Dedicated Micros TransVu Operation Manual

TransVu Web Interface and
Operation Guide
Table of Contents
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Making an Initial Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Start Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Configuration Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Appendix B - Units of Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Appendix C - GPS serial port configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
Appendix D - GPS Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87
Dedicated Micros © 2006 1
The TransVu is an eight camera video server and digital recorder providing web browser access to live and recorded images. (Four input unit to special order.)
The TransVu is operationally ruggedised to suit the transport environment.
Video Inputs
8 composite video inputs. 1 volt peak to peak software controlled termination at 75 ohms.
Audio Inputs
Two audio inputs are provided which can be individually configured for line input levels or microphone level inputs. The TransVu can be configured to operate with either dynamic or the powered electret type of microphone.
Power management
Automatic “power on” of unit when detecting ignition voltage.
Software controlled power down of unit after a specified time from ignition voltage loss.
Software controlled power down of unit after a specified time on detection of user set low voltage threshold.
Ignition monitoring
Recognition of (ignition) voltage 9 – 40 volts.
Analog Inputs
6 x configurable analog inputs.
NMEA data recording with optional GPS module.
Input voltage
8 - 30 Volts operation supported **
Digital Storage
2.5 inch Hard Disk Drive
Full support for external GSM / SMS modules
Wireless LAN
Optional wireless LAN with DHCP support (802.11)
Pulse counter input
Storage of Tachometer or Speedometer readings with each image and as log files
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Engine parameters
Storage of engine oil and water sensor readings via individual inputs.
An optional Can 2.0b interface can be incorporated. **
G force detection
On-board detection of inline and lateral G forces. **
All connections are made via a single splash proof, sealed connector.
Note: The full Technical Specification is contained within the cabling manual.
** Feature subject to individual model specification.
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IInntteeggrraall LLEEDD iinnddiiccaattoorrss
The following four indicators are provided at the opposite end of the TransVu from the plug:
Net Line
Indicates a direct Ethernet connection.
Net Data
Indicates data traffic across the networks
Cam Fail
Indicates that a camera selected for recording or selected for viewing has failed.
Flashes when images are being recorded to disk.
TransVu Media products support additional connections for monitor outputs and audio outputs (the audio output is not currently enabled).
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Making an Initial Connection
The first step in configuring your TransVu is to make contact with it using the serial port.
Although the TransVu supports DHCP (automatic allocation of an IP address) Dedicated Micros recommend you allocate a fixed IP address.
The method for allocating a fixed IP address is detailed below.
1. Connect the Multi-pole connector with the correctly terminated cable loom to the TransVu
2. Switch the vehicles ignition to ON, the TransVu will now boot up. (If ignition sense is used)
3. Ask your network admin to complete the following with suitable values:
4. Connect the supplied RS232 cable from COM 5 on the TransVu to your PC serial port.
5. On your PC, from the Start menu, select Programs> Accessories> Communications> HyperTerminal and create a new connection using the COM port and the following settings:
Bits per second – 38400, Data bits - 8, Parity – None, Stop bits – 1, Flow control - None
6. In HyperTerminal, log on to the TransVu by typing +++ and pressing enter.
7. At the Transvu> command prompt, type the following commands, replacing <aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> with the values from step 3. Press enter after each setting:
<ESC>m\ether_ip\aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd <ESC>m\subnet\aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd <ESC>m\gateway\aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd <ESC>m\save reset (to restart the TransVu)
8. Connect a crossed network cable between the TransVu and the configuration PC / Laptop (Provision should have been made for this when wiring the cable loom )
9. Open a Web browser and type the IP address of TransVu in the Address Bar. For example, "".
If everything is working you should now see the TransVu Viewer Home-Page. If not, check status LEDs on the front of TransVu, at least one LED should be lit, if not for refer to the Installation manual and check cable.
