7.1. Menu Bar ........................................................................................................................................... 9
7.5. Test Points ........................................................................................................................................ 12
7.15. Status Bar ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Improved T2-MI time-stamping to reduce buffering
Set the O.151 PRBS generator’s initial state according the V&V reference
Added support for real-time changing channel fading (SNR and paths)
Added support for real-time changing RF-level
Fixed T2-MI generation when IL_TYPE=1
Improved error reporting
Added DTA-2115 support
Fixed number of leap seconds
Fixed performance issues
Fixed crash after stopping generation
Ignores In-band B-flag for T2 version 1.1.1
Improved error reporting
Added warning when type 1 PLPs are used and number of sub-slices!=1
Fixed T2MI FEF sub-part encoding
Fixed IQ and T2MI output to file
Fixed T2MI output when license is stored on a dongle
Based on new DTAPI and driver
Added display of design delay values when Auto is selected
Added append-file option for IQ-output
Added L1 change counter for IQ-output.
Maximum one L1 post FEC block for T2 Lite
Updated 'Tdecode' RBM parameter for T2 Lite
Allowed bias balancing with V1.3.1
Fixed multi PLP output for T2 Lite profile
Fixed T2MI multi profile output
Fixed in band signaling type A when P_I > 1
Fixed T2MI output with frame interval > 1
Fixed RBM crash
Added support for DVB-T2 version 1.3.1 including the T2 Lite profile
Added support for multiple component signal generation
Added continuity count correction and PCR adaption after TS-file looping
Added display of total play out time
Improved DTU-215 support
Adapted TS-file input for stream generation according to DVB-T2 V&V Working
Group model
Fixed noise generation for MISO TX1+TX2
Fixed SDT-Other generation in common PLP
Removed .NET 2.0 SP2 dependency
Fixed RF-frequency and RF-level
Fixed 1.7MHz bandwidth
Added support for PLP stream generation according to DVB-T2 V&V Working
Group model.
Added Receiver Buffer Model validation option
Added option to add dummy AUX streams
Fixed Pilot Pattern #8
Fixed continuity count errors in SDT-table
Fixed ISCR generation
Fixed SYNCD computation
Fixed Compensation Delay computation
Added Transmitter Signature parameters
Two independent channel simulation paths for MISO
Added Message tab page
Added options for PAT, PMT and PCR insertion in T2-MI
Reduced de-jitter buffer size requirements when IL-Type 1 is used
Fixed PRBS for bias balancing cells
Scheduler fixes
Fixed TTO rounding in in-band type B signalling
Added DVB-T2 Version 1.2.1 support
Improved PAPR TR algorithm
Improved L1 ACE algorithm
FEF signal selection fixed
Name changed into T2Xpress
Design delay computation updated
Rare L1 BCH error fixed
Parameters for PAPR testing added
Vclip in PAPR specified in Volt
Design Delay parameter added
“Big-TS” Splitting hanging fixed
T2-MI generated file size fixed
At least 3 BB-frames with ISSY per IL-frame are created.
ACE and TR PAPR reduction added
T2-MI improvements
T2-MI DVB-T2 timestamp support added
T2-MI over IP output format added
“Big-TS” Splitting added
T2-MI output format added
DVB-T2 RF output format added
T2MI over ASI output format added
TTO error related to DTG164 fixed
L1_POST_INFO_SIZE field of the L1 current packet in T2MI fixed
T2Xpress: Enables DVB-T2 T2-MI generation and DVB-T2 RF output
StreamXpress: Enables single-PLP (from TS) and T2-MI playout
Option to enable DVB-T2 I/Q sample generation, Test Point data
generation, and playout of I/Q samples through the StreamXpress
Option to enable channel modelling
1. Introduction
The DTC-378 T2Xpress software package is designed to create DVB-T2 test signals in the form of
I/Q sample files, T2-MI files, DVB-T2 RF output and T2-MI over ASI output. T2Xpress can be
installed by the user on any qualifying PC, as specified in section 2.
T2Xpress allows you to set the DVB-T2 parameters, specify the T2-frame structure, PLP parameters
and select the PLP sources, add noise, add multiple channel simulation paths and generate the DVBT2 test signals. Generation of DVB-T2 signals using the T2-base, T2-lite profile and a combination
of both profiles are supported.
The I/Q sample file and T2-MI file can be processed by your application or it can be played out
through the StreamXpress.
Note: The T2Xpress functions depend on the installed options, as specified in section 3.
2. Minimum PC Requirements
* Or equivalent AMD processor
3. T2Xpress Software Options
The T2Xpress software requires a valid license to be installed. Without a valid DTC-378-T2 license
installed, T2Xpress will operate in demo mode and is to not enable to generate DVB-T2 signals.
