Model SE34I.2
MANUFACTURED by DECWARE / High Fidelity Engineering Co.
1202 N.E. Adams Street, Peoria IL 61603

The SE34I.2 is a refined version of our original and very popular SE34I.
We traded some of the features of the original for a purer signal path resulting in a fidelity that as you will hear is hard to argue with.
This is an SET (Single ended Triode) dual mono amplifier with gain
(volume) control making the use of a preamp optional. In addition there
is a high quality silver input selector giving you a choice between 4 line
level sources.
The circuit is a tube rectified design that uses no negative feedback, is
point-to-point wired with no circuit boards and has only 1 capacitor in the
signal path!
This amplifier uses a total of 6 tubes, 3 per channel. The rectifier being
the largest of the three tubes is a 5U4 and locates on the inside socket.
The output tube is an EL34 and locates on the outside socket. The smallest tube is a 9 pin dual triode called a 6922 which drives the EL34 output
You may substitute the 6922 tubes with either 6DJ8’s or 6N1P tubes
without modifications to the amp. In this amp, they are direct plug in replacements.
The EL34 output tubes shipped with your amp are premium quality and
should last for between 1 and 2 years or more with less frequent use.
You can use any brand of EL34 tube you wish. You do not have to use
matched tubes.
The 5U4 rectifiers shipped with your amp can also be substituted with
any brand of 5U4. The RUBY brand 5U4’s we ship with the amp are great
sounding tubes, but they are made in China and do not have the same
construction quality as the older USA made General Electrics. If you experience an internal vibration in the RUBY 5U4, you can lightly tap on the
tube and it usually goes away. This is normal for the Chinese made 5U4.
Replacing it with a New Old Stock 5U4 will eliminate this phenomenon.