Guide to installing and using your Wine cellar.
99634231C 09/04
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· Safety instructions................................................................................... 3
· Description of your appliance................................................................. 5
1 How to carry out your initial installation
· Fitting the plinth....................................................................................... 6
· Reversing the door opening.................................................................... 6
· Reversing the door handle...................................................................... 7
· Adjusting the door.................................................................................... 7
· Installing your appliance.......................................................................... 8
· Electrical connection............................................................................... 9
2 How to use your wine cellar
· Putting your wine cellar into service ...................................................... 10
· Adjusting the temperature ..................................................................... 11
· Fan-cooled.............................................................................................. 12
· Storing your bottles of wine.................................................................... 12
· Modular layout ....................................................................................... 14
· The Air Pur Pack - anti-odour.................................................................. 15
3 Ongoing maintenance of your appliance
· Cleaning your appliance.......................................................................... 16
· Changing the lightbulb............................................................................ 16
4 Operational anomalies
· Troubleshooting....................................................................................... 17
· Anomalies............................................................................................... 18
· Abnormal operational noise..................................................................... 18
5 Consumer Services
· After-sales service................................................................................... 19
The guide to installation and use of your wine cellar is applicable to several models. There may be slight differences in the details and features of your applian­ce and the descriptions presented.
As you read through the guide, you will come across the following symbols, to warn you of:
Safety precautions that must be observed
An electrical danger
Important information and advice
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Safety instructions
This appliance is intended for domes­tic use only. It has been designed for storage of your bottles of wine.
The following instructions are
for your own safety and should be observed without fail. We can neither be held responsible, nor uphold the guarantee in case of fai­lure to observe these recommenda­tions, which may lead to material or bodily damage.
Your appliance must be installed and used in compliance with the instruc­tions in this guide for installation and use, in order to avoid any damage as well as any danger due to possible instability or a faulty installation. You will only be able to keep your wine in optimum conditions by following these instructions carefully.
If the appliance has been delivered to your home in a horizontal posi­tion, stand it vertically and then wait 2 hours before plugging it in. A small amount of oil may have run into the refrigeration circuit, and you must leave it time to flow back towards the motor before connec­ting the appliance. Failure to do so may damage the appliance.
Carry out an initial cleaning operation (see "Installation of your appliance" chapter) before connecting your appliance to the electrical supply. Disconnect your appliance prior to carrying out any maintenance opera­tion. Grasp the plug directly, rather than pulling on the electric lead.
Do not let children play with the appliance, and keep your pets well away from it.
Worn out appliances must be rende­red unusable.
Unplug and cut the electric cable flush with the appliance. Make the door clo­sure device unusable, or, better still, remove the door. This is in order to ensure that no child or animal gets shut inside whilst playing.
If a problem arises that you are unable to resolve using the advice given (see "Operational anomalies" section”), please use an official after-sales service or a qualified professional.
If the appliance is going to be turned off for an extended period, leave the door ajar.
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Respecting the environment and Saving energy
To reduce the electrical consumption of your appliance:
- Install it in a suitable place see "Installation of your appliance" sec- tion)
- Leave the door open as little as pos­sible.
- Periodically check the door seal and make sure that it still closes firmly.
If it doesn't, please contact our after-
sales service.
Wine cellars contain refrigerant gas and substances necessitating appro­priate scrapping procedures. The materials used for packaging, as well as those that make up your appliance use recyclable materials. Please take account of this when discarding them.
Your supplier or your local council will be able to tell you about the possibilities
for disposing of your appliance in a way that is both suitable and respect­ful of the environment.
Certain components can be danger­ous to the environment.
In compliance with the latest legisla­tion concerning environmental protec­tion, your appliance does not contain any CFC's.
The exact type of refrigerant used in your appliance is clearly indicated on the identification plate situated on the inside of your appliance, low down on the left wall.
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Description of your appliance
Lighting Control panel Humidity sensor
Ventilation system
Air Pur Pack
Hydrating tray (to position as shown, in contact of the back for defrost water recovery )
Wire bottle rack Plinth
The guide to installation and use of your wine cellar is applicable to several models. There may be slight differences in the details and featu­res of your appliance and the des­criptions presented.
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Fitting the plinth
Your appliance is delivered with a transit brace, and a plinth is supplied. 1- Open the door. 2- Remove the transit bracket from the door. 3- Unscrew the two screws to remo­ve the transit brace. 4- Replace the two screws and was­hers. Keep these parts carefully as they may come in useful if you move house with your appliance. 5- Use a bradawl or a nail to make pilot holes for the plinth securing screws. 6- Fit the plinth end into the space provided for the hinge bracket. 7- Screw the plinth on.
Your appliance is delivered with the door opening from left to right (hinges on right). You can, if you wish, reverse the door opening: 1- Unscrew the upper hinge, unhinge and remove the door.
2- Remove the lower right hinge pin and unscrew its support .
3- Unscrew and remove the plinth, if it is already mounted.
4- Screw the support to the left side of the door and replace the hinge pin.
Reversing the door opening
How to carry out your initial installation
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