® Heavy Duty Power Equipment
Owner's Manual
This manual contains important safety instructions for gasoline engine
powered electric generator models: 3850, 4000, 5000, 5000EL, 5650, 5650EL, 6500, 6500EL, 1SOW,180WEL.
1. Tools and Accessories
2. Warnings & Specifications
3. Component identification
4. Wheel Kit Assembly
5. Controls
6. Operating the Generator
7. Maintenance
8. Transporting and Storage
9. Troubleshooting
10. Warranty and Service
call 24 hrs / 7-days a week help-line: [1] 800-393-0668
or go to www,DEKPowerUSA.com
Have the following information ready when you call us:
Date of Purchase:
Location of Purchase:
Serial #:
DEK® is registered trademark of GXi International, LLC Clayton, NC 27520 USA
No part of this publication can be printed or copied without written permission.
Rev:1/2006 DEK® is exclusively distributed by GXi International, LLC
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HeavyDutyPowerEquipment Accessories 3850, 4000, 5000(EL), 5650(EL), 6500(EL),
Tools and
Required tools to assemble this generator:
1. An adjustable wrench or a wrench with an 8ram socket.
Additional equipment required to safely operate this
1. Gas can.
2, Unleaded gasoline.
3, SAE 10W30 motor oil (a little more than 1 quart for DEK
11hp and 13hp engines, a little less than 1 quart is re-
quired for DEK's smaller engines).
4. An oil fill funnel.
5. Gasoline fuel stabilizer (for storing your generator),
6. 120V and/or 240V extension cords.
7. An adjustable wrench or a 12mm socket for oil changes.
Converts 240V twist lock
(L14-30) to six (6) 120V
outlets. Lighted ends
show when power is on,
ideal for use in combina-
tion with a 240V extension
cord. Can handle up to 30
Amps (7500 Watts).
Extension Cords:
240V, 10/4, heavy duty
extension cords with L14- • ;<_;;
30 connectors at each .
end. Lighted end shows
when power is on, Ideal
for use in combination
with the 240V to 120V
adapter, eliminating up
to six 120V extension
cords. This cord re-
duces harmful voltage
drops experienced when
using most 120V exten-
sion cords. Available in
25' lengths and can be
combined to reach the
desired length.
Universal Generator Cover:
Heavy duty nylon cover fits over
most models of 40O0W to 7500W
generators. A flexible handle bar
flap accommodates most com-
mon handle bar designs. The
cover keeps water, ice, snow,
dust and dirt from damaging your
generator when it is in storage. It
can also be used as a rain cover
to protect the generator when
stored outdoors. The cover can-
not be used while the generator
is in operation. The generator
should be allowed to cool down
for approximately 15 minutes
after being shut down, prior to
placing the cover over the gen-
SAE 10W30 Motor Oil:
A premium high performance
formulation designed for high
RPM small gasoline engines
such as those used on genera-
tors. This all provides excel-
lent protection against viscosity
and thermal breakdown that
often happens under the pro-
longed severe duty experi-
enced by generator engines.
This eli is approved by the
engine manufacturer and
t_ meets all the requirements and
specifications to remain in
compliance with the terms and
conditions of DEK's generator
warranty. Use of this el! formu-
lation is highly encouraged by
the manufacturer. Frequent oil
changes with high quality mo-
tor oil will prolong the life of
your DEK generator.
Fuel Stabilizer:
Use of DEK's fuel stabilizer
keeps your gasoline fresh for
up to !2 months. Gasoline
breaks down in 60 days_ po-
tentially causing damage to
your engine. DEK recom-
mends storing your generator
with the fuel tank full and with
fuel stabilizer added. This
protects the engine and fuel
system from the effects of hu-
midity and ensures your gen-
erator is ready for use at all
Roy: 1/2006
DEK® is exclusively distributed by GXi International, LLC
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_HeavyDuty Power Equipment 3850, 4000, 5000(EL), 5650(EL),
This owner's manual is considered a permanent part of the gen-
erator and should remain with the generator if resold. The infor-
mation and specifications inciuded in this publication were in
effect at the time of approval for printing.
