the “GIZMO”
High Fidelity Engineering Company
This product has been designed to improve both the frequency balance and
phase response of the Lowther drivers.
Lowthers are wonderfully fast, articulate and very efficient speakers that have gained popularity with the rising SET cult around the
world. Their splendor does not come without a price however, because you also get to spend lots of time tweaking the upper
midrange. There is even a name for it, “the Lowther shout”.
To install a crossover on a Lowther to flatten out its response would
defeat the entire reason for owning one. A single full range driver
with no crossover is the most coherent of all known speaker ideals.
Having heard many Lowthers in a variety of different cabinets and
rooms and with various amplifiers I recognized great potential in
their sound, but was always bothered three things:
1 They usually sounded a bit thin and could also be dry.
2 There was a peak in the midrange and lower treble.
3 You had to push them to get the best sound.
What is it?
How does it
The “Gizmo” is a special air-gapped transformer wound on a top
quality Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Core with a low impedance primary connected in series with the Lowther driver somewhere between
your amplifier and the loudspeaker. It uses a high impedance secondary shorted across a variable Alps potentiometer. This esoterically
dampens the primary altering the frequency balance and timbre of the
speaker and is fully adjustable!
Gizmo shown for one channel
Out of my own frustration with being teased by my first pair of
DX55’s I came up with a device that to my ears makes a profound
improvement in the sound of Lowther drivers.
Steve Deckert
This device actually enhances and extends bass response and enhances and extends the high frequency response as well. Cymbals
sound real for the first time, dynamics also seem to improve. It also
corrects the problem of having the play the speakers loud to get the
best sound and of course fixes that midrange!
The frequency response chart below illustrates an impressive improvement, but really doesn’t begin to show what this device actually
does to the sound! It certainly will make those Lowthers worth what
you paid for them and then some.
The Blue line is a
stock Lowther
The Red line is the
same unit modified
with the “Gizmo”
To see all the
graphs and read
the complete white
papers visit
$199.00 a pair
30 day money back!
1202 N.E. Adams Street, Peoria IL 61603 (309) 671 2428 24hr Fax (309) 672 1060 e-mail: Steve@decware.com