IP address
- - - . - - - . - - - . - - -
for example169.254.123.1
Subnet mask
- - - . - - - . - - - . - - -
for example
- - - . - - - . - - - . - - -
for example169.254.123.10
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Accessing the Web Pages
The TransVu is configured via on-board webpages, to access these:
1. Enter the IP address of the unit in the web address of Internet Explorer or Netscape.
2. The Start Page for accessing the on-board web pages will be displayed.
Start Page
When first accessing the unit the following webpage will be displayed:
This provides access to
Live - Viewing Live images and playback or recorded images.
Configuration Option - Configuring the unit via webpages
Demo Pages - Demonstration pages showing the type of applications that can be designed around the
Dedicated Micros Java SDK.
System Location - This will show details on where the TransVu is currently located.
Note: A Username and Password is required to gain access to the configuration pages, by default this is dm
and web.
LLiivvee PPaaggee
6 Dedicated Micros © 2006
The Live Page offers the Operator the option to use the web interface to view and control the cameras on the TransVu.
It is possible to view live images or playback recorded images, control PTZ cameras or review event logs.
Camera Selection
Camera selection keys allow the Operator to select the corresponding camera to be viewed in live and playback mode. The camera keys for the video inputs that have been enabled within the Camera Setup webpage will be active.
Screen Display
It is possible to select one of a number of screen displays, this allows more than one image to be viewed at the same time in both live and playback mode.
Full Quad
9 Way 16 Way.
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It is possible to select the image resolution, this is a global command and will affect all video images being displayed. This option is useful in application where the bandwidth is limited, selecting a lower resolution will reduce the amount of information being transmitted and therefore maintain bandwidth efficiency.
The resolution settings for the High, Medium and Low options are configured in the Camera Set-Up page.
Event Database
The TransVu stores events within a database, it is possible to access this database from the Live page. Any associated video recordings can be selected for review, it is also possible to filter the events and search for specific recordings; Video Motion Detection, Alarms and Power up.
The events are displayed in the event list and details the associated camera, date, time and a brief description of the event.
The list can be refreshed to update the list on screen.
Select the next or previous set of events.
Filter the events list and search for specific recordings. The options are:
All - List all entries.
VMD - List VMD events only.
Contact Alarms - List all alarm input triggered events.
Power Ups - List all system restarts and initialisation.
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VCR Controls
Recorded images stored on the TransVu can be played back via the Live page. The VCR controls also work in conjunction with the events list.
The controls keys available are:
Fast forward.
Record - when selected you will be presented with a file type option which includes MJPEG, AVI and Raw AVI.
Frame rewind.
Frame advance.
Playback speed.
Goto Time and Date.
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Text Search
The TransVu supports the option to record text information alongside the video images, the Live page provides an interface to allow these recordings to be search for specific text information.
Time and date can be selected along with the text information, the TransVu will then search the database for associated recordings.
Search For
The information entered in the Search For section will instruct the unit to search for the exact text line unless a wildcard is used.
BEER *1.50
Note: The Search For text is case sensitive, using the incorrect case will result in a message informing the
Operator that no matches where made. It is possible to use mixed case settings (Upper and low) as long as this is how the information is recorded A ‘space’ between words is classed as a character. Unicode characters are also supported.
First Word Search Entering text such as DOOR1 would inform the unit to only search for entries where DOOR1 was the first word within the line of characters. All entries would then be displayed between the selected time period. With the examples above you would only have one match.
All Instances of a Specific Word Search
It is possible to use a wildcard to search the whole of the character line for any instance of a specific word. For example *DOOR* would find all instances of the word DOOR, with the above examples you would have four matches.
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Single Character Variation Word Search
It is possible to perform a search on a word with a single character variation for example *DOOR?* this will display all instances of the word DOOR with variations on the last character. From the examples above this would result in three events DOOR1, DOOR2 and DOORB.
Specific Set Word Search
It is possible to search for a word within a range, for example
DOOR[0-9] - using the examples above this would display DOOR1 and DOOR2 DOOR[a-z] - using the examples above this would return no match DOOR[A-Z] - using the examples above this would display DOORB
Alternatively to carry out a complex word search you could enter DOOR[0-9a-zA-Z], this would result in DOOR1, DOOR2 and DOORB being displayed.
