Zen Triode Phono Stage
Model ZP3

The Zen Triode Phono Stage is an all tube, single-ended design built using the popular
12AX7 dual triodes for amplification and equalization and a 12AU7 dual triode as a
cathode follower to lower output impedance for better stability and drive.
Besides being comprised of all single-ended triodes, what makes the ZP3 desirable
is the complete absence of negative feedback which is usually used to accomplish the
RIAA equalization. Instead the ZP3 uses a passive RIAA network between the two
12AX7 gain stages. This approach gives a more open sound with a greater sense of
Additionally, the ZP3 has a power supply over 500% larger than needed and with
enough capacitance to easily power a 40 watt amplifier. This was done to eliminate
voltage sag by brute force rather than using a smaller power supply and fancy solid
state regulation which is the norm.
To take the power supply to another level, a vacuum glow tube is used in series with
the supply to block harmonics and RF noise on your local power grid. The result is like
pure DC from a battery. It is a superior method of cleaning power that does not rely on
power regeneration which is often noisy (fans) and costs many thousands of dollars.
There are no solid state parts in a ZP3. Diodes, constant current source regulators,
and so on have been deliberately omitted so that the artifacts of those devices do not
poison the signature of circuit. A signature that has been painstakingly voiced and is
completely unequaled in the market for anywhere near the price.


The ZP3 is delivered with a factory tube compliment that is reference grade with hand
selected and section matched 12AX7’s for perfect channel balance.
When replacing the 12AX7’s always specify tubes with matched sections. A 12AX7 is
a dual triode where there are actually two individual triodes inside a single glass tube.
These individual triodes are used for both channels which is a huge advantage in that it
becomes impossible to have two different signatures between the two channels.
It is important that the signatures and characteristics perfectly match between the
channels because that is what helps achieve a huge and well focused sound stage.
Using 8 pin octal tubes, such as 6SN7’s which is a popular alternative in many phono
stages make it cumbersome to replace tubes since you have to find two that exactly
match and then hope each tube wears at exactly the same pace, which they won’t.
Since you can’t ruin the imaging or sound stage of the ZP3 when rolling tubes like is
possible with designs using separate tubes per channel, it makes it easy to experiment
with different tubes. You’ll find the differences between some tubes are not unlike the
differences between cartridges.
If you’re going to explore some “tube rolling” as we like to call it, you should begin with
the front input tube (12AX7). This particular tube has the biggest effect on how your
ZP3 sounds, and the biggest effect on noise as well. Getting a hand full of different
12AX7’s and simply trying them one at a time in the front tube location can be a very
interesting experience as you explore just how much and how each one can change
the sound.
When changing tubes, be sure to turn the ZP3 off and wait at least 60 seconds before
removing the tubes. Of course at the same time your turn off your ZP3 you want to
make sure the volume on your amplifier or preamplifier is all the way down!
The ZP3 runs comparatively low voltages on the tubes which enhance tube life. Again
this is outside the norm, but the lower voltages create better liquidity in the sound and
more space and air. That said, the tubes should be replaced every couple years with
regular use. It’s a good idea to have a complete tube compliment on hand.
Every 6 months install the new tubes to see if there is any change in performance. If
there is a noticeable improvement with the new tubes it means one or more of your
other tubes is getting tired. If there is no difference, restore the original tubes and try
again in another 6 months.