by Deleld
Self-contained Milk or Beverage Dispenser with Air Curtain
NLFAC-8 8 crate milk or beverage dispens er
NLFAC-12 12 crate milk or beve rage disp enser
NLFAC-16 16 crate milk or beve rage disp enser
Standard Features
Cabinet to be 18-gauge stainless steel
Cabi net bott om to be 1 4-gauge
galvanized steel
Interior liner to be water-tight 22-gauge
stainless steel
1” diameter drain
Units insulated with foamed in place
environmentally friendly, Kyoto Protocol
Compliant, Non ODP (Ozone Depletion
Potential), Non GWP (Global Warming
Potential) polyurethane
(2) Hinged lids with locks, molded of
black ABS plastic
18-gauge dividers self locate milk crates
Patented “air curtain” design
(2) Evaporator coils
Refrigeration system to be HFC-134A
Expansion valve and thermostat control
with automatic defrost
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity _________________ _______________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ _____________________ ___________
Refrigerated temperature maintain
36°F to 40°F (2°C to 4°C)
Product will maintain 40°F (4°C) for
2 hours with lids open
(4) 5.00” diameter polyurethane
swivel casters (two locking)
8’ cord and plug supplied
One year par ts and 90 days labor
warranty. Additional warranties
Options &
Tray slide
Laminate finish
Fiberglass panels
220 volt, 50 Hertz electrical system
Wrap-around bumpers (adds 1.75
[4.4cm] to overall length and
NLFAC: Self-contained Milk or Beverage Dispenser with Air Curtain
Ext erio r To p, front a nd side s shall b e 1 8-ga uge st ainl ess ste el. An
ope ning sha ll be l ocate d i n th e to p f ront of the unit to all ow a cces s
to the i nteri or. O peni ng shal l have a pat ented “air c urta in” d esig n,
wit h cold a ir for ced ove r the o penin g to ret ain th e cold air in t he
int erio r of th e un it. Op enin g s hall hav e (2 ) h inged li ds to c over the
top an d f ront . Two-p iece hi nged li ds shal l b e m olde d o f b lack AB S
mat eria l, wi th an int egral mol ded h andl e run ning the full len gth
of each fron t lid . Li ds sh all b e se ated in a PVC door trac k. K ey
loc ks sta ndar d (one p er doo r). Ext erio r bott om sha ll be 14 -gau ge
gal vani zed steel .
Int eri or s hal l be 22 gau ge s tai nles s s teel . C abin et sha ll be
ful ly in sula ted w ith 2 ” (5 .1c m) of h igh- den sity f oame d-in -pla ce
env iro nmen tal ly f rie ndly , Ky oto Pro toco l C ompl ian t, N on OD P
(Oz one De plet ion Po tenti al), Non GW P (Glo bal War ming Poten tial)
pol yure thane . Milk c rates s hall b e self- loca ting i n t he int erio r with
the use of divi der asse mbli es. Div ider ass embli es s hall be 18-g auge
sta inle ss stee l. Un it shal l h ave (2) 20- gaug e stain less st eel lou vers,
whi ch sh all be cent ered l eft t o righ t on t he fro nt an d rear of th e
equ ipme nt. The rea r louv er hin ges upw ard for m echa nica l acces s.
A 0.75” (1.9 cm) diam eter valv e sh all be loca ted at t he b otto m of the
equ ipme nt, cente red left to rig ht, 4.75” (12. 1cm) fro m th e re ar w all.
Ref rige rati on sy stem shal l use HFC -134a refr iger ant. Refr iger ant
flo w sha ll be c ontr olle d by an e xpan sion v alve. C abin et sh all
mai ntai n 36˚F to 40˚ F (2˚C to 4˚C ) int erio r cabi net te mper ature at
100 ˚F ( 38˚C ) am bient roo m tem pera ture with lid s cl osed for stor age.
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
Pro perly c hill ed foo d produ ct sha ll mai ntai n 40˚F (4 ˚C) fo r up to 2
hou rs w hen lids are ope n.
Ref rige rati on s yste m s hall be con troll ed by a so lid sta te t herm osta t
wit h a built in defr ost t imer. Con trol sha ll be acc essi ble t hrou gh t he
rea r lo uvere d p anel.
Ele ctri cal con nect ions sh all be 115 vol t, 6 0 H ertz , si ngle pha se.
Uni t shal l h ave an 8’ (2. 4cm) l ong ele ctri cal co rd and NE MA 5-15 P
plu g in stal led at t he r ear, 14” (3 0.5c m) f rom t he left end, 6” ( 15.2 cm)
abo ve f loor.
Cas ters : Equi pmen t shal l be mou nted o n (4) 5” (1 2.7c m) dia meter
pla te c aste rs. Tw o sh all be l ocki ng.
NLFAC -8 un it sha ll ho ld (8) 13” x 13” x 1 0.50” (3 3.0c m x 33. 0cm x
26. 7cm) m ilk cra tes. Com press or sha ll be 1/3 h .p., wi th con dense r
coi l, ( 2) e vapo rator blo wer coil s an d co nden sate eva porat or.
NLFAC -12 uni t s hall hol d ( 12) 13” x 1 3” x 10. 50” ( 33.0 cm x 3 3.0cm x
26. 7cm) m ilk cra tes. Com press or sha ll be 1/2 h .p., wi th con dense r
coi l, ( 2) e vapo rator blo wer coil s an d co nden sate eva porat or.
NLFAC -16 uni t s hall hol d ( 16) 13” x 1 3” x 10. 50” ( 33.0 cm x 3 3.0cm x
26. 7cm) m ilk cra tes. Com press or sha ll be 1/2 h .p., wi th con dense r
coi l, ( 2) e vapo rator blo wer coil s an d co nden sate eva porat or.
www.delfield.co m

by Deleld
Plan View Plan View Plan View
Elevation View Elevation View Elevation View
Self- containe d Mi lk or B everage Dispenser with Air Curtain
Spec ifications
Model Crate
Capacit y
NLFAC-8 8 12.6 ft3 (0. 36m3) 1/3 115/60/1 7.0 5-15 P 401l bs (182kg)
NFLAC-12 12 18. 5ft3 (0. 52m3) 1/2 115/60/1 9.0 5-15 P 491l bs (223kg)
NLFAC-16 16 24. 3ft3 (0. 69m3) 1/2 115/60/1 11.0 5-15P 583lbs ( 264kg)
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
5” Diameter caster
with brakes exposed
on ends
Right End View
All NLFAC Models
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m
Capacit y
Installation Note:
Refrigeration system is designed so that air will ow into the front
louver, through the compressor area, and out the rear louver. Any
restriction to this air ow path will void the warranties.
H.P. V/Hz/Ph Amps NEMA Plug Ship Weight
Printed in the U.S.A.