F2600 & F2700
Low-Prole Freezer Equipment Stands
F2660 60.25” Self-contained l ow-profile f reezer b as e equipment stand
F2694 94.25” Self-contained l ow-profile f reezer b as e equipment stand
F2748 48.25” Remote low-profile freezer base equipment stand
F2776 76.25” Remote low-profile freezer base equipment stand
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity ________________ ________________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ ____________________ ____________
F2600 & F2700: Low-Prole Freezer Equipment Stands
Ext eri or t op is 18- gau ge st ain less ste el wi th f ull per ime ter m ari ne
edg e. Corn ers ar e full y weld ed wit h smoo th rad ii cor ners f or eas y clea n
out . Inte rior sub top is 22-g auge sta inle ss s teel . Ov er t wo inche s o f
env iron ment ally f rie ndly, K yoto P roto col Co mpli ant, N on ODP ( Ozon e
Dep leti on Pot enti al), Non G WP (G loba l Warm ing Po tent ial) Polyu reth ane
two -par t fo am p rovi des insu latio n a nd r igid ity.
Ref rige rated base has 22 gaug e stai nles s stee l int erio r back and b ottom
wit h ABS th ermo form ed sid es. Bas e exte rior b ack, b otto m and si des ar e
con struc ted of galv anize d st eel.
Fini shed s tain less st eel en ds are st andar d. Louve r, coil pa nel an d d rawe r
fac es are a ll sta ndard w ith st ainl ess st eel co nstr ucti on. (Un it is su ppli ed
wit h a wal l-mo unte d br acke t a nd threa ded rod to all ow i nsta llat ion of the
uni t ag ains t a soli d su rfa ce.)
Uni ts fo undat ion i s ma de of 14 ga uge 1 .50" x 3.2 5" th ick galva nize d leg rail s
wit h cas ters as stand ard. Uni t co mes stand ard with a st ainl ess steel leg rail
cove r-up sk in. Leg s av ailab le on re ques t.
Full Ext ensi on P lus drawe r sys tem is a comp lete drawe r sy stem , whi ch c an
ope rate ind epen dent of the uni t i t’s insta lled in . D rawer sys tem is size d t o
hol d 12” x 20” x 4“ d eep ho tel pan s and s malle r frac tion al pan s. Draw er
sys tem is al l stain less s teel co nstr ucti on for ma ximu m durab ilit y. D rawer
tra ck roll ers ar e made o f Delr in and do not r equir e grea se for o perat ion.
Int erme diat e track s are re mova ble wit hout t ools a nd hou se Del fiel d’s
“ant i-fr icti on bina ry rol ler sys tem”. Dr awer bo xes are de sign ed with “eas y
Standard Features
Top is heavy duty stainless steel, with full perimeter
marine ed ge
Standard st ainless steel end s
Exterior drawer fronts are s tainless steel
High densi ty e nvironment ally frie ndly, Kyoto
Protocol Compli ant, Non ODP (Ozone Depletion
Potential), N on GWP (Global Warming Potential)
polyurethane foam insulation throughout unit
Snap-in drawer gaskets for easy removal
8’ cord and plug supplied
Base interior cabinet is cooled w ith mull ion styl e
coated blower co il(s) mount ed between ea ch
door/drawer section for even air and temper ature
Digital th ermometer
Electric condensate evaporator s are standard
Wall-mounted b racket to prevent tipping
Full Extension Plus Drawer system is a comple te
drawer system. Drawer s ystem is sized to hold
12” x 20” x 4” deep hotel pans (by oth ers). The
drawer system is all stainless steel construction for
maximum du rability
F26/270 0 base ca binet w ill mai ntain 0 º to -5º
temperatures at 100º ambient room temp erature
meeting NS F7 requirements
When ordering, specify make, model a nd depth
pan gr ip flan ges”. Trac ks are des igne d w ith a stay s hut feat ure tha t h olds
the draw er g asket tig ht to the base fro nt on une ven f loor s. E xter ior drawe r
fro nts are made of stai nles s st eel; and an int erior ma de o f AB S p lasti c w ith
for med in cha nnel s to hous e t he sna p-in da rt sty le sant opre ne gask et. A
gal vani zed bra ce is fo amed i n plac e to be an i ntegr al par t of th e drawe r
fro nt ass embl y. Each drawe r fron t is in ject ed wi th 1.8 7” of hi gh den sity
pol yuret hane foam betw een t he ex teri or an d int erio r. Han dles are r ecess ed
bla ck p last ic a nd h eld in w ith a p osit ive lock syst em.
