Cashier Counter, 30” Depth
SPCS -30 Cashier co unter module, 34” height, 30” length
SPCS -30 E Cashier co unter module, 30” height, 30” length
SPCS -36 Cashier co unter module, 34” height, 36” length
SPCS -36 E Cashier co unter module, 30” height, 36” length
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity ________________ ________________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ ____________________ ____________
SPCS, SPCS-E: Cashier Counter, 30” Depth
SPCS -30
Ex terio r: E xter ior bo dy i s con stru cted of 18- gau ge s tainl ess
ste el sid e panel s or 18- gaug e galva nize d reinf orce d l amin ate
pan els. 1 4-ga uge ga lvan ized bo ttom . All ex teri or sid e pane ls
are re info rce d wi th ove rla ppin g c orn ers an d a re w eld ed
in p lace . Al l in ser t cu tout s ar e re info rced w ith 1 4-g auge
gal vani zed chan nel supp orts .
Ex terio r to p is const ruct ed o f 14- gaug e st ainle ss s teel, weld ed,
gro und an d p olis hed in to one in tegra l unit . Top i s fabr icat ed
wit h s quar e e xter ior cor ners wi th full y h emme d n osin g o n a ll
sid es. S tainl ess s teel fully retr acta ble in terl ocks are in stal led
on op posi ng corn ers an d locks u nits i nto a com plete s ervi ng
sys tem.
Int erio r Lin ing: A t the c ashi er’s e nd is a n 18- gaug e stai nles s
ste el l iner, with a st ainl ess s teel bot tom s helf. Unit has an 1 6.5”
x 1 6.5” x 5” ( 42cm x 42 cm x 12. 7cm) sta inle ss st eel cash dra wer
wit h lo ck and key.
Cas ter s: U nit is mou nte d on 5 ” ( 12. 7cm) d iam eter swi vel
pol yure than e ca sters wi th n on-ma rki ng t ires and pla te b rakes .
Cas ters are b olte d dir ectl y to t he 14 -gau ge bo ttom of th e bas e.
Ove rall hei ght of c aste r as semb ly i s 6. 00” ( 15.2 cm).
Standard Features
14-gauge stainless steel top standard
SPCS: 34” counter height, 30” depth
SPCS-E: 30” counter height, 30” depth
18-gauge stainless steel exterior standard
Full NSF and UL certification
A wide selec tion of laminate colors available
at no additional charge
Laminate selec tion has 18-gauge galvanized
base, 16-gauge coved corner supports to
protect laminate
Stand ard on 5” diam eter polyurethane
swivel cas ters
Stainl ess steel fully retrac table interlo ck
provided as standard
A 2” ferruled hole is located at the rear of the
top to a llow cord access for cash register
Stainless steel locking cash drawer standard
Stainless steel unde r shelf can serve as foot
rest or storage
Add eye catching decal packages or bright
canopies to create a distinctive lo ok
One year parts and 90 day labor standard
St ylin g: U nit s ar e st and ard wit h 1 8-ga uge s tai nles s s teel
ext erio r si des. Lam inate is an o ptio n av aila ble a t no add itio nal
cha rge. Dec al p acka ges and cano pies are als o av aila ble.
Options &
Tray slides
Tubular bar
Line up interlock device
(3) 1/3 x 6” deep p ans
Decal package
Silverware cutouts with stainless steel
Bullet feet
115V/ 15A convenience outlet wi th
10A breake r*
Inclusion of these options will alter the
electrical specifi cations of the unit
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m
Plan View SPCS-30, SPCS-30E
Elevation View SPCS-30
Plan View SPCS-36, SPCS-36E
Elevation View SPCS-36
19.53” 50cm
Cashier Counter, 30” Depth
Elevation View SPCS-30E
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Elevation View SPCS-36E
Right End View
All Models
Model L D H Ship Weight
SPCS-30 30.00”/76cm 30.00”/76cm 34.00”/86cm 180lbs/82kg
SPCS-30E 30.00”/76cm 30.00”/76cm 30.00”/76cm 180lbs/82kg
SPCS-36 36.00”/91cm 30.00”/76cm 34.00”/86cm 210lbs/95kg
SPCS-36E 36.00”/91cm 30.00”/76cm 30.00”/76cm 210lbs/95kg
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m
Printed in the U.S.A.