Special Syntax Character Word Search
In the example above an entry was made for one pound and fifty pence where a * was received as the currency denomination. Should you wish to search on all items of the value of one pound and fifty pence you would enter the following text, *\*1.50*. In this scenario the \ differentiates the * as being the search character (i.e. the * is a character stored on the remote server rather than the start of the wildcard).
Supported Wildcards
Note: If any of the following wildcards are characters within the stored text on the remote server it is
necessary to place a \ prior to the character.
[ ] - Open and Close bracket
* - Star
? - Question mark
! - Exclamation mark
^ - Caret
- - Hyphen
\ - Back slash
Save Image to Clipboard
It is possible to save an image (being displayed on screen) to the clipboard. Highlight the image and select the right mouse button, the images will be automatically copied to the clipboard and will be accessible for a compatible graphics package.
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DDeemmoo PPaaggeess
The are a number of Demo Pages that can be accessed via the web interface. These demonstrate the various controls and graphical formats that can be used to control the TransVu.
DuoVu allows live and playback images to be viewed at the same time. Two monitors are available to show either live, playback or a combination of live and playback mode.
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The multisite screen allows the Operator to connect to two different NetVu Connected units, images from both sites can be simultaneously viewed. Each site can be individually controlled.
Camera Map
It is possible to create a map showing the location of cameras. Cameras can then be selected and viewed within this page, there are no controls available.
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SSyysstteemm IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
System Location
The system information option allows the Operator to select the System Location button, this will show details on where the TransVu is currently located.
This page will show the Longitude and Latitude co-ordinates for the unit and will provide the option to connect to either or to find the exact position.
It also details the speed at which the vehicle is travelling where the TransVu is installed and the course the vehicle is taking.
Current Position
When the TransVu is configured to be an SMS Server this page is provided as the User interface to allow access to the log information sent from the other TransVu’s to this unit.
Access is available to all vehicles in the fleet and collation of the information can be filtered by time and date. The events can be selected from a drop down list and the position of the vehicle at the time of the event being registered can be determined using streetmap or mapquest.
Note: This web page will only be available if the TransVu is configured as an SMS Server.
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Veehhiiccllee GGPPSS ppoossiittiioonnss
The following page is available when the TransVu is operating as an SMS server. The same SMS server functionality can be provided by the DVIP video server.
To view these pages carry out the following steps:
1. Enable the unit to be an SMS Server, select Network ->SMS Setup.
2. Tick the SMS Server option and Save Settings.
3. Select Home -> Home to display the original web page, There will be two new options System Location
and Current Position.
4. Select Current Position to display the following screen.
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SSyysstteemm LLooccaattiioonn
Important Note: Internet access must be available to utilise this feature.
System GPS position (latitude and longitude), speed (knots or nautical miles, statute miles and kilometers) and course (compass direction), is automatically loaded from the NMEA data stream from the GPS unit.
If a zone has been defined that will be displayed.
If the unit can access the internet one of two map providers can be used to show position of the unit.
STREETMAP.CO.UK gives fine level detail for the United Kingdom while MAPQUEST.COM has world wide mapping, to street level in the US and at street level for the larger world cities.
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Configuration Options
The Configuration Option provides access to the on-board configuration web pages and allows the Administrator to program the functionality that is supported on the TransVu.
When this option is selected you will be prompted for a user name and password, the default settings are dm and web.
Note: It is recommended that the default username and password be changed once the configuration has
been completed, this will ensure no unauthorised personnel gain access to the configuration web pages.
EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg BBoooottllooaaddeerr
If for any reason there are no webpages loaded on the TransVu or the unit has been re-powered more than five time in one hour an Engineering Bootloader page will be displayed.
If this occurs telnet (or use HyperTerminal) to the unit and type “Reset” at the command prompt to reset the unit. Contact Dedicated Micros Technical Support for assistance, contact details can be found on the cover of this manual.
Note: The unit attempts to exit engineering mode every 15 minutes and resume normal operation.
Dedicated Micros © 2006 17
HHoommee MMeennuuss
The Home menus provides access to the viewing options (Live and Demo Pages), returns the unit to the Start Page and the Main Set-up page.
