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. Any person who does any unauthorised act in
Information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice, and
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dCS is Data Conversion Systems Ltd. Company registered in England No. 2072115.
dCS La Scala User Manual Manual for Software Issue 1.0x
dCS LtdSeptember 2004
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The dCS VerdiLa Scala Upsampling SACD Transport is a logical development of
the critically acclaimed dCS Verdi.
La Scala plays SACD or Hybrid discs and outputs the DSD data onto an IEEE
1394 bus, ready for convers ion to wide-ban d, high qual ity audio b y a dCS Elgar
Plus or a 1394-equipped dCS Deliu s
La Scala also plays standard CDs and the CD layer of Hybrid discs, upsampling
the data to DSD internally, without the need for a separa te upsampler. This is
ideal for audiophiles who do not use other digital audio sources, as the
equipment set-up is much simpler.
DSD (Direct Stream Digital) is s ingle bit dat a, sampled a t 2.822MS/s . This d ata
format increases the available audio band-width to well over 100kHz, well in
excess of the 20kHz available from a standard CD system. The extra bandwidth sharpens the transient response and improves the phase response,
resulting in a more natural sound and more precise stereo imaging.
CD data at 16 bits / 44. 1kS/s is always av ailable from the AES interface (XLR
connector), three SPDIF interfaces (RCA, BNC and Toslink optical and an
SDIF-2 interface. When playing and SACD, the data is down-sampled to
provide these outputs.
La Scala features a Wordclock Input, all owing the transport to be s ynchronised
to a Master Clock or a dCS DAC running in master mode. This arrangement
reduces system jitter – a major source of sound degradation in digital audio
In common with all dCS converters, La Scala is based on our flexible digital
audio platform which makes extensive use of software configurable chips –
FPGA’s and DSP’s. This allows the interna l sof tware t o be up dated f rom tim e to
time, either from a dCS CD or from a PC, ad ding extra featur es and facilities to
your system with a minimum of fuss.
Laser Radiation Hazard
dCS Verdi La Scala is a Class 1 Laser Product, it complies with U.S. FDA 21CFR
subchapter J. The U.S. FDA Accession number is 0211117. In normal use,
there is no risk of exposure to laser radiation.
IMPORTANT! The metal top cover must only be removed by authorised service personnel.
The cover protects the user from indirect exposure to visible and invisible
laser radiation, as well as risk of electric shock.
To comply with the licence arrangements for SACD, this data is encrypted in the Verdi La Scala and is
decrypted in the receiving unit.
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GIUSEPPE VERDI (1813 –1901)
The dCS Verdi is named after Giuseppe Verdi, the 19th century Italian composer.
He was born in the village of Ronc ole in the pr ovinc e of P arm a on October 1 0
1813. From an earl y age he s howed a stron g inter est in m usic and commenced
his formal mus ical studies at the age of 7, tutored by the organist in his villa ge
When he was 10, Verdi moved to the nearby town of Busseto, where he
attended the music school run b y Ferdinando Provesi. In Buss eto he made the
acquaintance of Antonio Bare zzi, a local merc hant and passionate m usic lover.
Barezzi provided Verdi with financial assistance during the remainder of his
musical studies and many years later in 1836, Verdi married Barezzi’s daughter,
In 1832 he applied to study at the prestigious Milan Conservatory, but was
turned down. Instead, he studied in Milan under the pr ivate tuition of Vincen zo
Lavingna, a com poser and f or mer harpsichordist at th e La Sc a la t he atr e. D urin g
his stay in Milan, Verdi spent a great deal of tim e attending the the atre and this
almost certainly accounts for his work being heavily biased towards opera.
On Provesi’s death in 1833, Verdi returned to Busseto with the aim of taking
over his position as head of the town’s music school. However, this was
delayed until 1836 by political squabbling between the clergy and his supporters
in the local Philharmonia.
In 1838, Verdi moved to Milan where the following year he pres ented his first
opera, Oberto, conte di San Bonifacio at the La Scala theatre, where it was
received to moderate acclaim.
