Congratulations on choosing the Dedicated Micros HyperSense ANPR camera.
Unlike conventional ANPR cameras, the unique HyperSense technology cameras from Dedicated
Micros automatically remove the background scene and output a substantially blank image except
for when a vehicle number plate is within the eld of view.
There are four versions of the HyperSense camera currently available
• ICE HyperSense Analogue ANPR Camera only -
• ICE HyperSense Analogue ANPR + Overview Camera -
• CamVu HyperSense Intelligent (IP) ANPR Camera only -
• CamVu HyperSense Intelligent (IP) ANPR + Overview Camera -
HyperSense cameras automatically remove everything except for any part of the scene that
strongly reect the infra-red light (IR) from the camera’s invisible ash. Most types of vehicle
number plate are retro reective and will strongly reect the infra-red ash from the camera,
and so remain in the image. All other parts of the scene that do not strongly reect the IR are
removed, which includes other light sources such as vehicle head lamps which can cause
problems for conventional ANPR cameras.
By providing images of just the vehicle number plates, HyperSense cameras are ideal for use
in ANPR systems as they simplify the task of recognising number plates, allowing the analytics
software to operate more accurately and efciently.
The ANPR camera is intended to be used for plate reading. Versions with an additional overview
camera tted would be used for recording images of the vehicle for verication or evidential
purposes, whilst CamVu versions of the HyperSense camera can be congured to carry out plate
reading within the camera itself, providing the information as a telnet or metadata stream readable
by the DVR.
This manual will provide all the necessary information to install all versions of the Dedicated Micros
HyperSense camera. Consequently, certain sections of this manual may not apply to the unit,
depending on the model purchased. This will be specied at the front of each section.
Utilising AD Group’s unique Chipwrights ViSP architecture and leveraging its ground-breaking NetVu
Connected technology, which allows products and technology to seamlessly operate together,
Dedicated Micros, makes monitoring pro-active and improves efciency by alerting operators to
events as they happen rather than relying on post event analysis.
By utilising the power of NetVu Connected technology, AnalyticsCapable products can seamlessly
integrate into existing NetVu Connected systems, allowing the customer to expand their solution with
analytics technology as and when they require
AnalyticsCapable technology is available in a growing range of products from Dedicated Micros
• SD Range
• DV-IP Server
• DV-IP Codec
• HighVu Excel
Look for the AnalyticsCapable logo with compatible DM products.
The HyperSense range of cameras are the frontline of detection by providing instant analysis of
vehicle registration details to warn operators of unauthorised entry and suspect vehicles, and
offering the option of recorded evidential imagery, when an overview camera is tted.