Main Set-up
The main set-up page provides configuration for global parameters that will affect the overall system; video standard for the video inputs, browser format for the web interface, language that the menus will be displayed in and the DST (daylight saving time) settings.
The web page also contains information on the unit, this information can be used for system diagnostics and is useful when contacting Dedicated Micros for technical support.
Function Description
Video Standard
This is a global setting for all the video inputs on the unit. The video format can be configured as PAL or NTSC.
When the video standard is changed it is necessary to Save Settings and then the unit must be reset.
Date Format
It is possible to identify the format in which the date will be displayed; the default setting is Day Day, Month Month, Year Year.
Browser Settings
The browser interface on the TransVu supports Active X or Java, the most appropriate for your application can be selected from a drop down list. Again this is a global settings and therefore any user connecting to the system will be presented with the same interface.
The unit web configuration pages can be displayed in the language that is most suitable
to the country of installation.
The currently languages supported are; English, Spanish, French, Czech, Italian, Russian, Dutch, Portuguese, German, Turkish, Croatian, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Swedish, Polish, Arabic, Chinese.
Daylight Saving Time. This reflects the time zone that the TransVu is installed in, select from the list for the most appropriate time.
This will reset the unit.
Sync Unit time from PC
The unit can be synchronised with the PC that is being used to configure the unit. If the PC is synchronised with the network clock then this time will be reflected on the unit.
The synchronisation is not a persistent and will only synchronise the unit and the PC at the time the option is selected.
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Cameras Menus
The Camera Menus are the configuration pages directly associated with the video inputs. These allow the camera inputs to be enabled, identify image resolution, set record rates, etc.
Camera Set-up
The camera set-up page allows global settings and individual camera settings to be configured.
Note: TransVu is physically configured for seven camera operation. Camera input eight is now set up as a
spot monitor input. The Spot Monitor is an analogue output capable of full screen or full screen sequence with a programmable dwell time.
Note: Reducing the file size will allow more data to be transmitted across the network, it is important to
remember reducing the file size will require the compression applied to be increased and this will
Function Description
Pictures Per Second (pps) / milliseconds (ms)
This allows the record settings to be configured as either Pictures Per Second or Milliseconds.
Live/Record Resolution
This is the resolution of the live and recorded images that will be transmitted from the TransVu and recorded to hard disk. PAL Fields 640 x 256, 720 x 256, 768 x 288, 720 x 288 NTSC Fields 640 x 240, 720 x 240.
Enabling this option will apply interlace to the video images.
This is the maximum file size for the images when high quality video has been selected to be recorded or viewed. The unit records images at the high resolution settings as standard.
This is the maximum file size for the images when medium quality video has been selected to be viewed.
This is the maximum file size for the images when low quality video has been selected to be viewed.
Dedicated Micros © 2006 19
affect the quality of the image.
WARNING: When running the unit at maximum Record Rate (50pps or 20ms in Standard Record Settings),
this will affect viewing and network transmission, as the video codecs will be running close to capacity ­the unit’s priority is to record the footage to the internal HDD, so transmission performance will be reduced. This is exhibited by slow connection to the html pages and reduced viewing frame rates. Multi-user viewing will also be affected. It is not recommended to set the Standard Record rate to 20ms for everyday usage, but rather only for specific situations where this rate is necessary.
Function Description
Advanced Setup
This option gives access to the configuration page to allow alias configuration for the MPEG4 mode, refer to the Advanced Setup section below.
Video Expiry Period
This indicates the maximum time any images can be stored on the hard disk, if the record duration is less than the video expiry period the images will automatically be overwritten.
Spot Monitor Dwell Time
The unit supports an option Spot monitor output where a single or a sequence of cameras can be viewed full screen. If a sequence is to be displayed identify the time period each image is to be displayed on the monitor.
Record Duration
The total record time available in (DD) Days and (HH) Hours. This indicates the storage capacity of the system without any alarm recording. This is estimated from size of video storage, the standard record rate and the requested target size of the recorded images. Note: Changing the Record Duration will automatically update the Standard Record Rate. Changing the Standard Record Rate will likewise update the Record Rate.