1840 must have been the worst year of his life. First his two ch ildren and then
his wife died in quic k succ ession. His m iser y was further com pounded when his
second opera, Un Giorno di Regno, closed af ter onl y one perform ance. At this
point Verdi seriously considered giving up composing altogether. At the
insistence of Bartolom eo Merelli, the impresario of the La Scala theatre, Verdi
read a libretto written by Solera. The biblical themes deeply moved him and
motivated him to write his second opera, Nabucco, which was hailed as a
triumph when it was perform ed for the first tim e at La Scala in 1842. Nabucco
firmly established Verdi as one of the leading Italian composers of the day.
Verdi then commenced a period of prodigious creativity. Between 1843 and
1858 he wrote a total of 20 operas. Of these, 3 are especially of note and are
still regularly performed: Rigoletto - written in 1851, Il trovatore and Latraviata - both written in 1853.
In 1859 he married h is second wife, the sopra no Giuseppina Strepp oni, whom
he had known since 1 842 when she sang the female lea d in Nabucco at La
Verdi’s works often contained strong political themes. This interest in politics
was carried over to his private life and, in 1861, he was elected as a deput y to
the first Italian parliament.
His success had made him a wealthy as well as famous man. He used his
considerable fortune t o progressively increase the s ize of his farm holdings in
Parma. By 1900, these had become the largest revenue producer in the
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He continued to compose, albeit at a slower pace. In 1873 he wrote his
Requiem Mass, which was dedicated to the memory of the poet Alessandro
Manzoni, though its origins go back to a work he f irs t composed as a homage to
The most notable oper as of his lat ter years are: Aida – written in 1871, Otello
- written in 1887 and Falstaff - written in 1893. The last two were based on
plays by Shakespear e and are widel y regarded as mast erpieces. His last m ajor
work, the Four Sacred Pieces (Ave Mar i a , Stabat Mater, Te Deum and Laudialla Vergine), was written in 1898, a year after the death of his second wife
Giuseppe Verdi died on Januar y 27
1901. In accordance with his wishes, he
was given a simple funeral, wit hout singing or music. T he following month, he
was entombed in a state c eremony with his second wife, a t the rest home for
musicians that he had h elped to set up man y years before, to care for singers
and instrumentalists who had fallen on hard times in their old age. The
procession was accompanied by members of Verdi’s family, members of the
Italian Royal family, members of Parliament, foreign diplomats and leading
composers includin g Puccin i, Mascagni an d Leoncave llo. Arturo Toscanin i lead
tens of thousands of m ourners with the ch oruses of La Scala, i n the singing of
Va, pensiero from Nabucco.
Recommended recordingsx
Philadelphia Orchestra conducted by Eugene Ormandy.
Sony SACD SS00707
English National Opera
CHAN 3030
English National Opera conducted by Mark Elder
CHAN 3068(2)
Chicago Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sir George Solti
London 422 670-2
Il Trovatore
Berliner Philharmoniker conducted by Herbert von Karajan
EMI CMS7 69311/2
La Traviata
e Coro del Maggio Musicale, Florence conducted by Zubin Meta
Philips 438 238-2
Choir and Orchestra of the German Opera Berlin conducted by Giuseppe
Philips 412 133-2
Four Sacred Pieces and Requiem
Monteverdi Choir and O rchestre Revolutionnaire et Rom antique conducted by
John Eliot Gardener
Philips 442 142-2
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The Software – The Menu...............................................................................18
Using the Menu19
Opening the Menu19
Types of Menu Page19
Closing the Menu19
Menu Sequence20
SACD/CD – Selecting the layer on a hybrid disc20
Transmit – Activating the 1394 Outputs20
1394 ID – 1394 Source Identification20
Bright x - Display Brightness21
TimeOut – Menu Time Out Setting21
Ch.Check - Channel Check Test21
Ph.Check - Phase Check Test22
Burn In - Burn-In Signal Generation22
Test - Display Test23
Issue – Software Issue State23
Temp – Unit Internal Temperature23
Serial – Unit Serial Number23
