DEK 180W EL, 180W Owner's Manual Supplement

Heavy Duty Power Equipment
Owner's Manual Supplement
Gasoline Engine Powered Welder Generators
180W, 180W EL
Welding is potentially a very hazardous activity. It should only be attempted
by a trained welder with a thorough knowledge of proper welding tech- niques and safety procedures. Be sure to read and follow the safety in-
Failure to use the proper gage of cable may lead to painful burns.
1. When using the welder, do not connect the generator to a household circuit. This could cause damage to the generator or to elecb'ical wiring or appliances in
the house.
2. For continuous operations, DO NOT exceed the rated
load capacity (6.0 kW). Substantial overloading will cause the circuit beaker to switch off. Marginal over-
loading may not cause the circuit breaker to switch off but it will shorten the service life of your welder/ generator.
3. Notice: Voltage is present at the welding cables
whenever the engine is running.
Welder Operation:
Welding Cable Selection:
An undersized cable will resultin unacceptably high resistanceto currentflow. This resistancewill shortenthe life ofthe generator and can potentiallymake the welding cables hot enough to cause painful burns. Whenever possible, refer to the cable
manufacturer's recommendations.
.644 .604
Lengthin Feet
0-50 ft. I 50-100 ft. 100-125 ft.
CurrentCapacity (Amps) 250 200 170 200 195
1. Put the engine switch in the OFF position. Turn the AC circuitbreaker OFF and remove any plugs fi'om the AC
2. Connect the welding cables to the welder's DC terminals.
See section on Welding Cable Selection to selectthe ap-
propriatecable size.
3. Start the engine and allow itto warm UPfor at least 3 min-
4. Turn the AC/DC (WELD) selector tothe DC (WELD) posi- tion.
5. Set the current adjustment knob to the proper currentlevel for the job being done. Make a sample weld on scrap
material to verify the correct electrode and currentsetting.
Note: The cable lengths above are the combined lengths of the
positive and negative cables,
Welding Duty Cycle:
The duty cycle is the percentage of time the welder can be oper- ated within a 10 minute period. DO NOT operate the welder beyondits duty cycle or performance may decrease and the ser- vice life ofthe welder may be shortened.
Current 17OA 150A 13OA 110A 9OA Duty Cycle 15% 25% 50% 65% 100%
Plate Thickness Electrode Diameter Current Setting
in inches in inches
Up to 3/16 1/16 50-100
Up to 1/4 3/32 100-150 Above 1/8 1/8 125-175 Above 1/4 5/32 150-200
Polarity Selection:
The welding terminals are labeled "+" positiveand =-" (negative).
Changing the paladty of the cables will affect the weld. Correct polarity selection is dependent on the type of electrode you are
using and the type of material you are welding. Refer to the
electrode manufacturer's recommendations for best results. For
straightpolarity, attachthe electrode cable to the negative termi- nal and the ground cable to the positive terminal.
Rev:03/2005 DEKĀ® is exclusivelydistributed by GXi International,LLC