Fiducials 2 or 3
Fiducials Types Synthetic fiducial library or unique pattern recognition
Fiducial Size 0.5 - 3mm
Fiducial Position Anywhere on PCB (see Fiducials, Key Features)
Fiducial Error Recovery Auto Lighting Adjustment
Auto Fiducial Search
Smart Fiducial
Performance Specification
Stencil to Board Repeatability 6 sigma @ 25µm
Cycle Time 12.5 secs
10.0 secs*
Product Changeover 2 minutes#
New Product Set Up <10 minutes
Operator Interface Specification
Hardware Colour VGA Touch Screen Display, keyboard and mouse
Software Operating System Windows NT
Manuals Electronically on CD-ROM
Hard Copies Available*
Options Specifications
ProFlow Fully enclosed, high speed DirEKt Imaging system
Optional Temperature Control Unit
2D Inspection Full inspection capability of screen and board:
Automatically triggered recovery sequences
Inspection outputs available to Statistical Process Control software
Tooling Magnetic Pillars
AutoFlex programmable tooling (35mm pitch)
MultiFlex with or without vacuum
Dedicated Vacuum Plates
Under Screen Cleaner Paper - Fully programmable wet, dry and vacuum assisted paper
under screen cleaner
Vortex - Fully programmable wet/dry and vacuum assisted foam
cassette under screen cleaner
Paste Dispenser Fully programmable automatic paste dispensing system. Available
for 1kg and 500g cartridges
Temperature and Humidity Sensor Sensor to measure and display temperature and humidity with in the
printing area. SPC output available
Environmental Control Temperature Control Unit (TCU):
Controls the temperature of the printing area
Temperature and Humidity Control Unit (ECU):
Controls the temperature and humidity of the printing area
Statistical Process Control On board package to collect, manage and display critical process
Board Clamps Alternatives Edge Clamps
Foil-less Clamps
Chapter Issue 1 May 00 Engineering Specification 3