Contact - Contact information23
FavLayer – Favourite Layer on a Hybrid Disc24
SessTime – Session Time Out Setting24
Easy Play – Automatic Source Selection24
CDUpdate – Software Update By CD25
Factory – Restoring Factory Defaults27
The Hardware – Controls and Connectors ...................................................28
Front Panel28
Key to Front Panel28
Power Buttonx28
Play / Pause Buttonx29
Stop / Eject Buttonx29
Status Indicatorx29
Display Mode Indicatorx29
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Remote Control Sensorx29
Main Displayx29
Mode Indicatorx30
Menu Button(
Previous Track Button(
Next Track Button(
CD Trayx30
Rotary Controlx30
Rear Panel31
Key to Rear Panel31
AES/EBU Digital Output31
SPDIF Digital Outputs31
SPDIF Optical Output32
SDIF Interface32
Wordclock Digital Input32
1394 Interface32
Power Link32
Power switch33
IEC Power Inlet33
Mains Fuse33
Additional Information33
Remote Control34
Blue LED34
Standby button35
SACD/CD button35
Transport controls35
Program and Clear buttons35
Mode control buttons35
The unit fails to power up59
The DAC/DDC suddenly mutes, La Scala repeats its’ power-up sequence59
The DAC/DDC fails to lock to La Scala or displays “No Input”59
The DAC/DDC locks but no signal is received59
Playing a CD, the DAC output is monophonic59
Channel Check, Phase Check and Burn-In do not work59
The Remote Control fails to control the unit60
Menu Timeout does not work60
The Display turns on briefly when a control is operated, then turns off60
CD-R does not play correctly60
A disc is trapped in the unit60
Troubleshooting the IEEE 1394 Interface61
Upsampler or Transport displays “Inactive”61
The Unit keeps displaying “No Comms”61
The Unit keeps displaying “Search..”61
The DAC displays “Verdi Wordclo ck Missing”61
The DAC displays “Missing Wordclock between Clk Out & Verdi Clk In”61
The DAC displays “Please check source slaved to DAC Wordclock Out”61
The DAC displays “Wrong Wordclock @ Verdi Clk In”61
The DAC remains muted62
The DAC takes a long time to unmute62
If You Need More Help ....................................................................................63
Other Information63
Indexes and Software Version Numbers........................................................64
Software History64
Definitions and Abbreviations64
Key to Cable Identification65
List of Tables66
List of Figures66
Keywords and Phrases67
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About this Manual
If you have not used a La Scala before, please read the section “Usi ng your dCS
La Scala for the first time” on page 48.
This manual has be en arranged with t he most comm only used s ections plac ed
• table of contents (page 6)
• step-by-step (page 10) and applications guides (page 16)
• detailed software and hardware inform ation (pag e 18)
• technical information (page 38)
• information for first time users (page 48)
• options, maintenance and troubleshooting (page 50)
• index section (page 64)
What does the coloured text mean?
If you are reading a colour print or a soft copy of this manual, you will notice that
some types of text are in colour:
•Brown text in bold is a reference to another section or page. Sometimes, if
you are reading a soft copy of the m anual, page numbers are h yperlinks –
click on them and you will go there.
•Blue text is used for controls and connectors, described in the hardware
White text in bold on black is used for alternat ive control functions , such
as menu operation.
• Pink text is a menu page or setting.
• Green text in bold shows what appears on the display.
• Purple text in bold is used for indicators.
IMPORTANT! Important information is presented like th is - ignoring this may cause yo u to
damage the unit, or invalidate the warranty.
The manual is designed to be helpful. If there are points you feel we could cover
better, or that we have missed out - please tell us.
About Sample Ratesx
All references to sample rates in this manual use the unit kS/s (kilo Samples per
second) rather than the technically incorrect kHz.
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This section guides you t hroug h s ett ing up the unit for basic o per at io n. You may
find this useful if you have not used the La Scala for a while.