GXi International, LLC, exclusive marketer of DEK Heavy Duty
Power Equipment, reserves the right to discontinue or change
specifications or design at any time without notice and without
incurring any obligation whatever. No part of this publication
may be reproduced without written permission.
The U.S. and California Clean Air Acts
EPA and California regulations require all manufacturers to fur-
nish written instructions describing the operation and mainte-
nance of emission control systems. The following instructions
and procedures must be followed in order to keep the emissions
from your DEK engine within the emission standards.
These labels warn you of potential hazards that can cause seri-
ous injury. Read them carefully. If a 1abet comes off or becomes
hard to read, contact your DEK generator dealer for a replace-
DEK generators are designed to give safe and dependable ser-
vice if operated according to instructions. Read and understand
this owner's manual before operating your generator.
Know how to stop the generator quickly in case of emergency.
Understand the use of all generator controls, output receptacles,
and connections. Be sure that anyone who operates the genera-
tor receives proper instruction. Do not let children operate the
generator without parental supervision.
Exhaust contains poisonous carbon monoxide, a colorless
and odorless gas. Breathing exhaust can cause loss of con-
sciousness and may lead to death. To keep exhaust gas
from accumulating, use in an area with adequate ventila-
tion. DO NOT use this generator in a garage, basement,
crawlspace, enclosed shed, or any other area that does not
have adequate ventilation. DO NOT use this generator near
ventilation ducts or open windows that may allow exhaust
gasses to enter your home or business. ONLY operate this
generator outdoors.
The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals
known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth de=
fects or other reproductive harm.
Fire and Burn Hazards
The exhaust system gets hot enough to ignite some materials,
• Keep the generator at least 3 feet (1 meter) away from
buildings and other equipment during operation.
• Do not enclose the generator in any structure•
• Do not smoke when refueling.
• Keep flammable materials away from the generator.
• The muffÊer becomes very hot during operation and remains
hot for a while after stopping the engine• Be careful not to
touch the muffler while it is hot.
• Let the engine cool before storing the generator indoors.
• Refuel in a well ventilated area with the engine stopped.
• Fuel vapors are extremely flammable and may ignite after
the engine has started. Make sure that any spilled fuel has
been wiped up before starting the generator.
Connections to a Building Electrical System
Connections for standby power to a building electrical system
must be made by a qualified electrician. The connection must
isolate the generator power from utility power, and must comply
with all applicable laws and electrical codes. A transfer switch,
which isolates generator power from utility power, is available
through any of GXi's authorized dealers of DEK generators.
Improper connections to a building electrical system can
allow electrical current from the generator to backfeed into
the utility lines. Such backfeed may electrocute utility com-
pany workers or others who contact the lines during a power
outage, and the generator may explode, burn, or cause fires
when utility power is restored. Consult the utility company
or a qualified electrician.
Ground System
DEK portable generators have a system ground that connects
generator frame components to the ground terminals in the AC
output receptacles. The system ground is not connected to the
AC neutral wire• If the generator is tested by a receptacle tester, it
will show the same ground circuit condition as for a home recep-
Electric Shock Hazards
• Keep the generator dry.
• DO NOT use the generator in wet conditions, rain or
snow, or near a pool or sprinkler system
• DO NOT use when your hands are wet
Rev: 1/2006
DEK® is exclusively distributed by GX{ International, LLC
Special Requirements
There may be Federal or State Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) regulations, local codes, or ordinances
that apply to the intended use of the generator. Please consult a
qualified electrician, electrical inspector, or the local agency hav-
ing jurisdiction.
This generator does not meet US Coast Guard regulation 33
CFR-183 and should not be used on marine applications.
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_O(_ Heavy Duty PowerEguipment 3850, 4000, 8000(EL), 5650(EL), 6500(EL),
AC Applications
Before connecting an appliance or power cord to the generator:
1. Make sure that appliances are in good working order.
Faulty appliances or power cords can create a potential for
electrical shock. If an appliance begins to operate abnor-
mally, becomes sluggish or stops suddenly, turn it off imme-
2. Disconnect the appliance, and determine whether the prob-
lem is the appliance, or if t_e rated load capacity of the gen-
erator has been exceeded.
3. Make sure that the electrical rating of the tool or appliance
does not exceed that of the generator. Never exceed the
maximum power rating of the generator. Power _eveis be-
tween rated and maximum may be used for no more than
30 minutes.
