Delfield 6151XL-S, 6176XL-S, 6125XL-SR, 6151XL-SR, 6176XL-SR General Manual

Solid Door Reach-in Freezer
6125 XL-S Sing le sec tio n full height doors
• 6151 XL-S Two s ection fu ll height d oors
• 6176 XL-S Three sec tion f ull height doo rs
• 6125 XL-SR Remote full height doors
• 6151 XL-SR Remote full height doors
• 6176 XL-SR Remote full height doors
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity _________________ _______________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ _____________________ ___________
6125 XL-SH Sing le sec tio n half height door 6151 XL-SH Two s ection ha lf height d oor
• 6176 XL-SH Three sec tion h alf height doo r
• 6125 XL-SHR Remote half h eight door
• 6151 XL-SHR Remote half h eight door
• 6176 XL-SHR Remote half h eight door
6100XL: Solid Door Reach-in Freezer
Ex terio r: Top a nd bot tom a re con stru cted of 24- gaug e gal vani zed s teel . Ex teri or si des a re 0 .032 alu minu m. Fr ont hou sing is 22-g auge stai nles s st eel.
Doo rs: Uni t i s pr ovid ed with hin ged sol id f ront doo r(s) . Doo r ext erio r is cons truc ted of 22- gaug e st ainle ss s teel. In teri or doo r lin er i s ABS . Do ors a re pr ovide d wit h lo cks, mag netic gas kets , self- clo sing, e dgem ount hi nges ; and qu ick gri p long len gth door han dle(s ).
Int erio r: L iner is co nstr ucte d of seam less, one p iece A BS mat eria l with 15 m olde d shelf s uppo rts sp aced 3 .00” (76m m) apa rt. Three e poxy co ated wi re shel ves, rat ed at 250 lb. l oad cap acit y each , are pr ovid ed per s ecti on. Lin er com es wit h a lim ited life time war rant y.
Uni ts are comp lete ly i nsul ated wit h a min imum of 2.0 0” (5 cm) hig h dens ity foa med in pl ace env ironm enta lly fri endl y, Kyoto Pro tocol C ompli ant, No n ODP (O zone De plet ion Po tent ial) , Non GWP (Gl obal Warmi ng Po tent ial) poly uret hane.
Int erio r is li ghte d by on e 40-w att in cand esce nt lig ht on o ne and two doo r m odels , an d t wo 40 -wat t in cand esce nt l ights on thr ee do or mo dels. Ligh ts are loca ted ou tsid e of t he foo d zon e. Doo r ac tiva ted switc hes cont rol t he l ight s.
Standard Features
Stainless ste el d oors and fron t sh roud
• Aluminum sides
• Seamless, Del rite ® ABS interior liner
• Top mounted refrigerati on s ystem
• High perf orma nce Delflow refrigeration,
• designe d to maintain -5˚F to 0˚F Ships wi th casters mounte d from fa ctor y
• (2&3 section units only) Easy to adju st epox y shelves (th ree per
• section) Easy to re ad di gita l the rmom eter wi th
• visual high/low tem p alar m 10’ cord and plug att ache d
• Edgemount doo r hi nges
• Pre ssure rel ief va lve is standard to
• pre vent door vapor lock High density fo amed in p lace
• env ironmentally fri endl y, Kyot o Protocol Com plia nt, No n ODP (Ozone De pletion Pot ential), No n G WP (Global Warming Pot ential) polyure than e in sula tion
Ref rige rati on sy stem : All com pone nts a re m ounte d to the ext erio r ca bine t cei ling , ou tside the foo d zo ne a nd ar e ass embl ed a s one pie ce an d ca n be rem oved as one piec e. Env iron menta lly fri endl y R4 04A ref riger ant is use d. Sys tem has th e c apab ilit y of ma inta inin g be twee n - 5˚F an d 0 ˚F i n hea vy use foo d s ervi ce ope ratio ns. R efri gera nt is me tered usi ng a hi ghly respo nsiv e ther most atic e xpan sion v alve . On dem and, ev apora tor def rost is aut omati c u sing a temp erat ure ini tiat ed/te mper atur e ter mina ted s yste m wit h el ectr ic h eater s. Sys tem is con troll ed usi ng Del fiel d’s AC T-Adv ance d Co ntro l Tech nolo gy ele ctro nic te mper ature c ontro l, wh ich pr ovide s imp roved pull d own ti mes, re duci ng com press or cy cling and lon ger comp resso r li fe wi th l ower ener gy c onsu mptio n.
Eva pora tor cond ensat e is el imin ated usi ng a n en ergy eff icie nt hot ga s s yste m. Tempe ratu re is displ ayed wi th digit al disp lay usi ng a blu e LE D.
Ot hers: Uni t is s uppl ied s tand ard wi th a 10’ co rd an d plu g, att ache d. 4” dia mete r ca ster s wi th an ove rall he ight of 5” are moun ted on the un it fr om the fact ory o n sel f-co ntain ed mod els ( 2& 3 se ctio n uni ts o nly) .
Rem ote uni ts ar e st anda rd wi th le gs. Leg s ar e con stru cted of paint ed me tal a nd a re 6” hi gh wi th 1” a djus tabi lity to com pens ate f or i nsta llati on l ocat ion fact ors.
Options & Accessories
keeps energ y co sts low Env ironmentally frie ndly R4 04a ref rige rant One year par ts and labo r, 5 year com pres sor warra nty, limi ted lifet ime liner warranty Interior ac cepts 18” x 2 6” she et pans Self cl osin g doo rs with s tay open fea ture at 120˚ Erg onom ical ly correc t, eas y grip door handles
Extra shelves Non standard hing ing Leg s in lieu of casters Tray rac k (TR-8B) Stainless ste el e nds/ backs 220/60/1 vo ltag e pack age
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0 619 m
25.50” 65cm
Plan View
Non Remote Models
79.50” 202cm
Elevation View
6125XL-S & 6125XL-SR
32.03” 81cm
Non Remote Models
Elevation View
6151XL-S & 6151XL-SR
Plan View
32.03” 81cm
Plan View
Non Remote Models
Elevation View
6176XL-S & and 6176XL-SR
25.86” 66cm
32.03” 81cm
Door Clearance Detail
All Models
Typical End/Section view
All Models
Solid Do or Reach-in Freezers
Model Voltage Amps
6125XL-S, SH 115 9.0 20.0 15.1 1/2 1516 274lbs/124kg 5-15P 7.78 KWH
6151XL-S, SH 115 12.0 43.5 33.2 3/4 1923 454lbs/206kg 5-15P 11.75 KWH
6176XL-S, SH 120/208 20.0 66.5 48.3 1/2, 3/4 1516/1923 622lbs/282kg 14-20P 15.59 KWH
Remote units supplied with: Evaporator coil, solenoid valve, expansion valve, and temperature control. Condensing units to be sized and supplied by others.
Remote Model Voltage Amps
6125XL-SR, SHR 115 2.0 20.0 15.1 1/2 1516 274lbs/124kg N/A
6151XL-SR, SHR 115 3.0 43.5 33.2 3/4 1923 454lbs/206kg N/A
6176XL-SR, SHR 115 4.0 66.5 48.3 1/2, 3/4 1516/1923 622lbs/282kg N/A
*Recommended; will vary with refrigerant used, contact factory.
Capacity FT
Capacity FT
Capacity FT
Capacity FT
H.P. BTU Ship Weight
H.P.* BTU Ship Weight
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0 619 m
Printed in the U.S.A. DS6100XLS 10/10
27.12” 69cm