The Control Summary sheet details the menu struc ture and out lines th e use of
the front panel contr ols. For more information, see the Menu section on page
For digital interfaces, use with cables designed for digital audio:
•for AES/EBU interfaces use 110Ω s creened, twisted pair cab les fitted with
one male XLR connector and one female XLR connector.
•for SDIF, Wordclock or SPDIF BNC interfaces, use 75Ω coax cables fitted
with BNC plugs.
• for SPDIF RCA interfaces, use 75Ω coax cables fitted with RCA Phono
• for TOSLINK optical interfaces, use Toslink fibre-optic cables.
• for IEEE 1394 interfaces, use the IEEE 1394 cable prov id ed with the un it.
do this: Connect the power cable supplied to the Po wer inle t on the La Scala rear pan el,
plug the other end into a convenient power outlet. Set th e power s witch beside
the power inlet to the on position (I).
IMPORTANT! Please do not use an excessively thick power cable as this may damage the
power inlet connector. Such damage is not covered by the warranty.
do this: Press the Power button and wait about 5 seconds while La Scala configures
The display will show in sequence: La Scala, 0 and No Disc.
If the unit is likely to be set in an unfamiliar state, you can reset it as follows:
do this: Press the
shows Factory. Press the
The PWR indicator will be lit, th e others shou ld be off .
Menu button once, then press the St ep Back button so the disp lay
Select button and wait a second.
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Step 1 – Connecting the System
There are only two connections needed between the La Scala and the DAC. The
La Scala is compatible with the dCS Elgar Plus DAC or the dCS Delius DAC
equipped with the 1394 option.
dCS Verdi La Scala SACD T ransport
- or -
To Power Amplifier o r P r e a mplifie r
dCS Elgar Plus DAC
Figure 1 – Connecting La Scala to Elgar Plus
Connecting the 1394 Interfacex
While playing an SACD, Hyb id d isc or CD, D SD data is ava ilab le fr om either of
the 1394 connectors. T his can be decoded by a 1394–eq uipped dCS Elgar Plus
or Delius DAC.
do this: Set the DAC to 1394 mode first.
do this: Connect ONE of the 1394 connectors on La Scala’s rear panel to the DA C us i ng
the IEEE 1394 cable supplied.
do this: Also connect La Scala‘s Wordclock Out to Wordclock In on the DAC.
IMPORTANT! Do not connect both of La Scala’s 1394 connectors to the DAC – this
prevents the IEEE 1394 interfaces synchronising.
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Connecting the DAC Outputsx
do this: Connect the DAC analogue outputs to matching inputs on your pream plifier /
power amplifier. Connect the power amplifier outputs to your loudspeakers.
do this: Set the preamplifier or DAC Volume control to a low level.
do this: Ensure all system components are switched on.
This set-up is shown in Figure 1.
Connecting a PCM Outputx
For the best sound quality, use the 1394 interface. Standard CD data is
available from all of the PCM outputs, if you want to use them.
do this: Connect any of the AES , RCA, BNC or Toslink outputs on the La Scala rear
panel to the matching inputs on the DAC using suitable cables.
do this: If you want to use SDIF-2 instead, c onnec t the CH1 and CH2 outputs on the La
Scala rear panel to the matc hing inputs on the DAC using su itable cables. Also
connect the Wordclo ck Out output on the La Scala rear panel to the W ordc lock
In connector on the DAC.
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Step 2 – Playing a Disc
do this: Press the Stop/Eject button.
The display will show Opening then Open.
do this: Load a disc into the tray and either p ush the tray in gently or press the Eject
button again.
The display will sh ow Loading, then Read TOC (reading the table of contents
from the disc). T he disc will be identified as a CD, SACD or hybrid. Either the
CD or the SACD indicator will light, along with the CONT indicator (play all
tracks in a continuous sequence).
If the disc is a hybrid, the HYBD indicator and either the SACD or the CD
indicator will light. You can select the other layer by pressing the SACD/CD
button on the Remote Control – the indicator will change to match this.
