eated au jus well,
nonadjustab le infrared heat lamp, dry under
storage compartment with h inged doors
10’ cord and pl ug are standard
60 Hertz, single phase electrical standard
Standa rd with dry hin ged door sto rage
compartment with shelf
One year parts and 90 day labor standard
a stain less ste el f ront pan el.
Cas ters : un its are mou nted on 5” (1 2.7c m) d iame ter s wive l
cas ters wit h no n-ma rkin g po lyur etha ne t ires and pla te b rakes .
Ove rall hei ght of c aste rs a ssem bly is 6 .12” (15. 5cm).
Options &
Tray slides and work shelves
10” (25.4cm) wide composite fold-down
cutting boards
Line-up interlock device
120V/60Hz/1 ø, 10 amp convenience
outlet with breaker
Stainless steel trim strips
Heated understorage (667 watt heating
element) with wire shelf
14” x 30” (35.6cm x 76.2cm) stainless
steel end drop shelf
6” (15.2cm) high adjustable stainless
steel legs in lieu of casters
Laminate exterior panel s in lieu of
stainless steel exterior panels
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m

by Deleld
Elevation View
Customer Side ViewOperator Side View Plan View
Mobile Carvi ng Cou nters
Model # of Doors # of Shelves V/Hz/Ph Amps Nema Plug Ship Weight
SRB 1 1 120/60/1 5.0 5-15P 180lbs/82kg
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m
Printed in the U.S.A.