Remote Low-Prole Refrigerated Equipment Stands
F2852 52.25” Re mote low-prof ile s tand
F2856 56.25” Re mote low-prof ile s tand
F2862 62.25” Re mote low-prof ile s tand
F2875 75.25” Re mote low-prof ile s tand
F2880 80.25” Re mote low-prof ile s tand
F2887 87.25” Re mote low-prof ile s tand
F2899 99.25” Re mote low-prof ile s tand
F28110 110.25 ” R emote low-prof il e stand
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity ________________ ________________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ ____________________ ____________
F2800: Remote Low-Prole Refrigerated Equipment Stands
F287 5
Ext erio r t op is 18-g auge st ainl ess ste el with st anda rd marin e edges on a ll
fou r sid es. Co rner s are full y wel ded w ith s moot h rad ii co rners for e asy
cle an out. Int erio r s ub-t op made o f 2 2-ga uge 2BF s tainl ess ste el is mad e
int egral wi th t he top by inje ctin g 2. 00” o f h igh dens ity poly uret hane foa m
bet ween the ext erio r an d in teri or t ops.
Ref rige rated ba se i nter ior bac k an d b ottom ar e co nstr ucte d o f a 22- gaug e
2BF sta inle ss steel . Exte rior sid es, bott om and back are ma de o f 2 2-ga uge
gal vani zed steel . Both le ft a nd right in terio r s ides are for med of ABS
pla stic. T he base is inj ecte d w ith 2.00 ” of hig h de nsit y p olyu retha ne foam
bet ween t he ex terio r and i nter ior. Re frig erate d base front s are m ade of
.09 5” thic k ABS t herm oform ed pl astic and b acked up by r idge d poly ure-
tha ne wate r b lown i njec tion mo lded fr ames . The f rames a re an exce llen t
the rmo- brea k a nd supe rior str uctu ral mat eria l f or fast ening do ors and
dra wers. Ex teri or mach ine co mpar tmen t side is c onst ruct ed of 18- gaug e
gal vani zed steel .
Fini shed s tain less st eel en ds are st andar d. Louve r, coil pa nel an d d rawe r
fac es a re all stan dard wi th s tain less ste el cons truc tion. Unit s ar e s uppl ied
wit h wall -mou nted b racke t and t hrea ded ro d to all ow ins tall atio n of the
uni t ag ains t a soli d su rfa ce.
Full Ex tens ion Plus dr awer sys tem is a co mple te drawe r s ystem , w hich can
ope rate ind epen dent of the uni t i t’s insta lled in . D rawer sys tem is size d t o
hol d 12” x 20” x 4“ d eep ho tel pan s and s malle r frac tion al pan s. Draw er
sys tem is al l stain less s teel co nstr ucti on for ma ximu m durab ilit y. D rawer
tra ck roll ers ar e made o f Delr in and do not r equir e grea se for o perat ion.
Standard Features
Top is heavy duty stain less steel, with integral front
marine ed ge
Standard st ainless steel end s
Exterior drawer fronts are s tainless steel
High densi ty enviro nmentally fr iendly, Kyo to
Protocol Compl iant, Non ODP (Ozone Depleti on
Potential), Non GWP (Global Warming Potential)
polyurethane foam insulation throughout unit
Snap-in drawer gaskets for easy removal
Standard on legs
Base interior cabinet is cooled with mullion style
coated blower co il(s) mou nted betwe en each
door/drawer section for even air and temperature
Electric condensate evaporator s are standard
Inter ior refri gerated ba se cabin et s ection t o
maintain 3 6° to 40° meeti ng NSF7
Digital th ermometer
Wall-mounted b racket to prevent tipping
Full Extension Plus Drawer sy stem is a complete
drawer system. Drawer system is s ized to hold
12” x 20” x 4” deep hote l pans (by othe rs). The
drawer system is all stainl ess steel construc tion for
Int erme diat e track s are re mova ble wit hout t ools a nd hou se Del fiel d’s
“ant i-fr icti on bina ry rol ler sys tem”. Dr awer bo xes are de sign ed with “eas y
pan gr ip flan ges”. Trac ks are des igne d w ith a stay s hut feat ure tha t h olds
the draw er g asket tig ht to the base fro nt on une ven f loor s. E xter ior drawe r
fro nts are made of stai nles s st eel; and an int erior ma de o f AB S p lasti c w ith
for med in cha nnel s to hous e t he sna p-in da rt sty le sant opre ne gask et. A
gal vani zed bra ce is fo amed i n plac e to be an i ntegr al par t of th e drawe r
fro nt ass embl y. Each drawe r fron t is in ject ed wi th 1.8 7” of hi gh den sity
pol yuret hane foam betw een t he ex teri or an d int erio r. Han dles are r ecess ed
bla ck p last ic a nd h eld in w ith a p osit ive lock syst em.
Uni t is su ppor ted with two 14 -gau ge l eg rails th at r un t he entir e l ength of
the un it. L eg rail s a re weld ed to the bot tom sid e o f t he unit an d a re tied
tog ether wit h two 12-g auge brac es ru nnin g fro nt to back . Ca ster/ leg b oxes
are we lded in side th e leg rai l a nd 6.1 2” ad just able st ainl ess ste el leg s a re
mou nted as stan dard with (4 ) 5/ 16” bo lts.
Ref rig erat ion syst em co mpo nent s are HFC -404 A. I nter ior cabi net i s
coo led w ith mulli on s tyle blow er co ils (coat ed) mount ed b etwee n ea ch
doo r/dra wer sec tion fo r very ev en air and t emper atur e c ontro l. E lect rica l
con nect ions are 115 V-60H -1PH .
A t herm omet er i s in stall ed i n th e re mova ble acces s pa nel, ele ctri c co nden -
sat e evap orato r, sole noid a nd the rmos tat. R emote m odel s must b e hard -
wir ed a t th e in stal lati on s ite.
Options &
maximum du rability
When o rdering, specify make, mod el and
depth of cooking eq uipment sitting on
the equipm ent stand
Height of surface for setti ng e quipment
is 25.50”
Envi ronmen tally fri endly HFC- 404A
One year parts and 90 day labor stan dard
Drawer locks
230V, 50Hz e lectrical system
Stainless steel back
Mechanical housing left s ide
Doors in lieu of drawers (except 32”)
Plastic la minate end
Plastic la minate back
Plastic la minate front
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m