If the disc has disc text, the TEXT indic ator will light, the disc title a nd artist’s
name will scroll across the display. For all discs, the number of tracks / total
playing time will be displayed, followed by 0 (stopped).
do this: Select the 1394 input on the DAC.
do this: Allow the DAC to lock and un-mute.
do this: Press the Play button. Turn up the Volume to a comfortable level.
You should have audio.
If the disc has disc text, the track name will scroll across the display. For all
discs, the track number and elapsed time will be displayed.
do this: Press the Play/Pause button to pause playing, press again to resume playing.
do this: Press the Next Track or Previous Track buttons to skip to another track.
do this: Hold down the Next Track or Previous Track buttons to fast forward or fast
reverse through the track. Alternatively, turn the Rotary Control.
do this: Press the Stop/Eject button to stop the disc. Press it again to open the tray.
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Step 3 – Track Selection
To change to a particular track:
do this: Press the Keypad button on the Remote Control.
do this: While the white LED is lit, press the track number on the 0–9 buttons.
do this: For example, for track number 15, pr ess 1, then press 5 within the next three
Programming a Track Sequencex
If you wish, you can pr ogram a sequence of up to 31 tr acks in any order. If not,
go to Step 4.
do this: Load a disc, ensure it is not pla ying and wait for any disc text to scroll ac ross
the display.
do this: Press the Program button on the Remote Control. W hile the white LED is lit,
enter the first track number on the 0-9 buttons (e.g. 05).
The PROG indicator will light and the display will change to Prog 05, then
Pg 1: 5.
do this: You can also use the Previous Track / Next T rack buttons to choose a track
do this: Press the Program button again and select the second track (e.g. 12). The
display will show: Prog 12, then Pg 2: 12. Continue programming as many
tracks as you like, up to a maximum of 31.
If you try to program a track number that is not on the disc, th e display shows:
No Trk!
do this: To delete the last track in the sequence, press the Clear button.
The display will change back to the pre vious entr y and that will becom e the las t
track in the sequence.
do this: Press the Play button to play the programmed sequence of tracks.
do this: Press the Play Mode button if you want to stop playing your programmed
sequence and change to Random or Continuous play modes.
The programmed sequence is cleared when the CD tray is opened.
Playing all Tracks in a Random Order
If you wish, La Scala can play all the track s on the disc in a r andom or der, then
do this: Press the Play button.
do this: Press the Play Mode button on the Remote Control once or twice until the
display shows Shuffle and the RAND indicator lights.
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Step 4 – Setting a Repeat Sequence
If you wish, La Scala can repeat the whole disc, one track or part of a track.
Otherwise, proceed to “Other settings”.
Repeating the Whole Discx
do this: While playing a disc in Continuo us m ode (CONT indicator lit), pres s the Repeat
button on the Remote Control to repeat the whole disc.
The display will show Rept All and the REPT indicator will light.
Repeating a Trackx
do this: While playing a track disc in Cont inuous mode (CONT indicator lit), press the
Repeat button on the Remote Control twice to repeat the track.
The display will show Rept Trk and the REP1 indicator will light.
Repeating Part of a Trackx
do this: To select part of a track to repeat, play the tr ack through until you reach the
start point. Press the A-B button on the Rem ote Control, the display will show
(for example) AB 0: 20 with the B f lashing. When you reach the end poin t (for
example, 10 seconds later), press the A-B button again. The B will stop
flashing, the unit will skip bac k to the start point ( A) then c ont in uously repeat the
section up to stop point (B). You can select new start and stop points by
pressing the A-B button at the new start point and again at the new stop point.
Cancelling Repeat Modex
do this: To stop repeating, press the Repeat button on the Remote Control once or
twice until the display shows Rept Off.
Other Settings
More features are available through the Menu. See the Menu section starting on
page 18 for more information.
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Using a DAC in Master Mode
You can reduce the jitter in your s ystem b y using a dCS DAC in M aster m ode to
clock the Transport.
dCS Verdi La Scala SACD T ransport
- or -
To Power Amplifier or Pre a mplifier
dCS Elgar Plus DAC
Figure 2 – Using a DAC in Master mode
do this: Connect up as shown in Figure 2.