Mul lio n Co il Re frig era tion sy ste m u ses HF C-4 04A re fri gera nt, an d
mai ntai ns 0˚F (-1 8˚C) to - 5˚F (-2 1˚C) in teri or cabi net tem perat ure at 100 ˚F
(38 ˚C) ambie nt r oom t empe ratur e. B oth remot e an d sel f-co ntai ned m odel s
are stan dard with ext erio r di gital the rmom eter and elec tric cond ensa te
eva porat ors. Ele ctri cal con nect ions sh all be 11 5 v olt, 60 h ertz a nd sing le
pha se.
The Foll owin g Ap plie s To F270 0 Se ries (R emote ) O nly:
Rem ote mode ls h ave a d igita l t herm omete r i nstal led in the remo vabl e
acc ess p anel , de frost tim er, t herm osta t an d sol enoi d va lve. Remo te m odel s
mus t be har d-wi red at t he i nsta llati on site.
The Foll owin g Ap plie s To F260 0 Se ries (S elf- Conta ined ) O nly:
Sel f-c ont aine d m odel s h ave a p re- wir ed c onde nsi ng u nit , a di gita l
the rmom eter inst alle d in the remo vabl e lo uver and is s uppl ied with an 8.0'
(2. 4m) cord and plu g.
Options &
of co oking eq uipment s itting on the
equipment stand
Height of surface for setti ng e quipment
is 25.50”
Self-conta ined freezers are standard with
a defrost timer
Envi ronmen tally fri endly HFC- 404A
One year parts and 90 day labor stan dard
Drawer locks
230V, 50Hz e lectrical system
Stainless steel back
Mechanical housing left side
Set of 4 casters (F26 Ser ies)
Set of 6 casters (F26 Ser ies)
Doors in lieu of drawers (except 32”)
Plastic laminate end
Plastic laminate back
Plastic laminate front
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m

153 cm
45.6 cm
20.5 cm
32" (81.3 cm) FRZR
32" (81.3 cm) FRZR
32" (81.3 cm) FRZR
32" (81.3 cm) FRZR
32" (81.3 cm) FRZR
32" (81.3 cm) FRZR
10.00” Mullion To
Accommodate Freezer
Mullion Coil
239.4 cm
6.00” Mullion To
Accommodate Freezer
Mullion Coil
15.2 cm
Marine Edge Top
122.6 cm
10.00” Mullion To
Accommodate Freezer
Mullion Coil
20.5 cm
193.7 cm
6.00” Mullion To
Accommodate Freezer
Mullion Coil
15.2 cm
15.2 cm
15.2 cm
Elevation View
Elevation View
Elevation View
Plan View
F2600 & F2700 Series
Elevation View
J=Junction Box
R=1/4" Liquid, 3/8" Suction
Refrigeration Lines
Mechanical Access
Plan View
F2700 Series (Remote)
C=Condensing Unit
J=Junction Box With
8'(2.4m) Cord & Plug
Mechanical Access Behind Louver
Mechanical Access Behind Panel
Plan View
F2600 Series (Self Contained)
NOTE: Remote
Unit Must Be
Hard Wired
32" (81.3 cm) FRZR
32" (81.3 cm) FRZR
32" (81.3 cm) FRZR
32" (81.3 cm) FRZR
32" (81.3 cm) FRZR
32" (81.3 cm) FRZR
Low-Profile Freezer Equipment Stands
F2600 & F2700
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
25.08" (63.7cm)
F2600 & F2700 Series
32" (81.3cm) drawers hold (2) 12" x 20"
(30.5cm x 50.8cm) pans, front to back
To assure proper operation a 2” airspace must be maintained between the bottom of any cooking equipment and the
top of this unit. Cooking equipment must have a barrier (i.e. bottom, drip pan) between its heat source and the top of the
equipment stand. Failure to comply with this could severely damage the equipment stand and void all warranties.
Model # Of 12x20 Pans V/Hz/Ph Amps Ship Weight BTU Load System BTU H.P. Nema Plug
NOTE: Add a “C” to the model number when ordering with casters (example - F2660C).
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
4 115/60/1 11.0 418lbs/190kg 925 1776 1/2 5-15P
8 115/60/1 16.0 505lbs/229kg 1558 2713 3/4 5-20P
4 115/60/1 10.0 295lbs/134kg 1032 160 NA NA
8 115/60/1 15.0 375lbs/170kg 1770 160 NA NA
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m
Right Section View
Drawer Detail
Printed in the U.S.A.
DSF2600_F270 0