Delfield F5MR72D General Manual

F5 Serview Drop In
30” Deep Mirrored Remote Refrigerated Display Cases
F5MR 48D 30” deep remote drop in dis play s ection
F5MR 72D 30” deep remote drop in dis play s ection
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity ________________ ________________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ ____________________ ____________
F5 Serview Drop In: 30” Deep Mirrored Remote Refrigerated Display Cases
F5MR 72D
Dis play se ctio n exte rior si des are m ade of 18- gaug e stai nless
ste el. E xter ior dis play se ctio n t op to be 22-g auge ga lvan ized
met al. Inte rior s ides ar e made of g alva nized s teel re info rced
0.0 95” thi ck AB S pla stic w ith m olde d s helf s uppo rts. The
int erio r bo ttom is co nstr ucte d wi th sta inles s s teel for lon g
las ting du rabi lity. Dis play se ctio n i s f ully in sula ted wit h h igh
den sity env iron menta lly fr iend ly, K yoto Pr otoco l Co mpli ant,
No n OD P ( Ozon e D eple tio n Po tent ial ), N on GW P (G lob al
War ming Pote ntia l) po lyur ethan e foa m bet ween the i nter ior
and ex teri or. (4) Ad just able ep oxy co ated w ire she lves ar e
pro vide d fo r th e di spla y se ctio n. An on/ off swi tch for the
dis play se ctio n l ight( s) is loca ted at the rig ht end of the fro nt
fac ing, abo ve t he d ispl ay s ecti on d oors.
Dis play ca se refr iger ation s ystem c onsis ts of a full -len gth top
mou nted eva pora tor coi l w ith mul tipl e f ans cir cula ting the
air th rough out th e ca bine t ut iliz ing a the rmos tatic co ntrol .
Ref rige rati on l ines are pipe d to a s ingl e po int conne ctio n wi th
exp ansi on valv e. An ABS pl asti c d rip pa n i s plac ed belo w t he
coi l wit h a cl ear d rain hose for r unni ng the cond ensa tion to th e
low er b ase mech anic al s ecti on.
Fro nt of the dis play se ctio n i s equi pped wi th two sli ding an d
Standard Features
Display exterior sides are made of 18-gauge
• stainless steel Galvanized steel reinforced ABS plastic interior
• sides wit h molded shelf supports (4) adjus table epoxy coated wire sh elves
• On/off sw itch for the display sect ion light(s)
• Top mount coil with multiple fans circulating
• the air throughout the ca binet Display section runs off a thermostatic control
• Slidi ng a nd r emovable self- closing 0.50”
• thick argon filled, low-E, warm edge inser t, thermopane glass doors with left and right vertical gasket Hig h dens ity e nvironment ally friendl y,
• Kyoto Protocol Compliant, Non ODP (Ozone Depl etion Po tential), N on GWP (Global Warmi ng Potential ) polyureth ane foam throughout unit Single service display section with mirrored
• back Environmentally friend ly HFC-404A refrigerant
• One year par ts and 90 day labor standard
• warranty
rem ovab le sel f-cl osin g 0 .50” th ick a rgon f ille d, low -e gl ass
doo rs with a wa rm edge sp acer. The ve rti cal out sides o f e ach
doo r tu ck i nto an e xtru ded chan nel runni ng v erti call y up eac h
sid e. Fron t no sing to be s tain less ste el.
Re frig erat ion s yst em c ompo nen ts a re H FC-4 04A . D ispl ay
cab inet b lowe r coil a ssem bly sh all ha ve a coa ted ev apor ator
coi l and f ans. I nter ior re frig erate d bas e cabi net a nd dis play
se ctio n t o m ain tain 36 ˚F to 40 ˚F te mper atur es at 10 0˚F
amb ient r oom tem pera ture. Ele ctr ical co nnec tion s are 115 V-
60H -1PH ; un it m ust be hard wire d to a junc tion box .
Bac k h as 2 ” t hick pan el, con stru cted on 22 -gau ge s tain less
ste el in teri or, 2” of hig h-de nsit y pol yuret hane foam and 2 2-
gau ge galva nize d st eel exte rior. I nter ior of back pan el has (2)
ang led glas s mi rror s.
Options & Accessories
48” shelf (48” long units only) 72” shelf (72” long units only) Stainless steel back Laminate e nds 220 volt/50 cycle - inclusion of this option wi ll alter specifications
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8 m
Mechanical Access
Remote Models
1.75" 4cm
3.00" x 12.00"
(7.6cm x 30.5cm)
Front To Back
0.25"(0.6cm) From End
Front Of Unit
J=Junction Box R=Refrigeration Lines, 1/4" Liquid, 3/8" Suction D=1/2" I.D. Drain
15.00" 38cm
32.00” 81cm
32.00” 81cm
Plan View F5MR48D Plan View F5MR72D
32.00” 81cm
Elevation View F5MR48D
Elevation View F5MR72D
30.00” 76cm
Right End VIew
F5MR48D, F5MR72D
30” Deep Mirro red Remote Refrigerated Display Cases
F5MR48D 26.0ft
F5MR72D 40.5ft
* Recommended
F5 Serview Drop In
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0 619 m
Evap Cap
Cabinet Load
1/2 150 1215 115/60/1 4.0 NA 485lbs/220kg
3/4 450 1783 115/60/1 4.0 NA 644lbs/292kg
Printed in the U.S.A. DSF5MRD 03/10
V/Hz/Ph Amps
Ship Weight