IMPORTANT! Note that the Wordclock connections are different to those in Figure 1.
Elgar Plus setup for software version 4.2x or later:
do this: The first time you use this arrangem ent, open the menu and run the Factory
do this: While playing an SACD, use t he Input b utton to s elect th e 1394 input and a llo w
the unit to settle. O pen th e m enu again, choos e a Filter if you wish , then set the
MS page to MS:Mastr.
do this: When the system has re-locked, use t he Volume control to set a comfortable
listening level.
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g (
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Press "Step >" to move along the Menu, press "< Step" to move back.
Press "Select" to set a menu option or change options.
MenuSACD/CDTransmit1394 IDBright xTimeo ut
First page of t he
Selects format for
playing hybrid discs
SACDActive0 … 8Bright 7Normal
CDInactive ....Long
Turns off 1394 data
feed (DSD mode
Sets the 1394
sou rce identifying
Sets the display
Bright 0
Sets the Function
Menu time-out
TempIssueTestBurn InPh.CheckCh.Check
Displays the
FahrenheitDb 2.06
Displays the
software version
Runs a display test
Outputs modulated
pink noise to burn-
in your system
Outputs n oise on
both channels then
inverts R
Outputs tone on L
channel onl
SerialContactFavLayerSessTimeEasy PlayCDUpdate
Displays the unit
full serial number
Displays dCS email
Sets the default
layer when playing
a Hybrid disc
CD1 hourVerdi
Sets the time-out
for overriding the
FavL ayer choice
2 hoursOff
4 hours
8 hours
Sets the mode of
the automatic input
La Scala
Starts software
update from a dCS
Closes the Function
Restores standard
factory settings
then R
channel only
= feature is not available from 1394 outputs.
Figure 3 – Menu flow chart
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Using the Menu
The Menu gives the user acces s to a wide range of addit ional features. It also
allows new features and performance enhancements to be added at a later date
by software upgrades.
Opening the Menu
The Menu is controlled by three buttons:
Types of Menu Page
• the Menu button opens the menu and doubles as the
• the Step →→→→ button pages forward through the Menu – the
• the ←←←← Step button pages backward through the Menu – the
Select button.
Step button.
Step Back
When you first open the Menu, the display will show Menu.
Successive presses of the
Stepbutto n page through t he Menu. You cann ot go
directly to any particular page, but must enter at the top of the Menu and th en
page through until you reach the page you want.
There are three types of page in the Menu - Parameter Pages, Information
Pages and Test Pages.
Parameter pages allo w the user to check and also change the current settings
of the operating parameters, for example Bright. When a parameter page is
displayed, the first press of the
Subsequent presses of the
Select button change the page setting.
Select button shows the current setting.
Information pages display information about the unit, for example Software
Issue. When an information page is displayed, pressing the
Select button
displays the information held on that page.
Test pages allow the user to initiate a number of useful routines, for exam ple
Test. When a Tes t page is displayed, pressing the
Select button starts t he test
Closing the Menu
There are two ways to close the menu and return to normal operation. The
easiest way is to wait 5 seconds for the unit to time-out and revert to the
standard display. Alternatively, use the
display shows End and then press the
Step button to page forward until the
Selectbutton once.
If the unit times out before the operation in hand has been completed, simply reenter the menu, page forward (or back ward) and continue where you left off . If
you find the 5 second time-out difficult to us e, you can ex ten d i t by changing the
TimeOut setting.
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Menu Sequence
Use the flow chart (Figure 3) or the Control Summary sheet to guide you
through the Menu more quickly.
The following explanation deals with the Menu pages in the sequence they
occur in the Menu
. The use of each pa ge is sho wn on an individ ual basis , with
the last operation being closi ng the Menu. After you have becom e more familiar
with the Menu, you will find it more convenient to perform all the Menu
operations in one go before finally closing the Menu.