Standard Record Rate
This is global setting and identifies the ‘common pictures per second’ for all enabled video inputs on the unit. This record rate will be allocated unless otherwise actioned
(Alarm or Variable Record Rate). It can be set in milliseconds or the number of pictures per second.
The delay between consecutive images from any one camera is the Standard Record Rate multiplied by the number of cameras being recorded. Changing the Standard Record Rate will automatically update the Record Duration. Changing the Record Duration will likewise change the Standard Record Rate.
Example Record Rates show the pps and the equivalent ms: 100 picture per second or 40ms 50 pictures per second or 20ms 25pps or 40ms 20pps or 50ms 10 pps or 100ms 8pps or 125ms 5 pps or 200ms 2pps or 500ms 1pps or 1000ms.
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Note: The unit will try and compress the colour contents of the image if this box is not enabled, ticking this
box will remove unnecessary overhead on the compression process.
Function Description
It is necessary to enable the video inputs that have a video source connected. By default only video input 1 is enabled.
Note: TransVu is physically configured for seven camera operation. Camera input eight is now
set up as a spot monitor input. The Spot Monitor is an analogue output capable of full screen or full screen sequence with a programmable dwell time.
It is possible to allocate an ASCII camera title to each of the enabled inputs, this along with the camera number will be displayed on the screen to identify the camera selected.
Each camera can be individually enabled to be available for recording. If this is disabled then the camera will not be recorded.
Note: These can be set from the Schedule menu. See Schedule description.
As the unit supports loop through it is necessary to remove the termination of any inputs that are ‘looped’, by default all inputs are terminated at 75 ohms.
If the video input on the unit has a black and white (monochrome) source connected then enable the corresponding camera.
Function Description
Alarm Record Rate
This identifies the global alarm recording rate which will be activated if an alarm is triggered on the unit. For example, the unit may be configured to increase the recording rate when a door contact is triggered.
Click here to see thumbnail images
This will display a thumbnail view of video connected to the unit. Place the cursor in the camera title box to view the corresponding video input.
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Advanced Setup
The TransVu supports MJPEG (Live and Recording) and MPEG4 (Live and transcoding of MJPEG recorded images) compression. The Advanced Setup option allows the JPEG settings to be aliased for when MPEG4 mode is selected. This will allow the User Interface to dynamic switch between viewing MJPEG or MPEG4 images.
Note: The TransVu records MJPEG whilst simultaneously supporting the option to transmit MPEG and
MPEG4 images for viewing
Function Description
System Resolution
This is a read only section and identifies the resolution as configured in the Camera Setup page.
Resolution Codes
There are a number of resolution codes that identify the size of the image that will be transmitted when the corresponding resolution button is selected in the User Interface. Note: These figures are automatically calculated by the unit are are dependent on the Resolution setting selected in the Camera Setup
JPEG (Kbytes)
This is the maximum JPEG file size for each of the resolution options, enter the values in Kbytes.
MPEG4 Bitrates and Frame rates
This is the maximum bit rate and required framerate when the unit is in MPEG4 mode for each of the resolution options, enter the value in kbits/second and pictures per second (respectively).
Function Description
Spot Monitor
Cameras can be displayed in the Spot monitor, enable the cameras that are to be included in the Spot monitor sequence.
This is currently not supported and is available for future expansion.
Camera Fail Reporting
If the video input on the TransVu does not identify a 1V peak-to-peak signal then the unit can transmit an alarm notification for camera failure on the corresponding video input.
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Function Description
Resolution alias
This identifies the functions that are supported on the TransVu that can be selected within a viewing application as well as the record resolution of the MJPEG images.
Resolution codes
This drop down list displays all the previously configured resolutions and allows any of these to be selected for the associated function. The illustration shows that the record resolution and the resolution when the High option is selected in the viewing application has been set to 2CIFLO, while the Medium resolution is set for CIF and Low is set for QCIF.
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The TransVu can be set up to automatically activate alarms and VMD at specific preprogrammed times.
