DAVIS Metric Rain User Manual

Product #6310, 6310EU, 6310UK, 6310C, 6310CEU, 6310CUK
Metric Rain Co llec tor Settin gs
Use this procedure to set up your rain collect or and Vantag e Pro con­sole for viewing rain collection data in millimeters.
1. During setup confi gure your Vantage Pr o console for the .01 inch rain col l ector. Althou gh the console Setup Screen 12 allows you to select e it her .0 1 inc h , .2 mm, or .1 mm ra in col l ector, all Van­tage Pro rain collectors are currently calibrated for .01 inch.
Console Setup Screen #12:
Use the “.01 IN” Rain
Collector setting.
Note:Do not sele ct .2 m m in th e con s ole Setu p Sc r ee n 12.
To Display Rain D ata in Met ric Un its on t he C ons ole
Use this key sequence to change the Rain data units displayed on your console:
1. Press the Rain key
2. Press the 2nd key.
3. Press the Units key.
Press this key to select Rain
Pre s s this key to use “secondary”
key value
Press t hi s key to change the
Rain display units
4. The units used to display Rain data will toggle between inches and millimeters each time you repeat this key sequence.
Note:The Vantage Pro rain collector measures rain in .01 inch increments.
When you select metric units for display, .01 inch increments are con­verted into millimeters.
510) 732-9229 • FAX (510) 732-9188 • sales@davisnet.com • www.davisnet.com
3465 Diablo Ave., Hayward, CA 94545-2778
07395.165 (Rev A, 11/09/01)© Davis Instruments Corp. 2001. All rights reserved.
To Display Rain Data in Met ric U nits in Weath erL ink S oftware
1. In the Weatherlink Software, select the “.01 in” rain collector in the Station Conf i g di al og box found in the Setup me nu.
Use the “.01 in” Rain Collector setting.
Note:Do not select .2 mm or .1 in in the Station Configura tion dialog box. The
.2 mm and .1 in settings are not currently supported by the rain collector shippe d with Vantage Pro .
2. Select “mm” for rain in the Select Units dialog box.
Select the “mm” set-
ting for Rain in the
Choose Units dialog
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