Definitive Technology Mythos Eight, Mythos Mythos STS, SuperCube I Brochure

from the
test bench
Definitive Technology Mythos ST
SuperTower Speaker System
Mythos the magnificent.
“Definitive Technology
hit this one out of the park... sound, looks and construction this good are almost impossible to find at anywhere near this price.”
It’s not often that I find something to
complain about when it comes to Definitive Technology year, during each of the two major consumer electronics trade shows, CES and CEDIA, I (and plenty of other journalists, dealers, and a few hangers-on who shouldn’t have been let in to begin with) have made the tra­ditional pilgrimage to the Def Tech booth. We go there, drawn like corn-bread muffins to butter, to hear the latest Def Tech incar­nation, thanks to the genius of head honcho Sandy Gross and company. As you would expect, some of these speaker introductions
, but, lately, I have cause. Every
have been more exciting than others— the unveiling of the first Mythos speakers being one of the extra-special highlights in recent memory. Regardless, the Definitive Technology booth never disappoints.
“this is the floorstanding
speaker I’d recommend that you buy.”
Ah, but there’s the rub. More than almost any other company, Def Tech has come up with speakers that sound good, look good, and simply make audible sense (rather than having a $299, $399, $499, fill-in-the-blank
approach). In fact, these guys have hit more home runs than Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, Mark McGwire, and Barry Bonds com­bined—all without accusations of illegal ste­riod use. But, to continue the baseball anal­ogy, visiting the Def Tech booth is a bit like going to the Home Run Derby before the All-Star Game. It’s tremendously exciting at first, but, after a while, the excess of suc­cess leads you to take it all for granted—and soon you’re heading out to get a beer and a hot dog. Of course, that doesn’t make the achievement any less of an achievement. It just means that, once you’ve seen a ball reach the upper decks, the ones that land just over the wall in the bleachers don’t get quite as much applause as they should.
I’m sure the self-imposed stress that comes from pushing yourself to continue to amaze and delight fans (and frustrate com­petitors) must be enormous. So, when you hear things like “the best thing we’ve ever done” coming from the confident but unpre­tentious group at Definitive, you can’t help
but think that either the pressure has finally gotten to them or they’ve come up with something truly special.
these guys have hit more home runs than Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, Mark McGwire, and Barry Bonds combined”
Mythos Optimus
This year’s unveiling was of a speaker that Sandy Gross had been hinting at for months—the mother of all Mythos speak­ers, the Mythos ST. The Mythos line, in case you’re unfamiliar with it, was revolutionary when it first appeared several years ago. (Since then, many other speaker companies have brought out similar designs.) Mythos speakers are very slender, with curved alu­minum cabinets, and are available as floorstanding towers and on-wall/bookshelf speakers. In other words, they aren’t rectan­gular boxes, and they exhibit a bit more style than is typical.
“due to the might of the
Mythos STs built-in woofers... I felt the impact of individual pressure waves from the left and right drum sets.”
At the time of their introduction, how­ever, unlike the majority of the other styl­ishly svelte speakers available up to that time, the Mythos speakers sounded good— really good to me. And they didn’t carry the standard exorbitant “style” surchar then, Def Mythos concept, adding floorstanding and on-wall models of various sizes.
Tech has continued to refine the
ge. Since
“thanks to the genius of head honcho Sandy Gross and company... visiting the Def Tech booth is a bit like going to the Home Run Derby before the All-Star Game
I can’t quite call the new Mythos ST a refinement; and, yet, it’s not a revolution, either, since it’s so firmly grounded in its Mythosological heritage. But the ST is dra­matically different—the emphasis being on “drama.” Whereas all of the previous Mythos models possessed style and class, the Mythos ST adds gravitas, a sense of sophistication and strength. It’s something that’s not easy to come by, even in much more expensive speakers. The best way to characterize this powerful new beauty is to call it an achievement. In fact, the Mythos ST may well be the ultimate achievement of the Mythos milieu—a true tour de Mythos.
In order to maintain their slender form factor, Mythos speakers rely on relatively small midbass drivers. They sound good on their own, but Def Tech designed the series to be used with a powered subwoofer. The Mythos STs depart from that tradition by including a powered woofer in each tower, as do many of Definitive Technology’s other speakers. Def Tech designed this particular woofer specifically for the Mythos ST; it uses a new 6-by-10-inch “racetrack” (oval) active driver that’s acoustically coupled with a pair of similarly sized planar passive radi­ators. A 300-watt internal digital amp powers the driver. Definitive claims the built-in woofer is the sonic equivalent of their $1,199 SuperCube I standalone powered subwoofer. But the Mythos ST’s overall form factor and basic proportions are
“Mythos STs were just as
adept at letting loose as they were at getting up close and personal”
similar to those of the other Mythos models. The result is a speaker that exudes power and class.
The 1-inch aluminum dome tweeter in the Mythos ST is new from the ground up, including a new voice coil and high-energy magnet, a new dome design, a new
Build Quality
àAluminum mono-
coque cabinet is extremely dense and nonresonant
àGranite base is
attractive, but attach carefully to avoid noisy air leaks
àSound, looks, and
construction this good are almost impossible to find at anywhere near this price
97 93
Mythos ST SuperTower Powered Tower Speaker, $1,799/each; Mythos Eight On-Wall Center Channel Speaker, $699/each;
Mythos Gem XL Surround Speaker, $349/each à Definitive Technology, (410) 363-7148, à Dealer Locator Code DEF
àLFE inputs on
Mythos STs for optional use
àOn-wall brackets
included with cen­ter and surrounds
àHas dynamic bass
response with seri­ous punch
àSmooth transition
between surrounds and fronts
93 98 94
General information
àCenter and sur-
rounds are designed for on-wall or off-wall use
àYou don’t even
have to consider using a separate subwoofer
It’s extremely rare to find a system that offers performance for both music and movies in a pack­age that looks this stunning. And it’s even more rare to find it at this price.
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