Substantial overloading will open the circuit breaker. Ex-
ceeding the time limit for maximum power operation or
slightly overloading the generator may not switch the
circuit breaker or circuit protector OFF, but will shorten the
service life of the generator.
Limit operation requiring maximum power to 30 minutes. For
continuous operation (longer than 30 minutes), do not exceed
the rated power.
The total power requirements (VA) of all appliances connected
must be considered. Appliance and power tool manufacturers
usually list rating information near the model number or serial
Failure to properly follow main-
tenance instructions and precautions can cause serious
injuries or death. Always follow the inspection and mainte-
nance recommendations and schedules in this owner's
Safety Precautions:
Make sure the engine is off before you begin any maintenance
or repairs. This will eliminate several potential hazards:
• Carbon monoxide poisoning from engine exhaust.
Be sure there is adequate ventilation whenever you
operate the engine.
• Burns from hot parts.
Let the engine and exhaust system cool before touch-
• Injury from moving parts.
Do not run the engine unless instructed to do so.
In the State of California a spark arrestor is required by law.
Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on all
federal lands. If you equip the muffler with a spark arrestor, it
must be maintained in effective working order. See page 11.
Rapid retraction of the recoil starter cord can pull the
starter cord back faster than you can let go. When starting
the engine, pull the cord slowly until resistance is felt then
pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
Changing the speed of the generator by adjusting the governor can cause damage to the gen-
erator, devices attached to the generator, and may result in bodily injury, Do not adjust or
tamper with the engine speed setting.
Product Specifications
Rated frequency
Rated voltage
Rated output power
AC output (Max)
DC output lgv, 8.3A
Engine model DJ270
Engine type OHV 4-Stroke
displacement 270 cc
Compression ratio 8.2:1
Rated rotation speed 3600 RPM
Rated power 8.8 Hp
Starting system Recoil
Rotation direction Counter clockwise
Fuel type Unleaded gasoline
Low oil alert Yes
Max. fuel tank volume 594 gallons
integrated voltrnetar Optional
3880_ 4000
60 Hz
120V / 240V / 12V
4 kW (Max.)
60 Hz
120V / 24gv / 12V
5.6 kW (Max)
12V. 8.3A
OHV 4-Stroke
390 cc
3600 RPM
1! Hp
Recoil and optional
electric starter
Counter clockwise
Unleaded gasotine
5.94 gallons
6500, 68gOEL
60 HZ
120V ; 240V / 12V
6.5 kW (Max)
12V, 83A
OHV 4-Stroke
390 cc
3600 RPM
13 Hp
Recoil and optional elec-
tric starter
Counter clockwise
Unleaded gasoline
5.94 gallons
180W_ 10OWEL
60 Hz
120V / 24gV ! 12V
4.5 kW (Max.)
36V, 2O0A welder and
12V, 83A output
O HV 4-Stroke
390 cc
6 0:1
3600 RPM
13 Hp
Recoil and optional electric
Counter clockwise
Unleaded gasoline
5.94 gallons
Rev: 1/2006
DEK® is exclusively distributed by GXi International, LLC
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_HeavyOuty Component Identification 3850, 4000, 5000(EL), 5650(EL), 6500(EL),
Power Equipment
Fuel Tank Fuel Gauge
Fuel C_
Generator models may
have different features and/
or options than shown in
these diagrams, DEK re-
serves the right to alter
product features and
Choke Lever •
Air Filter •
Fuel Valve Battery (electric start option only)
Recoil Starter
Emissions lnformatior
Engine Serial Number
L14-30 240V/120V Twist Lock Connector
Start Switch (electric start option only)
Oil Fill Cap and Dipstick
Oil Drain (on both sides)
Data Tag
Push Button Breakers (for each outlet) I_--/
Handle Bars
/ ON/OFF Switch X
Digital Meter _
_' 120V AC Outlets/ !
12V DC terminals / Ground Lug
Choke Lever
S Valve Cover
Frame Ground Lug _--'--'_ Muffler Guard
Exhaust Pipe
Rev: 1/2006
DEK® is exclusively distributed by GXi International, LLC
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