Function Description
This is a seven day schedule that allows alarms and VMD to be enabled or disabled at times during the day
This identifies when the unit will enable alarms and VMD.
This identifies when the unit will disable alarms and VMD.
The unit must be reset if the times are changed.
Schedule Enable
Enable the schedule function so the unit can switch between the set and unset mode
Scheduled Record Rates
Enable Scheduled Record Rates to have the unit operate in different modes depending on the time of day, e.g. day and night operation may have different record times for night time operation. This must be enabled to ensure the schedule affects the recording
Operation Mode Title
These titles help identify the mode of operation for each Mode
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Variable Record Rate
Each camera on the TransVu can be individually configured to have a variable record rate depending on the operation of the unit, this will allow you to have cameras with higher importance recorded at a higher frame rate.
Function Description
Pictures Per Second ­Milliseconds
The variable record rate can be configured as pps or ms.
Ensure the information entered is in the correct format.
Variable record
By default all the video inputs are disabled, this allows you to enable individual inputs for variable recording.
If Scheduled Record Rates has been enabled in the Schedule menu, there will be two columns. The left column will enable the feature when the unit is in Set Mode, the right column will enable the feature when the unit is in Unset mode. Note that the Mode names will reflect any changes made by the user.
Variable record rate
This is the pictures per second or milliseconds that the unit will record in normal operation (i.e. non alarm mode), if the camera is only to be recorded in an alarm situation leave the setting at 0.
See Note 1 below
Alarm/VMD record rate
This is the pictures per second or milliseconds that the unit will record when the corresponding video input has identified VMD or has been triggered by an external alarm.
See Note 1 below
Pre-alarm record rate
This is the pre-alarm pictures per second or milliseconds that will be recorded along with the alarm images.
See Note 1 below
Number or pre-alarm pictures
Although the pre-alarm record rate is set it is also necessary to identify the number of pre-alarm pictures.
If ‘Scheduled Record Rates’ has been enabled in the ‘Schedule’ menu, there will be two columns. The left column will be the number of pre alarm pictures when the unit is in ‘Set’ Mode, the right column will be the record rate when the unit is in ‘Unset’ mode. Note that the Mode names will reflect any changes made by the user.
Note 1
If ‘Scheduled Record Rates’ has been enabled in the ‘Schedule’ menu, there will be two columns. The left column will be the record rate when the unit is in ‘Set’ Mode, the right column will be the record rate when the unit is in ‘Unset’ mode. Note that the Mode names will reflect any changes made by the user.
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RAM Disk
This indicates how much RAMDisk is available for pre-alarm images. This allows the operator to monitor the RAMDisk allocation and ensure as you configure your variable record settings you have sufficient RAMDisk to accommodate the number of images required on alarm; i.e. variable record rate, alarm/VMD record rate, pre-alarm record rate and number of pre-alarm cameras.
Note: If ‘Scheduled Record Rates’ has been enabled in the ‘Schedule’ menu, there will be two rows, showing
the requirement for each Mode.
The screen shows the settings for camera 1 and camera 2 and how much of the RAMDisk would be required for these settings.
Text-in-Image Settings
It is possible to integrate text information into the TransVu system. This text data can be saved alongside the video information and can be used in the search process for review.
Note: It is necessary to enable Text In Image on one the supported serial ports for Text-in-Image to operate,
refer to the Serial and telemetry Ports section of this manual.
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Tip: When viewing video in Live view (Active X only) it is possible to left mouse click over the image and
the text information is superimposed over the image.
Alarms/VMD Menus
Alarm Inputs
The TransVu supports a number of alarm inputs, these can be individually enabled within the menu to allow the unit then to be configured to carry out specific actions on the receipt of an alarm.
Function Description
Number of lines in Image
This is the number of lines that will be displayed in live and replay (via the web pages) along with the relevant images. The default setting is 10 lines.
Line length
This identifies the length of the lines that will be stored with the image. The default setting is 80 characters which is generally the full screen.
Number of visible lines
To enable the text information to be viewed in the Live page it is necessary to identify the number of visible lines.
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+ 63 hidden pages