Definitive Technology ProCinema 1000
5.1-Channel Speaker System
Innovative Technology
Pays Big Dividends
efinitive Technology
is known for building innovative
deliver high-end performance at
modest prices, and historically
some of the firm’s most special
products have come in small
packages. One great example
would be the firm’s new $1649
ProCinema 1000 5.1-channel
speaker system.
loudspeakers that
“This compact system
plays big—very big.“
The deluxe version of the
ProCinema 1000 system consists
of four ProMonitor 1000 minimonitors, a ProCenter
2000 centerchannel
and a
1000 sub-
woofer. At first, the ProCinema
speakers look like truncated,
jet-black versions of Definitive’s
Mythos speakers, though the
designs are different from a
technical standpoint. Sadly,
Definitive’s product styling has
been widely imitated, so that the
lovely ProCinema components
look well finished but not particularly distinctive. From the outside,
the ProCinema system looks
much like any number of other
good, “generic” sat/sub systems
on the market. But once you
hear the ProCinema system,
you’ll know in an instant there is
nothing generic about its sound.
Big Dynamics
This compact system
plays big—very big.
We trotted out our
favorite cinematic
“Echo Game” scene
House of Flying
Attack” scene from Master and
impressed with the way the
“The Flying Boat” scene
The Aviator, and the “Under
—and came away
“The ProCinema 1000
system is a bargain,
pure and simple.”
system handled this dynamically
demanding material. Many small
systems can play fairly loudly,
but few do so gracefully. The
ProCinema system, however,
almost always kept its composure,
taking large-scale dynamic swells
in stride, even in TPV’s relatively
large audio lab. Only at loony
volume levels did the ProCinema
rig star
ness and compression.
t to show traces of hard-
“Value with a capital ‘V’”
Innovations that Work
I attribute the system’
dynamics to two design innovations. First, its speakers introduce
spectacular new mid/bass drivers
whose diaphragms are supported
both by outer and inner suspension rings (traditional diaphragms
are supported at their outer rims
only), with cylindrical waveguides in the center
be the finest mid/bass drivers
Definitive has ever pr
they deliver terrific dynamic
punch with very low distortion.
Second, the ProCinema speakers
s fine
. These might

Definitive Technology [410] 363-7148 www.definitivetech.com
The Last Word
• Clear highs, potent bass
Midrange with true high-end
• Big dynamics from small enclosures
Value with a capital “V”
• Could use a smoother tweeter
You’ll need great electronics
o get this system’s full measure
-way satellite speaker
• Driver complement: One 5.25" mid/bass
driver, one 5.25" passive radiator, one
" aluminum dome tweeter.
• Frequency response: 47Hz–30kHz
Sensitivity: 90dB (1W/1m)
Impedance: 4–8ohms
• Recommended amplifier power:
Dimensions: 10.875" x 6.5" x 6.25"
Weight: 7 lbs.
2-way center-channel speaker
• Driver complement: Two 5.25" mid/bass
rivers, two 5.25" passive radiators, one
1” aluminum dome tweeter.
• Frequency response: 42Hz–30kHz
• Sensitivity: 91dB (1W/1m)
• Impedance: 4–8ohms
• Recommended amplifier power:
• Dimensions: 6.5” x 6.5” x 17”
• Weight: 12 lbs.
Powered subwoofer
• Driver complement: One 10" polymercone woofer, one 10" infrasonic (passive)
• Integrated amplifier power: 300 watts
• Dimensions: 12" x 17.875" x 14.4375"
• Weight: Not specified
System Price: $1649
Satellites and Center Channel
ransparency and Focus
Imaging and Soundstaging
Tonal Balance
Bass Extension
Poor Good Excellent
Bass Extension
Bass Pitch Definition
Bass Dynamics
Poor Good Excellent
incorporate small passive radiators
mounted in the tops (or ends) of their
cabinets; these give the speakers a
more full-bodied sound and
better mid and upper bass (areas
where other small monitors can
sound “thin”).
“they deliver terrific
dynamic punch with
very low distortion.”
Killer Midrange
The ProCinema system serves up
clean, clear highs and midrange
that is shockingly detailed and
nuanced. Sophisticated midrange
sound is this system’s crowning
achievement, meaning these speakers reveal small textures and details
that many small systems simply
cannot reproduce. For example, the
ProCinema system caught the eerie
ping and shimmer of percussion
instruments in the Reiner/Chicago
recording of Bartok’s
Music for
Strings, Percussion and Celeste
[RCA Living Stereo, SACD], and
the almost subliminal inflections of
Valerie Joyce’s voice on New York
Blue [Chesky]. Lower down, the
speakers nailed the plucked string
sounds and earthy growl of Charlie
Haden’s acoustic bass in
ve]. These rich midrange details
pull you deep inside your favorite
music and films.
“clean, clear highs
and midrange that
is shockingly detailed
and nuanced.”
The only small criticism I would offer
is that Definitive’s aluminum dome
tweeters, though very good, are not
as good as the low-distor
ProCinema mid/bass drivers
mentioned above. The drivers
generally integrate well, but the
tweeter sometimes shows a bright,
hard-edged quality inconsistent
with the speaker’s otherwise
smooth, open sound. Even so,
the ProCinema tweeter is arguably
as good or better than those used
in other systems at this price.
“qualities you’d
expect to find only in
higher-end systems.“
Bass Wallop
Completing the system is the 300watt ProSub 1000, which borrows
technology from Definitive’s awardwinning SuperCube subwoofers.
Not surprisingly, the ProSub goes
low, and produces energetic bass,
with dynamic capabilities well
matched to the rest of the system.
Pitch definition is good, though not
quite as good as the best I’ve heard
from other subs in this price range
(for example, Epos’ ELS sub).
Nevertheless, the ProSub 1000 offers
greater bass wallop than most competitors, building a rock-solid midbass foundation that supports music
and low fr
equency ef
fects alike.
“looks small, plays big...
high-end sophistication”
The ProCinema 1000 system
is a bargain, pure and simple. For
under $2000 the system looks small,
plays big, and gives you revealing
midrange qualities you’d expect to
find only in higher-end systems.
. • Owings Mills, MD 21117 • (410)363-7148
onridge Dr
11433 Cr
Visit us at www.definitivetech.com
The Perfect Vision September 2006