SACD/CD – Selecting the layer on a hybrid disc
With a hybrid disc loaded or playing (the HYBD indicator will be lit), you can
select either the SACD or the CD layer using this menu. This duplicates the
SACD/CD button on the Remote Control.
do this: Open the Menu and step through until the display shows SACD/CD.
do this: Press the
Select button to flip between SACD or CD.
do this: When you have the option you want, wait for the Menu to time-out and the
display to revert to its normal m ode.
If the disc is not a h ybrid, the m enu will displa y the dis c type but you will not be
able to change the setting.
Transmit – Activating the 1394 Outputs
At present, the IEEE 1394 inter face supp orts up to eight active DSD s ources at
any time. If more ar e connected to the bus, no more than eight m ay be active.
This situation will improve as industry standards stabilise. T he Transmit page
allows La Scala to be left in DSD/SACD o utp ut mode but with th e 1394 interface
inactive. With most set-ups, you will not ha ve to worry about this setting.
do this: Set up the unit in DSD/SACD mode, with the 1394 interface connected to at
least one other unit.
do this: Open the Menu and step through until the display shows Transmit.
do this: Press the
Select button to flip between Active and Inactive.
do this: When you have the option you want, wait for the Menu to time-out and the
display to revert to its normal m ode.
1394 ID
1394 ID – 1394 Source Identification
1394 ID1394 ID
This page sets a num ber between 1 and 8 to ident ify each La Scala you have
connected to the 1394 system.
do this: Open the Menu and step through unt il the dis p lay shows 1394ID:x, where x is a
number between 0 and 8.
do this: Press the
Select button repeate dl y, allowing the un it t o settle f or a f ew secon ds
each time. The display cycles through 1394ID:0, 1394ID:1, ......., 1394ID:7 ,
1394ID:8, and back to 1394ID:0.
If you set 1394ID:2 for example, when the DAC is selected to this La Scala, it
will display L a Scala 2. You can s et an y other La Scalas conn ected to the 1 394
system to a differ ent number. If you set 1394ID:0, the DAC displays La Scala,
without a number.
A minor software update may change the order of the menu items or add an option. If this happens, the
Control Summary sheet may be updated before the manual.
Manual filename: Verdi LS Manual v1.0x.docPage 20email:
English versionweb-site:
dCS Verdi La Scala User ManualManual for Software Issue 1.0x
dCS LtdSeptember 2004
Bright x
Bright x - Display Brightness
Bright xBright x
This adjusts the brightness of the main display, with settings between 7
(brightest) and 0 (off, unless something is touched).
do this: Open the Menu and step through until the disp lay show s Bright x, where x is a
number between 7 and 0.
do this: Press the
Select button repeatedly and the display cycles through Bright 7,
Bright 6, ......., Bright 1, Bright 0 and back to Bright 7.
After time-out, a setting of Bright 0 blanks the display unless the unit is not
locked. Operating an y control or lock ing to a sour ce wh ile in this m ode turns the
display back on momentarily.
TimeOut – Menu Time Out Setting
If you find the 5 second time out period for the menu is too shor t, use this option
to change the time out period to 30 seconds.
do this: Open the Menu and step through until the display shows Timeout.
do this: Press the
do this: Press the
Select button once and the display will show Normal.
Select button again and the display will change to Long.
do this: Repeat this if you want to change back.
Ch.Check - Channel Check Test
Use this feature to ch eck if the stereo outp uts on your system are s wapp ed. I t is
disabled when in DSD/SACD m ode.
do this: Set up your system to play music at a comfortable level.
do this: Open the Menu and step through until the display shows:
do this: Press the Select button once to start the test. After briefly displ aying Wait, the
following sequence occurs:
A modulated tone should appear on the left channel only for several seconds.
Both outputs are muted for a second.
A modulated tone should appear on the right channel only for several seconds.
This is displayed briefly at the end of the test.
If the channels are swapped, check for wiring errors from the unit output
onwards. If you correct this t em porar ily usin g the Swap func tion on a dCS DAC,
note that the Swap setting is NOT remembered at power down.
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