The following options are available:
4. T2Xpress Software Installation
The T2Xpress software installation and T2Xpress license installation instructions can be found in the
‘DTC-378 T2Xpress Installation’ document, which is included in the install package.
The T2Xpress program can be started simply from the Start Menu:
Start > All Programs > DekTec > T2Xpress
A dialog appears that allows you to specify all parameters, to save and load parameter sets from
file, and to start generation of the DVB-T2 signal.
5.2. T2Xpress Application Layout
1. Menu Bar
The top area of the T2Xpress application contains two menus: File and Help.
2. Tool Bar
This area contains the following commands: New File, Open File, Save File, Close File, Clear,
Generate output and Cancel. This area also displays the name of the T2Xpress -settings file.
3. General DVB-T2 Parameters
This area allows you to set the general DVB-T2 parameters.
4. Frame Parameters
This area allows you to specify the T2-frame structure. If the DVB-T2 parameter set is valid, it also
displays the derived parameters.
5. Test Points
This area allows you to specify the output of test point data files according to the document:
“Generating DVB-T2 Reference Streams”.
6. FEF Parameters
This area allows you to insert and specify the Future Extension Frame settings.
7. AUX Streams Parameters
This area allows you to insert additional dummy auxiliary streams.
8. Frequencies
This area allows you to set the carrier frequency. In case of Time-Frequency Slicing (TFS) you can set
multiple frequencies.
9. Output Settings
This area allows you to specify the name, location, size and the format for the generated signals.
10. PLP Parameters
This area allows you to specify the parameters for each PLP and to select the Transport Stream
source for each PLP.
11. PAPR Parameters
This area allows you to specify the Peak-to-Average-Power-Ratio (PAPR) reduction parameters.
12. TX Signature
This area allows you to specify the transmitter signature in the FEF part and AUX streams.
13. Channel Fading
This area allows you to add noise to the output signal and to specify multiple simulated fading
paths. For each path you can specify the channel-simulation parameters.
14. Messages
In this area interesting events are shown.
15. Status Bar
The status bar shows the validity of the DVB-T2 parameter set.
5.3. Multiple Component Signal Generation
T2Xpress allows the generation of a DVB-T2 signal containing two components, one component
using the T2-base profile and another component using the T2-lite profile. Checking the Multiple
Component check box enables this option. In case this option is enabled, the T2Xpress user interface
allows you to specify for each component:
- General DVB-T2 parameters
- Frame parameters
- Test Points parameters
- FEF parameters,
- AUX Stream parameters
- PLP parameters
- PAPR parameters
- TX Signature parameters
Note that the components have to use the same bandwidth. Multiple component T2-MI output is not
yet supported.
This walkthrough will guide you through creating a DVB-T2 T2-MI file.
- Start T2Xpress application
T2Xpress can be started from the start menu or using the desktop shortcut.
After start-up all DVB-T2 parameters are set to default values.
- Set general DVB-T2 parameters
- Set T2-Frame parameters
Only the fields with light-blue background can be set. The other fields are derived from the
DVB-T2 parameters and are displayed if the parameter set is valid.
- Set Future Extension Frames (FEF) parameters (optional)
- Set Frequencies
Set the carrier frequency of the DVB-T2 RF channel. In case TFS is used, multiple frequencies have
to be set.
- Set PLP Parameters
Modify the PLP parameters and optionally add more PLPs.
To add more PLPs, right-click the mouse in the PLP parameter area and select: Insert PLP.
Alternatively, the Insert key can be used.
To remove a PLP, select the PLP then right-click the mouse and select: Remove PLP. The shortcut
key in this case is Delete.
To navigate through the PLP parameters, use the arrow keys. After selection you can press the
Enter key to modify the parameter. When done, press the Enter key for further navigation.
To modify the PLP’s source, double click on the PLP’s source parameter and select a TransportStream file or the O151 PRBS test signal.
- Check Status Bar
The status bar should indicate: Parameter set is valid. If otherwise, correct the settings.
- Set Output File
Specify the name, location, size and format of the generated T2-MI file.
- Save T2Xpress-Settings
Optionally save the current T2Xpress settings to file by pressing the save button in the toolbar,
or selecting Save File in the menu bar.
- Generate T2-MI File
The generation of the output file can be started by pressing the Generate output button in the
toolbar, or selecting Generate output in the menu bar.
After starting, the progress bar shows the percentage of work done. After completion, the result of
the generation is displayed.
- Play-out of T2-MI File
The generated T2-MI file can be processed by your application directly or it can be played out
through the StreamXpress with a DTA-115 PCI modulator or DTU-215 USB modulator.
To use the StreamXpress for play-out: Start the StreamXpress application, select an appropriate
modulator card, select modulation type T2MI and select the file to be played-out.